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The following report with recommendations is the result of an expert panel meeting on soft sensor applications in bioprocess engineering that was organized by the Measurement, Monitoring, Modelling and Control (M3C) Working Group of the European Federation of Biotechnology - Section of Biochemical Engineering Science (ESBES). The aim of the panel was to provide an update on the present status of the subject and to identify critical needs and issues for the furthering of the successful development of soft sensor methods in bioprocess engineering research and for industrial applications, in particular with focus on biopharmaceutical applications. It concludes with a set of recommendations, which highlight current prospects for the extended use of soft sensors and those areas requiring development.  相似文献   
It remains unexplored in what way osteogenic stimulation with dexamethasone, ascorbic acid and β-glycerol phosphate (DAG) influences the process of mineralization, the composition and structure of the assembled mineral. Therefore, we analyzed and characterized biomineralization in DAG-stimulated and unstimulated 3D human unrestricted somatic stem cell (USSC) cultures. Microspheres were analyzed by histological staining, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), semi-quantitative energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX), quantitative wavelength-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (WDX), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), selected area electron diffraction (SAED) and Raman spectroscopy.Mineral material was detected by SEM and histological staining in both groups, and showed structural differences. DAG influenced the differentiation of USSCs and the formation, structure and composition of the assembled mineral. SEM showed that cells of the + DAG spheres exhibited morphological signs of osteoblast-like cells. EDX and WDX confirmed a Ca-P mineral in both groups. Overall, the mineral material found showed structural similarities to the mineral substance of bony material.  相似文献   

Background & Aims

Primary hepatocytes are of great importance for basic research as well as cell transplantation. However, their stability, especially in suspension, is very low. This feature severely compromises storage and shipment. Based on previous studies with adherent cells, we here assessed cold storage injury in rat hepatocyte suspensions and aimed to find a cold storage solution that preserves viability, attachment ability and functionality of these cells.


Rat hepatocyte suspensions were stored in cell culture medium, organ preservation solutions and modified TiProtec solutions at 4°C for one week. Viability and cell volume were determined by flow cytometry. Thereafter, cells were seeded and density and metabolic capacity (reductive metabolism, forskolin-induced glucose release, urea production) of adherent cells were assessed.


Cold storage injury in hepatocyte suspensions became evident as cell death occurring during cold storage or rewarming or as loss of attachment ability. Cell death during cold storage was not dependent on cell swelling and was almost completely inhibited in the presence of glycine and L-alanine. Cell attachment could be greatly improved by use of chloride-poor solutions and addition of iron chelators. Using a chloride-poor, potassium-rich storage solution containing glycine, alanine and iron chelators, cultures with 75% of the density of control cultures and with practically normal cell metabolism could be obtained after one week of cold storage.


