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During a survey of clinical rectal prolapse (RP) cases in the mouse population at MIT animal research facilities, a high incidence of RP in the lamellipodin knock-out strain, C57BL/6-Raph1tm1Fbg (Lpd-/-) was documented. Upon further investigation, the Lpd-/- colony was found to be infected with multiple endemic enterohepatic Helicobacter species (EHS). Lpd-/- mice, a transgenic mouse strain produced at MIT, have not previously shown a distinct immune phenotype and are not highly susceptible to other opportunistic infections. Predominantly male Lpd-/- mice with RP exhibited lesions consistent with invasive rectal carcinoma concomitant to clinically evident RP. Multiple inflammatory cytokines, CD11b+Gr1+ myeloid-derived suppressor cell (MDSC) populations, and epithelial cells positive for a DNA damage biomarker, H2AX, were elevated in affected tissue, supporting their role in the neoplastic process. An evaluation of Lpd-/- mice with RP compared to EHS-infected, but clinically normal (CN) Lpd-/- animals indicated that all of these mice exhibit some degree of lower bowel inflammation; however, mice with prolapses had significantly higher degree of focal lesions at the colo-rectal junction. When Helicobacter spp. infections were eliminated in Lpd-/- mice by embryo transfer rederivation, the disease phenotype was abrogated, implicating EHS as a contributing factor in the development of rectal carcinoma. Here we describe lesions in Lpd-/- male mice consistent with a focal inflammation-induced neoplastic transformation and propose this strain as a mouse model of rectal carcinoma.  相似文献   
The Abelson gene in Drosophila (abl) consists of ten exons extending over 26 kb of genomic DNA. The DNA sequence encodes a protein of 1520 amino acids with sequence homology to the human c-abl proto-oncogene product, beginning at the amino terminus and extending 656 amino acids through the region essential for tyrosine kinase activity. Mutant lesions in the abl gene were identified first by their failure to complement chromosomal deletions that overlap the abl DNA sequence and then by rescue of the mutant phenotypes with an abl minigene in transgenic flies. Elimination of abl zygotic function by mutations produces some recessive lethality at the pharate adult pupal stage, and mutant adults with reduced longevity, reduced fecundity, and an irregular pattern of retinal cells.  相似文献   
The regulation of filopodia plays a crucial role during neuronal development and synaptogenesis. Axonal filopodia, which are known to originate presynaptic specializations, are regulated in response to neurotrophic factors. The structural components of filopodia are actin filaments, whose dynamics and organization are controlled by ensembles of actin-binding proteins. How neurotrophic factors regulate these latter proteins remains, however, poorly defined. Here, using a combination of mouse genetic, biochemical, and cell biological assays, we show that genetic removal of Eps8, an actin-binding and regulatory protein enriched in the growth cones and developing processes of neurons, significantly augments the number and density of vasodilator-stimulated phosphoprotein (VASP)-dependent axonal filopodia. The reintroduction of Eps8 wild type (WT), but not an Eps8 capping-defective mutant, into primary hippocampal neurons restored axonal filopodia to WT levels. We further show that the actin barbed-end capping activity of Eps8 is inhibited by brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) treatment through MAPK-dependent phosphorylation of Eps8 residues S624 and T628. Additionally, an Eps8 mutant, impaired in the MAPK target sites (S624A/T628A), displays increased association to actin-rich structures, is resistant to BDNF-mediated release from microfilaments, and inhibits BDNF-induced filopodia. The opposite is observed for a phosphomimetic Eps8 (S624E/T628E) mutant. Thus, collectively, our data identify Eps8 as a critical capping protein in the regulation of axonal filopodia and delineate a molecular pathway by which BDNF, through MAPK-dependent phosphorylation of Eps8, stimulates axonal filopodia formation, a process with crucial impacts on neuronal development and synapse formation.  相似文献   
DNA inserts encoding human interleukin 10 (hIL-10), optimized for codon usage and secondary RNA structure, were purchased from several commercial sources and subcloned into a pMon vector. Despite the optimization, protein expression was nil. We therefore subjected the 5′ segment of the cDNA encoding N-terminal amino acids 2–11 to degenerate PCR in order to create a small library of 130 K theoretical cDNA combinations that would not change the respective amino acid sequence and tested their expression. After screening over 320 colonies 10 hIL-10 clones encoding the original amino acid sequence were identified. Three nucleotide substitutions were sufficient to ensure reasonable protein expression. Subsequently, hIL-10 was expressed in Escherichia coli, refolded and purified to homogeneity, yielding over 95% electrophoretically pure noncovalent homodimeric protein, which was biologically active in MC/9 cells. The yield of recombinant hIL-10 from 10 L of fermentation culture was 60 mg and a protocol for its long-term storage as a carrier-free lyophilized powder at −20° was developed.  相似文献   
The SH2 domain protein SAP/SH2D1A, encoded by the X-linked lymphoproliferative (XLP) syndrome gene, associates with the hematopoietic cell surface receptor SLAM in a phosphorylation-independent manner. By screening a repertoire of synthetic peptides, the specificity of SAP/SH2D1A has been mapped and a consensus sequence motif for binding identified, T/S-x-x-x-x-V/I, where x represents any amino acid. Remarkably, this motif contains neither a Tyr nor a pTyr residue, a hallmark of conventional SH2 domain-ligand interactions. The structures of the protein, determined by NMR, in complex with two distinct peptides provide direct evidence in support of a "three-pronged" binding mechanism for the SAP/SH2D1A SH2 domain in contrast to the "two-pronged" binding for conventional SH2 domains. Differences in the structures of the two complexes suggest considerable flexibility in the SH2 domain, as further confirmed and characterized by hydrogen exchange studies. The structures also explain binding defects observed in disease-causing SAP/SH2D1A mutants and suggest that phosphorylation-independent interactions mediated by SAP/SH2D1A likely play an important role in the pathogenesis of XLP.  相似文献   
