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Because of their modified cranial morphology, syngnathid pipefishes have been described as extreme suction feeders. The presumption is that these fishes use their elongate snout much like a pipette in capturing planktonic prey. In this study, we quantify the contribution of suction to the feeding strike and quantitatively describe the prey capture mechanics of the bay pipefish Syngnathus leptorhynchus, focusing specifically on the role of both cranial elevation and snout movement. We used high-speed video to capture feeding sequences from nine individuals feeding on live brine shrimp. Sequences were digitized in order to calculate kinematic variables that could be used to describe prey capture. Prey capture was very rapid, from 2 to 6 ms from the onset of cranial rotation. We found that suction contributed at most about one-eighth as much as ram to the reduction of the distance between predator and prey. This movement of the predator was due almost exclusively to movement of the snout and neurocranium rather than movement of the whole body. The body was positioned ventral and posterior to the prey and the snout was rotated dorsally by as much as 21 degrees, thereby placing the mouth immediately behind the prey for capture. The snout did not follow the identical trajectory as the neurocranium, however, and reached a maximum angle of only about 10 degrees. The snout consists, in part, of elongate suspensorial elements and the linkages among these elements are retained despite changes in shape. Thus, when the neurocranium is rotated, the four-bar linkage that connects this action with hyoid depression simultaneously acts to expand and straighten the snout relative to the neurocranium. We confirm the presence of a four-bar linkage that facilitates these kinematics by couplings between the pectoral girdle, urohyal, hyoid complex, and the neurocranium-suspensorium complex.  相似文献   
Seven formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded heart specimens set up at autopsy performed from 3 to 18 years before analysis of newborns in which DiGeorge syndrome (DGS) was suspected were evaluated by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) using a DGS region-specific probe and a control probe on nuclei released from thick sections. The diagnosis was confirmed in four of the six specimens, which provided valuable results, and in none of the controls. This study supports the feasibility and usefulness of FISH genotyping of archival autoptic material, which improves and assists the counselling procedures. Received: 23 May 1995 / Revised: 20 August 1995  相似文献   
In subjects affected by trisomy 21 (Down syndrome), hypothyroidism is the most common endocrinological deficit. Plasma zinc levels, which are commonly detected below the normal range in Down patients, are related to some endocrinological and immunological functions; in fact, zinc deficiency has been shown to impair immune response and growth rate. Aims of this study were to evaluate (1) the role of zinc deficiency in subclinical hypothyroidism and (2) thyroid function changes in Down children cyclically supplemented with zinc sulfate. Inverse correlations have been observed between age and triiodotironine (T3) and between zinc and thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH); higher TSH levels have been found in hypozincemic patients at the beginning of the study. After 6 mo of supplementation, an improvement of thyroid function (TSH levels: 3.96 ± 1.84 vs 2.64 ± 1.33 mUI/mL basally and after 6 mo, respectively) was observed in hypozincemic patients. In the second cycle of supplementation, a similar trend of TSH was observed. At the end of the study, TSH significantly decreased in treated hypozincemic subjects (4.48 ± 1.93 vs 2.96 ± 1.20 mUI/mL) and it was no longer different in comparison to normozincemic patients. We suggest zinc supplementation to the diet in hypozincemic Down children as a simple and useful therapeutic tool.  相似文献   
