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In this review, we summarize current knowledge of perhaps one of the most intriguing phenomena in cell biology: the mitochondrial permeability transition pore (mPTP). This phenomenon, which was initially observed as a sudden loss of inner mitochondrial membrane impermeability caused by excessive calcium, has been studied for almost 50 years, and still no definitive answer has been provided regarding its mechanisms. From its initial consideration as an in vitro artifact to the current notion that the mPTP is a phenomenon with physiological and pathological implications, a long road has been travelled. We here summarize the role of mitochondria in cytosolic calcium control and the evolving concepts regarding the mitochondrial permeability transition (mPT) and the mPTP. We show how the evolving mPTP models and mechanisms, which involve many proposed mitochondrial protein components, have arisen from methodological advances and more complex biological models. We describe how scientific progress and methodological advances have allowed milestone discoveries on mPTP regulation and composition and its recognition as a valid target for drug development and a critical component of mitochondrial biology.  相似文献   
Several cross-sectional studies have documented neuroanatomical changes in individuals with a long history of meditation, while a few evidences are available about the interaction between neuroanatomical and psychological changes even during brief exposure to meditation. Here we analyzed several morphometric indexes at both cortical and subcortical brain level, as well as multiple psychological dimensions, before and after a brief -8 weeks- Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) training program, in a group of 23 meditation naïve-subjects compared to age-gender matched subjects. We found a significant cortical thickness increase in the right insula and the somatosensory cortex of MBSR trainees, coupled with a significant reduction of several psychological indices related to worry, state anxiety, depression and alexithymia. Most importantly, an interesting correlation between the increase in right insula thickness and the decrease in alexithymia levels during the MBSR training were observed. Moreover, a multivariate pattern classification approach allowed to identify a cluster of regions more responsive to MBSR training across subjects. Taken together, these findings documented the significant impact of a brief MBSR training on brain structures, as well as stressing the idea of MBSR as a valuable tool for alexithymia modulation, also originally providing a plausible neurobiological evidence of a major role of right insula into mediating the observed psychological changes.  相似文献   
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a fatal motor neuron disease. Mutations in the gene encoding copper/zinc superoxide dismutase-1 (SOD1) are responsible for most familiar cases, but the role of mutant SOD1 protein dysfunction in non-cell autonomous neurodegeneration, especially in relation to microglial activation, is still unclear. Here, we focused our study on microglial cells, which release SOD1 also through exosomes. We observed that in rat primary microglia the overexpression of the most-common SOD1 mutations linked to fALS (G93A and A4V) leads to SOD1 intracellular accumulation, which correlates to autophagy dysfunction and microglial activation. In primary contact co-cultures, fALS mutant SOD1 overexpression by microglial cells appears to be neurotoxic by itself. Treatment with the autophagy-inducer trehalose reduced mutant SOD1 accumulation in microglial cells, decreased microglial activation and abrogated neurotoxicity in the co-culture model. These data suggest that i) the alteration of the autophagic pathway due to mutant SOD1 overexpression is involved in microglial activation and neurotoxicity; ii) the induction of autophagy with trehalose reduces microglial SOD1 accumulation through proteasome degradation and activation, leading to neuroprotection. Our results provide a novel contribution towards better understanding key cellular mechanisms in non-cell autonomous ALS neurodegeneration.  相似文献   
The introduction of mass vaccination against Varicella-Zoster-Virus (VZV) is being delayed in many European countries because of, among other factors, the possibility of a large increase in Herpes Zoster (HZ) incidence in the first decades after the initiation of vaccination, due to the expected decline of the boosting of Cell Mediated Immunity caused by the reduced varicella circulation. A multi-country model of VZV transmission and reactivation, is used to evaluate the possible impact of varicella vaccination on HZ epidemiology in Italy, Finland and the UK. Despite the large uncertainty surrounding HZ and vaccine-related parameters, surprisingly robust medium-term predictions are provided, indicating that an increase in HZ incidence is likely to occur in countries where the incidence rate is lower in absence of immunization, possibly due to a higher force of boosting (e.g. Finland), whereas increases in HZ incidence might be minor where the force of boosting is milder (e.g. the UK). Moreover, a convergence of HZ post vaccination incidence levels in the examined countries is predicted despite different initial degrees of success of immunization policies. Unlike previous model-based evaluations, our investigation shows that after varicella immunization an increase of HZ incidence is not a certain fact, rather depends on the presence or absence of factors promoting a strong boosting intensity and which might or not be heavily affected by changes in varicella circulation due to mass immunization. These findings might explain the opposed empirical evidences observed about the increases of HZ in sites where mass varicella vaccination is ongoing.  相似文献   