The 1x myc-tagged cDNA encoding for human CIS2 protein was subcloned into a pET-29a+ vector in order to express and produce a recombinant S-peptide tagged and 1x myc-tagged protein in Escherichia coli BL21(DE3). The constitutively expressed protein was isolated from inclusion bodies by a simple solubilization-renaturation procedure and purified by anion-exchange chromatography on Q-Sepharose. The recombinant form was found to be pure and monomeric as judged by both SDS-PAGE and gel-filtration chromatography and its biological activity was proven by its ability to bind to the tyrosine-phosphorylated cytosolic fragment of human growth hormone receptor fused to glutathione-S-transferase. Recombinant CIS2 was compared by biochemical, immunological, and molecular methods to the CIS2 protein expressed in eukaryotic cells. This report describes the first substantial production of biologically active recombinant human CIS2.  相似文献   
Cytoskeletal dynamics and transport in growth cone motility and axon guidance   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
Dent EW  Gertler FB 《Neuron》2003,40(2):209-227
Recent studies indicate the actin and microtubule cytoskeletons are a final common target of many signaling cascades that influence the developing neuron. Regulation of polymer dynamics and transport are crucial for the proper growth cone motility. This review addresses how actin filaments, microtubules, and their associated proteins play crucial roles in growth cone motility, axon outgrowth, and guidance. We present a working model for cytoskeletal regulation of directed axon outgrowth. An important goal for the future will be to understand the coordinated response of the cytoskeleton to signaling cascades induced by guidance receptor activation.  相似文献   
Tuba is a novel scaffold protein that functions to bring together dynamin with actin regulatory proteins. It is concentrated at synapses in brain and binds dynamin selectively through four N-terminal Src homology-3 (SH3) domains. Tuba binds a variety of actin regulatory proteins, including N-WASP, CR16, WAVE1, WIRE, PIR121, NAP1, and Ena/VASP proteins, via a C-terminal SH3 domain. Direct binding partners include N-WASP and Ena/VASP proteins. Forced targeting of the C-terminal SH3 domain to the mitochondrial surface can promote accumulation of F-actin around mitochondria. A Dbl homology domain present in the middle of Tuba upstream of a Bin/amphiphysin/Rvs (BAR) domain activates Cdc42, but not Rac and Rho, and may thus cooperate with the C terminus of the protein in regulating actin assembly. The BAR domain, a lipid-binding module, may functionally replace the pleckstrin homology domain that typically follows a Dbl homology domain. The properties of Tuba provide new evidence for a close functional link between dynamin, Rho GTPase signaling, and the actin cytoskeleton.  相似文献   
Capuchin monkeys (Cebus apella) share food even if separated by a mesh restraint. Pairs of capuchins were moved into a test chamber in which one of them received apple pieces for 20 min, and the other received carrot pieces for the next 20 min. Previous research had shown a correlation between the rate of food transfer in both directions across female-female dyads. The present study confirmed this result. Reciprocity across dyads can be explained, however, by symmetry in affiliative and tolerant tendencies between two individuals, provided these tendencies determine food sharing. The present study was designed to exclude this symmetry-based explanation by testing each pair (N=16) of adult females on six separate occasions. There existed a significant covariation across tests of sharing in both dyadic directions, a result unexplained by relationship symmetry. Moreover, control procedures (i.e. testing of a food possessor without a partner, or testing of two individuals with the same food or two different foods at the same time) indicated that behaviour during food trials is not fully explained by mutual attraction or aversion. The monkeys take the quality of their own and the partner's food into account, and possessors limit transfers of high-quality foods. Instead of a symmetry-based reciprocity explanation, a mediating role of memory is suggested, and a mirroring of social attitude between partners. Copyright 2000 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   
The chicken leptin sequence, in contrast to mammalian leptins, contains an unpaired Cys at position 3 of the original cDNA (AF012727). The presence of an extra Cys may confer a different structure and affect the leptin's biological activity. To address this, we studied the effects of wild-type and mutated (C4S) chicken leptins in vitro and in vivo and compared them with mammalian leptin prepared from ovine leptin cDNA. The prokaryotic expression vector pMON, encoding full-size A(-1) chicken leptin (AF012727), was mutated using a mutagenesis kit, yielding the C4S analog. Escherichia coli cells transformed with this vector overexpressed large amounts of chicken leptin C4S upon induction with nalidixic acid. The expressed protein, found in the inclusion bodies, was refolded and purified to homogeneity on a Q-Sepharose column, yielding three electrophoretically pure fractions, eluted from the column by 100, 125, and 150 mM NaCl, respectively. All three fractions showed a single band of the expected molecular mass (16 kDa) and were composed of >95% monomeric protein. Proper refolding was evidenced by comparing the circular dichroism spectrum of the analog with spectra of nonmutated chicken and ovine leptins. The biological activity of the C4S analog was evidenced by its ability to stimulate proliferation of leptin-sensitive BAF/3 cells transfected with a long form of human leptin receptor construct similar to its nonmutated counterpart, indicating that Cys4 plays no role in leptin activity. The in vitro activity of both wild-type and mutated chicken leptins was approximately 10-fold lower than that of ovine leptin. After intravenous or intraperitoneal injections, C4S analog and the nonmutated chicken and ovine leptins all lowered the food intake of starved 9-day-old broiler or 5-wk-old layer male chickens by 11-34%. Monitoring food behavior revealed that the attenuated food intake resulted not from a decreased number of approaches to the feeders but from a decrease in the average time spent eating during each approach.  相似文献   
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