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Pregnane X receptor (PXR) is the molecular target for a wide variety of endogenous and xenobiotic compounds. It regulates the expression of genes central to the detoxification (cytochrome P-450 enzymes) and excretion (xenobiotic transporters) of potentially harmful compounds. The aim of the present investigation was to determine the role of PXR in regulation of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol metabolism by studying its impact on ATP-binding cassette transporter A1 (ABCA1) and scavenger receptor class B type I (SR-BI) expression in hepatocytes. ABCA1 and SR-BI are major factors in the exchange of cholesterol between cells and HDL. Expression analyses were performed using Western blotting and quantitative real time RT-PCR. Luciferase reporter gene assays were used to measure promoter activities. Total cholesterol was measured enzymatically after lipid extraction (Folch's method). The expression of ABCA1 and SR-BI was inhibited by the PXR activators rifampicin and lithocholic acid (LCA) in HepG2 cells and pregnenolone 16alpha-carbonitrile (PCN) in primary rat hepatocytes. Thus, PXR appears to be a regulator of hepatic cholesterol transport by inhibiting genes central to cholesterol uptake (SR-BI) and efflux (ABCA1).  相似文献   
Understanding the changes of aquatic microbial community composition in response to changes in temperature and ultraviolet irradiation is relevant for predicting biogeochemical modifications in the functioning of natural microbial communities under global climate change scenarios. Herein we investigate shifts in the bacterioplankton composition in response to long-term changes in temperature and UV radiation. For this purpose, 15 mesocosms were seeded with composite aquatic microbial communities from natural pools within the Cuatro Cienegas Basin (Mexican Chihuahuan desert) and were subject to different temperatures and UV conditions. 16S rRNA gene clone libraries were obtained from water samples at the mid-point (4 months) and the end of the experiment (8 months). An increase in bacterial diversity over time was found in the treatment of constant temperature and UV protection, which suggests that stable environments promote the establishment of complex and diverse bacterial community. Drastic changes in the phylogenetic bacterioplankton composition and structure were observed in response to fluctuating temperature and increasing UV radiation and temperature. Fluctuating temperature induced the largest decrease of bacterial richness during the experiment, indicating that frequent temperature changes drive the reduction in abundance of several species, most notably autotrophs. The long-term impact of these environmental stresses reduced diversity and selected for generalist aquatic bacterial populations, such as Porphyrobacter. These changes at the community level occur at an ecological time scale, suggesting that under global warming scenarios cascade effects on the food web are possible if the microbial diversity is modified.  相似文献   
Summary The cytogenetic study of a pair of identical, mentally-retarded twins with the chromosome complement 48,XXXY is reported, along with extensive clinical and endocrinological studies of one twin.The genetic and clinical features of 30 reported 48,XXXY individuals were summarized and compared to those of 47,XXY and 49,XXXXY individuals. For 47,XXY the mean maternal age clearly is increased; for 48,XXXY it appears definitely but only slightly increased; and for 49,XXXXY it may not be increased at all. Developmental defects, similar in type, appear to be progressively more marked when an additional 1, 2, or 3 X chromosomes are added to the normal male chromosome complement. 47,XXY individuals may be either normal in intelligence or mentally retarded, whereas severe mental retardation has been present in all those with the complements 48,XXXY and 49,XXXXY.The interesting suggestion of increased twining associated with poly-X male complements is noted.
Zusammenfassung Die cytogenetische Untersuchung eines Paares eineiiger, geistig zurückgebliebener Zwillinge mit dem Chromosomenstatus 48,XXXY wird dargestellt; bei dem einen Paarling konnten außerdem ausgedehnte klinische und endokrinologische Studien durchgeführt werden.Außerdem wurden die genetischen und klinischen Merkmale der 30 bekannten Fälle mit 48,XXXY dargestellt und mit denen von Patienten mit 47,XXY und mit 49,XXXXY verglichen. Bei Fällen mit 47,XXY ist das mütterliche Alter deutlich erhöht; bei 48,XXXY ist es eindeutig, aber nur leicht erhöht; es sieht so aus, als ob es für 49,XXXXY überhaupt nicht erhöht wäre. Defekte der Entwicklung, die dem Typ nach ähnlich sind, scheinen dem Ausmaß nach desto mehr ausgeprägt zu sein, je mehr X-Chromosomen zusätzlich bei dem normalen männlichen Chromosomensatz vorhanden sind. 47,XXY Individuen können entweder schwachsinnig sein oder eine normale Intelligenz haben; dagegen zeigten alle Fälle mit 48,XXXY und 49,XXXXY einen schweren Schwachsinn.Es wird die interessante Frage aufgeworfen, ob die Zwillingshäufigkeit bei Poly X-Männern erhöht ist.

