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We investigated the role of Drosophila larva olfactory system in identification of congeners and aliens. We discuss the importance of these activities in larva navigation across substrates, and the implications for allocation of space and food among species of similar ecologies. Wild type larvae of cosmopolitan D. melanogaster and endemic D. pavani, which cohabit the same breeding sites, used species-specific volatiles to identify conspecifics and aliens moving toward larvae of their species. D. gaucha larvae, a sibling species of D. pavani that is ecologically isolated from D. melanogaster, did not respond to melanogaster odor cues. Similar to D. pavani larvae, the navigation of pavani female x gaucha male hybrids was influenced by conspecific and alien odors, whereas gaucha female x pavani male hybrid larvae exhibited behavior similar to the D. gaucha parent. The two sibling species exhibited substantial evolutionary divergence in processing the odor inputs necessary to identify conspecifics. Orco (Or83b) mutant larvae of D. melanogaster, which exhibit a loss of sense of smell, did not distinguish conspecific from alien larvae, instead moving across the substrate. Syn97CS and rut larvae of D. melanogaster, which are unable to learn but can smell, moved across the substrate as well. The Orco (Or83b), Syn97CS and rut loci are necessary to orient navigation by D. melanogaster larvae. Individuals of the Trana strain of D. melanogaster did not respond to conspecific and alien larval volatiles and therefore navigated randomly across the substrate. By contrast, larvae of the Til-Til strain used larval volatiles to orient their movement. Natural populations of D. melanogaster may exhibit differences in identification of conspecific and alien larvae. Larval locomotion was not affected by the volatiles.  相似文献   
An automatic system was installed for continuous analyses of ozone, sulphur dioxide, nitrogen monoxide and nitrogen dioxide in an experimental orchard with a canopy ofPrunus cerasifera plants in summer 1993. Air samples from three elevations (0.8 m, 1.6 m and 3 m above ground) were sequentially analyzed. Ozone concentrations above the canopy were usually higher than within the canopy; their relationships with stomatal resistance have been investigated. Sulphur dioxide levels were negligible. Nitrogen oxides showed a complex profile, with no particular trend, likely due to a reciprocal exchange between the atmosphere and the ground surface.  相似文献   
Dengue virus (DENV) is spread through most tropical and subtropical areas of the world and represents a serious public health problem. At present, the control of dengue disease is mainly hampered by the absence of antivirals or a vaccine, which results in an estimated half worldwide population at risk of infection. The immune response against DENV is not yet fully understood and a better knowledge of it is now recognized as one of the main challenge for vaccine development. In previous studies, we reported that a DNA vaccine containing the signal peptide sequence from the human tissue plasminogen activator (t-PA) fused to the DENV2 NS1 gene (pcTPANS1) induced protection against dengue in mice. In the present work, we aimed to elucidate the contribution of cellular and humoral responses elicited by this vaccine candidate for protective immunity. We observed that pcTPANS1 exerts a robust protection against dengue, inducing considerable levels of anti-NS1 antibodies and T cell responses. Passive immunization with anti-NS1 antibodies conferred partial protection in mice infected with low virus load (4 LD50), which was abrogated with the increase of viral dose (40 LD50). The pcTPANS1 also induced activation of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells. We detected production of IFN-γ and a cytotoxic activity by CD8+ T lymphocytes induced by this vaccine, although its contribution in the protection was not so evident when compared to CD4+ cells. Depletion of CD4+ cells in immunized mice completely abolished protection. Furthermore, transfer experiments revealed that animals receiving CD4+ T cells combined with anti-NS1 antiserum, both obtained from vaccinated mice, survived virus infection with survival rates not significantly different from pcTPANS1-immunized animals. Taken together, results showed that the protective immune response induced by the expression of NS1 antigen mediated by the pcTPANS1 requires a cooperation between CD4+ T cells and the humoral immunity.  相似文献   
In the present study, we used five different polymorphic markers to construct the haplotype at the adenomatous polyposis coli (APC) locus in families with familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP) and in the normal Italian population. Non-ambiguous haplotypes were reconstructed from 246 normal chromosomes and 65 FAP chromosomes. In the control population, the four polymorphisms intragenic to APC gave rise to 16 haplotypes, the most common of which (II and XV) accounted for over 50% of all chromosomes. In FAP patients, 13 haplotypes were found but their distribution was not statistically different from normal subjects. Eighty complete chromosomal haplotypes (many fewer than the theoretical maximum of 208) for the five polymorphic sites assayed were observed in the control population, 35 being found in the FAP patients. We compared the distribution of these haplotypes within the two groups; no statistically significant differences between normal and FAP chromosomes were found. The elevated heterogeneity of FAP chromosomes was clearly confirmed by the observation that 19 patients who carried one or other of the two most common APC mutations (nt 3183 and nt 3927) showed 18 different haplotypes. On the basis of these results, we were not able to identify a founder FAP chromosome. Various mechanisms are presented to explain this observation. Received: 5 November 1997 / Accepted: 3 February 1998  相似文献   
Local induction of inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) and apoptosis was examined in the intestine of mice infected with virulent Salmonella enterica serovar Enteritidis 5694 (S. enteritidis) and its attenuated derivative mutant E/1/3. Both, intestinal iNOS mRNA expression and iNOS activity showed a peak at 4 h only in animals receiving the virulent S. enteritidis. Aminoguanidine treatment abrogated intestinal epithelial damage produced by virulent S. enteritidis and diminished apoptosis at the tips of the villi. Unlike the virulent strain, mutant E/1/3 induced massive iNOS expression in Peyer's patches, these findings may be related to its protective capacity. Our results suggest that intestinal iNOS participates in the early response to intestinal infection and that the final effect depends on the nature of the insult.  相似文献   
The large scale-worm Laetmonice producta Grube 1877 is the most abundant aphroditid polychaete in Antarctic coastal waters. We investigated the demographic structure and some reproductive features of different L. producta populations from high-Antarctic (Weddell Sea) and Antarctic Peninsula (King George Island) shelf bottoms, collected in summer 1996 (ANT-XIII/3, EASIZ I cruise) and autumn 2000 (ANT-XVII/3, EASIZ III cruise). L. producta in the studied geographic areas showed a wide bathymetric range (200-850 m depth), and a different size distribution pattern with depth, characterised by a reduction of large specimens in the deepest stations. The species is gonochoric, with females more abundant in specimens of larger sizes. Eggs at different stages of maturation (ranging from 40 to 320 wm in diameter) were examined in 270 individuals from different stations and size classes. Egg size showed a slightly bimodal trend, with largely overlapping egg cohorts, suggesting a continuous reproduction, and a long-lasting gametogenesis. Significant differences (Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, P<0.05) in egg-size frequency distribution were detected only when data of the two geographic areas were compared (Weddell Sea vs King George Island), and not according to stations within each area, and females' size. The two sets of geographic samples were collected in different seasons and therefore it was not possible to assess if differences observed are due to sampling time or to geographic factors. Mature spermatozoa were recognisable only in autumn male specimens from King George Island, and showed a rounded nucleus and a short conical acrosome. Occurrence of an endosymbiont polychaete, Veneriserva pygoclava meridionalis (new sub-species of Dorvilleidae), was recorded in the coelomic cavity of 163 specimens of L. producta, 125 of which were from the deepest station of the Weddell Sea (stn. 14, 850 m depth). L. producta females with and without the endosymbiont did not show differences in egg-size distribution. The reproductive features of L. producta, together with its large size and slow growth, seem typical of a long-living predator species, and uncoupled from the typical summer environmental conditions and the pulsating system of coastal Antarctic waters.  相似文献   
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