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Production of reactive oxygen species represents a fundamental innate defense against microbes in a diversity of host organisms. Oxidative stress, amongst others, converts peptidyl and free methionine to a mixture of methionine-S- (Met-S-SO) and methionine-R-sulfoxides (Met-R-SO). To cope with such oxidative damage, methionine sulfoxide reductases MsrA and MsrB are known to reduce MetSOs, the former being specific for the S-form and the latter being specific for the R-form. However, at present the role of methionine sulfoxide reductases in the pathogenesis of intracellular bacterial pathogens has not been fully detailed. Here we show that deletion of msrA in the facultative intracellular pathogen Salmonella (S.) enterica serovar Typhimurium increased susceptibility to exogenous H(2)O(2), and reduced bacterial replication inside activated macrophages, and in mice. In contrast, a ΔmsrB mutant showed the wild type phenotype. Recombinant MsrA was active against free and peptidyl Met-S-SO, whereas recombinant MsrB was only weakly active and specific for peptidyl Met-R-SO. This raised the question of whether an additional Met-R-SO reductase could play a role in the oxidative stress response of S. Typhimurium. MsrC is a methionine sulfoxide reductase previously shown to be specific for free Met-R-SO in Escherichia (E.) coli. We tested a ΔmsrC single mutant and a ΔmsrBΔmsrC double mutant under various stress conditions, and found that MsrC is essential for survival of S. Typhimurium following exposure to H(2)O(2,) as well as for growth in macrophages, and in mice. Hence, this study demonstrates that all three methionine sulfoxide reductases, MsrA, MsrB and MsrC, facilitate growth of a canonical intracellular pathogen during infection. Interestingly MsrC is specific for the repair of free methionine sulfoxide, pointing to an important role of this pathway in the oxidative stress response of Salmonella Typhimurium.  相似文献   
Chlorosomes are sac-like, light-harvesting organelles that characteristically contain very large numbers of bacteriochlorophyll (BChl) c, d, or e molecules. These antenna structures occur in chlorophototrophs belonging to some members of the Chlorobi and Chloroflexi phyla and are also found in a recently discovered member of the phylum Acidobacteria, "Candidatus Chloracidobacterium thermophilum." "Ca. Chloracidobacterium thermophilum" is the first aerobic organism discovered to possess chlorosomes as light-harvesting antennae for phototrophic growth. Chlorosomes were isolated from "Ca. Chloracidobacterium thermophilum" and subjected to electron microscopic, spectroscopic, and biochemical analyses. The chlorosomes of "Ca. Chloracidobacterium thermophilum" had an average size of ~100 by 30 nm. Cryo-electron microscopy showed that the BChl c molecules formed folded or twisted, sheet-like structures with a lamellar spacing of ~2.3 nm. Unlike the BChls in the chlorosomes of the green sulfur bacterium Chlorobaculum tepidum, concentric cylindrical nanotubes were not observed. Chlorosomes of "Ca. Chloracidobacterium thermophilum" contained a homolog of CsmA, the BChl a-binding, baseplate protein; CsmV, a protein distantly related to CsmI, CsmJ, and CsmX of C. tepidum, which probably binds a single [2Fe-2S] cluster; and five unique polypeptides (CsmR, CsmS, CsmT, CsmU, and a type II NADH dehydrogenase homolog). Although "Ca. Chloracidobacterium thermophilum" is an aerobe, energy transfer among the BChls in these chlorosomes was very strongly quenched in the presence of oxygen (as measured by quenching of fluorescence emission). The combined analyses showed that the chlorosomes of "Ca. Chloracidobacterium thermophilum" possess a number of unique features but also share some properties with the chlorosomes found in anaerobic members of other phyla.  相似文献   
Seahorses give birth to juveniles having a fully functional feeding apparatus, and juvenile feeding behaviour shows striking similarities to that of adults. However, a significant allometric growth of the snout is observed during which the snout shape changes from relatively short and broad in juveniles to relatively long and slender in adults. Since the shape of the buccal cavity is a critical determinant of the suction performance, this snout allometry will inevitably affect the suction feeding ability. To test whether the snout is optimised for suction feeding throughout an ontogeny, we simulated the expansion of different snout shapes varying from extremely long and slender to short and broad for juvenile and adult snout sizes, using computational fluid dynamic models. Our results showed that the snout diameter at the start of the simulations is involved in a trade-off between the realizable suction volume and expansion time on the one hand (improving with larger initial diameters), and maximal flow velocity on the other hand (improving with smaller initial diameters). Moreover suction performance (suction volume as well as maximal attainable flow velocity) increased with decreasing snout length. However, an increase in snout length decreases the time to reach the prey by the cranial rotation, which may explain the prevalence of long snouts among syngnathid fishes despite the reduced suction performance. Thus, the design of the seahorse snout revolves around a trade-off between the ability to generate high-volume suction versus minimisation of the time needed to reach the prey by the cranial rotation.  相似文献   
