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Petroleum pollution is a major concern in Antarctica due to the persistent nature of its hydrocarbon components coupled with the region’s extreme environmental conditions, which means that bioremediation approaches are largely inapplicable at present. The current study assessed the ability of the psychrotolerant phenol-degrader, Rhodococcus sp. strain AQ5-07, to assimilate diesel fuel as the sole carbon source. Factors expected to influence the efficiency of diesel degradation, including the initial hydrocarbon concentration, nitrogen source concentration and type, temperature, pH and salinity were studied. Strain AQ5-07 displayed optimal cell growth and biodegradation activity at 1% v/v initial diesel concentration, 1 g/L NH4Cl concentration, pH 7 and 1% NaCl during one-factor-at-a-time (OFAT) analyses. Strain AQ5-07 was psychrotolerant based on its optimum growth temperature being near 20 °C. In conventionally optimised media, strain AQ5-07 showed total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) mineralisation of 75.83%. However, the optimised condition for TPH mineralisation predicted through statistical response surface methodology (RSM) enhanced the reduction to 90.39% within a 2 days incubation. Our preliminary data support strain AQ5-07 being a potential candidate for real-field soil bioremediation by specifically adopting sludge-phase bioreactor system in chronically cold environments such as Antarctica. The study also confirmed the utility of RSM in medium optimisation.

Triggering receptor expressed on myeloid cells-2 (TREM-2) is rapidly emerging as a key regulator of the innate immune response via its regulation of macrophage inflammatory responses. Here we demonstrate that proximal TREM-2 signaling parallels other DAP12-based receptor systems in its use of Syk and Src-family kinases. However, we find that the linker for activation of T cells (LAT) is severely reduced as monocytes differentiate into macrophages and that TREM-2 exclusively uses the linker for activation of B cells (LAB encoded by the gene Lat2−/−) to mediate downstream signaling. LAB is required for TREM-2-mediated activation of Erk1/2 and dampens proximal TREM-2 signals through a novel LAT-independent mechanism resulting in macrophages with proinflammatory properties. Thus, Lat2−/− macrophages have increased TREM-2-induced proximal phosphorylation, and lipopolysaccharide stimulation of these cells leads to increased interleukin-10 (IL-10) and decreased IL-12p40 production relative to wild type cells. Together these data identify LAB as a critical, LAT-independent regulator of TREM-2 signaling and macrophage development capable of controlling subsequent inflammatory responses.  相似文献   
Humans find symmetrical faces more attractive than are asymmetricalfaces. Evolutionary psychologists claim that our preferencefor symmetry can be explained in the context of mate choicebecause symmetry is an honest indicator of the genetic qualityof potential mates. These arguments assume that asymmetry inhuman faces is fluctuating asymmetry (FA), because this formof asymmetry can be revealing of developmental instability.However, no study has yet examined the characteristics of facialasymmetry. Here we provide the first detailed study of the patternsof asymmetry in human faces. We measured asymmetry in 35 facialtraits. Although some traits had distributions characteristicof FA, many had distributions that characterize directionalasymmetry (DA); on average, both men and women had right hemi-facedominance. For DA traits we used deviations from the mean asymmetryas a measure of developmental instability. Our measures of asymmetryaccounted for a moderate proportion of the variance in perceivedsymmetry. Importantly, only FAs and random deviations from DAcontributed to people's perception of symmetry. DA was not importantin symmetry judgments. Faces rated as symmetrical were alsorated as attractive. Random deviations from DA were weakly relatedto women's attractiveness judgments of men's faces. DAs didnot influence attractiveness judgments. Our data suggest thatpeople focus on aspects of facial asymmetry that may be revealingof developmental instability. Further studies that isolate FAfrom other forms of asymmetry are required to accurately assessthe influence of developmental instability on the quality ofindividuals and its potential role in mate preferences.  相似文献   


The underuse of total joint arthroplasty in appropriate candidates is more than 3 times greater among women than among men. When surveyed, physicians report that the patient''s sex has no effect on their decision-making; however, what occurs in clinical practice may be different. The purpose of our study was to determine whether patients'' sex affects physicians'' decisions to refer a patient for, or to perform, total knee arthroplasty.


Seventy-one physicians (38 family physicians and 33 orthopedic surgeons) in Ontario performed blinded assessments of 2 standardized patients (1 man and 1 woman) with moderate knee osteoarthritis who differed only by sex. The standardized patients recorded the physicians'' final recommendations about total knee arthroplasty. Four surgeons did not consent to the inclusion of their data. After detecting an overall main effect, we tested for an interaction with physician type (family physician v. orthopedic surgeon). We used a binary logistic regression analysis with a generalized estimating equation approach to assess the effect of patients'' sex on physicians'' recommendations for total knee arthroplasty.


