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Oxidativedamage, which plays a major role in the early stages ofatherosclerosis, is associated with arachidonic acid (AA) release invascular smooth muscle cells (VSMC) as in other cell types. In thisstudy,H2O2was used to investigate mechanisms of AA release from VSMC on oxidativestress. Cell treatment with H2O2inhibited AA incorporation in an inverse relationship to prolongedH2O2-inducedAA release. Identical kinetics of inhibition of AA incorporation and AArelease were observed after cell treatment withAlF4, a process not involvingphospholipase A2(PLA2) activation as recentlydescribed (A. Cane, M. Breton, G. Béréziat, and O. Colard.Biochem. Pharmacol. 53: 327-337, 1997). AA release was not specific, since oleic acid also increased inthe extracellular medium of cells treated withH2O2or AlF4 as measured by gaschromatography-mass spectrometry. In contrast, AA and oleic acid cellcontent decreased after cell treatment. Oleoyl and arachidonoylacyl-CoA synthases and acyltransferases, assayed using a cell-freesystem, were not significantly modified. In contrast, a goodcorrelation was observed between decreases in AA acylation and cell ATPcontent. The decrease in ATP content is only partially accounted for bymitochondrial damage as assayed by rhodamine 123 assay. We concludethat oxidant-induced arachidonate release results from impairment offatty acid esterification and that ATP availability is probablyresponsible for free AA accumulation on oxidative stress by preventingits reesterification and/or transmembranetransport.

Studies on the induction of barley endosperm acid phosphataseby GA3 and cyclic-AMP revealed (1) acid phosphatase inductionby GA3 and cyclic-AMP is inhibited in a similar manner by ABA,cycloheximide and 6-methyl purine, (2) combinations of GA3 andphosphodiesterase inhibitors such as caffeine and theophyllinepromoted the level of acid phosphatase induction obtainablewith the hormone alone, and (3) cyclic-AMP and GA3 may be actingas triggers in the induction of this enzyme. Some of the implicationsof these results are discussed. (Received May 25, 1972; )  相似文献   
A metabolic defect has been observed in extracts of lipomata in which citrate fails to inhibit the conversion of glucose-6-phosphate to glyceride-glycerol. Phospho-fructokinase extracted from lipomata was less sensitive to inhibition by citrate than the enzyme of normal adipose tissue. However, maximal rates of lipogenesis (from glucose or palmitate) and lipolysis (stimulated with isoprenaline) in lipomata were similar to those of normal adipose tissue. This work suggests that loss of negative feedback control of regulatory enzymes may be an early feature in the development of neoplasia.  相似文献   
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