Research supported by grants HD 04134, HL 09011, RR-47, AM-11105, and TIAM 53950-11 from the National Institutes of Health.  相似文献   
Neotropical wood‐eating catfishes (family Loricariidae) can occur in diverse assemblages with multiple genera and species feeding on the same woody detritus. As such, they present an intriguing system in which to examine the influence of host species identity on the vertebrate gut microbiome as well as to determine the potential role of gut bacteria in wood digestion. We characterized the gut microbiome of two co‐occurring catfish genera and four species: Panaqolus albomaculatus, Panaqolus gnomus, Panaqolus nocturnus, and Panaque bathyphilus, as well as that of submerged wood on which they feed. The gut bacterial community did not significantly vary across three gut regions (proximal, mid, distal) for any catfish species, although interspecific variation in the gut microbiome was significant, with magnitude of interspecific difference generally reflecting host phylogenetic proximity. Further, the gut microbiome of each species was significantly different to that present on the submerged wood. Inferring the genomic potential of the gut microbiome revealed that the majority of wood digesting pathways were at best equivalent to and more often depleted or nonexistent within the catfish gut compared to the submerged wood, suggesting a minimal role for the gut microbiome in wood digestion. Rather, these fishes are more likely reliant on fiber degradation performed by microbes in the environment, with their gut microbiome determined more by host identity and phylogenetic history.  相似文献   
The dry leaves of Peumus boldus (Monimiaceae) are used in infusion or decoction as a digestive and to improve hepatic complains. Preliminary assays showed free-radical scavenging activity in hot water extracts of boldo leaves, measured by the decoloration of a methanolic solution of the 1,1-diphenyl-2-picryl-hydrazyl radical (DPPH). Assay-guided isolation led to the active compounds. Catechin proved to be the main free-radical scavenger of the extracts. Lipid peroxidation in erythrocytes was inhibited by boldo extracts and fractions at 500 &#119 g/ml with higher effect for the ethyl acetate soluble and alkaloid fractions. The IC 50 for catechin and boldine in the lipid peroxidation test were 75.6 and 12.5 &#119 g/ml, respectively. On the basis of dry starting material, the catechin content in the crude drug was 2.25% while the total alkaloid calculated as boldine was 0.06%. The activity of boldine was six times higher than catechin in the lipid peroxidation assay. However, the mean catechin:total alkaloid content ratio was 37:1. The relative concentration of alkaloids and phenolics in boldo leaves and their activity suggest that free-radical scavenging effect is mainly due to catechin and flavonoids and that antioxidant effect is mainly related with the catechin content. The high catechin content of boldo leaves and its bioactivity suggest that quality control of Boldo folium has to combine the analysis of catechin as well as their characteristic aporphine alkaloids.  相似文献   
Unlike mammals, regenerative model organisms such as amphibians and fish are capable of spinal cord regeneration after injury. Certain key differences between regenerative and nonregenerative organisms have been suggested as involved in promoting this process, such as the capacity for neurogenesis and axonal regeneration, which appear to be facilitated by favorable astroglial, inflammatory and immune responses. These traits provide a regenerative‐permissive environment that the mammalian spinal cord appears to be lacking. Evidence for the regenerative nonpermissive environment in mammals is given by the fact that they possess neural stem/progenitor cells, which transplanted into permissive environments are able to give rise to new neurons, whereas in the nonpermissive spinal cord they are unable to do so. We discuss the traits that are favorable for regeneration, comparing what happens in mammals with each regenerative organism, aiming to describe and identify the key differences that allow regeneration. This comparison should lead us toward finding how to promote regeneration in organisms that are unable to do so. genesis 51:529–544. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
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