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Work from this paper details a novel walk‐up open‐access (OA) approach to enable chiral analytical method development and preparative separation of enantiomers in early discovery chemistry using supercritical fluid chromatography (SFC). We have demonstrated the success of this OA approach using immobilized chiral stationary phases (CSPs). After screening a diverse set of racemic drug candidates, we have concluded that a simplified OA chiral SFC platform can successfully purify approximately 60% of the analysed racemates. This streamlined OA workflow enables medicinal chemists with limited expertise in chiral method development to successfully and rapidly purify enantiomers for their projects using Waters UPC2 and Prep100‐SFC instrumentation.  相似文献   
The diastolic membrane potential (Vm) can be hyperpolarized or depolarized by various factors such as hyperkalemia or hypokalemia in the long term, or by delayed afterdepolarizations in the short term. In this study, we investigate how Vm affects Ca sparks and waves. We use a physiologically detailed mathematical model to investigate individual factors that affect Ca spark generation and wave propagation. We focus on the voltage range of −90 ∼ −70 mV, which is just below the Vm for sodium channel activation. We find that Vm depolarization promotes Ca wave propagation and hyperpolarization prevents it. This finding is directly validated in voltage clamp experiments with Ca waves using isolated rat ventricular myocytes. Ca transport by the sodium-calcium exchanger (NCX) is determined by Vm as well as Na and Ca concentrations. Depolarized Vm reduces NCX-mediated efflux, elevating [Ca]i, and thus promoting Ca wave propagation. Moreover, depolarized Vm promotes spontaneous Ca releases that can cause initiation of multiple Ca waves. This indicates that during delayed afterdepolarizations, Ca release units (CRUs) interact with not just the immediately adjacent CRUs via Ca diffusion, but also further CRUs via fast (∼0.1 ms) changes in Vm mediated by the voltage and Ca-sensitive NCX. This may contribute significantly to synchronization of Ca waves among multiple cells in tissue.  相似文献   
We describe here a new method, based on fluorescent techniques, for the determination of the orientation of membrane protein molecules present in vesicles. The method consists of: (a) attachment of a fluorescein derivative to sugar residues of glycoproteins and glycolipids in the cell membrane, and (b) the use of anti-fluorescein antibody, a highly efficient quencher of fluorescein fluorescence, for the quantitative evaluation of sidedness of transmembrane orientation of protein molecules in vesicles. Since antibody molecules do not permeate membranes, quenching is limited exclusively to sites exposed at the external surface of the vesicles. Addition of antibody to a fluorescently-labeled cell suspension results in a full and immediate quenching of the fluorescent signal. The method is highly sensitive (pM protein concentration), rapid and readily applicable to various vesicle preparations. With this method we assessed the orientation of vesicles derived from red blood cell membranes (ghosts) in isotonic medium and followed their inversion from right-side-out to inside-out orientation upon incubation in alkaline, low ionic strength medium.  相似文献   
The two major membrane glycoproteins of human red cells, glycophorin and band 3, the anion exchange protein, were isolated from cells exofacially labeled with fluorescein and reconstituted into vesicles with defined transmembrane disposition. Uniform orientation of polypeptides was accomplished by two procedures: Vesicles with single protein units were obtained by a one-step dilution of a protein/detergent suspension with a vast excess of phospholipid. Vesicles with uniform orientation of protein were selected by affinity chromatography on derivatized Sepharoses (organomercurial, wheat germ agglutinin, aminoethyl or diethylaminoethyl). Vesicles with multiple protein units with uniform orientation were generated by vectorial immobilization of detergent solubilized proteins on the above affinity matrices and in situ formation of proteoliposomes by detergent substitution for phospholipid. The proteoliposomes were released from the column by addition of excess free ligand. The orientation of band 3 and glycophorin in the reconstituted vesicles was first assessed by immunofluorescence quenching, using anti-fluorescein antibodies, to quantitatively quench fluorescein residues exposed on the outer surface of vesicles. Further assessment was achieved by chromatographing the vesicles through various affinity and ionic matrices. Vesicle populations of higher than 90% homogeneity in protein orientation (right-side-out or inside-out) were obtained with both procedures. The above methods provide a convenient experimental tool for the oriented reconstitution of proteins and the evaluation of their transmembrane disposition.  相似文献   
During the intraerythrocytic growth of Plasmodium falciparum in culture, marked changes are observed in the permeability properties of the host cell membrane. Anionic substances otherwise impermeant to normal cells, become highly permeant to infected cells. These changes in permeability become apparent as rings mature into trophozoites and remain throughout schizogony. The permeability changes to anionic substances are not manifested as degradation of band 3, the purported erythrocyte anion transporter. They probably reflect alterations of a more general nature.  相似文献   
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