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Zusammenfassung In den 128- und 256-ploiden Kernen der Klebstoffhaare von Bryonia dioica fanden sich im Jahre 1960 riesenchromosomenartige Gebilde, die eine Mittelstellung zwischen Riesenchromosomen und Endochromozentren einnehmen. Sie unterscheiden sich — vorwiegend durch das Vorhandensein von kompaktem Heterochromatin — von den im Jahre 1953 am gleichen Pflanzenmaterial aufgefundenen chromatischen Strukturen.Entsprechend der diploiden Chromosomenzahl sind 20 riesenchromosomenartige Bildungen vorhanden. Zwei Paare von ihnen stehen mit dem Nukleolus in Verbindung; sie werden als SAT I und SAT II bezeichnet, da sie den Nukleolenchromosomen der Mitose entsprechen.Das aus zahlreichen Messungen errechnete Längenverhältnis eu- und heterochromatischer Abschnitte der riesenchromosomenartigen Bildungen SAT I und SAT II ist gegenüber dem der entsprechenden Chromosomen eines mittleren Stadiums der Prophase aus dem Endosperm zugunsten der euchromatischen Abschnitte verschoben. Zu dem gleichen Ergebnis gelangt man, wenn man einige der übrigen, nicht näher bestimmbaren riesenchromosomenartigen Bildungen bzw. Mitosechromosomen vergleicht.Diese Tatsache wird mit der Vorstellung der Tendenz des kompakten Heterochromatins, seine starke Spiralisierung weitgehend unverändert beizubehalten, zu erklären versucht. Lockeres Heterochromatin und Euchromatin von Riesenchromosomen und riesenchromosomenartigen Bildungen strecken sich dagegen im Laufe der Polyploidisierung.Während des Überganges von 128-Ploidie zur 256-Ploidie verlängern sich die riesenchromosomenartigen Bildungen um das 1,26fache. Die Gesamtverlängerung gegenüber den mitotischen Chromosomen ist im Vergleich zu anderen Pflanzen sehr gering (12,54 bei 256-Ploidie).Im Verlauf der Prophase findet im Gegensatz zu Vicia und Rhoeo nur ein einmaliger Abbau des Heterochromatins im sog. Zerstäubungsstadium statt.In den endopolyploiden Kernen der Basalzelle der Haare und in den triploiden Kernen des Endosperms kommen Vakuolen vor, die aus dem Nukleolus in den Kernraum ausgestoßen werden.  相似文献   
Fifty-nine amino acid sequences belonging to family 57 (GH-57) of the glycoside hydrolases were collected using the CAZy server, Pfam database and blast tools. Owing to the sequence heterogeneity of the GH-57 members, sequence alignments were performed using mainly manual methods. Likewise, five conserved regions were identified, which are postulated to be GH-57 consensus motifs. In the 659 amino acid-long 4-alpha-glucanotransferase from Thermococcus litoralis, these motifs correspond to 13_HQP (region I), 76_GQLEIV (region II), 120_WLTERV (region III), 212_HDDGEKFGVW (region IV), and 350_AQCNDAYWH (region V). The third and fourth conserved regions contain the catalytic nucleophile and the proton donor, respectively. Based on our sequence alignment, residues Glu291 and Asp394 were proposed as the nucleophile and proton donor, respectively, in a GH-57 amylopullulanase from Thermococcus hydrothermalis. To validate this prediction, site-directed mutagenesis was performed. The results of this work reveal that both residues are critical for the pullulanolytic and amylolytic activities of the amylopullulanase. Therefore, these data support the prediction and strongly suggest that the bifunctionality of the amylopullulanase is determined by a single catalytic centre. Despite this positive validation, our alignment also reveals that certain GH-57 members do not possess the Glu and Asp corresponding to the predicted GH-57 catalytic residues. However, the sequences concerned by this anomaly encode putative proteins for which no biochemical or enzymatic data are yet available. Finally, the evolutionary trees generated for GH-57 reveal that the entire family can be divided into several subfamilies that may reflect the different enzyme specificities.  相似文献   
Pyridoxal 5-phosphate (PLP) concentrations were measured in brains of rats to determine whether a deficiency of this coenzyme was a common feature in hepatic coma, ethanol intoxication, and in animals treated withl-dopa or with 5-hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP) alone or with inhibitors of MAO or ofl-aromatic amino acid decarboxylase. These treatments have been shown previously to be associated with reduced conversion of glucose to amino acids in brain. Cerebral PLP concentrations were reduced after some of these treatments, notably injection of ethanol, orl-dopa alone or with -phenylisopropylhydrazine, an inhibitor of MAO, or of 5-HTP together withN-[-(chlorophenoxy)ethyl]cyclopropylamine hydrochloride, Lilly 51641, another MAO inhibitor. However, in other circumstances where inhibition of conversion of glucose to amino acids has been shown {treatment with 5-HTP, or with Lilly 51641 or with [N-(d,l-seryl)-N-2,3,4-trihydroxybenzyl]hydrazine, an inhibitor ofl-aromatic amino acid decarboxylase, together withl-dopa or with 5-HTP}, PLP levels in brain were unchanged, or were increased (in hepatectomized rats).  相似文献   
