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Immunohistochemical analysis has demonstrated that the human IFI16 gene, in addition to the hematopoietic tissues, is highly expressed in endothelial cells and squamous stratified epithelia. In this study, we have developed a reliable HSV-derived replication-defective vector (TO-IFI16) to efficiently transduce IFI16 into primary human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC), which are usually poorly transfectable. HUVEC infection with TO-IFI16 virus suppressed endothelial migration, invasion and formation of capillary-like structures in vitro. In parallel, sustained IFI16 expression inhibited HUVEC cell cycle progression, accompanied by significant induction of p53, p21, and hypophosphorylated pRb. Further support for the involvement of these pathways in IFI16 activity came from the finding that infection with TO-IFI16 virus does not impair the in vitro angiogenic activity and cell cycle progression of HUVEC immortalized by HPV16 E6/E7 oncogenes, which are known to inactivate both p53 and pRb systems. This use of a reliable viral system for gene delivery into primary human endothelial cells assigns a potent angiostatic activity to an IFN-inducible gene, namely IFI16, and thus throws further light on antiangiogenic therapy employing IFNs.  相似文献   
The Escherichia coli udp gene encodes uridine phosphorylase (UP), which catalyzes the reversible phosphorolysis of uridine to uracil and ribose-1-phosphate. The X-ray structure of E. coli UP resolved by two different groups produced conflicting results. In order to cast some light on the E. coli UP catalytic site, we mutagenized several residues in UP and measured by RP-HPLC the phosphorolytic activity of the mutant UP proteins in vitro. Mutations Thr94Ala, Phe162Ala, and Tyr195Gly caused a drastic decrease in UP activity. These three residues were suggested to be involved in the nucleoside binding site. However, surprisingly, Tyr195Ala caused a relative increase in enzymatic activity. Both Met197Ala and Met197Ser conserved low activity, suggesting a minor role for this residue in the UP active site. Glu196Ala completely lost UP activity, whereas the more conservative Glu196Asp mutation was still partially active, confirming the importance of maintaining the correct charge in the surroundings of this position. Glu198 was mutated to either Gly, Asp and Gln. All three substitutions caused complete loss of enzymatic activity suggesting an important role of Glu198 both in ribose binding and in interaction with phosphate ions. Arg30Ala and Arg91Ala eliminated UP activity, whereas Arg30Lys and Arg91Lys presented a very low activity, confirming that these residues might interact with and stabilize the phosphate ions. Ile69Ala did not decrease UP activity, whereas His8Ala lowered the activity to about 20%. Both amino acids were suggested to take part in subunit interactions. Our results confirm the structural similarity between E. coli UP and E. coli purine nucleoside phosphorylase (PNP).  相似文献   
Plants must sense and respond to diverse stimuli to optimize the architecture of their root system for water and nutrient scavenging and anchorage. We have therefore analyzed how information from two of these stimuli, touch and gravity, are integrated to direct root growth. In Arabidopsis thaliana, touch stimulation provided by a glass barrier placed across the direction of growth caused the root to form a step-like growth habit with bends forming in the central and later the distal elongation zones. This response led to the main root axis growing parallel to, but not touching the obstacle, whilst the root cap maintained contact with the barrier. Removal of the graviperceptive columella cells of the root cap using laser ablation reduced the bending response of the distal elongation zone. Similarly, although the roots of the gravisensing impaired pgm1-1 mutant grew along the barrier at the same average angle as wild-type, this angle became more variable with time. These observations imply a constant gravitropic re-setting of the root tip response to touch stimulation from the barrier. In wild-type plants, transient touch stimulation of root cap cells, but not other regions of the root, inhibited both subsequent gravitropic growth and amyloplast sedimentation in the columella. Taken together, these results suggest that the cells of the root cap sense touch stimuli and their subsequent signaling acts on the columella cells to modulate their graviresponse. This interaction of touch and gravity signaling would then direct root growth to avoid obstacles in the soil while generally maintaining downward growth.  相似文献   
The cleavage of bovine collagen I by neutrophil collagenase MMP-8 has been followed at pH 7.4, 37 degrees C. The behavior of the whole enzyme molecule (whMMP-8), displaying both the catalytic domain and the hemopexin-like domain, has been compared under the same experimental conditions with that of the catalytic domain only. The main observation is that whMMP-8 cleaves bovine collagen I only at a single specific site, as already reported by many others (Mallya, S. K., Mookhtiar, K. A., Gao, Y., Brew, K., Dioszegi, M., Birkedal-Hansen, H., and van Wart, H. E. (1990) Biochemistry 29, 10628-10634; Kn?uper, V., Osthues, A., DeClerk, Y. A., Langley, K. A., Bl?ser, J., and Tschesche, H. (1993) Biochem. J. 291, 847-854; Marini, S., Fasciglione, G. F., De Sanctis, G., D'Alessio, S., Politi, V., and Coletta, M. (2000) J. Biol. Chem. 275, 18657-18663), whereas the catalytic domain lacks this specificity and cleaves the collagen molecule at multiple sites. Furthermore, a meaningful difference is observed for the cleavage features displayed by two forms of the catalytic domain, which differ for the N terminus resulting from the activation process (i.e. the former Met(80) of the proenzyme (MetMMP-8) and the former Phe(79) of the proenzyme (PheMMP-8)). Thus, the PheMMP-8 species is characterized by a much faster k(cat)/K(m), fully attributable to a lower K(m), suggesting that the conformation of the catalytic domain, induced by the insertion of this N-terminal residue in a specific pocket (Reinemer, P., Grams, F., Huber, R., Kleine, T., Schnierer, S., Piper, M., Tschesche, H., and Bode, W. (1994) FEBS Lett. 338, 227-233), brings about a better, although less discriminatory, recognition process of cleavage site(s) on bovine collagen I.  相似文献   
