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不同孵化湿度下的乌龟卵孵化成功率及新生幼体特征   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
杜卫国  郑荣泉 《动物学报》2004,50(1):133-136
A total of 51 Chinese three-keeled pond turtle Chinemys reevesii eggs were incubated on wet and dry substrates (water potentials of - 12 kPa and - 300 kPa, respectively) at 30℃ to assess the influence of the hydric environments on egg survival and hatchling traits. Eggs incubated in the dry condition lost weight, whereas those incubated in the wet condition did not. The hydric environments did not affect incubation lengths (60.3 vs 60.7 days) as well as hatching successes (69.2% vs 88.0% ). Except for wet body mass and carapace width, which were larger for hatchlings from the -12 kPa treatment than from the -300 kPa treatment, the hydric environments did not affect most hatchling traits. These unaffected traits included dry body mass, carapace length, tail length, limb length, hatehling components (carcass, residual yolk and fat bodies), swimming performance and critical thermal minimum. In conclusion, within the water potential of -12 to -300 kPa, hydric environments have little effect on embryonic development and hatchling traits in Chinese three-keeled pond turtles [Acta Zoologica Sinica 50 (1) : 133 - 136, 2004].  相似文献   
<正> Enamel ultrastructures in the molar teeth of the giant panda, including Ailuropoda microta of the Early Pleistocene, Ailuropoda melanoleuca bacont of the Middle and Late Pleistocene and a living form, Ailuropoda rnelanoleuca, have been investigated by scanning electron microscopy. Transverse and longitudinal sections of enamel were made in order co evaluate shape, size and arrangement of the prisms. The sections were etched then with 0.074 M H_3PO_4 for 30-60 sec. Our investigations have shown certain features of the enamel which allow us to recognize differences among Ailuropoda on the basis of examination of large areas of the enamel. The results are summarized below.  相似文献   
玉米赤霉烯酮(Zearalenone,以下简称ZEN)被证明具有动物雌性激素的作用(Mirocha等 1967),并且是某些真菌的一种性激素(Mirocha等1968)。李季伦等首次报道ZEN与高等植物的生长与发育有关(1980)。现已证实ZEN与植物的春化作用(孟繁静等1986)、短日光周期诱导(韩玉珍和孟繁静1990)、以及花器官的发生、分化乃至开花和受精等(阙月美等1990)  相似文献   
采用聚合酶链式反应技术,扩增了水稻矮缩病毒(RDV)基因组第10号片段的编码序列,该片段编码病毒的非结构蛋白。对扩增产物进行了克隆和限制性内切酶分析,并绘制了物理图谱。克隆片段大小为1150 bp,含Sac I、Hind III、Nde I、BamH I、Sai I 等酶切位点,引物设计时还在该片段两侧增加了Bgl II和 EcoR I 切点,以便克隆到植物中间载体质粒。利用上述酶切位点对该片段进行了亚克隆和序列分析,结果表明,本研究克隆的RDV中国流行林基因组第10号片段的编码区与日本流行株的相应区域比较,核酸的同源率为96.03%,编码的氨基酸的同源率为97.17%。  相似文献   
