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The struwwelpeter (swp) mutant in Arabidopsis shows reduced cell numbers in all aerial organs. In certain cases, this defect is partially compensated by an increase in final cell size. Although the mutation does not affect cell cycle duration in the young primordia, it does influence the window of cell proliferation, as cell number is reduced during the very early stages of primordium initiation and a precocious arrest of cell proliferation occurs. In addition, the mutation also perturbs the shoot apical meristem (SAM), which becomes gradually disorganized. SWP encodes a protein with similarities to subunits of the Mediator complex, required for RNA polymerase II recruitment at target promoters in response to specific activators. To gain further insight into its function, we overexpressed the gene under the control of a constitutive promoter. This interfered again with the moment of cell cycle arrest in the young leaf. Our results suggest that the levels of SWP, besides their role in pattern formation at the meristem, play an important role in defining the duration of cell proliferation.  相似文献   
Molecular dynamics simulation techniques, together with semiempirical PM3 calculations, have been used to investigate the effect of photoisomerization of the 4-hydroxy-cinnamic acid chromophore on the structural properties of the photoactive yellow protein (PYP) from Ectothiorodospira halophila. In this bacteria, exposure to blue light leads to a negative photoactic response. The calculations suggest that the isomerization does not directly destabilize the protein. However, because of the isomerization, a proton transfer from a glutamic acid residue (Glu46) to the phenolate oxygen atom of the chromophore becomes energetically favorable. The proton transfer initiates conformational changes within the protein, which are in turn believed to lead to signaling.  相似文献   
Chlorogenic acid derivatives are potent inhibitors of hepatic glucose production by inhibition of the glucose-6-phosphate translocase component of the hepatic glucose-6-phosphatase system. The pharmacological proof of concept was clearly demonstrated during i.v. infusion of potent derivatives (S 4048, S 3483) in rats. However, the blood glucose lowering effect of S 4048 after bolus i.v. injection lasted only 60-90 min. Plasma clearance of S 4048 was very high, and the parent compound was rapidly and efficiently excreted into the bile of Wistar and GY/TR(-) rats, indicating that mrp-2 was not involved in this hepatobiliary elimination process. About 72% of the total administered radioactivity appeared in the bile within 20 min after i.v. bolus injection of the radiolabeled analogue [(3)H]S 1743 in a Wistar rat. However, in GY/TR(-) rats the dicarboxylic analogue of S 4048, S 3025, was cleared from the plasma less rapidly than its parent compound and its biliary elimination was comparatively low. In contrast, S 3025 exhibited comparable pharmacokinetics and biliary elimination profile as S 4048 in Wistar rats, suggesting that biliary elimination of S 3025 is facilitated by mrp-2, functionally absent in GY/TR(-) rats. Targeting to mrp-2 resulted in a significantly prolonged reduction of blood glucose levels in GY/TR(-) rats after i.v. bolus administration of S 3025.  相似文献   
The plant toxin ricin binds to both glycosphingolipids and glycoproteins with terminal galactose and is transported to the Golgi apparatus in a cholesterol-dependent manner. To explore the question of whether glycosphingolipid binding of ricin or glycosphingolipid synthesis is essential for transport of ricin from the plasma membrane to the Golgi apparatus, retrogradely to the endoplasmic reticulum or for translocation of the toxin to the cytosol, we have investigated the effect of ricin and the intracellular transport of this toxin in a glycosphingolipid-deficient mouse melanoma cell line (GM95), in the same cell line transfected with ceramide glucosyltransferase to restore glycosphingolipid synthesis (GM95-CGlcT-KKVK) and in the parental cell line (MEB4). Ricin transport to the Golgi apparatus was monitored by quantifying sulfation of a modified ricin molecule, and toxicity was studied by measuring protein synthesis. The data reveal that ricin is transported retrogradely to the Golgi apparatus and to the endoplasmic reticulum and translocated to the cytosol equally well and apparently at the same rate in cells with and without glycosphingolipids. Importantly cholesterol depletion reduced endosome to Golgi transport of ricin even in cells without glycosphingolipids, demonstrating that cholesterol is required for Golgi transport of ricin bound to glycoproteins. The rate of retrograde transport of ricin was increased strongly by monensin and the lag time for intoxication was reduced both in cells with and in those without glycosphingolipids. In conclusion, neither glycosphingolipid synthesis nor binding of ricin to glycosphingolipids is essential for cholesterol-dependent retrograde transport of ricin. Binding of ricin to glycoproteins is sufficient for all transport steps required for ricin intoxication.  相似文献   
Cardiac arrhythmia is a serious clinical condition, which is frequently associated with abnormalities of mechanical loading and changes in wall tension of the heart. Recent novel findings suggest that fibroblasts may function as mechano-electric transducers in healthy and diseased hearts. Cardiac fibroblasts are electrically non-excitable cells that respond to spontaneous contractions of the myocardium with rhythmical changes of their resting membrane potential. This phenomenon is referred to as mechanically induced potential (MIP) and has been implicated in the mechano-electric feedback mechanism of the heart. Mechano-electric feedback is thought to adjust the frequency of spontaneous myocardial contractions to changes in wall tension, which may result from variable filling pressure. Electrophysiological recordings of single atrial fibroblasts indicate that mechanical compression of the cells may activate a non-selective cation conductance leading to depolarisation of the membrane potential. Reduced amplitudes of MIPs due to pharmacological disruption of F-actin and tubulin suggest a role for the cytoskeleton in the mechano-electric signal transduction process. Enhanced sensitivity of the membrane potential of the fibroblasts to mechanical stretch after myocardial infarction correlates with depression of heart rates. It is assumed that altered electrical function of cardiac fibroblasts may contribute to the increased risk of post-infarct arrhythmia.  相似文献   
