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Recently, recombinant baculoviruses have been used to show that expression of six herpes simplex virus type 1 genes results in the formation of capsid-like particles. We have applied cryoelectron microscopy and three-dimensional image reconstruction to establish their structural authenticity to a resolution of approximately 2.7 nm. By comparing capsids assembled with and without the expression of gene UL35, we have confirmed the presence of six copies of its product, VP26 (12 kDa), around each hexon tip. However, VP26 is not present on pentons, indicating that the conformational differences between the hexon and penton states of the major capsid protein, VP5, extend to the VP26 binding site.  相似文献   
Herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) capsids were found to assemble spontaneously in a cell-free system consisting of extracts prepared from insect cells that had been infected with recombinant baculoviruses coding for HSV-1 capsid proteins. The capsids formed in this system resembled native HSV-1 capsids in morphology as judged by electron microscopy, in sedimentation rate on sucrose density gradients, in protein composition, and in their ability to react with antibodies specific for the HSV-1 major capsid protein, VP5. Optimal capsid assembly required the presence of extracts containing capsid proteins VP5, VP19, VP23, VP22a, and the maturational protease (product of the UL26 gene). Assembly was more efficient at 27 degrees C than at 4 degrees C. The availability of a cell-free assay for HSV-1 capsid formation will be of help in identifying the morphogenetic steps that occur during capsid assembly in vivo and in evaluating candidate antiherpes therapeutics directed at capsid assembly.  相似文献   
Discrimination of Leishmaniainfantum and L. donovani, the members of the L. (L.) donovani complex, is important for diagnosis and epidemiological studies of visceral leishmaniasis (VL). We have developed two molecular tools including a restriction fragment length polymorphisms of amplified DNA (PCR-RFLP) and a PCR that are capable to discriminate L. donovani from L. infantum. Typing of the complex was performed by a simple PCR of cysteineproteaseB (cpb) gene followed by digestion with DraIII. The enzyme cuts the 741-bp amplicon of L. donovani into 400 and 341 bp fragments whereas the 702 bp of L. infantum remains intact. The designed PCR species-specific primer pair is specific for L. donovani and is capable of amplifying a 317 bp of 3’ end of cpb gene of L. donovani whereas it does not generate an amplicon for L. infantum. The species-specific primers and the restriction enzyme were designed based on a 39 bp insertion/deletion (indel) in the middle of the cpb gene. Both assays could differentiate correctly the two species and are reliable and high-throughput alternatives for molecular diagnosis and epidemiological studies of VL in various foci.  相似文献   
Herpes simplex type 1 virus (HSV-1) and bacteriophage λ capsids undergo considerable structural changes during self-assembly and DNA packaging. The initial steps of viral capsid self-assembly require weak, non-covalent interactions between the capsid subunits to ensure free energy minimization and error-free assembly. In the final stages of DNA packaging, however, the internal genome pressure dramatically increases, requiring significant capsid strength to withstand high internal genome pressures of tens of atmospheres. Our data reveal that the loosely formed capsid structure is reinforced post-assembly by the minor capsid protein UL25 in HSV-1 and gpD in bacteriophage λ. Using atomic force microscopy nano-indentation analysis, we show that the capsid becomes stiffer upon binding of UL25 and gpD due to increased structural stability. At the same time the force required to break the capsid increases by ∼70% for both herpes and phage. This demonstrates a universal and evolutionarily conserved function of the minor capsid protein: facilitating the retention of the pressurized viral genome in the capsid. Since all eight human herpesviruses have UL25 orthologs, this discovery offers new opportunities to interfere with herpes replication by disrupting the precise force balance between the encapsidated DNA and the capsid proteins crucial for viral replication.  相似文献   
