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Farm animals may serve as models for evaluating social networks in a controlled environment. We used an automated system to track, at fine temporal and spatial resolution (once per minute, ±50 cm) every individual in six herds of dairy cows ( Bos taurus ). We then analysed the data using social network analyses. Relationships were based on non-random attachment and avoidance relationships in respect to synchronous use and distances observed in three different functional areas (activity, feeding and lying). We found that neither synchrony nor distance between cows was strongly predictable among the three functional areas. The emerging social networks were tightly knit for attachment relationships and less dense for avoidance relationships. These networks loosened up from the feeding and lying area to the activity area, and were less dense for relationships based on synchronicity than on median distance with respect to node degree, relative size of the largest cluster, density and diameter of the network. In addition, synchronicity was higher in dyads of dairy cows that had grown up together and shared their last dry period. This last effect disappeared with increasing herd size. Dairy herds can be characterized by one strongly clustered network including most of the herd members with many non-random attachment and avoidance relationships. Closely synchronous dyads were composed of cows with more intense previous contact. The automatic tracking of a large number of individuals proved promising in acquiring the data necessary for tackling social network analyses.  相似文献   
Mean global air temperatures have steadily increased during recent decades, resulting in an earlier timing of lake ice breakup. In Sweden’s largest lakes, Vänern and Vättern, the breakup of ice has occurred considerably earlier since 1979 and ice-free winters have become more frequent. Comparison between the years when the lakes were ice covered with those when they remained ice-free in terms of 37 lake variables revealed significant differences in water temperatures, sulphate concentrations and the biomass of diatoms in May after ice breakup (P < 0.01). In particular, the biomass of the genus Aulacoseira increased significantly, which may explain increasing complaints about algae that clog fishing-nets, filter-beds and micro-strainers in waterworks in Vänern and Vättern. We assume that Aulacoseira is mainly affected by changes in climate-driven water circulation patterns. In contrast, other observed water quality changes such as changes in sulphate concentration might rather be attributed to changes in atmospheric deposition. To explain water quality changes in Sweden’s largest lakes it is important to consider changes in both climate and atmospheric deposition as well as catchment measures.  相似文献   
Apolipoprotein A5 (APOA5) is associated with differences in triglyceride levels and familial combined hyperlipidemia. In genetically engineered mice, apoAV plasma levels are inversely correlated with plasma triglycerides. To elucidate the mechanism by which apoAV influences plasma triglycerides, metabolic studies and in vitro assays resembling physiological conditions were performed. In human APOA5 transgenic mice (hAPOA5tr), catabolism of chylomicrons and very low density lipoprotein (VLDL) was accelerated due to a faster plasma hydrolysis of triglycerides by lipoprotein lipase (LPL). Hepatic VLDL and intestinal chylomicron production were not affected. The functional interplay between apoAV and LPL was further investigated by cross-breeding a human LPL transgene with the apoa5 knock-out and the hAPOA5tr to an lpl-deficient background. Increased LPL activity completely normalized hypertriglyceridemia of apoa5-deficient mice; however, overexpression of human apoAV modulated triglyceride levels only slightly when LPL was reduced. To reflect the physiological situation in which LPL is bound to cell surface proteoglycans, we examined hydrolysis in the presence or absence of proteoglycans. Without proteoglycans, apoAV derived either from triglyceride-rich lipoproteins, hAPOA5tr high density lipoprotein, or a recombinant source did not alter the LPL hydrolysis rate. In the presence of proteoglycans, however, apoAV led to a significant and dose-dependent increase in LPL-mediated hydrolysis of VLDL triglycerides. These results were confirmed in cell culture using a proteoglycan-deficient cell line. A direct interaction between LPL and apoAV was found by ligand blotting. It is proposed, that apoAV reduces triglyceride levels by guiding VLDL and chylomicrons to proteoglycan-bound LPL for lipolysis.  相似文献   
