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1. Treatment of rats with small doses of CoCl2 decreases liver 5-aminolaevulinate synthase (EC activity and impairs incorporation of 5-amino[14C]laevulinate into liver haem. Salts of other metals (cadmium, nickel, manganese and zinc) are all relatively inactive. 2. The dose-response curves obtained for both these effects closely mirror the accumulation in the liver of a compound that is labelled by 5-amino[14C]laevulinate and is unextractable by acetone/HCl. 3. Incorporation of 5-amino[14C]laevulinate into unextractable compound is also obtained in vitro by incubating liver homogenates with label in the presence of cobalt:isotope-dilution experiments show that the radioactivity passes through pools of porphobilinogen and protoporphyrin, but not of haem. 4. The unextractable compound is not covalently bound to protein and possesses the same extraction and spectral properties as authentic cobalt protoporphyrin. 5. It is concluded (a) that cobalt protoporphyrin is readily formed not only in vitro, but also in vivo, and (b) that its formation accounts for the impaired incorporation of 5-aminolaevulinate into haem and may also be responsible for the action of cobalt on 5-aminolaevulinate synthase.  相似文献   
Rats given tetracycline in their drinking water for one week were orally inoculated with Candida albicans in the following week. Colonization of the mouth by the fungus resulted, whether the rats continued to receive tetracycline or not, over a period of 22 weeks. Histological changes indicative of oral candidosis were also found both in rats maintained on tetracycline throughout the experiment and in animals given the drug only initially. It is suggested that exposure to tetracycline as tested in this experiment causes a lasting reduction in the rat's ability to expel C. albicans, or an enhancement of the organism's colonizing propensities.  相似文献   
Incorporation of vitamin A aldehyde (retinal) into liposomes had an inhibitory effect on the amount of human complement protein bound in the presence of specific antiserum. The total membrane-bound protein was directly measured on liposomes which were washed after incubation in antiserum and fresh human serum (complement). At every concentration of complement, decreased protein binding was found with liposomes which contained retinal. Binding of the third component of complement (C3) was also measured directly on washed liposomes and was found to be decreased in the presence of retinal. The diminution in protein binding due to retinal was not caused by differences in the amount of antibody bound and this was shown by two experiments. First, specific antibody protein binding to liposomes was directly measured and was essentially unaffected by retinal. Second, liposomes were prepared from lipid extracts of sheep erythrocytes. These liposomes were used as as immunoadsorbants to remove antisheep erythrocyte antibodies. The immunoadsorbant capacity was the same in both the presence and the absence of retinal. A further conclusion from these experiments was that retinal did not change the number of liposomal glycolipid antigen molecules available for antibody binding and thus presumably did not change the total number of lipid molecules present on the outer surface of the liposomes. Retinal did have an effect on the geometric structure of the liposomes. Size distribution measurements were performed in the diameter range of 1-6.35 mum by using an electronic particle size analyzer (Coulter Counter). Liposomes containing retinal were shifted toward smaller sizes and had less total surface area and volume. It was suggested that retinal-containing liposomes may have had a tighter packing of the molecules in the phospholipid bilayer. This effect of retinal on liposomal structure may have been responsible for the observed decreased binding of C3 and total complement protein.  相似文献   
A double-lumen tube was inserted into the trachea of dogs anesthetized with intravenous pentobarbital (30-40 mg/kg). Blood flow/unit lung volume in each lung was measured with 133Xe. Both lungs were initially ventilated with oxygen and measurements of pulmonary blood flow, CO2 output, cardiac output, and blood gases were made. When nitrogen was administered to one lung blood flow was diverted to the opposite lung. The diversion of flow was reduced by the inhalation of 1% trichloroethylene but returned after withdrawal of the anesthetic. There were no significant changes in cardiac output. Changes in CO2 output and arterial Po2 were compatible with the xenon results. It is concluded that trichloroethylene may increase arterial hypoxemia by reducing vasoconstriction in hypoxic areas of lung.  相似文献   
