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Bisschop, Anja, Ghislaine Gayan-Ramirez, HélèneRollier, P. N. Richard Dekhuijzen, René Dom, Vera de Bock, andMarc Decramer. Effects of nandrolone decanoate on respiratory and peripheral muscles in male and female rats. J. Appl.Physiol. 82(4): 1112-1118, 1997.Thirty maleand 18 female adult rats received weekly an intramuscular injection ofeither saline (control; C), 1.5 mg/kg (low-dose; LD) nandrolonedecanoate or 7.5 mg/kg (high-dose; HD) nandrolone decanoate during 5 wk. Compared with respective C, growth rate was stunted in male HD ratsfrom 2 wk of treatment on, whereas it was enhanced in female LD and HDrats after 1 wk. Mass of all muscles studied varied proportionally tobody weight, except for the gastrocnemius (males: 0.49 ± 0.04 vs. C: 0.52 ± 0.03%, not significant; females: 0.17 ± 0.01 vs. C: 0.15 ± 0.01%, P < 0.05). In vitro contractile andfatigue properties of the diaphragm remained unchanged, except for adecrease in twitch kinetics (time to peak tension: C, 21 ± 2; LD,19 ± 1; HD, 19 ± 2 ms, P < 0.05; half-relaxation time: C, 26 ± 5, LD, 25 ± 5, HD, 23 ± 3 ms, P < 0.01).Histochemistry of the diaphragm and the gastrocnemius revealed asignificant increase in type IIx/b dimensions. In the gastrocnemius,type I fiber dimensions also increased. A pair-fed study, includinganother 24 female rats, showed that the changes in oral food intakeonly partly accounted for the observed anabolic effects.

Drechmeria coniospora is an obligate fungal pathogen that infects nematodes via the adhesion of specialized spores to the host cuticle. D. coniospora is frequently found associated with Caenorhabditis elegans in environmental samples. It is used in the study of the nematode’s response to fungal infection. Full understanding of this bi-partite interaction requires knowledge of the pathogen’s genome, analysis of its gene expression program and a capacity for genetic engineering. The acquisition of all three is reported here. A phylogenetic analysis placed D. coniospora close to the truffle parasite Tolypocladium ophioglossoides, and Hirsutella minnesotensis, another nematophagous fungus. Ascomycete nematopathogenicity is polyphyletic; D. coniospora represents a branch that has not been molecularly characterized. A detailed in silico functional analysis, comparing D. coniospora to 11 fungal species, revealed genes and gene families potentially involved in virulence and showed it to be a highly specialized pathogen. A targeted comparison with nematophagous fungi highlighted D. coniospora-specific genes and a core set of genes associated with nematode parasitism. A comparative gene expression analysis of samples from fungal spores and mycelia, and infected C. elegans, gave a molecular view of the different stages of the D. coniospora lifecycle. Transformation of D. coniospora allowed targeted gene knock-out and the production of fungus that expresses fluorescent reporter genes. It also permitted the initial characterisation of a potential fungal counter-defensive strategy, involving interference with a host antimicrobial mechanism. This high-quality annotated genome for D. coniospora gives insights into the evolution and virulence of nematode-destroying fungi. Coupled with genetic transformation, it opens the way for molecular dissection of D. coniospora physiology, and will allow both sides of the interaction between D. coniospora and C. elegans, as well as the evolutionary arms race that exists between pathogen and host, to be studied.  相似文献   
HPLC allowed separation of twelve major labeled compounds after injection of 3H-ecdysone into Pieris pharate pupae. These compounds were identified as six pairs of metabolites (3α and 3β epimers), comprising ecdysone, 20-hydroxyecdysone, 26-hydroxyecdysone, 20,26-dihydroxy-ecdysone and the polar metabolites P and 20-hydroxy-P. These last two products could not be enzymatically split by any hydrolase tested and are weak acids arising respectively from 26-hydroxyecdysone and 20,26-dihydroxyecdysone. They might be 26-oic compounds.Epimerization appears as a fundamental inactivation process in Pieris and could well be a general characteristic of closed systems (eggs and pupae). No significant amounts of hydrolyzable conjugates were detected in our biological system (pharate pupae and pupae).  相似文献   
We have compared the early development (0-4h) of two acute non-specific inflammatory reactions induced by the intrapleural injection of isologous serum or a suspension of CaPP crystals. The intensity of the reactions was assessed in terms of the exudate volume, the number and ratio of pleural cells and different cell functions and secretions. The number of exudative cells elicited by isologous serum was higher than with CaPP but the PMN/Monocytes ratio was the same. The amount of protein in the serum-induced exudate was constant from 1 h to 4 h and was similar in the CaPP-induced pleural exudate at the latter time. The amount of complement increased similarly in the two models. The chemotactic potency of the exudates and cell supernatants following incubation showed similar values in the two models. Eicosanoid levels were higher in CaPP--than in isologous serum-induced exudates. Prostacyclin and peptidoleukotrienes were released in specially large amounts at the very outset of the inflammatory reactions.  相似文献   
Cutaneous malignant melanoma of Sinclair swine (SSCM) is an inherited neoplasm present at birth in a majority of affected animals. We have characterized the swine leucocyte antigen (SLA) complex of the Sinclair herd at Texas A & M University using a one-way mixed lymphocyte test and found that one particular haplotype, arbitrarily identified as haplotype B, is associated with the expression of SSCM. Only a single dose of the B haplotype is required for a dominant allele at a 'tumour initiator' locus to be fully penetrant. In addition, swine homozygous for haplotype B develop more primary tumours between birth and weaning than those heterozygous for the B haplotype. Taken together, these findings indicate that tumour initiation, in utero, and expression between birth and weaning may involve different mechanisms.  相似文献   
Acid mine drainage (AMD) is a highly toxic environment for most living organisms due to the presence of many lethal elements including arsenic (As). Thiomonas (Tm.) bacteria are found ubiquitously in AMD and can withstand these extreme conditions, in part because they are able to oxidize arsenite. In order to further improve our knowledge concerning the adaptive capacities of these bacteria, we sequenced and assembled the genome of six isolates derived from the Carnoulès AMD, and compared them to the genomes of Tm. arsenitoxydans 3As (isolated from the same site) and Tm. intermedia K12 (isolated from a sewage pipe). A detailed analysis of the Tm. sp. CB2 genome revealed various rearrangements had occurred in comparison to what was observed in 3As and K12 and over 20 genomic islands (GEIs) were found in each of these three genomes. We performed a detailed comparison of the two arsenic-related islands found in CB2, carrying the genes required for arsenite oxidation and As resistance, with those found in K12, 3As, and five other Thiomonas strains also isolated from Carnoulès (CB1, CB3, CB6, ACO3 and ACO7). Our results suggest that these arsenic-related islands have evolved differentially in these closely related Thiomonas strains, leading to divergent capacities to survive in As rich environments.  相似文献   
Proteomics has changed the way proteins are analyzed in living systems. This approach has been applied to blood products and protein profiling has evolved in parallel with the development of techniques. The identification of proteins belonging to red blood cell, platelets or plasma was achieved at the end of the last century. Then, the questions on the applications emerged. Hence, several studies have focused on problems related to blood banking and products, such as the aging of blood products, identification of biomarkers, related diseases and the protein-protein interactions. More recently, a mass spectrometry-based proteomics approach to quality control has been applied in order to offer solutions and improve the quality of blood products. The current challenge we face is developing a closer relationship between transfusion medicine and proteomics. In this article, these issues will be approached by focusing first on the proteome identification of blood products and then on the applications and future developments within the field of proteomics and blood products.  相似文献   
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