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Two different dihydroorotate dehydrogenases in Lactococcus lactis.   总被引:7,自引:4,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
The pyrimidine de novo biosynthesis pathway has been characterized for a number of organisms. The general pathway consists of six enzymatic steps. In the characterization of the pyrimidine pathway of Lactococcus lactis, two different pyrD genes encoding dihydroorotate dehydrogenase were isolated. The nucleotide sequences of the two genes, pyrDa and pyrDb, have been determined. One of the deduced amino acid sequences has a high degree of homology to the Saccharomyces cerevisiae dihydroorotate dehydrogenase, and the other resembles the dihydroorotate dehydrogenase from Bacillus subtilis. It is possible to distinguish between the two enzymes in crude extracts by using different electron acceptors. We constructed mutants containing a mutated form of either one or the other or both of the pyrD genes. Only the double mutant is pyrimidine auxotrophic.  相似文献   
Abstract: This study focuses on the potential involvement of carnitine palmitoyltransferase (CRT) on the phospholipid and triglyceride fatty acid turnover in neurons. This category of enzymes, which has been identified in several rat brain tissues, is well known for its role in modulating cellular fatty acid oxidation. Neuronal cell cultures from rat brain cortex incorporated radioactive palmitate or oleate into phospholipids and triglycerides. The largest fraction of radioactive fatty acids was recovered in phosphatidyl- choline followed by triglycerides and, to a lesser extent, phosphatidylethanolamine. CPT activity measured in neuronal lysates obtained from neurons treated with 40 μ M 2-tetradecylglycidic acid (TDGA) was almost completely abolished. Furthermore, between 2 and 10 μ M TDGA CPT activity dropped more rapidly than between 10 and 40 μ M. When the cells were pretreated with TDGA, the incorporation process of either radioactive fatty acid into triglycerides was dose-dependently suppressed. Radioactive fatty acid incorporation into phosphatidylcholine was significantly decreased in cells treated with TDGA. In contrast, phosphatidylethanolamine reacylation was essentially not affected by the CpT inhibitor. Similar results on the fatty acid incorporation into triglycerides and phospholipids were observed with neurons treated with palmitoyl- dl - aminocarnitine (PAC), a reversible CPT inhibitor, which does not consume free CoA. These effects do not seem to be the result of an inhibitory activity toward one of the steps involved in the acylation-deacylation process of triglycerides or phospholipids, as cellular lysates from TDGA-treated cells or lysates containing PAC incorporated radioactive fatty acids at rates comparable to controls. Our results suggest that CRT may be an important partner in the pathway of phospholipid and triglyceride fatty acid turnover in neurons.  相似文献   
The activity of some phytotoxic metabolites of Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae Van Hall strains B359 and B301 on in vivo and in vitro systems of H+-transport across the plasma membrane of maize (Zea mays L., hybrid Paolo) was investigated. In particular syringomycin, the first lipodepsinonapeptide isolated from Pss and already studied in plants and yeasts for its effects on several physiological systems, was compared with the recently described lipodepsipeptides with 22 or 25 amino acid residues, so called syringopeptins. The in vivo activity of the phytotoxins was tested on fusicoccin-stimulated H?-extrusion from cuttings of maize roots, which was inhibited by both types of toxins, with syringomycin more efficient than the syringopeptins. In vitro the H+-ATPase activity of predominantly right-side-out plasma membrane vesicles purified by two-phase partitioning was stimulated by 10 μM syringomycin and inhibited by higher levels, in agreement with the results of others with preparations of dicotyledons. Also the inhibition of the phosphohydrolytic activity of inside-out vesicles of mung bean plasma membrane was confirmed for maize. In both types of vesicles the syringopeptirts were better inhibitors than syringomycin. The pH gradient formed on addition of ATP to predominantly (25% latency) inside-out vesicles was immediately and completely collapsed by syringomycin and syringopeptins; H+-pumping was prevented if the toxins were added before ATP. The inhibition was concentration dependent, but at very low concentrations the effect was inverted. The results of the present investigation, carried out with maize preparations, confirm and extend the evidence so far obtained with dicotyledons in favour of the plasma membrane as an important site of interaction of syringomycin with the plant cell. They also indicate that, except for some details, the effects of syringopeptins at the level of the plasma membrane are the same as those of syringomycin.  相似文献   