We investigated whether autonomic nervous system imbalance imposed by pharmacological blockades and associated with acute myocardial infarction (AMI) is manifested as modifications of the nonlinear interactions in heart rate variability signal using a statistically based bispectrum method. The statistically based bispectrum method is an ideal approach for identifying nonlinear couplings in a system and overcomes the previous limitation of determining in an ad hoc way the presence of such interactions. Using the improved bispectrum method, we found significant nonlinear interactions in healthy young subjects, which were abolished by the administration of atropine but were still present after propranolol administration. The complete decoupling of nonlinear interactions was obtained with double pharmacological blockades. Nonlinear couplings were found to be the strongest for healthy young subjects followed by degradation with old age and a complete absence of such couplings for the old age-matched AMI subjects. Our results suggest that the presence of nonlinear couplings is largely driven by the parasympathetic nervous system regulation and that the often-reported autonomic nervous system imbalance seen in AMI subjects is manifested as the absence of nonlinear interactions between the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous regulations.  相似文献   
Age and growth estimates for the shortfin mako, Isurus oxyrinchus, derived from vertebral centra of 258 specimens (118 males, 140 females), ranging in size from 64 to 340 cm fork length (FL) were compared with data from 22 tag–recaptured individuals (74–193 cm FL) and length–frequency data from 1822 individuals (1035 males, 787 females; 65–215 cm FL). Annual band-pair deposition, confirmed by a concurrent bomb radiocarbon validation study, was used as the basis for band interpretation. Validation was further confirmed with a tetracycline-injected male shortfin mako recaptured after being at liberty off South Africa for 1 year and aged at 18 years. Growth rates from tag–recapture analysis (GROTAG) were higher than those derived from vertebral annuli and were only available from sharks up to 193 cm FL at recapture. Modal length–frequency data were used to verify the first four age classes. Growth curves were fit using both von Bertalanffy and Gompertz models. The 3-parameter version of the von Bertalanffy growth function produced the most biologically reasonable values for males, based on observed data (L  = 253 cm FL, K = 0.125 year?1 (estimated longevity = 21 year), and L 0 = 72 cm). The 3-parameter version of the Gompertz growth function produced the most biologically reasonable estimates, for females (L  = 366 cm FL, K = 0.087 year?1 (estimated longevity = 38 year) and L 0 = 88 cm. Males and females were aged to 29 (260 cm FL) and 32 years (335 cm FL), respectively. Both sexes grew similarly to age 11 (207 cm FL, 212 cm FL for males and females, respectively) when the curve leveled in males and continued to rise in females. Age at 50% maturity was estimated at 8 years for males (185 cm FL) and 18 years for females (275 cm FL). The species grows slower, matures later and has a longer life span than previously reported in North Atlantic waters.  相似文献   
The interactions between systolic arterial pressure (SAP) and R-R interval (RR) fluctuations after acute myocardial infarction (AMI) were investigated by measures of synchronization separating the feedback from the feedforward control and capturing both linear and nonlinear contributions. The causal synchronization, evaluating the ability of RR to predict SAP (chi(s/t)) or vice versa (chi(t/s)), and the global synchronization (chi) were estimated at rest and after head-up tilt in 35 post-AMI patients, 20 young and 12 old. Significance and nonlinearity of the coupling were assessed by surrogate data analysis. Tilting increased the number of young subjects in which RR-SAP link was significant (from 17 to 19) and linear (from 11 to 18). In AMI, both significance and linearity of the coupling were low at rest (26 significant and 24 nonlinear) and further reduced after tilt (17 significant and 16 nonlinear). Old subjects showed a partial recovery of linearity after tilt (rest: 1 linear of 7 significant; tilt: 5 linear of 8 significant). In young subjects, the causal synchronization indexes were balanced and increased from rest (chi(t/s) = 0.072 +/- 0.037 and chi(s/t) = 0.054 +/- 0.028) to tilt (chi(t/s) = 0.125 +/- 0.071 and chi(s/t) = 0.108 +/- 0.053). On the contrary, in old subjects and AMI patients, the feedforward was prevalent to the feedback coupling at rest (old: chi(t/s) = 0.041 +/- 0.023 and chi(s/t) = 0.069 +/- 0.042; AMI: chi(t/s) = 0.050 +/- 0.030 and chi(s/t) = 0.089 +/- 0.053). Tilting blunted the unbalance in old subjects (chi(t/s) = 0.065 +/- 0.052 and chi(s/t) = 0.069 +/- 0.044) but not in AMI patients (chi(t/s) = 0.040 +/- 0.019 and chi(s/t) = 0.060 +/- 0.040). Thus, after AMI, nonlinear mechanisms are elicited in RR-SAP interactions. Furthermore, the neural regulation of the cardiovascular system resulted in imbalance as a consequence of impaired feedback and enhanced feedforward control mechanisms.  相似文献   
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