Oxytocin (OT) generally has a stimulatory effect on ACTH secretion both in vitro and in vivo. As part of a study of ACTH-releasing factors in hypophysial portal blood, the effects of i.v. OT administration on plasma ACTH levels were tested in urethane-anesthetized rats. Surprisingly, i.v. injection of 10 micrograms OT lowered plasma ACTH levels by about 35% (P less than 0.01). It was reasoned that this paradoxical inhibition of ACTH secretion by OT might be mediated by inhibition of the unusually high rate of peripheral catecholamine secretion in this model. Measurement of plasma catecholamines before and after i.v. administration of 10 micrograms OT revealed a 53% inhibition of EPI (P less than 0.01) and 43% inhibition of NE (P less than 0.05). Administration of the beta-adrenergic antagonist propranolol (400 micrograms) 15 min before the beginning of the experiment completely blocked the inhibitory effects of OT on ACTH secretion and in fact unmasked the stimulatory effects of OT normally seen in conscious animals and in vitro. Superfused bisected adrenal glands exposed to 10(-6) M OT for 10 min secreted more than 30% less EPI and NE than control adrenals suggesting that the inhibition of EPI and NE secretion by OT in vivo occurs, at least in part, directly at the level of the adrenal. The data support the hypothesis that peripheral catecholamines may at times be directly involved in the control of ACTH secretion and also suggest that OT, which has recently been identified in the adrenal medulla, may have important paracrine functions in the regulation of adrenal catecholamine secretion.  相似文献   
A messenger RNA fraction from guinea-pig skin sediments on sucrose gradients at approx. 19 S and codes for keratin polypeptides in a messenger-dependent reticulocyte lysate system. Partial purification of this fraction was achieved by two cycles of chromatography on oligo(dT)-cellulose, followed by two cycles of sucrose gradient centrifugation. The identities of the protein products as keratins were established by co-electrophoresis on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gels, by peptide mapping, and by co-electrophoresis on two-dimensional polyacrylamide gels. All of the epidermal keratin polypeptides which are present in vivo are synthesized in vitro under the direction of this messenger. Fractionation of the messenger indicates that each different polypeptide is the product of a single mRNA species, and that no keratin is formed by proteolytic processing of higher molecular weight species or by polymerization of smaller precursors. Post-translational changes such as phosphorylation, which are known to occur in vivo, cannot be identified in the reticulocyte lysate system. Translation of these keratin messenger species is strongly inhibited by 7-methylguanosine 5′-triphosphate, indicating that the molecules have a ‘capped’ 5′-terminus.  相似文献   

Distribution maps are presented for 30 species of small forest moths representing two genera of Micropterigidae and one genus of Mnesarchaeidae. Evolutionary patterns are interpreted by means of the panbiogeographic method in order to seek a relationship between dispersal patterns within New Zealand and the overseas links of the taxa in question. It is established that different evolutionary lines indeed exhibit different geographic dispersal patterns within New Zealand. Moreover, certain characteristics of these patterns can be attributed to the overseas affinities of the groups, i.e., groups of organisms with New Caledonian or Australian affinities have a western disjunct pattern, whereas those with circum-Pacific affinities have a different pattern in which the taxa occupying a basal position in the phylogeny are to be found in the eastern South Island. However, both groups have overlapping centres of diversity, particularly in NW Nelson.  相似文献   
The ability of some ant species (including Camponotus spp.) to forage on vertebrate urine to extract urea may extend their niche in competitive and strongly nitrogen‐limited environments. We examined the preference of Camponotus terebrans, a sand‐dwelling ant widespread in southern Australia, for baits including urine, and the duration of their foraging on those baits. We baited ants with liquid stains of urine (human and kangaroo), urea in water (2.5%. 3.5%, 7.0%, 10.0%) and sucrose in water (20% and 40%) poured directly on the ground, as well as hard baits in plots drawn on sandy soil (Kangaroo Island, South Australia). We counted individuals of this mostly nocturnal species to determine their attraction to different baits for one month. We checked plant growth on the plots after nine and 13 months. Ants collected insects and meat; they foraged for at least 29 days on stains. Ants were most numerous on 10% urea, followed by 7% urea, 3.5% urea, urine (which contains ~2.5% urea) and 2.5% urea, 40% sucrose and 20% sucrose; sucrose was less attractive to them than equimolar urea bait. Ants were attracted to human, kangaroo, and unidentified urines, and they collected bird guano. Baits and ant foraging did not affect plant recruitment in plots. We observed incidentally Camponotus consobrinus foraging on urine, which may be a common resource for this genus at the site. The remarkable ability of C. terebrans to extract nitrogen from dry sand over weeks explains partly its success on sandy soils. Foraging on urine may be an important strategy to address nitrogen limitation on sandy soils and exploit commensally niches in which hosts are kangaroos, wallabies and other vertebrates. The understanding of plant–vertebrate interactions must factor in the role of ants as commensal organisms. Such ants could also reduce greenhouse gas emissions from urine.  相似文献   
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