In the solution presented here, cold storage injury of hepatocyte suspensions, differing from that of adherent hepatocytes, was effectively inhibited. The components which acted on the different injurious processes were identified.  相似文献   
We have previously shown that Th2-polarized airway inflammation facilitates sensitization towards new, protein antigens. In this context, we could demonstrate that IL-4 needs to act on cells of the hematopoetic and the structural compartment in order to facilitate sensitization towards new antigens. We thus aimed to elucidate possible mechanisms of action of IL-4 on structural cells choosing to analyze pulmonary epithelial cells as an important part of the lung''s structural system. We used a co-culture system of DC- or APC-dependent in vitro priming of T cells, co-cultivated on a layer of cells of a murine pulmonary epithelial cell line (LA-4) pretreated with or without IL-4. Effects on T cell priming were analyzed via CFSE-dilution and flow cytometric assessment of activation status. Pulmonary epithelial cells suppressed T cell proliferation in vitro but this effect was attenuated by pre-treatment of the epithelial cells with IL-4. Transwell experiments suggest that epithelial-mediated suppression of T cell activation is mostly cell-contact dependent and leads to attenuation in an early naive T cell phenotype. Secretion of soluble factors like TARC, TSLP, GM-CSF and CCL20 by epithelial cells did not change after IL-4 treatment. However, analysis of co-stimulatory expression on pulmonary epithelial cells revealed that pre-treatment of epithelial cells with IL-4 changed expression GITR-L, suggesting a possible mechanism for the effects observed. Our studies provide new insight into the role of IL-4 during the early phases of pulmonary sensitization: The inhibitory activity of pulmonary epithelial cells in homeostasis is reversed in the presence of IL-4, which is secreted in the context of Th2-dominated allergic airway inflammation. This mechanism might serve to explain facilitated sensitization in the clinical context of polysensitization where due to a pre-existing sensitization increased levels of IL-4 in the airways might facilitate T cell priming towards new antigens.  相似文献   
Policy discussions about the feasibility of massively scaling up antiretroviral therapy (ART) to reduce HIV transmission and incidence hinge on accurately projecting the cost of such scale-up in comparison to the benefits from reduced HIV incidence and mortality. We review the available literature on modelled estimates of the cost of providing ART to different populations around the world, and suggest alternative methods of characterising cost when modelling several decades into the future. In past economic analyses of ART provision, costs were often assumed to vary by disease stage and treatment regimen, but for treatment as prevention, in particular, most analyses assume a uniform cost per patient. This approach disregards variables that can affect unit cost, such as differences in factor prices (i.e., the prices of supplies and services) and the scale and scope of operations (i.e., the sizes and types of facilities providing ART). We discuss several of these variables, and then present a worked example of a flexible cost function used to determine the effect of scale on the cost of a proposed scale-up of treatment as prevention in South Africa. Adjusting previously estimated costs of universal testing and treatment in South Africa for diseconomies of small scale, i.e., more patients being treated in smaller facilities, adds 42% to the expected future cost of the intervention.  相似文献   
Transplantation of primary human hepatocytes is a promising approach in certain liver diseases. For the visualization of the hepa-tocytes during and following cell application and the ability of a timely response to potential complications, a non-invasive modality for imaging the transplanted cells has to be established. The aim of this study was to label primary human hepatocytes with micron-sized iron oxide particles (MPIOs), enabling the detection of cells by clinical magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Primary human hepatocytes isolated from 13 different donors were used for the labelling experiments. Following the dose-finding studies, hepatocytes were incubated with 30 particles/cell for 4 hrs in an adhesion culture. Particle incorporation was investigated via light, fluorescence and electron microscopy, and labelled cells were fixed and analysed in an agarose suspension by a 3.0 Tesla MR scanner. The hepatocytes were enzymatically resuspended and analysed during a 5-day reculture period for viability, total protein, enzyme leakage (aspartate aminotransferase [AST], lactate dehydrogenase [LDH]) and metabolic activity (urea, albumin). A mean uptake of 18 particles/cell could be observed, and the primary human hepatocytes were clearly detectable by MR instrumentation. The particle load was not affected by resuspension and showed no alternations during the culture period. Compared to control groups, labelling and resuspension had no adverse effects on the viability, enzyme leakage and metabolic activity of the human hepatocytes. The feasibility of preparing MPIO-labelled primary human hepatocytes detectable by clinical MR equipment was shown in vitro. MPIO-labelled cells could serve for basic research and quality control in the clinical setting of human hepatocyte transplantation.  相似文献   