调查和分析了岷江上游大沟流域的 4个坡向 (偏东坡N -E80°、偏西坡N -W 85°、偏南坡S -E10°、偏北坡N-W2 0°)人工油松 (Pinustabuliformis)林下地表苔藓植物的物种多样性、组成和结构特征。在 4个坡向的油松林下共发现 13种苔藓 ,各林下苔藓物种组成数量在 6 - 13种之间 ,并且具有较高的相似性。冰川青藓 (Brachytheci um glacile)、大羽藓 (Thuidiumcymbifolium)、厚角绢藓 (Entodonconcinnus)、密叶美喙藓 (Eurhynchiumsavatieri)、小酸土藓 (Oxysteguscuspidatus)和光萼苔 (Porellapinnata)为这 4个坡向油松林下的共有种 ,其中冰川青藓、大羽藓为优势物种。 4个坡向人工油松幼林下地表苔藓植物出现频率分别为 10 0 % (偏西、偏北油松林 )和 96 .7% (偏东、偏南油松林 ) ,其平均盖度、平均密度、平均厚度分别在 5 .5 0 %± 0 .90 %至 2 5 .6 6 %± 2 .76 %、4 80 .6 7± 133.6 5至 2 72 4 .80± 4 19.72株 /m2 和 4 .73± 0 .31至 6 .83± 0 .73mm之间。无论是苔藓植物层片的多样性指数还是结构参数 ,均以偏东坡向的油松林下为最低 ;而偏西坡向的油松林下除厚度略低于偏南坡向外 ,其他指标均最高。综合研究结果表明 ,坡向是形成苔藓植物物种多样性组成和结构差异的重要环境因素 ,对苔藓植物的生存  相似文献   
Asia is the major consumer of fertilizer nitrogen and energy in the world, and consequently shares a considerable proportion of the world creation of reactive nitrogen (Nr). However, if estimated on per capita basis, Asia is characterized by a lower arable land area, fertilizer nitrogen consumption, energy consumption, and gross domestic product, as well as lower daily protein intake. To meet the increasing needs for food and energy for the growing population combined with the improvement of living standards, Nr will inevitably increase. The present study estimates the creation of Nr and the emissions of various N compounds into environment in Asia currently and in 2030. In comparison with the world averages, the lower fertilizer nitrogen and energy use efficiencies, and the lower use of animal wastes for agriculture imply that there is potential for moderating the increase in Nr and its impacts on the environment. Strategies for moderating the increase are discussed.  相似文献   
2008年5-6月在徐闻西岸设置了25个站点,运用截线样带法调查了造礁石珊瑚的种类多样性和空间分布.本次研究共发现造礁石珊瑚57种,每个站位的种类数均不超过30种.Shannon-Wiener多样性指数和Pielou均匀度指数均值分别为1.79和0.42.二异角孔珊瑚(Goniopora duofasciata)、盾形...  相似文献   
利用PCR基因扩增法,以SARS冠状病毒全基因质粒为模板,获得N蛋白相应抗原基因,构建了表达载体pBV220/SARS-N,并在E.coli中获得高效表达。用纯化后的N蛋白抗原包被测定板,通过间接ELISA法对阴阳性血清进行活性测定,结果表明,在46份阳性血中有41份被测出,检出率为89.13%。本研究克隆并表达了SARS冠状病毒N蛋白,为进一步研制SARS病人抗体检测试剂和SARS疫苗奠定了基础。  相似文献   
珠江口水体的光学特征及分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过2003年1月份对珠江口水体中的光谱分布,衰减系数,光反射率以及浮游植物对光吸收的研究结果显示:红光、蓝光衰减较快,绿光衰减较小,越向水体下层,绿光的相对含量越大,这主要是由于浮游植物在蓝光和红光波段处有吸收峰以及非藻颗粒对蓝紫光吸收较多的缘故;从总体来讲,绿光的辐亮度漫反射率(Lu/Ed)较蓝光和红光大:在上层水体中有一个反射强度较大的区域,可能是由于浮游植物在这一层的分布较多。  相似文献   
通过对热带季节雨林雾凉季和湿热季昼间林窗区域不同热力作用面的热力效应初步分析,指出在西双版纳,不论是雾凉季还是湿热季,热带季节雨林林窗边缘壁面均具有不可忽视的热力作用,且由于受林缘树木的影响,热力效应较强的东侧,北侧林缘壁面最大区域出现位置高于次生林林窗,而强度小于次生林林窗,显示了林窗边缘壁面的热力效应除与太阳高度角,太阳辐射的时间长短和强度有关之外,林窗边缘树木高度也是不可忽视的因子,其结果可为进一步研究林窗小气候形成机制提供研究基础,为研究林窗更新及生物多样性问题提供科学参考。  相似文献   
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