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A squid dynein isoform promotes axoplasmic vesicle translocation   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Axoplasmic vesicles that translocate on isolated microtubules in an ATP-dependent manner have an associated ATP-binding polypeptide with a previously estimated relative molecular mass of 292 kD (Gilbert, S. P., and R. D. Sloboda. 1986. J. Cell Biol. 103:947-956). Here, data are presented showing that this polypeptide (designated H1) and another high molecular mass polypeptide (H2) can be isolated in association with axoplasmic vesicles or optic lobe microtubules. The H1 and H2 polypeptides dissociate from microtubules in the presence of MgATP and can be further purified by gel filtration chromatography. The peak fraction thus obtained demonstrates MgATPase activity and promotes the translocation of salt-extracted vesicles (mean = 0.87 microns/s) and latex beads (mean = 0.92 microns/s) along isolated microtubules. The H1 polypeptide binds [alpha 32P]8-azidoATP and is thermosoluble, but the H2 polypeptide does not share these characteristics. In immunofluorescence experiments with dissociated squid axoplasm, affinity-purified H1 antibodies yield a punctate pattern that corresponds to vesicle-like particles, and these antibodies inhibit the bidirectional movement of axoplasmic vesicles. H2 is cleaved by UV irradiation in the presence of MgATP and vanadate to yield vanadate-induced peptides of 240 and 195 kD, yet H1 does not cleave under identical conditions. These experiments also demonstrate that the actual relative molecular mass of the H1 and H2 polypeptides is approximately 435 kD. On sucrose density gradients, H1 and H2 sediment at 19-20 S, and negatively stained samples reveal particles comprised of two globular heads with stems that contact each other and extend to a common base. The results demonstrate that the complex purified is a vesicle-associated ATPase whose characteristics indicate that it is a squid isoform of dynein. Furthermore, the data suggest that this vesicle-associated dynein promotes membranous organelle motility during fast axoplasmic transport.  相似文献   
This study was undertaken to elucidate the possible role of endotcxin in mediating premature luteolysis in the well- documented phenomenon of short estrous cycles in postpartum dairy cows. Four groups of Holstein heifers (n = 4 to 6 each) received either intrauterine infusion of sterile culture medium (Group I); intrauterine infusion of Escherichia coli (E. coli ) endotoxin (5 mug/kg) in sterile culture medium (Group II); intrauterine administration of 10 ml of a 24-h culture of a strain of E. coli isolated from the uterus of a cow with metritis (approximately 10(9) colony forming units/ml; Group III); or intravenous administration of E. coli endotoxin (5 mug/kg; Group IV) on Day 7-9 of the estrous cycle. Blood samples were collected every 48 h during the pretreatment estrous cycle and up to the administration of the experimental treatment, thereafter 4-h samples were collected for 5 d. Sample collection was then performed every 48 h for the remainder of the treatment cycle and the post treatment cycle. Serum concentrations of progesterone and plasma concentrations of 15-keto-13, 14-dihydroprostaglandin F(2alpha) (PGFM) were determined by radionmmunoassay. Intrauterine infusion of endotoxin had no effect on the cycle length or on hormone concentrations, while infusion of viable E. coli organisms tended to shorten the estrous cycle. Intravenous administration of endotoxin produced a sharp increase in both progesterone and PGFM concentrations, followed by a transient decrease in progesterone concentrations. Cycle length remained unchanged. It was concluded that the intact endometrium prevents the uptake of endotoxin although pathogenic E. coli organisms may disrupt the endometrial integrity sufficiently to shorten the estrous cycle by premature luteolysis. It is postulated that intravenous administration of endotoxin influences luteal function by the activation of the arachidonic acid cascade, by a direct effect on the corpus luteum, or via other mediators.  相似文献   
We measured the activities of the cholinergic marker enzymes choline acetyltransferase (ChAT) and acetylcholinesterase (AChE) in autopsied brains of seven infants (age range 3 months to 1 year) with Down's syndrome (DS), a disorder in which virtually all individuals will develop by middle age the neuropathological changes of Alzheimer's disease accompanied by a marked brain cholinergic reduction. When compared with age-matched controls cholinergic enzyme activity was normal in all brain regions of the individuals with infant DS with the exception of above-normal activity in the putamen (ChAT) and the occipital cortex (AChE). Our neurochemical observations suggest that DS individuals begin life with a normal complement of brain cholinergic neurons. This opens the possibility of early therapeutic intervention to prevent the development of brain cholinergic changes in patients with DS.  相似文献   
Feline herpesvirus 1 (FHV) is the causative agent of viral rhinotracheitis in cats. Current vaccination programs employing attenuated live and killed FHV vaccines have been effective in reducing the incidence of this disease. As an initial step in the development of recombinant FHVs for use in the vaccination of cats, we have identified the thymidine kinase (TK) gene of this feline-specific alphaherpesvirus. Comparisons of the amino acid sequences of other herpesvirus TK proteins have shown that these proteins are highly divergent, sharing only short regions of imperfect amino acid identity. We have used the polymerase chain reaction method of DNA amplification to increase the specificity associated with the use of short, highly degenerate oligonucleotide probes derived from regions of imperfect amino acid conservation. These methods were used to isolate the TK gene of FHV and should prove to be useful in the identification of new members of other viral and cellular gene families. A recombinant FHV bearing a deletion in the identified TK gene was constructed and shown to possess the expected TK- phenotype. The FHV TK gene is located at a position of approximately 40% in the long unique component of the FHV genome. The location of the TK gene and the location and orientation of flanking FHV genes, homologs of herpes simplex virus type 1 UL24 and UL22, are conserved among alphaherpesviruses.  相似文献   
