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By immunizing Prnp-knockout mice with synthetic polypeptides, a panel of mAbs directed to bovine PrP(C) was obtained. The mAb panel was characterized by the ELISA method, where synthetic polypeptides were used for epitope mapping. Different reactivity patterns were identified. The ability of these mAbs to detect abnormal PrP(Sc) in CJD cases was studied by immunohistochemistry. All mAbs were tested for PrP(Sc) in murine, bovine, monkey and human brain tissues. Three mAbs recognized the fragmented PrP epitope in our ELISA. Antibody 1D12 was strongly reactive to ovine and squirrel monkey tissues infected with a scrapie agent, although non-reactive to scrapie-infected mouse tissues. Antibody 2D8 was clearly reactive to type-2 but not type-1 CJD human tissues. Of particular interest was the reactivity of mAb 6C4 with the inner structure of Kuru plaques (peripheral pattern) in a type-2 CJD case and mAb T2, 1D12, 2B11, 2D8, 4B5 and 6G3-2 with the central area (central pattern). The fact that different anti-PrP mAbs possess distinct staining properties suggests that the PrP(c) to PrP(Sc) conversion might involve a multiple-step process.  相似文献   
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) is the most common genetic cardiac disease. Fourteen sarcomeric and sarcomere‐related genes have been implicated in HCM etiology, those encoding β‐myosin heavy chain (MYH7) and cardiac myosin binding protein C (MYBPC3) reported as the most frequently mutated: in fact, these account for around 50% of all cases related to sarcomeric gene mutations, which are collectively responsible for approximately 70% of all HCM cases. Here, we used denaturing high‐performance liquid chromatography followed by bidirectional sequencing to screen the coding regions of MYH7 and MYBPC3 in a cohort (n = 125) of Italian patients presenting with HCM. We found 6 MHY7 mutations in 9/125 patients and 18 MYBPC3 mutations in 19/125 patients. Of the three novel MYH7 mutations found, two were missense, and one was a silent mutation; of the eight novel MYBPC3 mutations, one was a substitution, three were stop codons, and four were missense mutations. Thus, our cohort of Italian HCM patients did not harbor the high frequency of mutations usually found in MYH7 and MYBPC3. This finding, coupled to the clinical diversity of our cohort, emphasizes the complexity of HCM and the need for more inclusive investigative approaches in order to fully understand the pathogenesis of this disease. J. Cell. Physiol. 226: 2894–2900, 2011. © 2011 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Rapid and reliable identification of Staphylococcus (S.) equorum was achieved by species-specific PCR assays. A set of primers targeting the manganese-dependent superoxide dismutase (sodA) gene of S.equorum was designed. Species-specificity of the primer set was evaluated by using a total of 112 strains (including 27 reference strains of the DSM collection), representing 26 different species of the genus Staphylococcus, 3 species of the genus Kocuria, and different strains of Macrococcus caseolyticus. By using primers SdAEqF and SdAEqR the expected PCR fragment was obtained only when DNA from S. equorum strains was used as template. The rapidity (about 4 h from DNA isolation to results) and reliability of the PCR procedures established suggests that the method may be profitably applied for specific detection and identification of S. equorum strains.  相似文献   
The collection and organization of distributional data is the first crucial stage of any conservation planning action: therefore the decline in field research has implications in both the systematic, floristic and conservation fields. The aim of this paper is to analyze the effects of data updating on conservation planning and priorities. Focusing on the short time frame ranging from 2006 to 2011, we present a case study showing the rate of increase of collected data (taxa and records) and the consequential effects on the definition of areas of priority interest for plant conservation (Important Plant Areas—IPAs). We gathered data on a total of 193 taxa and 849 records with a mean rate of increase of +97 % for taxa and +166 % for records (2006/2011). This increase caused a positive rate of change in high ranking cells (+78 %) defining IPAs, while the number of low ranking cells and no data cells slightly decreased (?12 and ?8 %, respectively). Our results suggest that specific investment to complete the knowledge on the distribution of selected taxa (e.g. 193 taxa represent the 7.5 % of the total vascular flora of Sardinia) would dramatically reduce both the Linnean and Wallacean shortfalls and would allow robust conservation programs to preserve the diversity of the island. Updating the IPAs on a regular basis is a good example of a process that has a low impact as well as a big potential gain especially when field research can only be performed with low intensity and small monetary investments.  相似文献   
Unlike formyl peptide receptor 1 (FPR1), FPR2/ALX (FPR2) interacts with peptides of diverse sequences but has low affinity for the Escherichia coli-derived chemotactic peptide fMet-Leu-Phe (fMLF). Using computer modeling and site-directed mutagenesis, we investigated the structural requirements for FPR2 to interact with formyl peptides of different length and composition. In calcium flux assay, the N-formyl group of these peptides is necessary for activation of both FPR2 and FPR1, whereas the composition of the C-terminal amino acids appears more important for FPR2 than FPR1. FPR2 interacts better with pentapeptides (fMLFII, fMLFIK) than tetrapeptides (fMLFK, fMLFW) and tripeptide (fMLF) but only weakly with peptides carrying negative charges at the C terminus (e.g. fMLFE). In contrast, FPR1 is less sensitive to negative charges at the C terminus. A CXCR4-based homology model of FPR1 and FPR2 suggested that Asp-2817.32 is crucial for the interaction of FPR2 with certain formyl peptides as its negative charge may be repulsive with the terminal COO- group of fMLF and negatively charged Glu in fMLFE. Asp-2817.32 might also form a stable interaction with the positively charged Lys in fMLFK. Site-directed mutagenesis was performed to remove the negative charge at position 281 in FPR2. The D2817.32G mutant showed improved affinity for fMLFE and fMLF and reduced affinity for fMLFK compared with wild type FPR2. These results indicate that different structural determinants are used by FPR1 and FPR2 to interact with formyl peptides.  相似文献   
