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Two dogs were prepared with Pavlov pouches of the fundic area of the stomach using standard techniques. During treatment periods of 14 days, 200 mg acetylsalicylic acid (ASA) was introduced into the pouch twice daily by insufflation. One hour after each drug administration the pouch was washed with saline and the fluid assayed for blood. Bleeding from the pouch increased to a maximum on the 3rd or 4th day of the treatment period and subsequently declined such that by the 8th day blood loss was minimal and approximated that found during control periods. Platelet aggregation (in vitro) responses to adenosine diphosphate were significantly (p less than 0.01) inhibited on day 3 when aggregation curve heights were reduced by 66.2 +/- 13.11% (mean +/- SEM) from control values. On day 7 and during the ensuing 7-day period when ASA was given twice daily, the heights of aggregation responses were reduced by only 20-30% from controls. These responses were significantly (p less than 0.001) greater than those found on day 3. Similar changes in platelet reactivity were found in plasma from rats given ASA twice daily for 7 days. Aggregation responses to collagen were depressed by 95.5 +/- 4.49% on day 1 following two doses of ASA. As the treatment period continued, the aggregation responses increased in magnitude until the 7th day they were similar in height to those from control animals. The mechanism involved in this adaptation to ASA treatment seen with these platelets is not known.  相似文献   
Severe freezing injury was produced in the hind foot of 26 mongrel dogs. All dogs were given daily whirlpool treatment and protective bandaging for 14 days following injury. In addition, certain dogs received a vasodilator, fasciotomy, or both vasodilator and fasciotomy following injury. Deep foot temperatures, foot volumes, tissue pressures, and 14 day tissue loss-salvage scores were compared. Significant differences between fasciotomy and nonfasciotomy dogs were seen in foot temperature, volume, and tissue pressure immediately following fasciotomy. Though there was no significant difference in 14 day tissue loss, there was clinically apparent prolongation of integrity of the local vascular system for 2 to 5 days following fasciotomy, and total foot salvage in several dogs receiving fasciotomy.  相似文献   
Incubation of 14C-adenosinetriphosphate with lysed haemocytes produces 14C-cyclic 3′,5′-adenosinemonophosphate (cAMP). The addition of phosphodiesterase to similar reaction mixtures results in the conversion of cAMP to 5′-adenosinemonophosphate.Differential centrifugation of the haemocyte preparation revealed that adenyl cyclase activity occurred in both membrane bound and soluble fractions, although the evidence suggests that the enzyme activity was originally particulate.The significance of these data is discussed in regard to the sclerotization process and the mode of action of bursicon.  相似文献   
The feral Goat (Capra hircus) has successfully exploited a range of landscapes around the world with occurrences of overabundance resulting in significant damage to ecological values. In forested ecosystems in Australia, there are currently limited means to control the species when compared to the range of management techniques available for other pest animals. To redress this deficiency, we designed a feed structure combined with commercially available salt blocks to attract goats to set locations in a forested study area. Structures that exploited differences in the pedal morphology (foot size and shape) of native herbivores (kangaroos and wallabies) and ungulates (feral goats and deer) were found to be highly target‐specific, with feral goats freely able to access salt blocks, whilst nontarget native species were effectively excluded. Other introduced ungulate species, Fallow Deer (Dama dama) and Red Deer (Cervus elaphus), successfully accessed salt blocks in feed structures but at a considerably lower rate than feral goats. The capacity to present a range of bait types within a target‐specific feed structure, once matched with a humane toxicant, could provide land managers with an additional cost‐effective lethal control tool for future management of feral ungulates, particularly goats.  相似文献   
Conventional soybean weed management and transgenic herbicide-tolerant management were examined to assess their effects on soybean insect pest populations in south Georgia in 1997 and 1998. Soybean variety had very little impact on the insect species observed, except that maturity group effects were observed for stink bug, primarily Nezara viridula (L.), population densities on some sampling dates. Stink bugs were more abundant on the early maturing varieties in mid-season. Velvetbean caterpillar, Anticarsia gemmatalis Hübner, potato leafhopper, Empoasca fabae (Harris), and grasshoppers Melanoplus spp. were more numerous on either conventional or herbicide-tolerant varieties on certain dates, although these differences were not consistent throughout the season. Soybean looper, Pseudoplusia includens (Walker), threecornered alfalfa hopper, Spissistilus festinus (Say), and whitefringed beetles, Graphognathus spp , demonstrated no varietal preference in this study. Few weed treatment differences were observed, but if present on certain sampling dates, then pest numbers