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The pathophysiological mechanisms underlining constipation are incompletely understood, but prolonged bed rest is commonly considered a relevant determinant.


Our primary aim was to study the effect of long-term physical inactivity on determining a new onset of constipation. Secondary aim were the evaluation of changes in stool frequency, bowel function and symptoms induced by this prolonged physical inactivity.


Ten healthy men underwent a 7-day run-in followed by 35-day study of experimentally-controlled bed rest. The study was sponsored by the Italian Space Agency. The onset of constipation was evaluated according to Rome III criteria for functional constipation. Abdominal bloating, flatulence, pain and urgency were assessed by a 100mm Visual Analog Scales and bowel function by adjectival scales (Bristol Stool Form Scale, ease of passage of stool and sense of incomplete evacuation). Daily measurements of bowel movements was summarized on a weekly score. Pre and post bed rest Quality of Life (SF-36), general health (Goldberg’s General Health) and depression mood (Zung scale) questionnaires were administered.


New onset of functional constipation fulfilling Rome III criteria was found in 60% (6/10) of participants (p=0.03). The score of flatulence significantly increased whilst the stool frequency significantly decreased during the week-by-week comparisons period (repeated-measures ANOVA, p=0.02 and p=0.001, respectively). Stool consistency and bowel symptoms were not influenced by prolonged physical inactivity. In addition, no significant changes were observed in general health, in mood state and in quality of life at the end of bed rest