Aims The physiological responses during dormancy removal and multi-phasic germination were investigated in seeds of Paeonia corsica (Paeoniaceae).Methods Seeds of P. corsica were incubated in the light at a range of temperatures (10–25 and 25/10°C), without any pre-treatment, after W (3 months at 25°C), C (3 months at 5°C) and W + C (3 months at 25°C followed by 3 months at 5°C) stratification, and a GA 3 treatment (250 mg·l-1 in the germination substrate). Embryo growth, time from testa to endosperm rupture and radicle emergence were assessed as separate phases. Epicotyl–plumule emergence was evaluated incubating the germinated seeds at 15°C for 2 weeks, at 5 and 25°C for 2 months on agar water before transplanting to the soil substrate at 10, 15 and 20°C and at 15°C for 2 months on the surface agar water with GA 3 .Important findings Embryo growth, testa rupture, endosperm rupture (radicle emergence) and growth of the epicotyl were identified as four sequential steps in seeds of P. corsica. Gibberellic acid alone and warm stratification followed by 15°C promoted embryo growth and subsequent seed germination. Cold stratification induced secondary dormancy, even when applied after warm stratification. After radicle emergence, epicotyl–plumule emergence was delayed for ca. 3 months. Mean time of epicotyl–plumule emergence was positively affected by cold stratification (2 months at 5°C) and GA 3. P. corsica seeds exhibited differential temperature sensitivity for the four sequential steps in the removal of dormancy and germination processes that resulted in the precise and optimal timing of seedling emergence.  相似文献   
Three β‐keto sulfoxides ( 1–3 ) were synthesized in enantiopure form and investigated by means of circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy, both in electronic and vibrational range (ECD, VCD), in combination with quantum chemical calculations. For compound 2 , the X‐ray structure was available; thus, the ECD in the solid state was also considered to reveal the differences between the molecular species in both states. Despite the simplicity of all β‐keto sulfoxides under investigation (29 atoms), reproducing even the major spectral VCD features failed for two compounds, making the use of VCD not ideal to assign their absolute configuration in a reliable way. We demonstrated, however, that the use of ECD spectroscopy, both in solution and solid state, can easily, unambiguously, and without any complication simulate all bands by applying the standard protocol for calculations. This study may stimulate the debate on the need of the use of two chiroptical methods simultaneously in the determination of absolute configurations.  相似文献   
NK cell clones obtained from three different donors were tested for their ability to present soluble proteins to Ag-specific T cell clones. All NK clones were CD2+CD3-CD56+, whereas the expression of CD16 varied from clone to clone. The NK cell clones were able to process and present tetanus toxoid (TT) to TT-specific T cell clones in a class II HLA restricted manner. The capacity of NK cell clones to function as APC was also observed using the house dust mite allergen Der p I and the Der p I-derived peptide Val89-Cys117. As with EBV-transformed B cell line, NK cell clones could present the peptide 3-13 derived from the 65-kDa heat shock protein of Mycobacterium leprae, but they were unable to present the whole M. leprae Ag. Freshly isolated NK cells, IL-2-activated NK cells, and NK cell lines expanded in vitro could also process and present TT. The ability of the different NK populations to act as accessory cells correlated with their levels of class II HLA expression. These data demonstrate that NK cell clones can efficiently function as APC, however they may be restricted in the types of Ag that they can process.  相似文献   
Paramagnetic relaxation enhancement (PRE) measurements constitute a powerful approach for detecting both permanent and transient protein–protein interactions. Typical PRE experiments require an intrinsic or engineered paramagnetic site on one of the two interacting partners; while a second, diamagnetic binding partner is labeled with stable isotopes (15N or 13C). Multiple paramagnetic labeled centers or reversed labeling schemes are often necessary to obtain sufficient distance restraints to model protein–protein complexes, making this approach time consuming and expensive. Here, we show a new strategy that combines a modified pulse sequence (1HN-Γ2-CCLS) with an asymmetric labeling scheme to enable the detection of both intra- and inter-molecular PREs simultaneously using only one sample preparation. We applied this strategy to the non-covalent dimer of ubiquitin. Our method confirmed the previously identified binding interface for the transient di-ubiquitin complex, and at the same time, unveiled the internal structural dynamics rearrangements of ubiquitin upon interaction. In addition to reducing the cost of sample preparation and speed up PRE measurements, by detecting the intra-molecular PRE this new strategy will make it possible to measure and calibrate inter-molecular distances more accurately for both symmetric and asymmetric protein–protein complexes.  相似文献   
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