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Like temperature and pressure, the solution pH is an important thermodynamic variable that is commonly varied in experiments and is used by cells to influence biochemical function. It is now becoming feasible to carry out practical molecular dynamics simulations that mimic the thermodynamics of such experiments, by allowing proton transfer between the system of interest and a hypothetical bath of protons at a given pH. These are demanding calculations, because the energetics of charge changes upon protonation or deprotonation must be accurately modeled, and because such simulations must sample both molecular configurations and the large number of protonation states that are possible for a molecule with many titrating sites.  相似文献   
Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations including water and counterions on B-DNA oligomers containing all 136 unique tetranucleotide basepair steps are reported. The objective is to obtain the calculated dynamical structure for at least two copies of each case, use the results to examine issues with regard to convergence and dynamical stability of MD on DNA, and determine the significance of sequence context effects on all unique dinucleotide steps. This information is essential to understand sequence effects on DNA structure and has implications on diverse problems in the structural biology of DNA. Calculations were carried out on the 136 cases embedded in 39 DNA oligomers with repeating tetranucleotide sequences, capped on both ends by GC pairs and each having a total length of 15 nucleotide pairs. All simulations were carried out using a well-defined state-of-the-art MD protocol, the AMBER suite of programs, and the parm94 force field. In a previous article (Beveridge et al. 2004. Biophysical Journal. 87:3799-3813), the research design, details of the simulation protocol, and informatics issues were described. Preliminary results from 15 ns MD trajectories were presented for the d(CpG) step in all 10 unique sequence contexts. The results indicated the sequence context effects to be small for this step, but revealed that MD on DNA at this length of trajectory is subject to surprisingly persistent cooperative transitions of the sugar-phosphate backbone torsion angles alpha and gamma. In this article, we report detailed analysis of the entire trajectory database and occurrence of various conformational substates and its impact on studies of context effects. The analysis reveals a possible direct correspondence between the sequence-dependent dynamical tendencies of DNA structure and the tendency to undergo transitions that "trap" them in nonstandard conformational substates. The difference in mean of the observed basepair step helicoidal parameter distribution with different flanking sequence sometimes differs by as much as one standard deviation, indicating that the extent of sequence effects could be significant. The observations reveal that the impact of a flexible dinucleotide such as CpG could extend beyond the immediate basepair neighbors. The results in general provide new insight into MD on DNA and the sequence-dependent dynamical structural characteristics of DNA.  相似文献   
The dynamical effect of eliminating specific tertiary H-bonds in the hemoglobin (Hb) tetramer has been investigated by site-directed mutagenesis and time-resolved absorption and ultraviolet resonance Raman (UVRR) spectroscopy. The Trp alpha 14...Thr alpha 67 and Trp beta 15...Ser beta 72 H-bonds connect the A and E helices in the alpha and beta chains, and are proposed to break in the earliest protein intermediate (Rdeoxy) following photo-deligation of HbCO, along with a second pair of H-bonds involving tyrosine residues. Mutation of the acceptor residues Thr alpha 67 and Ser beta 72 to Val and Ala eliminates the A-E H-bonds, but has been shown to have no significant effect on ligand-binding affinity or cooperativity, or on spectroscopic markers of the T-state quaternary interactions. However, the mutations have profound and unexpected effects on the character of the Rdeoxy intermediate, and on the dynamics of the subsequent steps leading to the T state. Formation of the initial quaternary contact (RT intermediate) is accelerated, by an order of magnitude, but the locking-in of the T state is delayed by a factor of 2. These rate effects are essentially the same for either mutation, or for the double mutation, suggesting that the alpha beta dimer behaves as a mechanically coupled dynamical unit. Further evidence for intra-dimer coupling is provided by the Rdeoxy UVRR spectrum, in which either or both mutations eliminate the tyrosine difference intensity, although only tryptophan H-bonds are directly affected. A possible mechanism for mechanical coupling is outlined, involving transmission of forces through the alpha(1)beta(1) (and alpha(2)beta(2)) interface. The present observations establish that quaternary motions can occur on the approximately 100 ns time-scale. They show also that a full complement of interhelical H-bonds actually slows the initial quaternary motion in Hb, but accelerates the locking in of the T-contacts.  相似文献   
