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Gordon Giddings 《CMAJ》2013,185(18):1555
A d-glucosamine 6-phosphate N-acetyltransferase from Blastocladiella emersonii zoospores was partially purified to a specific activity of 2.41 IU per mg of protein. Its pH optimum was 8.05 and its K(m) values were 2.4 x 10(-4) M d-glucosamine 6-phosphate and 0.38 x 10(-4) M Na(3)S-acetyl coenzyme A.  相似文献   
Summary The plant root tip represents a fascinating model system for studying changes in Golgi stack architecture associated with the developmental progression of meristematic cells to gravity sensing columella cells, and finally to young and old, polysaccharideslime secreting peripheral cells. To this end we have used high pressure freezing in conjunction with freeze-substitution techniques to follow developmental changes in the macromolecular organization of Golgi stacks in root tips ofArabidopsis andNicotiana. Due to the much improved structural preservation of all cells under investigation, our electron micrographs reveal both several novel structural features common to all Golgi stacks, as well as characteristic differences in morphology between Golgi stacks of different cell types.Common to all Golgi stacks are clear and discrete differences in staining patterns and width of cis, medial and trans cisternae. Cis cisternae have the widest lumina (30 nm) and are the least stained. Medial cisternae are narrower (20 nm) and filled with more darkly staining products. Most trans cisternae possess a completely collapsed lumen in their central domain, giving rise to a 4–6 nm wide dark line in cross-sectional views. Numerous vesicles associated with the cisternal margins carry a non-clathrin type of coat. A trans Golgi network with clathrin coated vesicles is associated with all Golgi stacks except those of old peripheral cells. It is easily distinguished from trans cisternae by its blebbing morphology and staining pattern. The zone of ribosome exclusion includes both the Golgi stack and the trans Golgi network.Intercisternal elements are located exclusively between trans cisternae of columella and peripheral cells, but not meristematic cells. In older peripheral cells only trans cisternae exhibit slime-related staining. Golgi stacks possessing intercisternal elements also contain parallel rows of freeze-fracture particles in their trans cisternal membranes. We propose that intercisternal elements serve as anchors of enzyme complexes involved in the synthesis of polysaccharide slime molecules to prevent the complexes from being dragged into the forming secretory vesicles by the very large slime molecules. In addition, we draw attention to the similarities in composition and apparent site of synthesis of xyloglucans and slime molecules.Dedicated to the memory of Professor Oswald Kiermayer  相似文献   
An algorithm has been developed for the determination of nucleotide sequence from data produced in fluorescence-based automated DNA sequencing instruments employing the four-color strategy. This algorithm takes advantage of object oriented programming techniques for modularity and extensibility. The algorithm is adaptive in that data sets from a wide variety of instruments and sequencing conditions can be used with good results. Confidence values are provided on the base calls as an estimate of accuracy. The algorithm iteratively employs confidence determinations from several different modules, each of which examines a different feature of the data for accurate peak identification. Modules within this system can be added or removed for increased performance or for application to a different task. In comparisons with commercial software, the algorithm performed well.  相似文献   
在主动脉与肾动脉缩窄造成的慢性心功能不全大鼠,血浆儿茶酚胺浓度增高;心脏β-肾上腺素受体(β-AR)数量增加,其中β_1-AR及其mRNA增加,而β_2-AR及其mRNA不变;左心房异丙基肾上腺素(ISO)浓度-收缩效应曲线右移;而心肌ISO浓度-cAMP蓄积曲线无显著改变;血淋巴细胞β-AR数量显著减少.结果提示心功能不全时心脏β_1-AR数量增多,但其介导的正性变力效应反而降低,在cAMP生成以后的信号转导过程或心肌收缩成分功能存在障碍,而血淋巴细胞β-AR的改变与心脏β-AR的功能改变平行.  相似文献   