In total, 42% of physicians recommended total knee arthroplasty to the male but not the female standardized patient, and 8% of physicians recommended total knee arthroplasty to the female but not the male standardized patient (odds ratio [OR] 4.2, 95% confidence interval [CI] 2.4–7.3, p < 0.001; risk ratio [RR] 2.1, 95% CI 1.5–2.8, p < 0.001). The odds of an orthopedic surgeon recommending total knee arthroplasty to a male patient was 22 times (95% CI 6.4–76.0, p < 0.001) that for a female patient. The odds of a family physician recommending total knee arthroplasty to a male patient was 2 times (95% CI 1.04–4.71, p = 0.04) that for a female patient.


Physicians were more likely to recommend total knee arthroplasty to a male patient than to a female patient, suggesting that gender bias may contribute to the sex-based disparity in the rates of use of total knee arthroplasty.Disparity in the use of medical or surgical interventions based on patient characteristics, such as sex, ethnic background or socioeconomic status, is an important health care issue.1 Women are less likely than men to receive lipid-lowering medication after a myocardial infarction,2 receive kidney dialysis,3 be admitted to an intensive care unit,4 or undergo cardiac catheterization,5 renal transplantation6 or total joint arthroplasty.7 Although women''s preferences for surgery or the information needed to make an informed decision may differ from men and explain sex-based differences in care,8,9 subtle or overt gender bias may inappropriately influence physicians'' clinical decision-making.2,5,7 A more pronounced gender bias might be expected when the clinical decision involves an elective surgical procedure such as total joint arthroplasty.Total hip and knee arthroplasty is the definitive treatment for relieving pain and restoring function in people with moderate to severe osteoarthritis for whom medical therapy has failed.10 Although age-adjusted rates of total joint arthroplasty are higher among women than among men,11 based on a population-based epidemiologic survey, underuse of arthroplasty is 3 times greater in women.7 In prior opinion surveys, more than 93% of referring physicians and orthopedic surgeons have reported that patients'' sex has no effect on their decision to refer a patient for, or perform, total knee arthroplasty.12,13 However, there may be a difference between what is reported in a survey and what occurs in clinical practice. The purpose of our study was to determine whether physicians would provide the same recommendation about total knee arthroplasty to a male and a female standardized patient presenting to their offices with identical clinical scenarios that differed only by sex.  相似文献   


Up to 50% of adverse events that occur in hospitals are preventable. Language barriers and disabilities that affect communication have been shown to decrease quality of care. We sought to assess whether communication problems are associated with an increased risk of preventable adverse events.


We randomly selected 20 general hospitals in the province of Quebec with at least 1500 annual admissions. Of the 145 672 admissions to the selected hospitals in 2000/01, we randomly selected and reviewed 2355 charts of patients aged 18 years or older. Reviewers abstracted patient characteristics, including communication problems, and details of hospital admission, and assessed the cause and preventability of identified adverse events. The primary outcome was adverse events.


Of 217 adverse events, 63 (29%) were judged to be preventable, for an overall population rate of 2.7% (95% confidence interval [CI] 2.1%–3.4%). We found that patients with preventable adverse events were significantly more likely than those without such events to have a communication problem (odds ratio [OR] 3.00; 95% CI 1.43–6.27) or a psychiatric disorder (OR 2.35; 95% CI 1.09–5.05). Patients who were admitted urgently were significantly more likely than patients whose admissions were elective to experience an event (OR 1.64, 95% CI 1.07–2.52). Preventable adverse events were mainly due to drug errors (40%) or poor clinical management (32%). We found that patients with communication problems were more likely than patients without these problems to experience multiple preventable adverse events (46% v. 20%; p = 0.05).