We analysed a multiplex of financial and environmental networks between OECD countries from 2002 to 2010. Foreign direct investments and portfolio investment showing the flows in equity securities, short-term, long-term and total debt, these securities represent the financial layers; emissions of NO x, PM10, SO 2, CO 2 equivalent and the water footprint associated with international trade represent the environmental layers. We present a new measure of cross-layer correlations between flows in different layers based on reciprocity. For the assessment of results, we implement a null model for this measure based on the exponential random graph theory. We find that short-term financial flows are more correlated with environmental flows than long-term investments. Moreover, the correlations between reverse financial and environmental flows (i.e. the flows of different layers going in opposite directions) are generally stronger than correlations between synergic flows (flows going in the same direction). This suggests a trade-off between financial and environmental layers, where, more financialised countries display higher correlations between outgoing financial flows and incoming environmental flows than from lower financialised countries. Five countries are identified as hubs in this finance-environment multiplex: The United States, France, Germany, Belgium-Luxembourg and United Kingdom.  相似文献   
Mammalian Heat Shock Proteins (HSP), have potent immune-stimulatory properties due to the natural capability to associate with polypeptides and bind receptors on antigen presenting cells. The present study was aimed to explore whether plant HSP, and in particular HSP70, share similar properties. We wanted in particular to evaluate if HSP70 extracted in association to naturally bound polypeptides from plant tissues expressing a recombinant “reporter” antigen, carry antigen-derived polypeptides and can be used to activate antigen-specific immune responses. This application of HSP70 has been very poorly investigated so far. The analysis started by structurally modeling the plant protein and defining the conditions that ensure maximal expression levels and optimal recovery from plant tissues. Afterwards, HSP70 was purified from Nicotiana benthamiana leaves transiently expressing a heterologous “reporter” protein. The purification was carried out taking care to avoid the release from HSP70 of the polypeptides chaperoned within plant cells. The evaluation of antibody titers in mice sera subsequent to the subcutaneous delivery of the purified HSP70 demonstrated that it is highly effective in priming humoral immune responses specific to the plant expressed “reporter” protein. Overall results indicated that plant-derived HSP70 shares structural and functional properties with the mammalian homologue. This study paves the way to further investigations targeted at determining the properties of HSP70 extracted from plants expressing foreign recombinant antigens as a readily available immunological carrier for the efficient delivery of polypeptides derived from these antigens.  相似文献   
A novel beta-carboline with benzodiazepine-like properties has recently been synthesized. We compared the effect of the i.v. administration of this drug, ZK 93423, with diazepam on the activity of nigral pars reticulata neurons which are known to be very sensitive to the inhibitory effect produced by GABA-mimetics and benzodiazepines. ZK 93423 (0.05-1.0 mg/kg) inhibited reticulata cells in a dose-related manner up to the cessation of their activity. Since the maximal rate-inhibition elicited by diazepam (1.0 mg/kg) was some 55% of baseline, ZK 93423 showed a much greater potency. Moreover, the firing depression by ZK 93423 was prevented and reversed by two benzodiazepine receptor antagonists: Ro15-1788 and ZK 93426. However, the dosage of Ro15-1788 required for these actions was at least five times higher than that for the blockade of the diazepam effect. The results indicate that the beta-carboline agonist ZK 93423 decreases the activity of reticulata neurons more effectively than diazepam.  相似文献   
Microdeletions at exon 19 are the most frequent genetic alterations affecting the Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor (EGFR) gene in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) and they are strongly associated with response to treatment with tyrosine kinase inhibitors. A series of 116 NSCLC DNA samples investigated by Sanger Sequencing (SS), including 106 samples carrying exon 19 EGFR deletions and 10 without deletions (control samples), were subjected to deep next generation sequencing (NGS). All samples with deletions at SS showed deletions with NGS. No deletions were seen in control cases. In 93 (88%) cases, deletions detected by NGS were exactly corresponding to those identified by SS. In 13 cases (12%) NGS resolved deletions not accurately characterized by SS. In 21 (20%) cases the NGS showed presence of complex (double/multiple) frameshift deletions producing a net in-frame change. In 5 of these cases the SS could not define the exact sequence of mutant alleles, in the other 16 cases the results obtained by SS were conventionally considered as deletions plus insertions. Different interpretative hypotheses for complex mutations are discussed. In 46 (43%) tumors deep NGS showed, for the first time to our knowledge, subpopulations of DNA molecules carrying EGFR deletions different from the main one. Each of these subpopulations accounted for 0.1% to 17% of the genomic DNA in the different tumors investigated. Our findings suggest that a region in exon 19 is highly unstable in a large proportion of patients carrying EGFR deletions. As a corollary to this study, NGS data were compared with those obtained by immunohistochemistry using the 6B6 anti-mutant EGFR antibody. The immunoreaction was E746-A750del specific. In conclusion, NGS analysis of EGFR exon 19 in NSCLCs allowed us to formulate a new interpretative hypothesis for complex mutations and revealed the presence of subpopulations of deletions with potential pathogenetic and clinical impact.  相似文献   
Cellular prion protein (PrPc) is a ubiquitous glycoprotein, whose physiological role is poorly characterized. It has been suggested that PrPc participates in neuritogenesis, neuroprotection, copper metabolism, and signal transduction. In this study we detailed the intracellular events induced by PrPc antibody-mediated cross-linking in PC12 cells. We found a Fyn-dependent activation of the Ras-Raf pathway, which leads to a rapid and transient phosphorylation of extracellular regulated kinases. In addition, this activation cascade relies on the engagement of integrins, and involves focal adhesion kinase activation. We demonstrated the tyrosine phosphorylation of caveolin-1 as a consequence of PrPc stimulation, and showed that phosphocaveolin-1 scaffolds and coordinates protein complexes involved in PrPc-dependent signaling. Moreover, we found that caveolin-1 phosphorylation, is a mechanism for recruiting the C-terminal Src kinase and inactivating Fyn, so as to terminate cell signaling. Furthermore our data support a significant role for PrPc as a response mediator in neuritogenesis and cell differentiation.  相似文献   
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