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Predicting enzyme class from protein structure parameters is a challenging problem in protein analysis. We developed a method to predict enzyme class that combines the strengths of statistical and data-mining methods. This method has a strong mathematical foundation and is simple to implement, achieving an accuracy of 45%. A comparison with the methods found in the literature designed to predict enzyme class showed that our method outperforms the existing methods.  相似文献   
Using manual and automated high throughput microscopy (HTM), ligand-dependent trafficking of green fluorescent protein-androgen receptor (GFP-AR) was analyzed in fixed and living cells to determine its spatial distribution, solubility, mobility, and co-activator interactions. Within minutes, addition of the agonist R1881 resulted translocation of GFP-AR from the cytoplasm to the nucleus, where it displayed a hyperspeckled pattern and extraction resistance in low expressing cells. AR antagonists (Casodex, hydroxyflutamide) also caused nuclear translocation, however, the antagonist-bound GFP-AR had a more diffuse nuclear distribution, distinct from the agonist-bound GFP-AR, and was completely soluble; overexpressed GFP-AR in treated cells was extraction resistant, independent of ligand type. To more dramatically show the different effects of ligand on AR distribution, we utilized an AR with a mutation in the DNA binding domain (ARC619Y) that forms distinct foci upon exposure to agonists but retains a diffuse nuclear distribution in the presence of antagonists. Live-cell imaging of this mutant demonstrated that cytoplasmic foci formation occurs immediately upon agonist but not antagonist addition. Fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP) revealed that agonist-bound GFP-AR exhibited reduced mobility relative to unliganded or antagonist-bound GFP-AR. Importantly, agonist-bound GFP-AR mobility was strongly affected by protein expression levels in transiently transfected cells, and displayed reduced mobility even in slightly overexpressing cells. Cyan fluorescent protein-AR (CFP-AR) and yellow fluorescent protein-CREB binding protein (YFP-CBP) in the presence of agonists and antagonists were used to demonstrate that CFP-AR specifically co-localizes with YFP-CBP in an agonist dependent manner. Dual FRAP experiments demonstrated that CBP mobility mirrored AR mobility only in the presence of agonist. HTM enabled simultaneous studies of the sub-cellular distribution of GFP-AR and ARC619Y in response to a range of concentrations of agonists and antagonists (ranging from 10(-12) to 10(-5)) in thousands of cells. These results further support the notion that ligand specific interactions rapidly affect receptor and co-factor organization, solubility, and molecular dynamics, and each can be aberrantly affected by mutation and overexpression.  相似文献   
Although prostate carcinoma is an aggressive cancer preferentially metastasizing to the bones, many prostate tumors remain localized and confined to the prostate indefinitely. Prediction of the behavior of anatomically localized and moderately differentiated prostate tumors remains difficult because of lack of prognostic markers. Cell motility is an important step in the progression of epithelial tumor toward invasive metastatic carcinomas and changes in the expression and function of adhesion molecules contribute to the acquisition of a more malignant phenotype. Proline-rich tyrosine kinase 2 (Pyk2) is implicated in regulating the organization of actin cytoskeleton, a process critical for cell migration, mitosis, and tumor metastasis. In this report, we investigated whether Pyk2 played a role in the acquisition of an aggressive phenotype in prostate cell. Data reported here demonstrate that loss of Pyk2 kinase function results in induction of cell motility and migration in EPN cells, a line of non-transformed epithelial cells derived from human normal prostate tissue. Changes in motility and migration of prostate cells were associated with changes in the expression of several proteins involved in cell adhesion and reorganization of actin cytoskeleton. Ablation of Pyk2 kinase activity caused a dramatic decrease of the expression of E-cadherin and IRS1 and an increase of the expression of alpha5-integrin. In addition, a massive reorganization of actin cytoskeleton was observed. Our data indicate that Pyk2 plays a central role in the mechanism that regulate cell-cell and cell-substrate interaction and lack of its kinase activity induces prostate cells to acquire a malignant, migrating phenotype.  相似文献   
Transplant patients are at high risk of post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorder (PTLD). A strong correlation between Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) and PTLD is observed in pediatric patients with primary infection after transplant. Because many patients have responded to reversal of immunosuppressive therapy, an early identification of EBV is essential for the reduction of immunosuppression and/or introduction of antiviral therapy to prevent PTLD. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is a specific and sensitive method to identify EBV DNA in blood. The aim of our study was to establish a protocol for monitoring EBV infection in transplanted patients for early identification those at high risk of PTLD. Viral presence in peripheral blood leukocytes (PBL) and serum samples was revealed by Nested PCR; positive specimens were quantified with Real Time PCR (RT-PCR). DNA in PBL was observed in 12 cases and 6 showed EBV in sera. Quantitative analysis showed a wide range of EBV DNA copies in leukocytes that were higher than in sera. Two patients displayed high viral load values in both PBL and sera associated with clinical evidence of PTLD. Our data suggest that the study of the EBV load represents an essential approach in the diagnosis of PTLD and the analysis of serum samples could provide useful information in the post-transplant monitoring of high-risk patients.  相似文献   
