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Daphnia often occur in species complexes that consist of two or more co-occurring species and their hybrids. Hybrid individuals are often capable of sexual reproduction and so backcrossing with introgression occurs. To better understand hybridization and backcrossing frequency, we sought to develop PCR-based, species-specific markers in the Daphnia galeata–hyalina species complex using amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP). This technique produces large numbers of reproducible markers for assessing diversity across the nuclear genome and provides several advantages over mtDNA and microsatellite approaches. We examined 28 clones of D. galeata, D. hyalina, and their hybrids isolated from Lake Constance on the Swiss-German border. Using a single AFLP primer combination we found five potential species-specific markers, defined as bands that occurred in >80% of one parental species and <20% of the other. Two bands appeared to be co-dominant and were present (homozygous) in D. galeata, absent in D. hyalina, and heterozygous in the hybrid. We conclude AFLP could provide enough PCR-based, species-specific markers to identify species, hybrids, and backcrosses from even small amounts of tissue (i.e. resting eggs).  相似文献   


Flexible video bronchoscopes, in particular the Olympus BF Type 3C160, are commonly used in pediatric respiratory medicine. There is no data on the magnification and distortion effects of these bronchoscopes yet important clinical decisions are made from the images. The aim of this study was to systematically describe the magnification and distortion of flexible bronchoscope images taken at various distances from the object.


Using images of known objects and processing these by digital video and computer programs both magnification and distortion scales were derived.


Magnification changes as a linear function between 100 mm (×1) and 10 mm (×9.55) and then as an exponential function between 10 mm and 3 mm (×40) from the object. Magnification depends on the axis of orientation of the object to the optic axis or geometrical axis of the bronchoscope. Magnification also varies across the field of view with the central magnification being 39% greater than at the periphery of the field of view at 15 mm from the object. However, in the paediatric situation the diameter of the orifices is usually less than 10 mm and thus this limits the exposure to these peripheral limits of magnification reduction. Intraclass correlations for measurements and repeatability studies between instruments are very high, r = 0.96. Distortion occurs as both barrel and geometric types but both types are heterogeneous across the field of view. Distortion of geometric type ranges up to 30% at 3 mm from the object but may be as low as 5% depending on the position of the object in relation to the optic axis.