Abstract Escherichia coli heat-labile enterotoxin B subunit (EtxB) has been proposed as a potential protein carrier for the delivery of heterologous peptides to target cells, particularly for the oral delivery of epitopes to the mucosal immune system. In this study, two extensions to the C-terminus of EtxB were genetically engineered that correspond to a well-characterized neutralising epitope of glycoprotein D from herpes simplex virus (EtxB-gD) and to the C-terminal nine amino acids from the 38 kDa subunit of HSV-encoded ribonucleotide reductase (EtxB-R2). Here we describe the extracellular secretion of the two hybrid EtxBs from a marine Vibrio harbouring a broad-host range inducible expression vector containing the hybrid genes. Large amounts of intact fusion proteins (15–20 mg per liter of culture) were secreted into the medium upon induction. These hybrid proteins maintained the receptor-binding activity of the native toxin as well as being cross-reactive with anti-EtxB and anti-heterologous peptide monoclonal antibodies.  相似文献   
Chloroplast DNA restriction site variation was examined for 35 taxa in theVernonieae and four outgroup tribes, using 17 restriction enzymes mapped for ca. 900 restriction sites per species; 139 mutations were found to be phylogenetically informative. Phylogenetic trees were constructed using Wagner and weighted parsimony, and evaluated by bootstrap and decay analyses. Relationships of Old and New World taxa indicate complex geographical relationships; there was no clear geographic separation by hemisphere. The relationships between Old and New World Vernonias found here support prior morphological analyses. The sister group to all New and most Old World taxa was composed of a small group of Old World species including yellow-flowered, trinervate-leaved species previously postulated to be basal in the tribe. The majority of both New and Old World taxa are derived from a lineage beginning with the monotypic genusStokesia, an endemic of the southeastern United States. The genusVernonia was also found to be paraphyletic within both the New and Old World. Available data do not support either the separation ofVernonia or the tribeVernonieae into geographically distinct lineages. The pattern of relationships within theVernonieae for taxa from North America, Asia, Africa, Central and South America is most similar to that of several other groups of both plants and animals with a boreotropical origin, rather than an origin in Gondwanaland. Such a pattern of distribution suggests more ancient vicariant events than are routinely postulated for theAsteraceae.  相似文献   
Plasma membrane phosphatidic acid phosphohydrolase (PAPH) plays an important role in signal transduction by converting phosphatidic acid to diacylglycerol. PAPH-2, a Mg2+-independent, detergent-dependent enzyme involved in cellular signal transduction, is reportedly absent from the plasma membranes of neutrophilic leukocytes, a cell that responds to metabolic stimulation with abundant phospholipase -dependent diacylglycerol generation. The present study was designed to resolve this discrepancy, focusing on the influence of cellular disruption techniques, detergenta availability and cation sensitivity on the apparent distribution of PAPH in neutrophil sub-cellular fractions. The results clearly indicate the presence of two distinct types of PAPH within the particulate and cytosolic fractions of disrupted cells. Unlike the cytosolic enzyme, the particulate enzyme was not potentiated by magnesium and was strongly detergent-dependent. The soluble and particulate enzymes displayed dissimilar pH profiles. Separation of neutrophil particulate material into fractions rich in plasma membranes, specific granules and azurophilic granules by high speed discontinuous density gradient centrifugation revealed that the majority of the particulate activity was confined to plasma membranes. This activity was not inhibited by pretreatment with n-ethyl-maleimide in concentrations as high as 25 mM. PAPH activity recovered in the cytosolic fraction of disrupted neutrophils was almost completely inhibited by 5.0 mM n-ethylmaleimide. We conclude that resting neutrophils possess n-ethylmaleimide-resistant PAPH (type 2) within their plasma membranes. This enzyme may markedly influence the kinetics of cell activation by metabolizing second messengers generated as a result of activation of plasma membrane phospholipase D.  相似文献   