Ischemic stroke initiates a robust inflammatory response that starts in the intravascular compartment and involves rapid activation of brain resident cells. A key mechanism of this inflammatory response is the migration of circulating immune cells to the ischemic brain facilitated by chemokine release and increased endothelial adhesion molecule expression. Brain-invading leukocytes are well-known contributing to early-stage secondary ischemic injury, but their significance for the termination of inflammation and later brain repair has only recently been noticed.Here, a simple protocol for the efficient isolation of immune cells from the ischemic mouse brain is provided. After transcardial perfusion, brain hemispheres are dissected and mechanically dissociated. Enzymatic digestion with Liberase is followed by density gradient (such as Percoll) centrifugation to remove myelin and cell debris. One major advantage of this protocol is the single-layer density gradient procedure which does not require time-consuming preparation of gradients and can be reliably performed. The approach yields highly reproducible cell counts per brain hemisphere and allows for measuring several flow cytometry panels in one biological replicate. Phenotypic characterization and quantification of brain-invading leukocytes after experimental stroke may contribute to a better understanding of their multifaceted roles in ischemic injury and repair.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Bei Flußseeschwalbe und Austernfischer wurde der Einfluß von Standort und Jahr auf die Zusammensetzung der PCB-Gemische im Ei untersucht. Die Gesamtkonzentration, der Metabolisierungsgrad und die Ringstabilitätszahlen des Gemisches von 45 bestimmten PCB-Kongeneren wurden erfaßt. In den Mündungsbereichen von Elbe, Weser und in der Inneren Deutschen Bucht traten nicht nur die höchsten PCB-Konzentrationen auf, sondern auch die am weitesten metabolisierten Gemische. 1987–1989 zeigte sich im Metabolisierungsgrad bei beiden Vogelarten ein linearer Anstieg. Flußseeschwalbeneier enthielten zwar deutlich höhere PCB-Konzentrationen als Austernfischereier, doch war das Gemisch geringer metabolisiert. Deutliche Artunterschiede traten auch in den Ringstabilitätszahlen auf. Zur Beurteilung der PCB-Belastung sollte deshalb in einem Monitoring-Programm der Metabolisationsgrad auch mitberücksichtigt werden.
Variation of PCB mixtures in eggs of birds of the Wadden Sea
Summary The influence of location and year on the composition of PCB mixtures found in eggs was examined in the two wadden sea bird species Common Tern (Sterna hirundo) and Oystercatcher (Haematopus ostralegus). By means of 45 PCB congeners the total concentration, the degree of metabolism and the ring stability values were analysed. The highest PCB concentrations as well as the highest degree of metabolism were found in the estuaries of the rivers Elbe and Weser and in the Deutsche Bucht. The degree of metabolism of both species increased linearly from 1987 to 1989. The total PCB concentration in the eggs of Common Terns were clearly higher than those found in the eggs of Oystercatchers but the mixture was less metabolised. Furthermore, there are significant differences of the ring stability values between the two species. To assess the PCB incrimination the degree of metabolism should be considered as well in a monitoring program.
Summary Dark brown and bright green specimens obtained by rearing at different temperatures and optical conditions were analyzed for pterine and ommochrome contents. The integument of dark brown imagines contains up to 8,500 g ommochrome per g dry weight, that of dark green imagines only traces. Conversely, the bright green integument contains about 630 g of pterine, that of dark brown only about 450 g per g dry weight. Riboflavin was found only in the ommochrome-containing integuments.  相似文献   
We describe an siRNA (short interfering RNA)-based approach for temporary and reversible regulation of engineered expression constructs in cells. Control of cloned genes can be achieved by cotransfection of unique siRNAs, complementary to artificial target sequences, which are integral parts of an expression vector. Application of this method allows simultaneous or mutual-differential regulation of two or more gene constructs within the same cell, reducing unwanted side effects. This method provides several advantages over promoter regulatory systems employing chemical compounds.  相似文献   
A new procedure for determining the chromosomal origin of marker chromosomes has been carried out. The origin of marker chromosomes that were unidentifiable by standard banding techniques could be verified by reverse chromosome painting. This technique includes microdissection, followed by in vitro DNA amplification and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). A number of marker chromosomes prepared from unbanded and from GTG-banded lymphocyte chromosomes were collected with microneedles and transferred to a collection drop. The chromosomal material was amplified by a degenerate oligonucleotide-primed polymerase chain reaction (DOP-PCR). The resulting PCR products were labelled by nick-translation with biotin-11-dUTP and used as probes for FISH. They were hybridized onto normal metaphase spreads in order to determine the precise regional chromosomal origin of the markers. Following this approach, we tested 2–14 marker chromosomes in order to determine how many are necessary for reverse chromosome painting. As few as two marker chromosomes provided sufficient material to paint the appropriate chromosome of origin, regardless of whether the marker contained heterochromatic or mainly euchromatic material. With this method, it was possible to identify two marker chromosomes of a healthy proband [karyotype: 48,XY, +mar1,+mar2] and an aberrant Y chromosome of a mentally retarded boy [karyotype: 46,X, der(Y)].  相似文献   
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