Neurofibromatosis type 2 (NF2) is an autosomal dominant syndrome characterized by the development of vestibular schwannomas and other tumors of the nervous system, including cranial and spinal meningiomas, schwannomas, and ependymomas. The presence of bilateral vestibular schwannomas is sufficient for the diagnosis. Skin manifestations are less common than in neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1; von Recklinghausen disease). The apparent clinical distinction between NF1 and NF2 has been confirmed at the level of the gene locus by linkage studies; the gene for NF1 maps to chromosome 17, whereas the gene for NF2 has been assigned (in a single family) to chromosome 22. To increase the precision of the genetic mapping of NF2 and to determine whether additional susceptibility loci exist, we have performed linkage analysis on 12 families with NF2 by using four polymorphic markers from chromosome 22 and a marker at the NF1 locus on chromosome 17. Our results confirm the assignment of the gene for NF2 to chromosome 22 and do not support the hypothesis of genetic heterogeneity. We believe that chromosome 22 markers can now be used for presymptomatic diagnosis in selected families. The NF2 gene is tightly linked to the D22S32 locus (maximum lod score 4.12; recombination fraction 0). A CA-repeat polymorphism at the CRYB2 locus was the most informative marker in our families (lod score 5.99), but because the observed recombination fraction between NF2 and CRYB2 was 10 cM, predictions using this marker will need to be interpreted with caution.  相似文献   
This study aimed to identify the portion of the 22 amino acid sequence of motilin responsible for the biological activity of the peptide. The contraction of rabbit duodenal muscle in vitro was measured when exposed to synthetic fragments of motilin corresponding to various sequences of the C- or N-terminal portions of the molecule. Fragments 2-22 or 3-22 (where the initial amino acids of the N-terminal ending were removed) were more than 1000 times less potent than the native molecule 1-22. Fragment 1-9 (where the last 13 amino acids located at the C-terminal side of motilin were removed) was devoid of any contractile capacity, while synthetic fragments whose C-terminal structure extended beyond the 1-9 motilin sequence maintained almost complete biological activity. N-terminal amino acid sequence 1-9 is therefore an essential determinant of the contractile activity of motilin.  相似文献   
[N-MeCys3,N-MeCys7]TANDEM, an undermethylated analogue of Triostin A, contains two N-methyl groups on the cysteine residues only. Footprinting results showed that [N-MeCys3,N-MeCys7]TANDEM binds strongly to DNA rich in A.T residues [Low, C. M. L., Fox, K. R., Olsen, R. K., & Waring, M. J. (1986) Nucleic Acids Res. 14, 2015-2033]. However, it was not known whether specific binding of [N-MeCys3,N-MeCys7]TANDEM requires a TpA step or an ApT step. In 1:1 saturated complexes with the octamers [d(GGATATCC)]2 and [d(GGTTAACC)]2, [N-MeCys3,N-MeCys7]TANDEM binds to each octamer as a bis-intercalator bracketing the TpA step. The octadepsipeptide ring binds in the minor groove of the DNA. Analysis of sugar coupling constants from the phase-sensitive COSY data indicates that the sugar of the thymine in the TpA binding site adopts predominantly an N-type sugar conformation, while the remaining sugars on the DNA adopt an S-type conformation, as has been observed in other Triostin A and echinomycin complexes. The drug does not bind to the octamer [d(GGAATTCC)]2 as a bis-intercalator. Only weak nonintercalative binding is observed to this DNA octamer. These results show unambiguously that [N-MeCys3,N-MeCys7]TANDEM binds sequence specifically at TpA sites in DNA. The factors underlying the sequence specificity of [N-MeCys3,N-MeCys7]TANDEM binding to DNA are discussed.  相似文献   
The insect prothoracic gland produces ecdysteroids that elicit molting and metamorphosis, and neurohormone stimulation of steroidogenesis by this gland involves both Ca2+ and cyclic adenosine monophosphate second messengers. Prothoracic gland adenylate cyclase exhibits a complex Ca2+/calmodulin (CaM) dependence, a component of which requires an activated Gs alpha for expression. A developmental switch in this system has been identified that correlates with a change in both regulation and function of the gland and involves the loss of sensitivity to extracellular Ca2+ at a time approximately concurrent with the loss of Ca2+/CaM sensitivity by the adenylate cyclase. The extent of cholera toxin activation of gland Gs alpha is lowered before this developmental switch. However, no alterations in Gs alpha levels or mobility are detected, suggesting that Gs alpha interaction with another component in the signaling pathway, perhaps adenylate cyclase itself, produces the apparent Ca2+/CaM dependence and influences the ability of toxin to modify Gs alpha.  相似文献   
The lactose permease is being used as a model system for the rational redesign of a membrane protein with the goal of increasing the likelihood of crystallization. Various modifications to the protein have been added for the purposes of purification, stability, and potential for crystallization. The addition of six consecutive histidines at the C-terminus of the protein allows for the rapid purification by nickel-chelate chromatography, and the insertion of an entire protein domain into one of the inner cytoplasmic loops of the permease gives the resulting protein a larger hydrophilic surface area. The increase in polar surface area makes the fusion protein easier to handle and more likely to crystallize. In particular, the introduction of cytochromeb562 ofE. coli into the central hydrophilic domain of the lac permease results in a fusion protein with the transport activity of the permease and the visible absorbance spectrum of the cytochrome. The red permease is very easy to monitor through the steps of expression, purification, concentration, and crystallization.  相似文献   
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