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This paper examines the influence of atmospheric structure andmotion (principally winds aloft) on the flight behavior andaltitudinal distribution of migrating songbirds. Bird migrationdata that I gathered using surveillance radars operated by theUnited States National Weather Service and the Federal AviationAdministration and a vertically directed fixed-beam marine radarmounted on a mobile laboratory are analyzed in relation to windsaloft. Migrating birds appear to fly at altitudes where windswill minimize the cost of transport and assist movements inseasonally appropriate directions. When migratory flights occurat altitudes that are higher than usual, a significant correlationexists between the altitude of densest migration and the altitudeof most favorable wind. Lower altitudes may be favored overslightly more favorable winds at much higher altitudes. Radardata on the flight behavior of migrating birds in the vicinityof frontal systems is also examined. The flight strategies ofmigrants (fly over the front, change the direction of flight,or land and terminate the flight) differ depending on seasonand the "thickness" of the front. Recent migration studies thatare related to atmospheric structure and motion are summarizedand related to atmospheric processes operating simultaneouslyat vastly different spatial and temporal scales.  相似文献   
The amino acid sequence of the antitumor protein neocarzinostatin was revised on the basis of mass spectrometric studies. Gas chromatographic mass spectrometry on the O-trimethylsilyl polyaminoalcohol derivatives of peptide mixtures derived from tetra S-carboxymethyl-neocarzinostatin were used to partially sequence neocarzinostatin. In addition, fast atom bombardment-mass spectrometric experiments on neocarzinostatin and its tryptic fragments gave the molecular weights of various peptides and, in some cases, partial sequence information. The revised sequence involved reordering of two chymotryptic peptides, the identification of a new di- and tripeptide sequence (Ala-Asp and Ala-Ser-Thr), the repositioning of Trp at position 39, and the assignment of the remaining Asx residues. The revised structure for neocarzinostatin (Mr = 11,105) now shows considerable homology with the other antitumor antibiotic proteins macromomycin and actinoxanthin.  相似文献   
Geminate combination of oxygen with iron-cobalt hybrid hemoglobins   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Photodissociation of oxygen from the ferrous subunits of hybrid hemoglobins in which the heme of either the alpha or the beta chain has been replaced by cobalt protoporphyrin IX shows large differences between the subunits. With a 25-ns light pulse, the apparent quantum yield at the end of the flash is greater for the beta-iron hybrid than for the alpha-iron hybrid. With the beta-iron hybrid, the yield is greater when solution conditions favor the T-state. After the flash, a part of the oxygen which has been dissociated recombines with a half-time of the order of tens of nanoseconds. The proportion is greatest in the R-state at low temperature and least in the T-state. With the alpha-iron hybrid, oxygen is much less readily removed, and the rapid recombination is slight or absent. It is seen most clearly at low temperatures in conditions which favor the T-state. The long term (greater than 100 ns) effect is that oxygen is much more readily removed from the beta-iron hybrid in the T-state than under any other condition. Analogous flash experiments performed with human hemoglobin A may be closely simulated by superposition of the results obtained with the two hybrid hemoglobins under the same conditions. Isolated human alpha and beta--SH chains show differences similar to, but less marked than, those of the iron-cobalt hybrids.  相似文献   
In this study we report the first instance of recombination between kappa chain genetic markers in the mouse. The recombination frequency, 0.45% (95% limits, 0.12–1.61), is similar to that previously found for recombination between the kappa chain locus and the Lyt-2, 3 locus (0.3%, 95% limits, 0.05–1.6), but is relatively low in comparison with that found at the heavy chain locus (0.41–5.4%). Lyt-2, 3-typing of the recombinants permits a partial ordering of the kappa chain and Lyt-2, 3 loci as (Lyt-2, 3, Igk-Ef1) - Igk-Ef2. Light chains controlled by the two kappa markers include the Vk-(ser) subgroup (controlled by Igk-Ef1) and Vk–1 (controlled by Igk-Ef2). One of the recombinants has been recovered in a homozygous state (NAK) and should be suitable for V k gene mapping studies.Abbreviations C complement - CH constant region of the Ig heavy chain - CI cytotoxicity index - DNP dinitrophenyl - FMF flow microfluorimetry - IEF isoelectric focusing - IF immunofluorescence - Ig immunoglobulin - KLH keyhole limpet hemocyanin - VH variable region of the Ig heavy chain - Vk variable region of the Ig kappa chain - V-region variable region  相似文献   
Steady-state and kinetic equations have been developed which characterize the rates of formation, interconversion, and degradation of an enzyme protein subject to reversible phosphorylation. The theoretical model system incorporates separate fractional degradative rate constants for the phosphorylated and dephosphorylated protein species. The classical models for interconvertible enzymes, and for protein turnover, are special limiting situations of the general model presented here.Dedicated to David E. Green, a man of happy memory, who, although he cautioned that one could not anticipate Nature, delighted in doing just that.  相似文献   