Calcium carbonate exists in two main forms, calcite and aragonite, in the skeletons of marine organisms. The primary mineralogy of marine carbonates has changed over the history of the earth depending on the magnesium/calcium ratio in seawater during the periods of the so-called “calcite and aragonite seas.” Organisms that prefer certain mineralogy appear to flourish when their preferred mineralogy is favored by seawater chemistry. However, this rule is not without exceptions. For example, some octocorals produce calcite despite living in an aragonite sea. Here, we address the unresolved question of how organisms such as soft corals are able to form calcitic skeletal elements in an aragonite sea. We show that an extracellular protein called ECMP-67 isolated from soft coral sclerites induces calcite formation in vitro even when the composition of the calcifying solution favors aragonite precipitation. Structural details of both the surface and the interior of single crystals generated upon interaction with ECMP-67 were analyzed with an apertureless-type near-field IR microscope with high spatial resolution. The results show that this protein is the main determining factor for driving the production of calcite instead of aragonite in the biocalcification process and that –OH, secondary structures (e.g. α-helices and amides), and other necessary chemical groups are distributed over the center of the calcite crystals. Using an atomic force microscope, we also explored how this extracellular protein significantly affects the molecular-scale kinetics of crystal formation. We anticipate that a more thorough investigation of the proteinaceous skeleton content of different calcite-producing marine organisms will reveal similar components that determine the mineralogy of the organisms. These findings have significant implications for future models of the crystal structure of calcite in nature.  相似文献   
Dried suspensions ofPenicillium roqueforti Thom, Coliphage T-1,Bacillus subtilis and tobacco mosaic virus were exposed to space on board the Gemini-IX-A and XII earth satellites and the Agena-VIII space rocket. All micro-organisms tested survived the direct exposure during the Gemini-IX-A experiment. In the Gemini-XII experiment only the T-1 phage survived the direct exposure. The survival was influenced by the suspending medium and depended on the species of the microorganism. After four months of space flight on the Agena-VIII space rocket surviving fractions between 2×10–3 and 1.0 were found in the unopened flight container. However, micro-organisms exposed on the cover of the container during this period were completely inactivated. Shielding against solar ultraviolet radiation during flight resulted in survival of micro-organisms exceeding to that of the transport controls, and the survival was considered complete.Sterile methylcellulose collection surfaces were exposed to space on board the Gemini-IX-A and XII satellites in an attempt to collect viable micro-organisms in space. None of the collection surfaces yielded viable micro-organisms.  相似文献   
Influenza C virus spike glycoprotein HEF specifically recognizesglycoconjugates containing 9-O-acetyl-N-acetylneuraminic acid.The same protein also contains an esterase activity. Takingadvantage of these two properties, influenza C virus was usedas a very sensitive probe for the detection of traces of 9-O-acetyl-N-acetylneuraminicacid in human leucocytes. The binding of influenza C virus toleucocyte glycoproteins and gangliosides separated by sodiumdodecyl sulphate–polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis andthin-layer chromatography, respectively, was assayed using achromogenic esterase substrate. In this way, glycoproteins ofB-lymphocytes and T-lymphocytes were found to contain 9-O-acetylatedsialic acids. Of the various 9-O-acetylated gangliosides detected,one had the characteristics of 9-O-acetylated GD3. The identificationof 9-O-acetylated sialic acids on distinct glycoproteins andglycolipids should be helpful in assigning a physiological roleto this sugar. O-acetylation gangliosides influenza C virus lymphocytes sialic acids  相似文献   
From the bark of Zizyphus sativa, in addition to already described cyclopeptide alkaloids, two new compounds of this class, sativanine-A(1) and sativanine-B(2), were isolated. Both alkaloids contain 14-membered ring systems. 1 belongs to the integerrine type, while 2 is similar to nummularine-G, with an additional ring in the side chain.  相似文献   
The effect of ant attendance on the spread of barley yellow dwarf virus by Schizaphis (Toxoptera) graminum (Rondani) was studied under field conditions. Aphids visited by ants multiplied more rapidly than unattended colonies. Secondary spread of virus is caused by apterae which leave overcrowded plants and become established on nearby hosts. Ant-mediated spread of virus is typically confined to the edges of the field. Excavations made by ants around subterranean parts of small grains provide shelter and a suitable feeding site for tht aphid vector.
Zusammenfassung Die Anregung zur vorliegenden Arbeit wurde dadurch gegeben, daß während einer Schlechtwetterperiode auf unterirdischen Teilen von Hafer- und Gerstenpflanzen von Ameisen besuchte Blattlauskolonien beobachtet wurden. Es handelte sich dabei um die Ameise Lasius neoniger (Emery) und die Blattlaus Schizaphis graminum (Rondani), die als Getreideschädling und als Überträger der Gelbverzwergungsvirose der Gerste in Nordamerika außerordentlich schädlich ist.Die Ergebnisse der Studie bestätigen erneut ältere Beobachtungen, nach denen sich die Populationsdichte der von Ameisen besuchten Blattläuse erheblich erhöht. Verschiedentlich konnte nachgewiesen werden, daß Ameisen Blattlausfeinde, insbesondere Marienkäfer, vertreiben, sobald diese in ihr Territorium eindringen.Die durch Ameisen geförderte Ausbreitung des Virus muß im engen Zusammenhang mit der populationsfördenden Wirkung des Blattlausbesuches gesehen werden. Ungeflügelte Blattläuse verlassen übervölkerte Pflanzen und wandern in die Umgebung der Wirtspflanze ab. Dabei können Entfernungen zurückgelegt werden, die ohne weiteres ausreichen, benachbarte Pflanzen aufzufinden und gegebenenfals mit Virus zu infizieren. Dadurch, daß sich L. neoniger hauptsächlich an den Feldrändern aufhält, bleibt allerdings die Virusausbreitung auf diese Region beschränkt und dringt nicht weiter in den Bestand vor. Selbst unter günstigen Bedingungen, das heißt in der Gegenwart von Ameisen, Blattläusen und Virus während des anfälligen Jugendstadiums des Getreides, bleibt die Ausbreitung des Virus und der dadurch angerichtete Schaden eng lokalisiert.Eine gewisse Bedeutung in der Epidemiologie der Gelbverzwergungsvirose dürfte auch dem Vorkommen von Blattläusen auf unterirdischen Pflanzenteilen zuzuschreiben sein, weil die Läuse hier gegen Witterungs- und Feindeinwirkung geschützt sind.Die von verschiedenen Seiten beobachtete enge Bindung zwischen Ameisen und Blattläusen konnte in dem vorliegenden Fall nicht beobachtet werden. Ein besonderer Instinkt der Ameisen oder Blattläuse scheint mir zur Aufrechterhaltung der Wechselbeziehung nicht notwendig.