Dissimilatory sulfite reductase (DsrAB) of the sulfate-reducing bacterium Desulfovibrio vulgaris Hildenborough is an 22 tetramer of 180 kDa, encoded by the dsr operon. In addition to the dsrA and dsrB genes, this operon contains a gene (dsrD) encoding a protein of only 78 amino acids. Although, the function of DsrD is currently unknown, the presence of a dsrD gene has been demonstrated in a variety of sulfate-reducing bacteria and archaea. DsrD was expressed in Escherichia coli at a very high level and purified to homogeneity. Protein blotting experiments, using antisera raised against purified DsrD, demonstrated that it is expressed constitutively in D. vulgaris and does not copurify with DsrAB. Spectroscopic analysis of DsrD indicated that it does not bind either sulfite or sulfide, the substrate and product, respectively of the reaction catalyzed by DsrAB. Thus, although the conservation of this protein and its demonstrated presence in D. vulgaris, suggest an essential function in dissimilatory sulfite reduction, this function remains to be elucidated.  相似文献   
Insertion element ISD1, discovered when its transposition caused the insertional inactivation of an introduced sacB gene, is present in two copies in the genome of Desulfovibrio vulgaris Hildenborough. Southern blot analysis indicated at least two insertion sites in the sacB gene. Cloning and sequencing of a transposed copy of ISD1 indicated a length of 1,200 bp with a pair of 44-bp imperfect inverted repeats at the ends, flanked by a direct repeat of the 4-bp target sequence. AAGG and AATT were found to function as target sequences. ISD1 encodes a transposase from two overlapping open reading frames by programmed translational frameshifting at an A6G shifty codon motif. Sequence comparison showed that ISD1 belongs to the IS3 family. Isolation and analysis of the chromosomal copies, ISD1-A and ISD1-B, by PCR and sequencing indicated that these are not flanked by direct repeats. ISD1-A is inserted in a region of the chromosome containing the gapdh-pgk genes (encoding glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase and phosphoglycerate kinase). Active transposition to other loci in the genome was demonstrated, offering the potential of a new tool for gene cloning and mutagenesis. ISD1 is the first transposable element described for the sulfate reducers, a large and environmentally important group of bacteria. The distribution of ISD1 in genomes of sulfate-reducing bacteria is limited. A single copy is present in the genome of D. desulfuricans Norway.  相似文献   
The four major oligomeric reaction products from saponified modified hairy regions (MHR-S) from apple, produced by recombinant rhamnogalacturonan (RG) α-l-rhamnopyranosyl-(1,4)-α-d-galactopyranosyluronide lyase (rRG-lyase) from Aspergillus aculeatus, were isolated and characterized by 1H-nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. They contain an alternating RG backbone with a degree of polymerization of 4, 6, 8, and 10 and with an α-Δ-(4,5)-unsaturated d-galactopyranosyluronic acid at the nonreducing end and an l-rhamnopyranose at the reducing end. l-Rhamnopyranose units are substituted at C-4 with β-galactose. The maximum reaction rate of rRG-lyase toward MHR-S at pH 6.0 and 31°C was 28 units mg−1. rRG-lyase and RG-hydrolase cleave the same alternating RG I subunit in MHR. Both of these enzymes fragment MHR by a multiple attack mechanism. The catalytic efficiency of rRG-lyase for MHR increases with decreasing degree of acetylation. Removal of arabinose side chains improves the action of rRG-lyase toward MHR-S. In contrast, removal of galactose side chains decreased the catalytic efficiency of rRG-lyase. Native RG-lyase was purified from A. aculeatus, characterized, and found to be similar to the rRG-lyase expressed in Aspergillus oryzae.  相似文献   
Blood clot formation is important to prevent blood loss in case of a vascular injury but disastrous when it occludes the vessel. As the mechanical properties of the clot are reported to be related to many diseases, it is important to have a good understanding of their characteristics. In this study, a constitutive model is presented that describes the nonlinear viscoelastic properties of the fibrin network, the main structural component of blood clots. The model is developed using results of experiments in which the fibrin network is subjected to a large amplitude oscillatory shear (LAOS) deformation. The results show three dominating nonlinear features: softening over multiple deformation cycles, strain stiffening and increasing viscous dissipation during a deformation cycle. These features are incorporated in a constitutive model based on the Kelvin–Voigt model. A network state parameter is introduced that takes into account the influence of the deformation history of the network. Furthermore, in the period following the LAOS deformation, the stiffness of the networks increases which is also incorporated in the model. The influence of cross-links created by factor XIII is investigated by comparing fibrin networks that have polymerized for 1 and 2 h. A sensitivity analysis provides insights into the influence of the eight fit parameters. The model developed is able to describe the rich, time-dependent, nonlinear behavior of the fibrin network. The model is relatively simple which makes it suitable for computational simulations of blood clot formation and is general enough to be used for other materials showing similar behavior.  相似文献   
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