Of the three bacterial peptide transport systems only one, the oligopeptide permease, has been characterized in any detail. We have now isolated Salmonella typhimurium mutants deficient in a second transport system, the tripeptide permease (Tpp), using the toxic peptide alafosfalin. Alafosfalin resistance mutations map at three loci, the gene encoding peptidase A (pepA) and two transport-defective loci, tppA and tppB. Locus tppA has been mapped to 74 min on the S. typhimurium chromosome, cotransducible with aroB, and is a positive regulator of tppB. Locus tppB maps at 27 min in the cotransduction gap between purB and pyrF. We cloned tppB, the structural locus for the tripeptide permease. Two simple methods are described for mapping the location of cloned DNA fragments on the chromosome of S. typhimurium.  相似文献   
Three-dimensional reconstruction methods were applied to electron micrographs of Streptococcus faecium to study the initiation of cell wall growth sites during a nutritional shift experiment. Upon lowering the mass doubling time from 76 to 33 min by the addition of excess glutamate, the formation of new cell wall growth sites accelerated above the old steady-state rate at about the same time (10 to 15 min) as did mass, RNA, protein, cell numbers, and autolytic capacity but considerably before DNA (30 min) and peptidoglycan (20 min) synthesis did. During the shift, the average range of cell volumes over which new wall growth sites were introduced did not change significantly. However, upon the shift there was an increase in the frequency of cells having new sites, which was due to the faster-growing cells initiating more new sites in peripheral locations before division. After a transition period, the number of new sites per milliliter of culture increased at a rate that paralleled that of the culture mass. These findings support a model in which new sites are introduced when cells grow to a relatively constant, growth rate-independent size, while the rate at which sites form and grow increases with the growth rate. In this model, chromosome synthesis does not regulate the formation of new sites of cell wall growth, but existing sites cannot be completed until rounds of chromosome synthesis are completed.  相似文献   
The uncF469 allele differed from normal in that a G----A base change occurred at nucleotide 77 of the uncF gene, resulting in a TAG stop codon rather than the tryptophan codon TGG. Two partial revertant strains were isolated which retained the uncF469 allele but formed a partially functional b-subunit, due to suppression of the uncF469 nonsense mutation. From the altered isoelectric points of the b-subunits from these strains, it was concluded that the suppressor gene of partial revertant strain AN1956 inserts an acidic amino acid for the TAG codon, and that the suppressor gene of partial revertant strain AN1958 inserts a basic amino acid. The membranes of both partial revertant strains showed impaired permeability to protons on removal of F1-ATPase. The membranes of both strains, however, were able to carry out oxidative phosphorylation, and the ATPase activities of both were resistant to the inhibitor dicyclohexylcarbodiimide.  相似文献   
From the inserts of two recombinant plasmids isolated from a murine liver cDNA library, the nucleotide sequence coding for the C3 alpha chain was obtained and the corresponding amino acid sequence was derived. The alpha chain portion of the mRNA is 2979 nucleotides long, specifying a polypeptide of 993 amino acids. The molecular weight of the alpha chain, in the absence of carbohydrate, was calculated from the sequence data to be 112,933. Two possible carbohydrate attachment sites were predicted at residues 269 (Asn) and 947 (Asn). In addition, the positions for two putative factor I cleavage sites were predicted from a comparison with the cleavage sites in the human C3 alpha chain. The C3 alpha chain contains 24 cysteine residues, 10 of these clustered in the C-terminal 175 amino acids of the alpha chain. Together with the accompanying report (Lundwall, A, Wetsel, R.A., Domdey, H., Tack, B.F., and Fey, G.H. (1984) J. Biol. Chem. 259, 13851-13856), this study completes the nucleotide and amino acid structure of the murine precursor prepro-C3 molecule.  相似文献   
Social Spacing in Small Mammals: Patterns of Individual Variation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The pattern of social spacing in small mammals differs fromthat observed in many other vertebrates. Small mammals frequentlyhave non-exclusive territories and tolerate a large amount ofoverlap with other conspecifics. The determinant factors ofhome range or territory size in small mammals are not knownfor most species. We carried out a study of the determinantfactors of home range size in a model small mammal, the easternchipmunk, Tamias striatus. The population was studied for fiveyears. The effect of experimental perturbations on food supplyand population density offered strong evidence that the meanhome range size in the population was determined by resourceabundance. Changes in population density had little or no measurableeffect. We noted that even when mean home range size decreasedsignificantly in response to an increase in available food,a great deal of variability in individual home range sizes remained.We hypothesized that this pattern of variation among individualswas also resource related; large home ranges would be locatedin areas of low resource density and small home ranges wouldbe located in areas of high resource density. Our data to datedo not offer support for this hypothesis; however our researchhas shown that the data needed to convincingly reject the nullhypothesis are very complex. We discuss the evidence requiredto study patterns of individual variation, and how models ofoptimal territory size may be useful. Research that examinespatterns of individual variation are few in number, yet studiesof individual variation will ultimately provide the best insightson the dynamics of evolutionary ecology.  相似文献   
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