We describe the application of a novel screening approach that combines automated yeast genetics, synthetic genetic array (SGA) analysis, and a high-content screening (HCS) system to examine mitotic spindle morphogenesis. We measured numerous spindle and cellular morphological parameters in thousands of single mutants and corresponding sensitized double mutants lacking genes known to be involved in spindle function. We focused on a subset of genes that appear to define a highly conserved mitotic spindle disassembly pathway, which is known to involve Ipl1p, the yeast aurora B kinase, as well as the cell cycle regulatory networks mitotic exit network (MEN) and fourteen early anaphase release (FEAR). We also dissected the function of the kinetochore protein Mcm21p, showing that sumoylation of Mcm21p regulates the enrichment of Ipl1p and other chromosomal passenger proteins to the spindle midzone to mediate spindle disassembly. Although we focused on spindle disassembly in a proof-of-principle study, our integrated HCS-SGA method can be applied to virtually any pathway, making it a powerful means for identifying specific cellular functions.  相似文献   
During vertebrate development, oligodendrocytes wrap their plasma membrane around axons to produce myelin, a specialized membrane highly enriched in galactosylceramide (GalC) and cholesterol. Here, we studied the formation of myelin membrane sheets in a neuron-glia co-culture system. We applied different microscopy techniques to visualize lipid packing and dynamics in the oligodendroglial plasma membrane. We used the fluorescent dye Laurdan to examine the lipid order with two-photon microscopy and observed that neurons induce a dramatic lipid condensation of the oligodendroglial membrane. On a nanoscale resolution, using stimulated emission depletion and fluorescence resonance energy transfer microscopy, we demonstrated a neuronal-dependent clustering of GalC in oligodendrocytes. Most importantly these changes in lipid organization of the oligodendroglial plasma membrane were not observed in shiverer mice that do not express the myelin basic protein. Our data demonstrate that neurons induce the condensation of the myelin-forming bilayer in oligodendrocytes and that MBP is involved in this process of plasma membrane rearrangement. We propose that this mechanism is essential for myelin to perform its insulating function during nerve conduction.  相似文献   
In 2006–2007, an unusually high number of harbor porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) stranded along the Washington and Oregon coastlines. Spatiotemporal analyses were used to examine their ability to detect clusters of porpoise strandings during an unusual mortality event (UME) in the Pacific Northwest using stranding location data. Strandings were evaluated as two separate populations, outer coast and inland waters. The presence of global clustering was evaluated using the Knox spatiotemporal test, and the presence of local clusters was investigated using a spatiotemporal scan statistic (space–time permutation). There was evidence of global clustering, but no local clustering, supporting the hypothesis that strandings were due to more varied etiologies instead of localized causes. Further analyses at subregional levels, and concurrently assessing environmental factors, might reveal additional geographic distribution patterns. This article describes the spatial analytical tools applied in this study and how they can help elucidate the spatiotemporal epidemiology of other UMEs and assist in determining their causes. More than one spatial analytical technique should be used if the study objective is to detect and describe clustering in time and space and to generate hypotheses regarding causation of marine mammal disease and stranding events.  相似文献   
Susceptibility to autoimmune myocarditis has been associated with histamine release by mast cells during the innate immune response to coxsackievirus B3 (CVB3) infection. To investigate the contribution of histamine H(1) receptor (H(1)R) signaling to CVB3-induced myocarditis, we assessed susceptibility to the disease in C57BL/6J (B6) H(1)R(-/-) mice. No difference was observed in mortality between CVB3-infected B6 and H(1)R(-/-) mice. However, analysis of their hearts revealed a significant increase in myocarditis in H(1)R(-/-) mice that is not attributed to increased virus replication. Enhanced myocarditis susceptibility correlated with a significant expansion in pathogenic Th1 and Vγ4(+) γδ T cells in the periphery of these animals. Furthermore, an increase in regulatory T cells was observed, yet these cells were incapable of controlling myocarditis in H(1)R(-/-) mice. These data establish a critical role for histamine and H(1)R signaling in regulating T cell responses and susceptibility to CVB3-induced myocarditis in B6 mice.  相似文献   
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