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Two component systems (TCSs) are a primary mechanism of signal sensing and response in bacteria. Systematic characterization of an entire TCS could provide a mechanistic understanding of these important signal transduction systems. Here, genetic selections were employed to dissect the molecular basis of signal transduction by the HitRS system that detects cell envelope stress in the pathogen Bacillus anthracis. Numerous point mutations were isolated within HitRS, 17 of which were in a 50-residue HAMP domain. Mutational analysis revealed the importance of hydrophobic interactions within the HAMP domain and highlighted its essentiality in TCS signaling. In addition, these data defined residues critical for activities intrinsic to HitRS, uncovered specific interactions among individual domains and between the two signaling proteins, and revealed that phosphotransfer is the rate-limiting step for signal transduction. Furthermore, this study establishes the use of unbiased genetic selections to study TCS signaling and provides a comprehensive mechanistic understanding of an entire TCS.  相似文献   
Foraging theory postulates that interference is a foraging cost and affects patch exploitation and activity times. One such system contains two species of seed-eating gerbils inhabiting sandy habitats in the Negev Desert of Israel. Low population densities of the dominant species allowed us to examine the interaction between males and females of the subordinate species, Gerbillus andersoni allenbyi , as a function of interference and resource renewal. We used giving-up densities (GUDs; the amount of food left in a resource patch when a forager abandons the patch) in seed trays to quantify patch use by gerbils. By placing 6 trays at each foraging station and either presenting all 6 trays at the start of the night (pulse treatment) or presenting one tray at a station 6 times per night (renewal treatment), we were able to manipulate characteristics of resource renewal. We used radio telemetry to obtain an independent assessment of activity. Male and female G. a. allenbyi differed in their timing of activity, with males beginning earlier than females and remaining active later. This was most pronounced for the pulse treatment. For the renewal treatment, female activity in trays was more intense early in the night, but thereafter male activity was more intense. At the same time, telemetry showed that males and females did not differ in their total activity in or out of trays. This suggests that males begin their activity on the renewal treatment by exploiting the richest natural patches of seeds. Only later when these are depleted do they move to dominate the renewing seed trays. Finally, females exploited stabilized sand habitats more than did males, especially during the renewal treatment. Taken together, these findings suggest that male G. a. allenbyi interfere with foraging in females, causing temporal shifts in their use of space and resources.  相似文献   
Mucolipin 1 (MLN1), also known as TRPML1, is a member of the mucolipin family. The mucolipins are the only lysosomal proteins within the TRP superfamily. Mutations in the gene coding for TRPML1 result in a lysosomal storage disorder (LSD). This review summarizes the current knowledge related to this protein and the rest of the mucolipin family.  相似文献   
Despite the remarkable species richness of the Mediterranean flora and its well-known geological history, few studies have investigated its temporal and spatial origins. Most importantly, the relative contribution of geological processes and long-distance dispersal to the composition of contemporary Mediterranean biotas remains largely unknown. We used phylogenetic analyses of sequences from six chloroplast DNA markers, Bayesian dating methods, and ancestral area reconstructions, in combination with paleogeographic, paleoclimatic, and ecological evidence, to elucidate the time frame and biogeographic events associated with the diversification of Araceae in the Mediterranean Basin. We focused on the origin of four species, Ambrosina bassii, Biarum dispar, Helicodiceros muscivorus, Arum pictum, subendemic or endemic to Corsica, Sardinia, and the Balearic Archipelago. The results support two main invasions of the Mediterranean Basin by the Araceae, one from an area connecting North America and Eurasia in the Late Cretaceous and one from the Anatolian microplate in western Asia during the Late Eocene, thus confirming the proposed heterogeneous origins of the Mediterranean flora. The subendemic Ambrosina bassii and Biarum dispar likely diverged sympatrically from their widespread Mediterranean sister clades in the Early-Middle Eocene and Early-Middle Miocene, respectively. Combined evidence corroborates a relictual origin for the endemic Helicodiceros muscivorus and Arum pictum, the former apparently representing the first documented case of vicariance driven by the initial splitting of the Hercynian belt in the Early Oligocene. A recurrent theme emerging from our analyses is that land connections and interruptions, caused by repeated cycles of marine transgressions-regressions between the Tethys and Paratethys, favored geodispersalist expansion of biotic ranges from western Asia into the western Mediterranean Basin and subsequent allopatric speciation at different points in time from the Late Eocene to the Late Oligocene.  相似文献   