Abstract: Effluxes of 3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine, 3,4-dihydroxyphenyglycol, and norepinephrine from four superfused canine blood vessels (saphenous and portal veins and mesenteric and pulmonary arteries) were studied under basal conditions and during nerve stimulation. From quantification of the compounds a series of indices of activities at neuroeffector junctions are proposed. These are (a) basal overflow of 3,4-dihydroxyphenylglycol as an index of vesicular-cytoplasmic translocation of norepinephrine, (b) the increase in 3,4-dihydroxyphenyglycol overflow attributable to nerve stimulation as an index of neuronal reuptake of norepinephrine released by stimulation, (c) the sum of the increases in overflows of norepinephrine and 3,4-dihydroxyphenylglycol attributable to nerve stimulation as an index of evoked release of norepinephrine, and (d) the efflux of 3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine as an index of the activity of tyrosine hydroxylase, the rate-limiting enzyme in the synthesis of norepinephrine. There were clear differences between these indices in the vessels. Correlation coefficients of the indices among vessels indicated that a high tissue norepinephrine level was associated with high biosynthetic capacity and high vesicular-cytoplasmic exchange but not with high release. There was no evidence suggesting feedback inhibition of synthesis by neuroplasmic norepinephrine—whether arising from vesicular-cytoplasmic translocation or from reuptake from the junctional cleft. The major value of these indices will probably be in determining the intergrated effects of pharmacologic agents at neuroeffector junctions in different blood vessels.  相似文献   
Peritonitis is a major complication of peritoneal dialysis (PD) being associated with hospitalization, catheter loss, technique failure, and increased mortality. Data on incidence rates and risk factors for peritonitis episodes vary between centers. In seven Austrian PD units clinical and laboratory data on each peritonitis episode were collected from all patients (n = 726) who performed PD between January 2000 and December 2009. The peritonitis incidence rate was 0.32 episodes/patient-year. In a multivariate analysis the risk of peritonitis was decreased by 57% in patients treated with oral active vitamin D (HR 0.43; 95% CI 0.28–0.64). Renal disease classified as “other or unknown” (HR 1.65; 95% CI 1.08–2.53) and serum albumin <3500 mg/dl (HR 1.49; 95% CI 1.04–2.15) were also associated with an increased risk of peritonitis. Albumin levels <3500 mg/dl (HR 1.89; 95% CI 1.13–3.17), age (HR 1.06 per year; 95% CI 1.03–1.09), and cardiomyopathy (HR 3.01; 95% CI 1.62–5.59) were associated with increased mortality, whereas treatment with oral active vitamin D was associated with a significantly lower risk of death (HR 0.46; 95% CI 0.27–0.81). In this retrospective multi-center study we identified several factors being related to increased risk of peritonitis in PD patients. Treatment with oral active vitamin D was identified as being independently associated with decreased risk of peritonitis, and decreased all-cause mortality in PD patients.  相似文献   
The ecdysial glands of mature male Libinia emarginata are pale, yellowish organs composed of lobes of epithelial cells having oval nuclei which are often eccentric and which have one or two nucleoli containing amorphous granular material and coarse strands. The plasma membrane bordering the basal lamina consists of invaginations containing microtubules which may serve to increase the surface area for metabolic exchange. Masses of smooth endoplasmic reticulum and associated vesicles are scattered throughout the cytoplasm. Two or more vacuoles may coalesce. Larger vesicles lie close to the cell surface. Numerous mitochondria with tubular cristae surround the nucleus and frequently are associated with SER. A few Golgi complexes consisting of flattened sacs, cisternae or vesicles, lipid droplets and free ribosomes were seen. Adjacent plasma membranes may be in close apposition or separated by a space filled with vesicles, granules, or blood or supporting cells. This type of ultrastructure is associated with steroid-secreting cells.  相似文献   
Chemolithoautotrophic nitrite oxidizers of the genus Nitrospira are a monophyletic but diverse group of organisms, are widely distributed in many natural habitats, and play a key role in nitrogen elimination during biological wastewater treatment. Phylogenetic analyses of cloned 16S rRNA genes and fluorescence in situ hybridization with newly developed rRNA-targeted oligonucleotide probes revealed coexistence of uncultured members of sublineages I and II of the genus Nitrospira in biofilm and activated sludge samples taken from nitrifying wastewater treatment plants. Quantitative microscopic analyses of their spatial arrangement relative to ammonia oxidizers in the biofilm and activated sludge flocs showed that members of the Nitrospira sublineage I occurred significantly more often in immediate vicinity to ammonia oxidizers than would be expected from random community assembly while such a relationship was not observed for Nitrospira sublineage II. This spatial distribution suggested a niche differentiation of these coexisting Nitrospira populations with respect to their preferred concentrations of nitrite. This hypothesis was tested by mathematical modelling of nitrite consumption and resulting nitrite gradients in nitrifying biofilms and by quantifying the abundance of sublineage I and II Nitrospira in activated sludge during incubations with nitrite in different concentrations. Consistent with the observed localization patterns, a higher nitrite concentration selected for sublineage I but suppressed sublineage II Nitrospira.  相似文献   
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