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Atrial natriuretic factor in the vena cava and sinus node   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We investigated the localization of atrial natriuretic factor (ANF) mRNA and of immunoreactive ANF in the vena cava and sinus node of rat and, for comparative purposes, in atria and ventricles. In situ hybridization with an ANF cRNA probe revealed that the supradiaphragmatic portion of the inferior vena cava contains almost as much mRNA as the atria, whereas the levels were less in the superior vena cava and higher than in ventricles in the sinus node. Immunoreactive ANF (high Mr form) was found to be 22 times less abundant in the supradiaphragmatic vena cava and 148 times less abundant in the superior vena cava than in atrial cardiocytes. The wall of the supradiaphragmatic portion of the vena cava and the valve (eustachian valve) that separates the atrial cavity from that of the vein are made up of atrial-like cardiocytes containing secretory granules. The subendothelial area of the superior vena cava also contains atrial-like cardiocytes with secretory granules, whereas the outer portion of the vein is made up of "transitional cells" without or with only a few secretory granules. Secretory granules in the vena cava and nodal cells, as well as transitional cells, contain immunoreactive ANF. With immunocryoultramicrotomy, virtually all cells, whether atrial-like, transitional, or nodal, and even those without secretory granules, were found to contain immunoreactive ANF in their Golgi complex and in secretory vesicles in the vena cava and in the sinus node.  相似文献   
Chlorella saccharophila can utilize the amino acids arginine, glutamate. ornithine and proline as sole sources of nitrogen for growth. By comparison C. autotrophica utilized only arginine and ornithine. Following osmotic shock of Chlorella autotrophica from 50 to 150% artificial seawater rapid synthesis of proline (the main osmoregulatory solute in this alga) occurred in cells grown on arginine or citrulline. However, little proline synthesis occurred in ornithine-grown cells. Distribution of radiolabelled carbon from [14C]-arginine assimilation following osmotic shock of C. autotrophica agrees with the following pathway of arginine utilization: arginine→citrulline→ornithine→glutamate semialdehyde→pyrroline-5-carboxylate→proline. These 4 steps are catalysed by arginine deiminase (EC, citrullinase (EC, ornithine transaminase (EC and pyrroline-5-carboxylate reductase (EC, respectively. Of these 4 enzymes, only arginine deiminase and pyrroline-5-carboxylate reductase were detected in the crude extract of the 2 Chlorella species. Arginine deiminase did not require specific cations for optimal activity. The deimi-nase showed maximal activity at pH 8.0 and followed Michaelis-Menten kinetics with an apparent Km for L-arginine of 0.085 m M for the C. autotrophica enzyme and 0.097 m M for that of C. saccharophila. The activity of arginine deiminase was not influen-ced by growing C. saccharophila on arginine. Ornithine competitively inhibited arginine deiminase with an apparent K, of 2.4 m M for the C. autotrophica enzyme, and 3.8 m M for that of C. saccharophila . Arginine utilization by Chlorella is discussed in relation to that of other organisms.  相似文献   
A human DOPA decarboxylase (DDC) cDNA probe of 747 base pairs has been used to map the DDC gene by in situ hybridization on mouse metaphase chromosomes. This result indicates that the gene is located on band 11A, near the erythroblastosis oncogene B (erb b) locus. This provides evidence for a synteny group on mouse chromosome 11 and human chromosome 7.  相似文献   
The adk gene from Bacillus stearothermophilus was cloned and overexpressed in Escherichia coli under the control of the lac promoter. The primary structure of B. stearothermophilus adenylate kinase exhibited 76% identity with the enzyme from Bacillus subtilis, 60% identity with the enzyme from Lactococcus lactis, and 42% identity with the enzyme from E. coli. The most striking property of the adenylate kinase from B. stearothermophilus is the presence of a structural zinc atom bound to four cysteines in a zinc finger-like fashion. The ability to coordinate zinc is predicted also for a number of other isoforms of bacterial adenylate kinases. Furthermore, the tightly bound metal ion contributes to the high thermodynamic stability of adenylate kinase from B. stearothermophilus.  相似文献   