Poliovirus protein 3A, only 87 amino acids in length, is a potent inhibitor of protein secretion in mammalian cells, blocking anterograde protein traffic from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) to the Golgi complex. The function of viral protein 3A in blocking protein secretion is extremely sensitive to mutations near the N terminus of the protein. Deletion of the first 10 amino acids or insertion of a single amino acid between amino acids 15 and 16, a mutation that causes a cold-sensitive defect in poliovirus RNA replication, abrogates the inhibition of protein secretion although wild-type amounts of the mutant proteins are expressed. Immunofluorescence light microscopy and immunoelectron microscopy demonstrate that 3A protein, expressed in the absence of other viral proteins, colocalizes with membranes derived from the ER. The precise topology of 3A with respect to ER membranes is not known, but it is likely to be associated with the cytosolic surface of the ER. Although the glycosylation of 3A in translation extracts has been reported, we show that tunicamycin, under conditions in which glycosylation of cellular proteins is inhibited, has no effect on poliovirus growth. Therefore, glycosylation of 3A plays no functional role in the viral replicative cycle. Electron microscopy reveals that the ER dilates dramatically in the presence of 3A protein. The absence of accumulated vesicles and the swelling of the ER-derived membranes argues that ER-to-Golgi traffic is inhibited at the step of vesicle formation or budding from the ER.  相似文献   
Flow field-flow fractionation is introduced as a new tool applicable to protein studies. Specific advantages of this method are discussed, including the capability for measuring diffusivities and Stokes radii directly, even for trace components. The theoretical equations of flow FFF are summarized and expanded to include an explicit dependence on the Stokes radius. Several native proteins are retained. The retention is shown to be systematically controllable by changes in cross flow and the results are in quantitative agreement with theory. Fractograms of different rat plasmas are then shown to produce coincident peaks, while human plasma exhibits several systematic peak shifts with respect to the fractogram of the rat plasma. Finally, changes in the Stokes radii of ferritin peaks are shown after various forms of treatment with SDS. Flow FFF in this study demonstrates a capability of working with a mass range of ∼ 105 in a single run.  相似文献   
吕进  曹婷婷  王丽萍  蒋明星  程家安 《生态学报》2011,31(16):4680-4688
在人工气候室内比较研究了灰飞虱和褐飞虱在汕优63和秀水11上的种内和种间密度效应对其主要生物学参数的影响,结果表明两种稻飞虱均存在显著的种内竞争,主要表现为随着密度增加,若虫发育历期延长、若虫羽化率下降、雌成虫寿命缩短、每雌产卵量下降。种内密度效应与稻飞虱种类和寄主品种有显著互作关系,灰飞虱种内竞争较褐飞虱明显,二者在适宜寄主上种内竞争更为明显。同时,两种稻飞虱存在着显著的种间密度效应,主要表现为异种存在时的促进作用,即异种共存时若虫历期缩短、若虫羽化率提高、雌虫寿命延长、每雌产卵量增加。种间密度效应也与稻飞虱种类和寄主品种有显著互作关系,两种共存对灰飞虱的有利作用显著大于对褐飞虱的有利作用,在欠适宜寄主上种间互利效应更为明显。最后,本文对稻飞虱种内和种间密度效应的机制和进化意义进行了讨论。  相似文献   
草地退化是全球干旱和半干旱草地生态系统的共同特征,由于土壤种子库在植被恢复和生物多样性维持等方面的重要作用,已成为研究热点。作为重要的脆弱生态系统,松嫩碱化草甸在人类活动和全球变化影响下发生了明显退化。松嫩碱化草甸土壤种子库研究始于20世纪90年代,主要集中在对虎尾草群落、星星草群落、碱蓬群落、羊草群落等不同演替阶段土壤种子库物种种类、密度、季节变化研究;该地区土壤种子库的物种数目随着恢复演替由初级向高级阶段而呈现逐渐增加的趋势,但物种数目均相对较少,且多以1年生为主。另外对种子雨和某些物种种子散布动态也有零星报道,主要是从群落水平进行的研究,种子雨的空间异质性表现在其组成和大小因群落而异。今后需要加强对松嫩碱化草甸土壤种子库格局与关键生境要素的耦合特征、种子库分布格局的形成机制等研究,研究方法上,引入稳定同位素标记和分子遗传学等研究方法和手段,开展持久种子库的长期定位监测研究,为盐碱地植被恢复提供理论依据。  相似文献   
水分和温度对春玉米出苗速度和出苗率的影响   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
马树庆  王琪  吕厚荃  徐丽萍  于海  张铁林 《生态学报》2012,32(11):3378-3385
在东北地区中部开展春玉米春季水分胁迫和分期播种试验。试验在人工防雨棚内进行,设4个水分处理和3个播种期处理。结果表明,春玉米(Zea mays )播种出苗期间土壤含水量与出苗期和出苗率的关系均呈显著的二次函数关系。在田间持水量以下,耕层土壤湿度越大,玉米出苗越快,出苗率越高;干旱推迟出苗期,降低出苗率。气温低出苗慢,但温度对出苗率无明显影响。播种出苗期间0~20cm深平均土壤湿度(S)、土壤有效水量(H)和平均气温(T)对出苗速度的组合影响指标是:25 %>S>21%(或70mm >H>45mm)、T>18℃玉米出苗快;21% >S>18%(或45mm >H>35mm)、18℃>T>16.5℃ 玉米出苗比较快;18%>S>16%(或35mm >H>25mm)、16.5℃>T>15.5℃玉米出苗较慢;S<16%(或H< 25)、T<15.5℃出苗很慢,出苗期明显推迟。玉米出苗率主要取决于水分,0~20cm深土壤相对湿度在85%以上(或H>50mm)出苗率最高(95%以上);相对湿度80%左右(或50>H>40mm)出苗率较高(90% 左右);相对湿度70%以下(或H<40mm)出苗率明显降低, 60%以下(或H<30mm)为严重干旱,出苗率低至65%以下。  相似文献   
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