were higher in plots where weeds were reduced (either postemergence herbicides or preplant herbicide plus postemergence herbicide). The exception to this weed treatment effect was grasshoppers, which were more numerous in weedy plots when differences were present. In post emergence herbicide plots, there were no differences in insect pest densities between the conventional herbicides (e.g., Classic, Select, Cobra, and Storm) compared with specific gene-inserted herbicide-tolerant materials (i.e., Roundup and Liberty). Defoliation, primarily by velvetbean caterpillar, was different between soybean varieties at some test sites but not different between herbicide treatments. We did not observe differences in seasonal abundance of arthropod pests between conventional and transgenic herbicide-tolerant soybean.  相似文献   
A recently developed method for surface modification, layer-by-layer (LbL) assembly, has been applied to silicone, and its ability to encourage endothelial cell growth and control cell growth patterns has been examined. The surfaces studied consisted of a precursor, with alternating cationic polyethyleneimine (PEI) and anionic sodium polystyrene sulfonate (PSS) layers followed by alternating gelatin and poly-d-lysine (PDL) layers. Film growth increased linearly with the number of layers. Each PSS/PEI bilayer was 3 nm thick, and each gelatin/PDL bilayer was 5 nm thick. All layers were more hydrophilic than the unmodified silicone rubber surface, as determined from contact angle measurements. The contact angle was primarily dictated by the outermost layer. Of the coatings studied, gelatin was the most hydrophilic. A film of (PSS/PEI)4/(gelatin/PDL)4/ gelatin was highly favorable for cell adhesion and growth, in contrast to films of (PSS/PEI)8 or (PSS/PEI)8/PSS. Cell growth patterns were successfully controlled by selective deposition of microspheres on silicone rubber, using microcontact printing with a silicone stamp. Cell adhesion was confined to the region of microsphere deposition. These results demonstrate that the LbL self-assembly technique provides a general approach to coat and selectively deposit films with nanometer thickness on silicone rubber. Furthermore, they show that this method is a viable technique for controlling cellular adhesion and growth.  相似文献   
Yields of 106–108 peach mesophyll cells and protoplasts · gfw-1 were obtained depending on factors such as digesting enzymes, and leaf size. Onozuka R-10 (2%) in combination with Macerase (0.5%) was found best for protoplast isolation and mediocre for cell isolation among several enzyme combinations tested. Viability was 90% for protoplasts and 60% for cells. Pectolyase Y23 was found to be ineffective in our investigation. Small leaves, 4–10 mm in length, were a superior source for protoplast isolation than medium or big expanded leaves, 22–30 mm in length. The high yields of protoplasts could be obtained only when keeping the ratio of leaf biomass to volume of digesting enzyme solution under 20 mg ml-1. Purification of protoplasts on a sucrose gradient yielded about 107 protoplasts · gfw-1, however, the preparation was still contaminated by intact cells. Protoplasts were cultured under different growth regulators and physical conditions. Limited growth and division of protoplasts embedded in agarose drops were observed.Abbreviations BA 6-benzyladenine - IBA indolebutyric acid - FDA fluorescein diacetate - MES 2-M-morpholinoethane sulphonic acid - MS Murashige and Skoog - NAA -naphthaleneacetic acid - PVP polyvinylpyrrolidone  相似文献   
Coevolution may be an important component of the sustainability of importation biological control, but how frequently introduced natural enemies coevolve with their target pests is unclear. Here we explore whether comparative population genetics of the invasive walnut aphid, Chromaphis juglandicola, and its introduced parasitoid, Trioxys pallidus, provide insights into the localized breakdown of biological control services in walnut orchards in California. We found that sampled populations of C. juglandicola exhibited higher estimates of genetic differentiation (FST) than co‐occurring populations of T. pallidus. In contrast, estimates of both the inbreeding coefficient (GIS) and contemporary gene flow were higher for T. pallidus than for C. juglandicola. We also found evidence of reciprocal outlier loci in some locations, but none showed significant signatures of selection. Synthesis and applications. Understanding the importance of coevolutionary interactions for the sustainability of biological control remains an important and understudied component of biological control research. Given the observed differences in gene flow and genetic differentiation among populations of T. pallidus and C. juglandicola, we suspect that temporary local disruption of biological control services may occur more frequently than expected while remaining stable at broader regional scales. Further research that combines genomewide single nucleotide polymorphism genotyping with measurements of phenotypic traits is needed to provide more conclusive evidence of whether the occurrence of outlier loci that display significant signatures of selection can be interpreted as evidence of the presence of a geographic mosaic of coevolution in this system.  相似文献   
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