Our results provide evidence that prolonged physical inactivity is relevant etiology in functional constipation in healthy individuals. The common clinical suggestion of early mobilization in bedridden patients is supported as well.  相似文献   
Synaptic transmission and plasticity mediated by NMDA receptors (NMDARs) could modulate the severity of multiple sclerosis (MS). Here the role of NMDARs in MS was first explored in 691 subjects carrying specific allelic variants of the NR1 subunit gene or of the NR2B subunit gene of this glutamate receptor. The analysis was replicated for significant SNPs in an independent sample of 1548 MS subjects. The C allele of rs4880213 was found to be associated with reduced NMDAR-mediated cortical excitability, and with increased probability of having more disability than the CT/TT MS subjects. MS severity was higher in the CC group among relapsing-remitting MS (RR-MS) patients, while primary progressive MS (PP-MS) subjects homozygous for the T allele had more pronounced clinical worsening. Mean time to first relapse, but not to an active MRI scan, was lower in the CC group of RR-MS patients, and the number of subjects with two or more clinical relapses in the first two years of the disease was higher in CC compared to CT/TT group. Furthermore, the percentage of relapses associated with residual disability was lower in subjects carrying the T allele. Lesion load at the MRI was conversely unaffected by the C or T allele of this SNP in RR-MS patients. Axonal and neuronal degeneration at the optical coherence tomography was more severe in the TT group of PP-MS patients, while reduced retinal nerve fiber thickness had less consequences on visual acuity in RR-MS patients bearing the T allele. Finally, the T allele was associated with preserved cognitive abilities at the Rao’s brief repeatable neuropsychological battery in RR-MS. Signaling through glutamate NMDARs enhances both compensatory synaptic plasticity and excitotoxic neurodegeneration, impacting in opposite ways on RR-MS and PP-MS pathophysiological mechanisms.  相似文献   
This work provides new length-weight information for seven species of freshwater fishes. The analyzed specimens were collected monthly during a year (April 2018–March 2019) in a coastal lagoon system and its associated streams in southern Uruguay. During each sampling campaign, fishes were captured using gillnets in the lagoon and electrofishing in the streams. This study reports a new maximum size for four species and the first length-weight relationship report for Gymnogeophagus terrapurpura. Length-weight estimates and their confidence intervals are provided for all species.  相似文献   
The aim of the present study was to simultaneously assess several potential predictors of outcome (co-morbidity, previous and in-hospital treatment, radiologic Brixia score) in patients with COVID-19.This retrospective cohort study included 258 consecutive patients with confirmed COVID-19 admitted to a medical ward at Montichiari Hospital, Brescia, Italy from February 28th to April 30rd, 2020. Patients had SARS-CoV-2 related pneumonia with respiratory failure, and were treated with hydroxychloroquine and lopinavir plus ritonavir. In some patients, additional treatment with tocilizumab, dexamethasone and enoxaparin was adopted. Outcomes (death or recovery) were assessed at the end of the discharge period or at the end of the follow-up (August 2020).During hospitalization, 59 patients died, while 6 died after discharge. The following variables were demonstrated to be associated with a worse prognosis: Radiologic Brixia score higher than 8, presence at baseline of hypertension, diabetes, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, heart disease, cancer, previous treatment with ACE-inhibitors or anti-platelet drugs. Anticoagulant treatment during hospital admission with enoxaparin at a dose higher than 4000 U once daily was associated with a better prognosis.In conclusion, our study demonstrates that some co-morbidities and cardiovascular risk factors may affect prognosis. The radiologic Brixia score may be a useful tool to stratify the risk of death at baseline. Anticoagulant treatment with enoxaparin might be associated to a clinical benefit in terms of survival in patients with COVID-19.  相似文献   
Long-distance migration in whales has historically been described as an annual, round-trip movement between high-latitude, summer feeding grounds, and low-latitude, winter breeding areas, but there is no consensus about why whales travel to the tropics to breed. Between January 2009 and February 2016, we satellite-tagged 62 antarctic killer whales (Orcinus orca) of four different ecotypes, of which at least three made short-term (6–8 weeks), long-distance (maximum 11,000 km, round trip), essentially nonstop, migrations to warm waters (SST 20°C–24°C), and back. We previously suggested that antarctic killer whales could conserve body heat in subfreezing (to −1.9°C) waters by reducing blood flow to their skin, but that this might preclude normal (i.e., continuous) epidermal molt, and necessitate periodic trips to warm waters for routine skin maintenance (“skin molt migration,” SMM). In contrast to the century-old “feeding/breeding” migration paradigm, but consistent with a “feeding/molting” hypothesis, the current study provides additional evidence that deferred skin molt could be the main driver of long-distance migration for antarctic killer whales. Furthermore, we argue that for all whales that forage in polar latitudes and migrate to tropical waters, SMM might also allow them to exploit rich prey resources in a physiologically challenging environment and maintain healthy skin.  相似文献   
Hydrobiologia - Due to an unfortunate turn of events, the incorrect caption of Fig. 2 appeared in the original publication. Figure 2 and its correct caption is published here and should be treated...  相似文献   
GABAA receptor mediated inhibition plays an important role in modulating the input/output dynamics of cerebellum. A characteristic of cerebellar GABAA receptors is the presence in cerebellar granule cells of subunits such as α6 and δ which give insensitivity to classical benzodiazepines. In fact, cerebellar GABAA receptors have generally been considered a poor model for testing drugs which potentially are active at the benzodiazepine site. In this overview we show how rat cerebellar granule cells in culture may be a useful model for studying new benzodiazepine site agonists. This is based on the pharmacological separation of diazepam-sensitive α1 β2/3 γ2 receptors from those which are diazepam-insensitive and contain the α6 subunit. This is achieved by utilizing furosemide/Zn2+ which block α6 containing and incomplete receptors.  相似文献   
Fragile X syndrome is caused by the expansion of an unstable CGG repeat in the 5′UTR of FMR1 gene. The occurrence of mosaicism is not uncommon, especially in male patients, whereas in females it is not so often reported. Here we report a female foetus that was subject to prenatal diagnosis, because of her mother being a premutation carrier. The foetus was identified as being a mosaic for an intermediate allele and a full mutation of FMR1 gene, in the presence of a normal allele. The mosaic status was confirmed in three different tissues of the foetus – amniotic fluid, skin biopsy and blood – the last two obtained after pregnancy termination. Karyotype analysis and X-chromosome STR markers analysis do not support the mosaicism as inheritance of both maternal alleles. Oligonucleotide array-CGH excluded an imbalance that could contain the primer binding site with a different repeat size. The obtained results give compelling evidence for a postzygotic expansion mechanism where the foetus mosaic pattern originated from expansion of the mother's premutation into a full mutation and consequent regression to an intermediate allele in a proportion of cells. These events occurred in early embryogenesis before the commitment of cells into the different tissues, as the three tested tissues of the foetus have the same mosaic pattern. The couple has a son with Fragile X mental retardation syndrome and choose to terminate this pregnancy after genetic counselling.  相似文献   
Evolutionary patterns of Clavatoraceae during the Malm and the Lower Cretaceous can be understood by considering how palaeoecological constraints of these charophytes were affected by palaeoenvironmental change. Speciation of Clavatoraceae reached maxima in the Tithonian and especially in the Lower Barremian, coinciding with an important areal extension and environmental diversification of freshwater swamps. Extinction reached a peak in the Upper Barremian, coinciding with the marine flooding of freshwater environments in Mesogea, and continued through the Aptian and Albian due to substitution of carbonatic freshwater swamps by terrigenous deltaic environments and probably by development of highly competitive aquatic flora of angiosperms. Anagenetic change within species attained maxima during the Berriasian and Lower Barremian, when freshwater environments became extensively developed. Absence of change (stasis) was marked during the Valanginian and Hauterivian, in a geological context of environmental stability and areal reduction of the freshwater environments.  相似文献   
Higher plants are exposed to natural environmental organic chemicals, associated with plant–environment interactions, and xenobiotic environmental organic chemicals, associated with anthropogenic activities. The effects of these chemicals result not only from interaction with metabolic targets, but also from interaction with the complex regulatory networks of hormone signaling. Purpose-designed plant hormone analogues thus show extensive signaling effects on gene regulation and are as such important for understanding plant hormone mechanisms and for manipulating plant growth and development. Some natural environmental chemicals also act on plants through interference with the perception and transduction of endogenous hormone signals. In a number of cases, bioactive xenobiotics, including herbicides that have been designed to affect specific metabolic targets, show extensive gene regulation effects, which are more in accordance with signaling effects than with consequences of metabolic effects. Some of these effects could be due to structural analogies with plant hormones or to interference with hormone metabolism, thus resulting in situations of hormone disruption similar to animal cell endocrine disruption by xenobiotics. These hormone-disrupting effects can be superimposed on parallel metabolic effects, thus indicating that toxicological characterisation of xenobiotics must take into consideration the whole range of signaling and metabolic effects. Hormone-disruptive signaling effects probably predominate when xenobiotic concentrations are low, as occurs in situations of residual low-level pollutions. These hormone-disruptive effects in plants may thus be of importance for understanding cryptic effects of low-dosage xenobiotics, as well as the interactive effects of mixtures of xenobiotic pollutants.  相似文献   
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