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The effects of collecting season, collection site, laboratory pre-treatments and temperatures on seed viability and germination of Juniperus macrocarpa were investigated. Ripe cones were collected in four Sardinian dune systems, in two seasons, from plant and soil. Warm (W) and cold (C) stratifications, two combinations of them (W + C, C + W), and no pre-treatment (0) were applied. Seeds were incubated in a range of constant (10–25 °C) and an alternating (25/10 °C) temperature regime. Seed viability was low (ca. 40%) and varied significantly according to the collecting season. Seed germination was also low (ca. 10%), the 0 and W were the most effective pre-treatments on stimulating germination. The best germination temperature, without any pre-treatment, was 15 °C (ca. 20%). J. macrocarpa seeds are dormant and the achieved results suggested that the presence of secondary dormancy is induced by cold stratification. Spring appeared to be the best season for seed collecting, whereas autumn was the best for sowing. These results give new findings for restoration activities on this species.  相似文献   
Trace elements in soils exist as components of several different fractions. We have analyzed the correlation between total and extractable (EDTA, calcium chloride and deionized water) Zn, Pb and Cu concentrations in soils and the concentration of these elements in plant leaves. Soil and plant samples have been taken from Sulcis-Iglesiente (Sardinia), an area rich in mining tailings. This has made that the concentrations of the trace element under study in soils were varied. Three plants have been studied: Dittrichia viscosa, Cistus salviifolius, and Euphorbia pithyusa subsp. cupanii. Soil samples beneath each of them at depths of 0–30 and 30–60 cm have been considered. The highest concentration of trace elements in the leaves of the studied species has been found for Zn. The calcium carbonate content and the crystalline and amorphous forms of iron in the soil have determined the concentration of metal in plant leaves. The soil concentrations that have been found with the extraction methods are uncorrelated with Pb and Cu concentrations in plants, but Zn is correlated with the fraction extracted with EDTA and calcium chloride. The concentrations of trace metals in plants are most closely related to the soil contents of CaCO3, electrical conductivity, Feox, and Fedc.  相似文献   
There is growing evidence that mitochondrial dysfunction, and more specifically fatty acid β-oxidation impairment, is involved in the pathophysiology of non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH). The goal of the present study was to achieve more understanding on the modification/s of carnitinepalmitoyltransferase-I (CPT-I), the rate-limiting enzyme of the mitochondrial fatty acid β-oxidation, during steatohepatitis. A high fat/methionine-choline deficient (MCD) diet, administered for 4 weeks, was used to induce NASH in rats.We demonstrated that CPT-I activity decreased, to the same extent, both in isolated liver mitochondria and in digitonin-permeabilized hepatocytes from MCD-diet fed rats.At the same time, the rate of total fatty acid oxidation to CO(2) and ketone bodies, measured in isolated hepatocytes, was significantly lowered in treated animals when compared to controls. Finally, an increase in CPT-I mRNA abundance and protein content, together with a high level of CPT-I protein oxidation was observed in treated rats. A posttranslational modification of rat CPT-I during steatohepatitis has been here discussed.  相似文献   


Monoclonal antibodies directed against the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) have been approved for the treatment of patients with metastatic colorectal carcinoma (mCRC) that do not carry KRAS mutations. Therefore, KRAS testing has become mandatory to chose the most appropriate therapy for these patients.

Methodology/Principal Findings

In order to guarantee the possibility for mCRC patients to receive an high quality KRAS testing in every Italian region, the Italian Association of Medical Oncology (AIOM) and the Italian Society of Pathology and Cytopathology -Italian division of the International Academy of Pathology (SIAPEC-IAP) started a program to improve KRAS testing. AIOM and SIAPEC identified a large panel of Italian medical oncologists, pathologists and molecular biologists that outlined guidelines for KRAS testing in mCRC patients. These guidelines include specific information on the target patient population, the biological material for molecular analysis, the extraction of DNA, and the methods for the mutational analysis that are summarized in this paper. Following the publication of the guidelines, the scientific societies started an external quality assessment scheme for KRAS testing. Five CRC specimens with known KRAS mutation status were sent to the 59 centers that participated to the program. The samples were validated by three referral laboratories. The participating laboratories were allowed to use their own preferred method for DNA extraction and mutational analysis and were asked to report the results within 4 weeks. The limit to pass the quality assessment was set at 100% of true responses. In the first round, only two centers did not pass (3%). The two centers were offered to participate to a second round and both centers failed again to pass.


The results of this first Italian quality assessment for KRAS testing suggest that KRAS mutational analysis is performed with good quality in the majority of Italian centers.  相似文献   

Background and Aims

Mediterranean mountain species face exacting ecological conditions of rainy, cold winters and arid, hot summers, which affect seed germination phenology. In this study, a soil heat sum model was used to predict field emergence of Rhamnus persicifolia, an endemic tree species living at the edge of mountain streams of central eastern Sardinia.