The compositional distributions of high molecular weight DNA fragments from 20 species belonging to 9 out of the 17 eutherian orders were investigated by analytical CsCl density gradient centrifugation and by preparative fractionation in Cs2SO4/BAMD density gradients followed by analysis of the fractions in CsCl. These compositional distributions reflect those of the isochores making up the corresponding genomes. A “general distribution” was found in species belonging to eight mammalian orders. A “myomorph distribution” was found in Myomorpha, but not in the other rodent infraorders Sciuromorpha and Histricomorpha, which share the general distribution. Two other distributions were found in a megachiropteran (but not in microchiropteran, which, again, shares the general distribution) and in pangolin (a species from the only genus of the order Pholidota), respectively. The main difference between the general distribution and all other distributions is that the former contains sizable amounts (6–10%) of GC-rich isochores (detected as DNA fragments equal to, or higher than, 1.710 g/cm3 in modal buoyant density), which are scarce, or absent, in the other distributions. This difference is remarkable because gene concentrations in mammalian genomes are paralleled by GC levels, the highest gene concentrations being present in the GC-richest isochores. The compositional distributions of mammalian genomes reported here shed light on mammalian phylogeny. Indeed, all orders investigated, with the exception of Pholidota, seem to share a common ancestor. The compositional patterns of the megachiropteran and of Myomorpha may be derived from the general pattern or have independent origins.  相似文献   
We used chloroplast DNA restriction site analysis to test hypotheses of relationships of Solarium subgenus Potatoe (including potatoes and pepinos), two other Solanum, Cyphomandra (the tree tomatoes), and Lycopersicon (the tomatoes). Capsicum and Datura were used as outgroups. The results support two main clades among the taxa we studied: 1) Solanum subgenus Potatoe and Lycopersicon; and 2) other Solanum and Cyphomandra. Within the first clade, the following groups were supported: a) sect. Basarthrum and sect. Anarrhichomenum; b) sect. Etuberosum; c) sect. Petota; d) sect. Juglandifolium, including subsect. Lycopersicoides; and e) the genus Lycopersicon. These results, in combination with an analysis of morphological data, advocate the controversial, but previously suggested, treatment of Lycopersicon as congeneric with Solanum in subgenus Potatoe. Thus, the cultivated tomato will be recognized as Solanum lycopersicum L. Solanum chmielewskii and Solanum lycopersicum var. cerasiforme are proposed as new combinations; Solanum neorickii is proposed as a new name for Lycopersicon parviflorum. Our data also suggest that Cyphomandra should be included within Solanum.  相似文献   
In situ hybridization of a telomeric (TTA-GGG) n sequence to metaphases from three cases of ring chromosome, involving respectively chromosomes 4, 16, and 20, showed the presence of the cognate sequences in all three rings. To investigate whether these ring chromosomes originated by telomere-telomere fusion, we determined, by in situ hybridization, whether telomere-associated sequences and/or specific distal sequences were still present in the ring chromosomes. The finding that these sequences were preserved in all the ring chromosomes strongly indicates that they originated by telomere-telomere fusion. All three subjects carrying the ring chromosomes are affected by the so-called ring syndrome, with failure to thrive, minor dysmorphic signs and no major anomalies. The r(4) patient has the ring in mosaic form with a normal cell line and has normal intelligence. The r(16) and the r(20) patients have moderate mental retardation and suffer from seizures. We conclude that the ring syndrome, even in its more severe manifestation, is caused by ring chromosome instability.  相似文献   
Direct enantiomeric separations of 17 chiral amidotetralins by means of high performance liquid chromatography were performed on stationary phases composed of tris(3,5-dimethylphenylcarbamate) derivatives of cellulose and amylose, coated on silica gel. The enantiomers of 15 out of 17 amidotetralins were resolved with a resolution of more than 1.5 by at least one of the chiral stationary phases. The stationary phases showed complementary results with regard to the separation of the amidotetralins, that is, pairs that did not separate on the cellulose-type column were well separated on the amylose-type column, and vice versa. There was no significant correlation between the chromatographic properties of the chiral stationary phases. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
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