Approved for publication by the Director of the South Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station as Journal Series No. 583.  相似文献   


The nature of changes in brain activation related to good recovery of arm function after stroke is still unclear. While the notion that this is a reflection of neuronal plasticity has gained much support, confounding by compensatory strategies cannot be ruled out. We address this issue by comparing brain activity in recovered patients 6 months after stroke with healthy controls.


We included 20 patients with upper limb paresis due to ischemic stroke and 15 controls. We measured brain activation during a finger flexion-extension task with functional MRI, and the relationship between brain activation and hand function. Patients exhibited various levels of recovery, but all were able to perform the task.


Comparison between patients and controls with voxel-wise whole-brain analysis failed to reveal significant differences in brain activation. Equally, a region of interest analysis constrained to the motor network to optimize statistical power, failed to yield any differences. Finally, no significant relationship between brain activation and hand function was found in patients. Patients and controls performed scanner task equally well.


Brain activation and behavioral performance during finger flexion-extensions in (moderately) well recovered patients seems normal. The absence of significant differences in brain activity even in patients with a residual impairment may suggest that infarcts do not necessarily induce reorganization of motor function. While brain activity could be abnormal with higher task demands, this may also introduce performance confounds. It is thus still uncertain to what extent capacity for true neuronal repair after stroke exists.  相似文献   
The list of genetic diseases caused by mutations that affect mRNA translation is rapidly growing. Although protein synthesis is a fundamental process in all cells, the disease phenotypes show a surprising degree of heterogeneity. Studies of some of these diseases have provided intriguing new insights into the functions of proteins involved in the process of translation; for example, evidence suggests that several have other functions in addition to their roles in translation. Given the numerous proteins involved in mRNA translation, it is likely that further inherited diseases will turn out to be caused by mutations in genes that are involved in this complex process.  相似文献   
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