The possibility of enhancing the intrinsic ex-situ bioremediation of a chronically polychlorinated biphenyl-contaminated soil by using cyclodextrins was studied in this work. The soil, contaminated with a large array of polychlorinated biphenyls and deriving from a dump site where it has been stored for about 10 years, was found to contain indigenous cultivable aerobic bacteria capable of utilising biphenyl and chlorobenzoic acids. The soil was amended with inorganic nutrients and biphenyl, saturated with water, and treated in aerobic batch slurry- and fixed-phase reactors. Hydroxypropyl-beta-cyclodextrin and gamma-cyclodextrin, added to both reactor systems at the concentration of 10 g/L at the 39th and 100th days of treatment, were found to generally enhance the depletion rate and extent of the soil polychlorobiphenyls. Despite some abiotic losses could have affected the depletion data, experimental evidence, such as the production of metabolites tentatively characterized as chlorobenzoic acids and chloride ion accumulation in the reactors, indicated that cyclodextrins significantly enhanced the biological degradation of the soil polychlorobiphenyls. This result has been ascribed to the capability of cyclodextrins of enhancing the availability of polychlorobiphenyls in the hydrophilic soil environment populated by immobilised and suspended indigenous soil microorganisms. Both cyclodextrins were metabolised by the indigenous soil microorganisms at the concentration at which they were used. Therefore, cyclodextrins, both for their capability of enhancing the biodegradation of soil polychlorobiphenyls and for their biodegradability, can have the potential of being successfully used in the bioremediation of chronically polychlorinated biphenyl-contaminated soils. Copyright 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
A Pseudomonas sp. strain, designated CPE1, was found to be capable of completely mineralizing 4-chlorobiphenyl via 4-chlorobenzoate and of partially dechlorinating 3,4-dichlorobiphenyl in the presence of biphenyl. A three-membered bacterial consortium, designated ECO3, prepared by combining CPE1 with two chlorobenzoate (CBA)-degrading strains, was capable of extensively degrading and dechlorinating all the monochlorinated biphenyls and several dichlorinated biphenyls in the presence of bipheny. Both CPE1 and ECO3 were capable of co-metabolizing several low-chlorinated biphenyl congeners of Fenclor 42 in the presence of biphenyl; however, only in ECO3 cultures were high degradation rates and chloride release observed. The higher rate of degradation and mineralization of some polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) of Fenclor 42 due to the concerted action of ECO3 members both on PCBs and CBAs suggested that the removal of CBAs from the culture medium may favour PCB degradation, and, therefore, that CBAs may be ivollved in the regulation of the degradation process of several chlorinated biphenyl congeners.Correspoeence to: F. Fava  相似文献   
Thermal properties of corn gluten meal and its proteic components   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Thermal properties of corn gluten meal (CGM) and of its extracted proteic components (zein and glutelin) at 0% moisture content, is studied by dynamic mechanical thermal analysis (DMTA) and modulated differential scanning calorimetry (MDSC). The glass transition temperature (Tg) on first heating, is measured at 176 and 174°C, respectively, for hot-air-dried and native CGM. For zein and glutelin isolated fractions, the measured Tg values are 164 and 209°C, respectively. The calculated Tg from using Matveev’s method (Matveev YI. Spec Publ R Soc Chem 1995;156;552) is in good agreement with experimental data for zein, a well defined protein. MDSC allows the measurement of change in heat capacity at Tg (ΔCp) with a single heating scan, avoiding sample alteration, and ΔCp values are 0.365 J/g per K for zein and 0.184 J/g per K for glutelin. The differences observed in Tg, relaxation temperatures, ΔCp and tan δ peak height are related to differences in the structure of the proteins, through the cross-linkages and hydrogen or van der Waals interactions. Experimental data from DMTA and MDSC, and the Couchman–Karasz thermodynamic approach indicate that CGM behaves as a miscible blend of its components, with high non-polar interactions between zein and glutelin proteins.  相似文献   
We have previously demonstrated that the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor (Cki) Sic1 of Saccharomyces cerevisiae is phosphorylated in vitro by the CK2 kinase on Ser(201) residue. Moreover, we have collected evidence showing that Sic1 is functionally and structurally related to mammalian Cki p27(Kip1) and binds to the mammalian Cdk2/cyclin A complex with a similar mode of inhibition. In this paper, we use SPR analysis to investigate the binding of Sic1 to the catatytic and regulatory subunits of CK2. Evidence is presented showing that phosphorylation of Sic1 at the CK2 consensus site QES(201)EDEED increases the binding of a Sic1-derived peptide to the Cdk2/cyclin A complex, a functional homologue of the yeast Cdk1/Clb5,6. Moreover, Sic1 fully phosphorylated in vitro on Ser(201) by CK2 is shown to be a stronger inhibitor of the Cdk/cyclin complexes than the unphosphorylated protein. Taken together, these data disclose the possibility that CK2 plays a role in the regulation of Sic1 activity.  相似文献   
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