Mitochondrial disorders are a frequent cause of neurological disability affecting children and adults. Traditionally, molecular diagnosis of mitochondrial diseases was mostly accomplished by the use of Sanger sequencing and PCR–RFLP. However, there are particular drawbacks associated with the use of these methods. Recent multidisciplinary advances have led to new sequencing methods that may overcome these limitations. Our goal was to explore the use of a next generation sequencing platform in the molecular diagnosis of mitochondrial diseases reporting our findings in adult patients that present with a clinical-pathological diagnosis of a mitochondrial encephalomyopathy. Complete genomic sequences of mitochondrial DNA were obtained by 454 massive pyrosequencing from blood samples. The analysis of these sequences allowed us to identify two diagnostic pathogenic mutations and 74 homoplasmic polymorphisms, useful for obtaining high-resolution mitochondrial haplogroups. In summary, molecular diagnosis of mitochondrial disorders could be efficiently done from readily accessible samples, such as blood, with the use of a new sequencing platform.  相似文献   
Objectives: We have investigated foetal mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) obtained from first‐trimester chorionic villi (CV) and second‐trimester amniotic fluid (AF), comparing them to adult bone marrow‐derived MSCs. Materials and methods: We report on cell population growth in human allogeneic serum (HS) and platelet lysate (PL), immunophenotype, cytokine expression profile and immunoregulatory activity, of these foetal MSCs on stimulated peripheral blood mononuclear and lymphocyte subpopulations. Results: Chorionic villi cells grow rapidly in HS, with 20 populations doublings (PDs) after 59 days (six passages), and also in animal serum, with 27 PDs after 65 days (seven passages). PL allowed for expansion in 60% of the samples tested, although it was lower than in HS. HS supported an average of 40 PDs of expansion in 20% of AF cells after 90 days, whereas animal serum supported 28.5 PDs in 66 days. CV and AF cells inhibited proliferation of stimulated T lymphocytes, suppressing population growth of both CD4+ and CD8+ T subpopulations and sometimes also, CD19+ cells. Conclusions: Our results indicate that CV would be an optimal source of MSCs with high expansion potential in a HS propagation system and immunoregulatory capacity of T and B lymphocytes. More than 90% of CV samples achieved large‐scale expansion in HS, which is encouraging for potential clinical applications of these cells.  相似文献   
Evidence of prehistoric dentistry has been limited to a few cases, the most ancient dating back to the Neolithic. Here we report a 6500-year-old human mandible from Slovenia whose left canine crown bears the traces of a filling with beeswax. The use of different analytical techniques, including synchrotron radiation computed micro-tomography (micro-CT), Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (AMS) radiocarbon dating, Infrared (IR) Spectroscopy and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), has shown that the exposed area of dentine resulting from occlusal wear and the upper part of a vertical crack affecting enamel and dentin tissues were filled with beeswax shortly before or after the individual’s death. If the filling was done when the person was still alive, the intervention was likely aimed to relieve tooth sensitivity derived from either exposed dentine and/or the pain resulting from chewing on a cracked tooth: this would provide the earliest known direct evidence of therapeutic-palliative dental filling.  相似文献   
Long-duration comparative molecular dynamics simulations of the DNA-topoisomerase binary and DNA-topoisomerase-indenoisoquinoline ternary complexes have been carried out. The analyses demonstrated the role of the drug in conformationally stabilizing the protein-DNA interaction. In detail, the protein lips, clamping the DNA substrate, interact more tightly in the ternary complex than in the binary one. The drug also reduces the conformational space sampled by the protein linker domain through an increased interaction with the helix bundle proximal to the active site. A similar alteration of linker domain dynamics has been observed in a precedent work for topotecan but the molecular mechanisms were different if compared to those described in this work. Finally, the indenoisoquinoline keeps Lys532 far from the DNA, making it unable to participate in the religation reaction, indicating that both short- and long-range interactions contribute to the drug poisoning effect.  相似文献   
Caveolin-1 (Cav-1) is a structural protein present in invaginations of the cell membrane. In human breast cancer, the cav-1 gene is believed to be a tumor suppressor gene associated with inhibition of tumor metastasis. However, little is known about its expression, regulation and function in canine mammary tumors. Expression levels of cav-1 were investigated using real-time PCR and immunohistochemical detection with an anti-human Cav-1 antibody. Gene expression stability of different samples was analyzed using the geNorm software. Mammary tumors from 51 female dogs were compared to normal mammary tissue from 10 female dogs. Malignant mammary cells showed a loss of Cav-1 expression by quantitative RT-PCR and weak Cav-1 staining by immunohistochemistry compared to normal mammary gland tissue. There was a significant relationship between outcome and immunostaining as well as with tumor size, indicating that caveolin subexpression has a positive predictive value and is related to higher survival and smaller tumor size. Our findings indicate that Cav-1 is a potential prognostic marker for canine mammary tumors.  相似文献   
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