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The osmotic properties of intraerythrocytic and ultrasonically liberated malaria parasites (Plasmodium berghei) were analyzed and compared with those of mouse host erythrocytes utilizing a multiple tube fragility test. Cells were incubated in phosphate buffered saline solutions of varying osmolalities ranging from 20–4000 mOsm. Changes in cell ultrastructure and parasite infectivity were used as indicators of osmotic damage. Intraerythrocytic and host cell-free plasmodia showed similar patterns of cell alteration and changes in infectivity following osmotic stress. The various developmental forms within each of the preparations responded somewhat differently to hypo-osmotic stress, however. The majority of merozoites seemed to be more sensitive than many trophozoites, schizonts, and segmenters. Small trophozoites were, on the average, more resistant than other developmental forms. Incubation of parasite populations in hypotonic salt solutions with osmolalities slightly greater than the infectivity threshold of 100 mOsm lysed the majority of the merozoites, whereas many small trophozoites were still intact. While normal erythrocytes were more resistant to hypo-osmotic stress than were either intracellular or free parasites, the majority of parasitized erythrocytes was less resistant than normal erythrocytes. The predominant alteration induced by hyperosmotic stress appears in the parasite's nuclear region with myelination of the nuclear membranes and chromatin clumping. The infectivity threshold in the hypertonic range was found to be approximately 2500 mOsm. Results indicate that these obligate intracellular parasites have a wide range of osmotic sensitivities and that they are capable of existing for short periods in various osmotic environments ranging from 100–2500 mOsm without complete loss of infectivity. This suggests that these parasites have osmotic regulatory capabilities at least comparable to those of host cells.  相似文献   
Pattern formation in the Drosophila retina proceeds by the recruitment of cells, along a morphogenetic front, into a lattice. At the advancing front, marked by a dorso-ventral furrow in the eye imaginal disc, cells are organized into ommatidial precursors, each containing cells destined to become photoreceptors 2, 3, 4, 5, and 8. Behind the front, a mitotic wave produces photoreceptors 1, 6, and 7, plus the remaining cells needed to complete the ommatidia. During the third larval instar, the front sweeps anteriorly across the eye disc, leaving a highly ordered pattern in its wake. Preceding the dorso-ventral furrow is a groove that bisects the eye disc into dorsal and ventral halves and presumably plays a role in establishing the equatorial symmetry line. Cell lineage plays little role in pattern formation in the eye. Genetic mosaics show that the cells of each ommatidium are not derived from a single mother cell; the cells appear to be recruited at random at the morphogenetic front. Similarly, the mirror symmetry above and below the equator is not established by a clonal mechanism; a single clone can contribute cells to ommatidia on both sides of the equator.  相似文献   
The aufwuchs of the epithelium of the freshwater sponge Spongilla lacustris was examined and compared qualitatively and quantitatively with that on three plant substrates common to its habitat: Nymphea odorata, Nuphar advena and Utricularia spp. Estimations of the percentage surface area with attached forms and the number of attached green algal filaments yielded significantly lower values for the sponge. Two theories explaining the mechanism effecting this reduced amount of aufwuchs are discussed.  相似文献   
Studies were conducted on the behak, ior of the nematode, Rhabditis pellio, in the earthworm, Aporrectodea trapezoides, from southern California. Juvenile and adult nematodes were found in the bladders and tubules of the metanephridia of the host. Similar nematodes that entered the coelom were encapsulated and incorporated into multiple capsules ("brown bodies"). It was demonstrated that this host response is an effective defense reaction since dead and dying nematodes, as well as living forms, were found in the capsules.  相似文献   
Maltose transport in slices of the maize scutellum was demonstrated despite the presence of an active maltase situated at the cell surface. The maltase could be inhibited or destroyed by treatments (neutral pH during uptake, pretreatment in Tris buffer at pH 7·5, or in 0·01 N HCl) that allowed appreciable rates of maltose uptake to occur. Using Tris- and HCl-treated slices, it was found that at disaccharide concentrations of 50 and 100 mM, maltose and sucrose were taken up at very nearly the same rates. At sugar concentrations below 50 mM, sucrose was taken up at greater rates than maltose. The maltose content of the slices was directly proportional to the maltose concentration of the bathing solution, and about 4 hr were required for equilibration. From this, it is concluded that one way maltose enters the slices is by free or facilitated diffusion. However, endogenous maltose is utilized by the slices at rates that are much too low to account for the net rates of maltose uptake. Although the slices contain a high level of surface maltase activity, only a low level of endogenous maltase activity was found. This probably accounts for the slow utilization of endogenous maltose. Therefore, the existence of a specific maltose transport system is proposed; a system that contains a carrier saturable with maltose, but one that does not release free maltose into the cytoplasm.  相似文献   
Fresh hemolymph cells of the pelecypods Crassostrea virginica and Mercenaria mercenaria were exposed to known concentrations of Bacillus megaterium, Escherichia coli, and Staphylococcus aureus in vitro and it was ascertained that all four types of cells of C. virginica and all three types of M. mercenaria became associated with the bacteria. Association is defined as either the first, i.e., contact and adherence, or second, i.e., engulfment, phase of phagocytosis. However, when the surfaces of each type of cell, as well as the percentages of each type in whole hemolymph, from both species of molluscs are taken into consideration, it is concluded that the granulocytes are the most important from the standpoint of phagocytosis.When hemocytes of M. mercenaria were exposed to Bacillus megaterium at 4°, 22°, and 37°C, it was found that the association indices were higher at the latter two temperatures. It is postulated, because of the results of Feng and Feng (1974), that nonself materials adhere with less frequency at 4°C and hence are not phagocytosed at this lower temperature.  相似文献   
We conclude from X-ray diffraction studies at low resolution (7 Å) that the binding of sugar and nucleotide substrates to dimeric yeast hexokinase BII crystals exhibits both negative co-operativity and positive allosteric co-operativity. Difference electron density maps show the positions of sugar and nucleotide binding sites and extensive substrate-induced structural changes in the protein. Sugar substrates and inhibitors bind in the deep cleft that divides each subunit into two lobes and nucleotide substrates bind nearby to one site per dimer, which lies between the subunits and on the molecular symmetry axis. Although the inhibitors o- and p-iodobenzoylglucosamine and o-toluoylglucosamine bind equally to both subunits, the degree of substitution of glucose or xylose is very different for the two subunits. The substrate analog β, γ-imido ATP shows only one strong binding site per dimer. This negative co-operativity in substrate binding may result from the heterologous or non-equivalent association of the two subunits (Anderson et al., 1974), which provides non-equivalent environments for the two chemically identical subunits.Further, there is a positive allosteric interaction between the sugar and nucleotide binding sites. Sugar binding is required for nucleotide binding at the intersubunit site and the binding of nucleotide modifies the binding of sugars. These positive heterotropic interactions appear to be mediated by extensive substrate-induced structural changes in the enzyme.  相似文献   
Longmuir and co-workers have reported that respiration of certain tissue slices is approximated by Michaelis-Menten kinetics. From this and other experimental findings, Longmuir proposed that a carrier is involved in tissue oxygen transport. Gold developed a deterministic model to examine this hypothesis. This report presents a stochastic model for a fixed site carrier in a more general framework that includes the stochastic counter-part to Gold's deterministic model as a special case. The kinetics of tissue oxygen consumption predicted by the model are examined for various cases.  相似文献   
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