Plant-bacterial combinations can increase contaminant degradation in the rhizosphere, but the role played by indigenous root-associated bacteria during plant growth in contaminated soils is unclear. The purpose of this study was to determine if plants had the ability to selectively enhance the prevalence of endophytes containing pollutant catabolic genes in unrelated environments contaminated with different pollutants. At petroleum hydrocarbon contaminated sites, two genes encoding hydrocarbon degradation, alkane monooxygenase (alkB) and naphthalene dioxygenase (ndoB), were two and four times more prevalent in bacteria extracted from the root interior (endophytic) than from the bulk soil and sediment, respectively. In field sites contaminated with nitroaromatics, two genes encoding nitrotoluene degradation, 2-nitrotoluene reductase (ntdAa) and nitrotoluene monooxygenase (ntnM), were 7 to 14 times more prevalent in endophytic bacteria. The addition of petroleum to sediment doubled the prevalence of ndoB-positive endophytes in Scirpus pungens, indicating that the numbers of endophytes containing catabolic genotypes were dependent on the presence and concentration of contaminants. Similarly, the numbers of alkB- or ndoB-positive endophytes in Festuca arundinacea were correlated with the concentration of creosote in the soil but not with the numbers of alkB- or ndoB-positive bacteria in the bulk soil. Our results indicate that the enrichment of catabolic genotypes in the root interior is both plant and contaminant dependent.  相似文献   
Cryopreservation is the only long-term storage option for the storage of vessels and vascular constructs. However, endothelial barrier function is almost completely lost after cryopreservation in most established cryopreservation solutions. We here aimed to improve endothelial function after cryopreservation using the 2D-model of porcine aortic endothelial cell monolayers.?The monolayers were cryopreserved in cell culture medium or cold storage solutions based on the 4°C vascular preservation solution TiProtec®, all supplemented with 10% DMSO, using different temperature gradients. After short-term storage at ?80°C, monolayers were rapidly thawed and re-cultured in cell culture medium.?Thawing after cryopreservation in cell culture medium caused both immediate and delayed cell death, resulting in 11 ± 5% living cells after 24 h of re-culture. After cryopreservation in TiProtec and chloride-poor modifications thereof, the proportion of adherent viable cells was markedly increased compared to cryopreservation in cell culture medium (TiProtec: 38 ± 11%, modified TiProtec solutions ≥ 50%). Using these solutions, cells cryopreserved in a sub-confluent state were able to proliferate during re-culture. Mitochondrial fragmentation was observed in all solutions, but was partially reversible after cryopreservation in TiProtec and almost completely reversible in modified solutions within 3 h of re-culture. The superior protection of TiProtec and its modifications was apparent at all temperature gradients; however, best results were achieved with a cooling rate of ?1°C/min.?In conclusion, the use of TiProtec or modifications thereof as base solution for cryopreservation greatly improved cryopreservation results for endothelial monolayers in terms of survival and of monolayer and mitochondrial integrity.  相似文献   
Diminished parasympathetic reactivity is a physiological feature of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The objective of this study was to compare female PTSD patients with non-traumatized healthy women with respect to autonomic cardiovascular regulation during exposure to two stressors. Hospitalized PTSD patients (n = 52) and controls (n = 37) completed standardized laboratory-based stress testing including a mental arithmetic test and a standardized audiotape recording of a crying infant. Controls and PTSD patients both showed a significantly increased heart rate and reduced pre-ejection period from baseline rest to the arithmetic stressor. However, as judged from nonsignificant changes in baroreflex sensitivity, parasympathetic activation caused by the crying infant stressor was blunted in PTSD patients as compared to healthy individuals. Under the crying infant condition, a vagal dominance was observed only in controls, and not in PTSD patients. Our data demonstrate that, in PTSD patients, diminished parasympathetic reactivity is not restricted to trauma-related events but can also be observed in response to a social stimulus such as listening to a crying infant. This finding suggests that the altered vagal reactivity in PTSD patients reflects the physiological consequences of a generally disturbed autonomous response to emotionally relevant stressors.  相似文献   
Demyelinating diseases of the nervous system cause axon loss but the underlying mechanisms are not well understood. Here we show by confocal and electron microscopy that in myelin-forming glia peroxisomes are associated with myelin membranes. When peroxisome biogenesis is experimentally perturbed in Pex5 conditional mouse mutants, myelination by Schwann cells appears initially normal. However, in nerves of older mice paranodal loops become physically unstable and develop swellings filled with vesicles and electron-dense material. This novel model of a demyelinating neuropathy demonstrates that peroxisomes serve an important function in the peripheral myelin compartment, required for long-term axonal integrity.  相似文献   
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