In most polysaccharide fermentations, the nature of the fermentation broth changes drastically with time and, as a result, the overall oxygen mass transfer coefficient (K(L)a) can vary by orders of magnitude. To obtain a better understanding of this phenomenon, an experimental program was devised to study the respective influence of molecular weight and concentration of dextran solutions on K(L)a. Experiments were conducted in a reciprocating plate bioreactor. This bioreactor uses a stack of perforated plates that is reciprocated axially in the column and it is therefore well suited for mixing viscous liquid broths and providing uniform overall mass transfer coefficients. The variation of K(L)a with the power input per unit volume and the superficial gas velocity were obtained for three ranges of molecular weights and five concentrations of dextran. In every medium, two regimes of operation were observed as a function of the power input per unit volume: a first regime, at low power inputs per unit volume where K(L)a remains constant until a threshold of power input is attained; and a second regime, which is characterized by a steep increase of K(L)a as a function of the power input per unit volume. The presence of dissolved biological macromolecules, not only because of their effect on the rheology of the medium but also because their effect on the gas-liquid interface, has a significant impact on K(L)a. It was found that, generally, small concentrations of polysaccharide favor oxygen mass transfer despite the increase in medium viscosity. However, the respective influence of polysaccharide concentration and molecular weight was different for the two regimes of operation. (c) 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
Oviductins are high-molecular-weight glycoproteins specifically secreted by the oviduct. These proteins bind to the zona pellucida of the ovulated oocyte and remain associated with the embryo during its transit in the oviduct. They may be involved in fertilization and early embryonic development. In order to explore their putative biological function, the cDNA sequence corresponding to oviductin in the golden hamster was determined. We found that the deduced amino acid sequence of this heavily O-glycosylated protein presents characteristics typical of mucins, including serine- or threonine-rich tandem repeats. Analysis of several cDNA clones and of genomic DNA revealed the presence of a single copy gene with two frequent alleles differing in the number of repeats. Comparison with oviductin sequences from other mammals indicates a high degree of conservation amongst species, except for the repeat region which shows divergence, notably in the number of repeats. Based on its biochemical and genetic properties, hamster oviductin can now be classified as a secretory mucin. This concept provides a new insight in the elucidation of its biological role: oviductin could possibly provide the oviduct and the oocyte with a protective coating ensuring normal tubal function and embryonic development. © 1995 wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Rearing of 1-year-old Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus) at 12°C, as well as the administration of 50 or 75 mgT3/kg feed, accelerated the neonatal to adult fast myosin heavy chain transition, but the effect of temperature was more dramatic than the effect of T3 administration. The endogenous plasma levels of T3 in charrs reared at 12°C were higher than those of analogous groups reared at natural temperature, which in the period under study was between 0.5 and 12°C. As in other species, T3 seemed to play a role in the regulation of the neonatal to adult fast myosin isoform transition by down-regulating the levels of the neonatal and increasing the levels of an adult fast myosin heavy chain. Temperature seemed to accelerate this transition at least, but not only, by inducing an increase in the endogenous levels of T3 in the Arctic charr.  相似文献   
Plasmalemma ATPase from Jerusalem artichoke tubers was studiedin relation to the dormancy of tubers. After partial purification,one peptide of 110 kDa appeared on SDS PAGE electrophoresisfrom dormant and non-dormant materials. ATPase specific activitywas twice higher on dormant material in the crude and solubilizedfractions, but was the same in both materials after partialpurification. Immunolabeling of this enzyme was made using aspecific antibody raised against the C terminal portion of theH+-ATPase from Arabidopsis thaliana. Immunolabeling was morepronounced in dormant material, in vitro and in situ. Severalworks had shown that the C terminal part of the enzyme couldbe involved in its regulation. The results presented are discussedin relation to the hypothesis according to which an internaleffector could modulated the plasmalemma ATPase activity, duringdormancy breaking. (Received October 25, 1993; Accepted September 6, 1994)  相似文献   
Addition of methyl oleate to a Streptomyces hygroscopicus NRRL B-1865 culture modified the metabolic properties of this strain. This addition decreased the pH of the medium, increased the valine uptake of the cells and reduced their consumption of glucose until the beginning of antibiotic biosynthesis, which was delayed. At the same time, an increase in growth (× 1.8) and a marked improvement in antibiotic production (× 20) could be observed. The use of labelled methyl oleate showed that methyl oleate was not a precursor of antibiotics produced by S. hygroscopicus NRRL B-1865. It is suggested that methyl oleate addition may cause some alteration in membrane permeability, inducing an increase in H+ extrusion and stimulating the accumulation of branched amino acids, known to be direct precursors of polyether antibiotics. Correspondence to: L. David  相似文献   
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