Patients with communication problems appeared to be at highest risk for preventable adverse events. Interventions to reduce the risk for these patients need to be developed and evaluated.Patient safety is a priority in modern health care systems. From 3% to 17% of hospital admissions result in an adverse event,1–8 and almost 50% of these events are considered to be preventable.3,9–12 An adverse event is an unintended injury or complication caused by delivery of clinical care rather than by the patient''s condition. The occurrence of adverse events has been well documented; however, identifying modifiable risk factors that contribute to the occurrence of preventable adverse events is critical. Studies of preventable adverse events have focused on many factors, but researchers have only recently begun to evaluate the role of patient characteristics.2,9,12,13 Older patients and those with a greater number of health problems have been shown to be at increased risk for preventable adverse events.10,11 However, previous studies have repeatedly suggested the need to investigate more diverse, modifiable risk factors.3,6,7,10,11,14–16Language barriers and disabilities that affect communication have been shown to decrease quality of care;16–20 however, their impact on preventable adverse events needs to be investigated. Patients with physical and sensory disabilities, such as deafness and blindness, have been shown to face considerable barriers when communicating with health care professionals.20–24 Communication disorders are estimated to affect 5%–10% of the general population,25 and in one study more than 15% of admissions to university hospitals involved patients with 1 or more disabilities severe enough to prevent almost any form of communication.26 In addition, patients with communication disabilities are already at increased risk for depression and other comorbidities.27–29 Determining whether they are at increased risk for preventable adverse events would permit risk stratification at the time of admission and targeted preventive strategies.We sought to estimate the extent to which preventable adverse events that occurred in hospital could be predicted by conditions that affect a patient''s ability to communicate.  相似文献   
No single animal model for severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) reproduces all aspects of the human disease. Young inbred mice support SARS-coronavirus (SARS-CoV) replication in the respiratory tract and are available in sufficient numbers for statistical evaluation. They are relatively inexpensive and easily accessible, but their use in SARS research is limited because they do not develop illness following infection. Older (12- to 14-mo-old) BALB/c mice develop clinical illness and pneumonitis, but they can be hard to procure, and immune senescence complicates pathogenesis studies. We adapted the SARS-CoV (Urbani strain) by serial passage in the respiratory tract of young BALB/c mice. Fifteen passages resulted in a virus (MA15) that is lethal for mice following intranasal inoculation. Lethality is preceded by rapid and high titer viral replication in lungs, viremia, and dissemination of virus to extrapulmonary sites accompanied by lymphopenia, neutrophilia, and pathological changes in the lungs. Abundant viral antigen is extensively distributed in bronchial epithelial cells and alveolar pneumocytes, and necrotic cellular debris is present in airways and alveoli, with only mild and focal pneumonitis. These observations suggest that mice infected with MA15 die from an overwhelming viral infection with extensive, virally mediated destruction of pneumocytes and ciliated epithelial cells. The MA15 virus has six coding mutations associated with adaptation and increased virulence; when introduced into a recombinant SARS-CoV, these mutations result in a highly virulent and lethal virus (rMA15), duplicating the phenotype of the biologically derived MA15 virus. Intranasal inoculation with MA15 reproduces many aspects of disease seen in severe human cases of SARS. The availability of the MA15 virus will enhance the use of the mouse model for SARS because infection with MA15 causes morbidity, mortality, and pulmonary pathology. This virus will be of value as a stringent challenge in evaluation of the efficacy of vaccines and antivirals.  相似文献   
Plant and Soil - The genus Denhamia(Celastraceae) includes fifteen Australian species, many of which have a propensity for manganese (Mn) (hyper)accumulation. Among the key aims of this study were...  相似文献   
Integration of biochemical and biophysical data on the lactose permease of Escherichia coli has culminated in a molecular model that predicts substrate-protein proximities which include interaction of a hydroxyl group in the galactopyranosyl ring with Glu269. In order to test this hypothesis, we studied covalent modification of carboxyl groups with carbodiimides using electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-MS) and demonstrate that substrate protects the permease against carbodiimide reactivity. Further more, a significant proportion of the decrease in carbodiimide reactivity occurs specifically in a nanopeptide containing Glu269. In contrast, carbodiimide reactivity of mutant Glu269-->Asp that exhibits lower affinity is unaffected by substrate. By monitoring the ability of different substrate analogs to protect against carbodiimide modification of Glu269, it is suggested that the C-3 OH group of the galactopyranosyl ring may play an important role in specificity, possibly by H-bonding with Glu269. The approach demonstrates that mass spectrometry can provide a powerful means of analyzing ligand interactions with integral membrane proteins.  相似文献   
High-performance liquid chromatographic methods for the simultaneous analysis of tetroxoprim (TXP)/sulphadiazine (SDZ) and metioprim (MTP)/SDZ in serum and prostatic secretion (PS) are described. The detection limits in serum and PS were 50 ng TXP per ml and 100 ng SDZ per ml, and 40 ng MTP per ml and 100 ng SDZ per ml, respectively. The intra-assay coefficients of variation were in the range of 2.7–2.19%. Some preliminary data from a pharmacokinetic study in geriatric patients and a distribution study in dogs are presented. These methods enable the investigator to process a large number of TXP/SDZ and MTP/SDZ samples in one working day.  相似文献   
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