Mitophagy removes defective mitochondria via lysosomal elimination. Increased mitophagy coincides with metabolic reprogramming, yet it remains unknown whether mitophagy is a cause or consequence of such state changes. The signalling pathways that integrate with mitophagy to sustain cell and tissue integrity also remain poorly defined. We performed temporal metabolomics on mammalian cells treated with deferiprone, a therapeutic iron chelator that stimulates PINK1/PARKIN‐independent mitophagy. Iron depletion profoundly rewired the metabolome, hallmarked by remodelling of lipid metabolism within minutes of treatment. DGAT1‐dependent lipid droplet biosynthesis occurred several hours before mitochondrial clearance, with lipid droplets bordering mitochondria upon iron chelation. We demonstrate that DGAT1 inhibition restricts mitophagy in vitro, with impaired lysosomal homeostasis and cell viability. Importantly, genetic depletion of DGAT1 in vivo significantly impaired neuronal mitophagy and locomotor function in Drosophila. Our data define iron depletion as a potent signal that rapidly reshapes metabolism and establishes an unexpected synergy between lipid homeostasis and mitophagy that safeguards cell and tissue integrity.  相似文献   
Early ripening and susceptibility to microbial infection are major postharvest problems in papaya fruits. Being a tropical climacteric fruit, low-temperature storage is not successful in papaya. In this study, we demonstrate the effect of aqueous salicylic acid (1 and 2 mM), nitric oxide (1 and 2 mM), and calcium chloride (1 and 2%) to enhance the papaya shelf life at the ambient conditions with reduced disease incidence. Calcium chloride 2% was the most effective for maintaining postharvest quality. The fruits had good firmness and maintained TSS, acidity, total chlorophyll, free radical scavenging activity and ascorbic acid on the 6th day during ambient storage. Moreover, the weight loss, yellow color development and disease incidence were minimum in calcium chloride 2%, followed by 1% solution of calcium chloride. The nitric oxide (2 mM) maintained higher antioxidant capacity and total phenol content in fruits that was followed by 1 mM salicylic acid during storage. The result suggests that application of calcium chloride 2% could be an easy and effective technique for extending the shelf life without impairing fruit quality during storage.  相似文献   
The fatty-acid composition of follicular fluid from small and large developing follicles was analysed and the effects of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids on spontaneous breakdown of germinal vesicles were investigated. Fatty acids were bound to bovine serum albumin and cultured with oocytes at 100 mumol/l. Linoleic acid (18:2) was the only fatty acid tested that significantly inhibited breakdown of germinal vesicles (P less than 0.01). The effect was dose-dependent and was greatest at 50 mumol fatty acid/l (% breakdown of control, 81.1 +/- 6.8 vs. 50 mumol linoleic acid/l, 35.4 +/- 7.3; P less than 0.02). Linoleic acid was the major fatty acid, constituting about a third of the total fatty acid in the follicular fluid; followed by 18.9 +/- 1.0% and 16.9 +/- 1.3% oleic acid (18:1) in small and large follicles, respectively. Saturated fatty acids accounted for less than 30% of the total fatty acid composition. There was a marked absence of tetraenoic acids in small and large follicles. Proportions of linoleic acid were significantly lower in follicular fluid from large follicles (31.1 +/- 1.2% of total fatty acid) than from small follicles (34.8 +/- 0.7% of total fatty acid) (P less than 0.05) and there was a significant inverse correlation between follicle diameter and percentage of linoleic acid in the follicular fluid (r = -0.6966; P less than 0.05). There was no significant alteration in any other fatty acid during follicular development.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
The aim of the current study was to investigate the effect of inhibition of nitric oxide (NO) production after injury on inflammatory cell accumulation and fibrosis around digital flexor tendon and synovium. A standard crush injury was applied to the flexor tendons of the middle digit of the hindpaw and the overlying muscle and synovium of female Wistar rats. Thirty animals received an intraperitoneal injection of either isotonic saline or N(G)-nitro-l-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME; 5 mg/kg) immediately following the crush injury, and five animals were then sacrificed at various intervals and the paws processed for histology. Another group of five animals was sacrificed after 3 days for nitrite determinations. The results showed that nitrite production and hence NO synthase activity is doubled at the acute phase of tendon wound healing, and we can prevent this by administering a single dose of L-NAME immediately after injury. The incidence and severity of fibrocellular adhesions between tendon and synovium was much more marked in animals treated with L-NAME. Treatment with L-NAME elicited a chronic inflammatory response characterised by a persistent and extraordinarily severe accumulation of large numbers of inflammatory cells in the subcutaneous tissues, in muscle and in tendon. These findings indicate that in the case of injured tendon and synovium, NO could act to protect the healing tissue from an uncontrolled inflammatory response.  相似文献   
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