Seeds were incubated in the light at a range of temperatures (10–25 and 25/10 °C) after different periods (up to 3 months) of cold stratification at 5 °C. Base temperatures (Tb), and thermal times for 50 % germination (θ50) were calculated. Seeds were also buried in the soil in two natural populations (Rio Correboi and Rio Olai), both underneath and outside the tree canopy, and exhumed at regular intervals. Soil temperatures were recorded using data loggers and soil heat sum (°Cd) was calculated on the basis of the estimated Tb and soil temperatures.

Key Results

Cold stratification released physiological dormancy (PD), increasing final germination and widening the range of germination temperatures, indicative of a Type 2 non-deep PD. Tb was reduced from 10·5 °C for non-stratified seeds to 2·7 °C for seeds cold stratified for 3 months. The best thermal time model was obtained by fitting probit germination against log °Cd. θ50 was 2·6 log °Cd for untreated seeds and 2·17–2·19 log °Cd for stratified seeds. When θ50 values were integrated with soil heat sum estimates, field emergence was predicted from March to April and confirmed through field observations.


Tb and θ50 values facilitated model development of the thermal niche for in situ germination of R. persicifolia. These experimental approaches may be applied to model the natural regeneration patterns of other species growing on Mediterranean mountain waterways and of physiologically dormant species, with overwintering cold stratification requirement and spring germination.  相似文献   
The sialylation level of molecules, sialoglycoproteins and gangliosides, protruding from plasma membranes regulates multiple facets of erythrocyte function, from interaction with endothelium to cell lifespan. Our results demonstrate that: (a) Both sialidases NEU1 and NEU3 are present on erythrocyte plasma membrane; (b) NEU1 is kept on the plasma membrane in absence of the protective protein/cathepsin A (PPCA); (c) NEU1 and NEU3 are retained on the plasma membrane, as peripheral proteins, associated to the external leaflet and released by alkaline treatments; (d) NEU1 and NEU3 are segregated in Triton X‐100 detergent‐resistant membrane domains (DRMs); (e) NEU3 shows activity also at neutral pH; and (f) NEU1 and NEU3 are progressively lost during erythrocyte life. Interestingly, sialidase activity released from erythrocyte membranes after an alkaline treatment preserves its functionality and recognizes sialoglycoproteins and gangliosides. On the other hand, the weak anchorage of sialidases to the plasma membrane and their loss during erythrocyte life could be a tool to preserve the cellular sialic acid content in order to avoid the early ageing of erythrocyte and processes of cell aggregation in the capillaries. J. Cell. Biochem. 114: 204–211, 2012. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
We investigated blocking the TGF-β signaling pathway in HCC using two small molecule inhibitors (LY2157299, LY2109761) and a neutralizing humanized antibody (D10) against TGF-βRII. LY2157299 and LY2109761 inhibited HCC cell migration on Laminin-5, Fibronectin, Vitronectin, Fibrinogen and Collagen-I and de novo phosphorylation of pSMAD2. LY2157299 inhibited HCC migration and cell growth independently of the expression levels of TGF-βRII. In contrast to LY2157299, D10 showed a reduction in pSMAD2 only after a short exposure. This study supports the use of LY2157299 in clinical trials, and presents new insights into TGF-β receptor cycling in cancer cells.  相似文献   
Oriented solid-state NMR is the most direct methodology to obtain the orientation of membrane proteins with respect to the lipid bilayer. The method consists of measuring 1H-15N dipolar couplings (DC) and 15N anisotropic chemical shifts (CSA) for membrane proteins that are uniformly aligned with respect to the membrane bilayer. A significant advantage of this approach is that tilt and azimuthal (rotational) angles of the protein domains can be directly derived from analytical expression of DC and CSA values, or, alternatively, obtained by refining protein structures using these values as harmonic restraints in simulated annealing calculations. The Achilles’ heel of this approach is the lack of suitable experiments for sequential assignment of the amide resonances. In this Article, we present a new pulse sequence that integrates proton driven spin diffusion (PDSD) with sensitivity-enhanced PISEMA in a 3D experiment ([1H,15N]-SE-PISEMA-PDSD). The incorporation of 2D 15N/15N spin diffusion experiments into this new 3D experiment leads to the complete and unambiguous assignment of the 15N resonances. The feasibility of this approach is demonstrated for the membrane protein sarcolipin reconstituted in magnetically aligned lipid bicelles. Taken with low electric field probe technology, this approach will propel the determination of sequential assignment as well as structure and topology of larger integral membrane proteins in aligned lipid bilayers.  相似文献   
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