We conclude that the optimal working distance range is between 40 and 10 mm from the object. However the clinician should be cognisant of both variations in magnification and distortion in clinical judgements.  相似文献   
Membrane‐less organelles in cells are large, dynamic protein/protein or protein/RNA assemblies that have been reported in some cases to have liquid droplet properties. However, the molecular interactions underlying the recruitment of components are not well understood. Herein, we study how the ability to form higher‐order assemblies influences the recruitment of the speckle‐type POZ protein (SPOP) to nuclear speckles. SPOP, a cullin‐3‐RING ubiquitin ligase (CRL3) substrate adaptor, self‐associates into higher‐order oligomers; that is, the number of monomers in an oligomer is broadly distributed and can be large. While wild‐type SPOP localizes to liquid nuclear speckles, self‐association‐deficient SPOP mutants have a diffuse distribution in the nucleus. SPOP oligomerizes through its BTB and BACK domains. We show that BTB‐mediated SPOP dimers form linear oligomers via BACK domain dimerization, and we determine the concentration‐dependent populations of the resulting oligomeric species. Higher‐order oligomerization of SPOP stimulates CRL3SPOP ubiquitination efficiency for its physiological substrate Gli3, suggesting that nuclear speckles are hotspots of ubiquitination. Dynamic, higher‐order protein self‐association may be a general mechanism to concentrate functional components in membrane‐less cellular bodies.  相似文献   
Pelagic cnidarians are important consumers of zooplankton and ichthyoplankton in the world’s oceans, and thus harm fisheries as competitors and predators of fish. This study examined the inshore-offshore distribution of pelagic cnidarians and the trophic ecology of Pelagia noctiluca ephyrae (<12 mm diameter) and larger medusae in late spring 1995 in the NW Mediterranean Sea. The distribution of pelagic cnidarians was closely related to the presence of the shelf-slope front with most species mainly concentrated close to the front. Meroplanktonic antho- and leptomedusae predominated in coastal waters and more holoplanktonic trachy- and narcomedusae occurred both in shelf and open sea waters. P. noctiluca was more abundant than other medusae, including hydromedusae. Siphonophores, particularly Muggiaea atlantica, outnumbered medusae at most stations. The diet of P. noctiluca ephyrae contained mainly copepods, but ~12% of the prey were fish larvae. P. noctiluca exhibited positive prey selection for chaetognaths and mollusc larvae in day and night samples, but fish larvae were positively selected only at night. These differences may be related to the diel vertical distributions of P. noctiluca and their prey. Most of the ingested fish larvae belonged to the family Myctophidae, but anchovy and sparid larvae also were found in the gastric pouches. The size of ingested fish larvae increased as ephyra diameter increased; however, in the larger medusae (>12 mm) the number of prey increased with medusa size rather than the size of the larvae. The temporal and spatial co-occurrence of P. noctiluca with early life stages of fish suggests that P. noctiluca may be an important predator on summer ichthyoplankton.  相似文献   
The ontologies and epistemologies of hunter‐gatherers have attracted growing attention in recent years as these people are undergoing changes. We examine these changes, focusing on one particular case based on our studies of the South Indian Nayaka; they have recently added cultivation and animal husbandry to their partially ongoing hunting and gathering life‐style. Resisting analysis based on an assumed forest/domesticated dichotomy, we show that forest and domesticated animals and plants are both regarded as sentient co‐dwellers in some cases, and as objects in others, depending not on what they are in essence, or where they are, but on when, by whom, and for what purpose they are approached. We argue that pockets of utilitarian framing emerge within the continuing relational epistemology of the Nayaka along with a growing departure from immediacy in the production‐consumption nexus. In these pockets, the vivid presence of animals and plants is concealed, and they no longer appear as persons but as things.  相似文献   
Sphaeralcyon weddellensis gen. nov. et sp. nov. is described and illustrated from three colonies collected in the eastern Weddell Sea on the Polarstern cruises ANT V/3 and ANT VI/3. The new genus is compared with three closely related alcyoniid genera, all having capitate or mushroom-shaped colonies and dimorphic polyps. Sphaeralcyon is readily distinguishable from Malacacanthus by the presence of sclerites (absent in the latter genus), and from Anthomastus by sclerite shape, mainly in the form of tuberculate spheroids, and by the horny periderm on the stalk (absent in Anthomastus). Sphaeralcyon also differs from Verseveldtia in the set of sclerites, which are elongate spiny rods and a different type of tuberculate spheroid, and in the presence of eight-points as anthocodial armature (absent in Verseveldtia). The discovery of this new genus lends further support to the notion that diversity in benthic communities in Antarctica is higher than suggested by previous studies. Accepted: 6 December 1999  相似文献   
Thirty new Bdellovibrio strains were isolated from an agricultural soil and from the rhizosphere of plants grown in that soil. Using a combined molecular and culture-based approach, we found that the soil bdellovibrios included subpopulations of organisms that differed from rhizosphere bdellovibrios. Thirteen soil and seven common bean rhizosphere Bdellovibrio strains were isolated when Pseudomonas corrugata was used as prey; seven and two soil strains were isolated when Erwinia carotovora subsp. carotovora and Agrobacterium tumefaciens, respectively, were used as prey; and one tomato rhizosphere strain was isolated when A. tumefaciens was used as prey. In soil and in the rhizosphere, depending on the prey cells used, the concentrations of bdellovibrios were between 3 × 102 to 6 × 103 and 2.8 × 102 to 2.3 × 104 PFU g−1. A prey range analysis of five soil and rhizosphere Bdellovibrio isolates performed with 22 substrate species, most of which were plant-pathogenic and plant growth-enhancing bacteria, revealed unique utilization patterns and differences between closely related prey cells. An approximately 830-bp fragment of the 16S rRNA genes of all of the Bdellovibrio strains used was obtained by PCR amplification by using a Bdellovibrio-specific primer combination. Soil and common bean rhizosphere strains produced two and one restriction patterns for this PCR product, respectively. The 16S rRNA genes of three soil isolates and three root-associated isolates were sequenced. One soil isolate belonged to the Bdellovibrio stolpii-Bdellovibrio starrii clade, while all of the other isolates clustered with Bdellovibrio bacteriovorus and formed two distantly related, heterogeneous groups.  相似文献   
Morphology and schmelzmuster of rootless cheek teeth of 25 extant rodent genera were studied in relation to jaw movement. A differentiation between leading and trailing edges is observed regularly in enamel thickness and schmelzmuster. Similarities between antagonists are interpreted as 'functional symmetries'. Differences in the enamel thickness, the schmelzmuster and orientation of cutting edges are controlled by functional and phylogenetic constraints. The heterogenous sample allows discrimination between these two constraints. The most obvious functional constraint leads to the almost regular occurrence of radial enamel on the push sides of cutting edges. The degree of functional symmetry seems to be determined by phylogenetic limitations.  相似文献   
A new species of pandeid anthomedusa, Amphinema modernisme, is described from a single and complete specimen collected by a mid-water sediment trap placed at 500 m depth in open waters, over a 1066-m bottom in the Drake Passage near the South Shetland Islands. This new Amphinema is characterized by an egg-shaped apical chamber, partitioned by four narrow sacciform centrifugal prolongations of the radial canals, perradial gonads and cellular strands linking the radial canals to the exumbrella. Its morphological features are compared with those of the eight other species of the genus Amphinema and a new diagnosis for this genus is presented. Accepted: 19 July 1999  相似文献   
In advanced cancer, including glioblastoma, the transforming growth factor β (TGF-β) pathway acts as an oncogenic factor and is considered to be a therapeutic target. Using a functional RNAi screen, we identified the deubiquitinating enzyme ubiquitin-specific peptidase 15 (USP15) as a key component of the TGF-β signaling pathway. USP15 binds to the SMAD7-SMAD specific E3 ubiquitin protein ligase 2 (SMURF2) complex and deubiquitinates and stabilizes type I TGF-β receptor (TβR-I), leading to an enhanced TGF-β signal. High expression of USP15 correlates with high TGF-β activity, and the USP15 gene is found amplified in glioblastoma, breast and ovarian cancer. USP15 amplification confers poor prognosis in individuals with glioblastoma. Downregulation or inhibition of USP15 in a patient-derived orthotopic mouse model of glioblastoma decreases TGF-β activity. Moreover, depletion of USP15 decreases the oncogenic capacity of patient-derived glioma-initiating cells due to the repression of TGF-β signaling. Our results show that USP15 regulates the TGF-β pathway and is a key factor in glioblastoma pathogenesis.  相似文献   
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