This paper uses data from 600 households in the Lake Victoria watershed in Tanzania, Kenya, and Uganda to analyze the effects of vulnerabilities and shocks on the management and exploitation of wetlands within the context of agricultural activities and high poverty levels. A multinomial logit model is used to determine variables that influence the perception of wetlands degradation, while a tobit model is used to establish the determinants of willingness to pay for wetland conservation and the imputed value of wetland product extracts. The model results show that although the perception of wetland degradation is modest, it is influenced by attributes of social capital. Variables such as floods, diseases and droughts significantly influence the households’ willingness to pay for wetland conservation. Land size and ownership, education level and household size all influence households’ likelihood to actively engage in wetland resource exploitation and willingness to pay for its conservation. The implications of these results hinge on measures that would moderate the effects of shocks, mobilize collective action, and improve physical infrastructure within the context of sustainable wetland resource use.  相似文献   
Antizyme (Az) is a highly conserved key regulatory protein bearing a major role in regulating polyamine levels in the cell. It has the ability to bind and inhibit ornithine decarboxylase (ODC), targeting it for degradation. Az inhibitor (AzI) impairs the activity of Az. In this study, we mapped the binding sites of ODC and AzI on Az using Ala scan mutagenesis and generated models of the two complexes by constrained computational docking. In order to scan a large number of mutants in a short time, we developed a workflow combining high-throughput mutagenesis, small-scale parallel partial purification of His-tagged proteins and their immobilization on a tris-nitrilotriacetic-acid-coated surface plasmon resonance chip. This combination of techniques resulted in a significant reduction in time for production and measurement of large numbers of mutant proteins. The data-driven docking results suggest that both proteins occupy the same binding site on Az, with Az binding within a large groove in AzI and ODC. However, single-mutant data provide information concerning the location of the binding sites only, not on their relative orientations. Therefore, we generated a large number of double-mutant cycles between residues on Az and ODC and used the resulting interaction energies to restrict docking. The model of the complex is well defined and accounts for the mutant data generated here, and previously determined biochemical data for this system. Insights on the structure and function of the complexes, as well as general aspects of the method, are discussed.  相似文献   
A reproductive stage-structured deterministic differential equation model for the population dynamics of the human malaria vector is derived and analysed. The model captures the gonotrophic and behavioural life characteristics of the female Anopheles sp. mosquito and takes into consideration the fact that for the purposes of reproduction, the female Anopheles sp. mosquito must visit and bite humans (or animals) to harvest necessary proteins from blood that it needs for the development of its eggs. Focusing on mosquitoes that feed exclusively on humans, our results indicate the existence of a threshold parameter, the vectorial reproduction number, whose size increases with increasing number of gonotrophic cycles, and is also affected by the female mosquito’s birth rate, its attraction and visitation rate to human residences, and its contact rate with humans. A stability analysis of the model indicates that the mosquito can establish itself in the environment if and only if the value of the vectorial reproduction number exceeds unity and that mosquito eradication is possible if the vectorial reproduction number is less than unity, since, then, the trivial steady state which always exist is unique and is globally and asymptotically stable. When a persistent vector population steady state exists, it is locally and asymptotically stable for a range of reproduction numbers, but can also be driven to instability via a Hopf bifurcation as the reproduction number increases further away from unity. The model derivation identifies and characterizes control parameters relating to activities such as human-mosquito contact and the mosquito’s survival chances between blood meals and egg laying. Our results show that the total mosquito population size increases with increasing number of gonotrophic cycles. Therefore understanding the fundamental aspects of the mosquito’s behaviour provides a pathway for the study of human-mosquito contact and mosquito population control. Control of the mosquito population densities would ultimately lead to malaria control.  相似文献   
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