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Zusammenfassung Ausgehend von dem Tatbestand, daß bei neueren Untersuchungen einiger Küstenvogelpopulationen niedrigere Sterblichkeitswerte der ad. ermittel wurden als vonLack undBoyd durch die Auswertung von (überwiegend) Fernfunden, werden die verschiedenen Methoden zur Berechnung von Alterswerten (Lebenserwartung e, Durchschnittsalter n, mittlere jährliche Sterblichkeit m) beschrieben und ihre Fehlerquellen und Anwendungsmöglichkeiten aufgezeigt.Bei der MethodeLack kann die Sterblichkeit aus der altersmäßigen Gruppierung von Wiederfunden bestimmt werden. Das den bisherigen Auswertungen zugrunde gelegte Fundmaterial bestand offenbar überwiegend aus Fernfunden. Das Verfahren läßt sich auf Funde am Beringungsort einschränken. U. a. ist Ringverschleiß eine Fehlerquelle.Alle übrigen Methoden sind an die Untersuchung bestimmter Populationen gebunden, die möglichst vollständig erfaßt sein sollten. Ein wichtiges Hilfsmittel hierzu ist die Farbberingung.Bei der Ermittlung der Sterblichkeit aus der Rückkehrhäufigkeit ist Heimattreue Voraussetzung.Bei der Ermittlung der Sterblichkeit aus dem Erstbrüteranteil kann u. U. auf eine Beringung verzichtet werden, nicht allerdings bei den hier untersuchten Arten.Die Berechnung des Durchschnittsalters aus der Populationszusammensetzung setzt bei den zumeist langlebigen Küstenvögeln eine lange Kontrollzeit voraus. Es wird angegeben, wie lange eine Population etwa kontrolliert werden sollte, ferner wird ein Nomogramm dargestellt, aus dem unter gewissen Voraussetzungen das Endergebnis bereits frühzeitig abgeschätzt werden kann.Die Bestimmung der Lebenserwartung aus langjährigen Populationskontrollen kommt in Frage, wenn Populationen etwa in Seevogelschutzgebieten mehrere Jahrzehnte lang, aber zumeist nicht sehr intensiv kontrolliert wurden.Für 7 Arten wurden Alterswerte neu berechnet: Ein Vergleich zeigt, daß aus Fernfunden immer eine größere Sterblichkeit abgeleitet wird als aus Funden am Beringungsort. Es wird nachgewiesen, daß in mehreren Fällen bei den durch Auswertung von Fernfunden ermittelten Sterblichkeitswerten der Erhalt des Bestandes nicht mehr gewährleistet ist. Daraus wird der Schluß gezogen, daß einwandfreie Alterswerte bei der im Rahmen der Arbeit behandelten Vogelgruppe nur durch Untersuchung von Populationen oder durch Auswertung von Funden am Beringungsort ermittelt werden können.
Summary Recent research on a few populations of sea-birds has revealed a lower mortality rate for adult birds than has been found byLack andBoyd through the evaluation of (chiefly) long distance recoveries. Starting from this fact various methods of evaluating population parameters, i. e. life expectancy e, average age n, and average annual mortality m, are reviewed; it is pointed to their fallacies and to their range of applicability.By the method ofLack the mortality rate may be determined through sorting out recoveries by age. Obviously, the material upon which such calculations have been based, consisted mainly of long distance recoveries. The procedure may be restricted to the place of banding. Amongst others tear and wear of rings may be a source of error.All further methods involve the control of populations the individuals of which ought to be known as completely as possible. Colour bands are an important tool in doing this.In determining the annual mortality from the recovery rate one has to assume that all birds surviving do return to the study area.In determining the annual mortality from the proportions of birds breeding for the first time banding may be abandoned under certain conditions; however, this does not hold true for the species examined here.The calculation of the average age from the age class composition of a given population involves a long-term study as far as most coastal birds are concerned. It is suggested as to how long a population should be controlled. Moreover, a nomogramme is presented which allows to predict the final result under certain conditions. The estimation of the life expectancy by means of a long-term population control is possible when populations such as in sea-bird sanctuaries may be checked for several decades; however, this was mostly done rather extensively. Population parameters have been calculated anew for seven species as follows: A comparison reveals that long distance recoveries always lead to a higher mortality rate than those at the place of banding.It is proved that a population would not be maintained in several cases if an annual mortality rate would hold true based on long distance recoveries. Consequently, it is concluded that proper age values of birds which are dealt with in this paper can only be obtained by population studies, or by the evaluation of recoveries at the place of banding.
Following the topical application of the phorbol ester TPA to mouse skin in vivo a rapid increase of the prostaglandin E content after 10 and 60 minutes was observed. Pretreatment of mouse skin with indomethacin abolished the first PGE peak as well as the cellular proliferation induced by TPA. Both effects could not be prevented when indomethacin was applied 30 to 60 minutes after TPA treatment, suggesting that the early increase in epidermal PGE is an obligatory event in the course of the induction of epidermal cell proliferation by TPA. A small increase of epidermal PGE was also seen after treatment with the TPA-analogue “Ti8”, whereas 4-O-methyl-TPA was inactive in this respect. “Ti8”-induced epidermal cell proliferation could be partially inhibited by indomethacin, whereas 4-O-methyl-TPA-induced cell proliferation was insensitive to the drug.  相似文献   
Abstract Using an ureC-lacZ fusion, the expression of urease structural genes of the soil bacterium Rhizobium meliloti strain AK631 was studied in response to different nitrogen sources and nickel contents in the growth medium. The expression of urease genes is repressed by ammonia and is not inducible by urea. Urease activity depends on the nickel concentration of the medium. Nickel uptake is repressed in medium containing ammonia and is not affected by the genes located in the urease operon investigated.  相似文献   
The differences betweenFestuca vivipara (tetraploid) andF. ovina subsp.supina (diploid), two often confused taxa, are demonstrated in regard to morphology, leaf anatomy, ecology and distribution. New maps illustrate the distribution ofF. vivipara in the Alps and the Northern Hemisphere. The development of different polyploidy levels withinF. vivipara as a consequence of occasional sexual processes is discussed. (English Summary on p. 39.)
The effects of iron ions (Fe(II)sulfate) on basal, forskolin, and dopamine-stimulated activity of adenylate cyclase in membrane preparations from caudate-putamen of the rat have been studied. Iron dose-dependently inhibited both basal and activated adenylate cyclase activity. In contrast to guanylylimidodiphosphate (Gpp(NH)p), guanosine triphosphate (GTP) was found to enhance this inhibitory effect of iron ions. In addition, cholera toxin was able to antagonize the inhibitory effect of iron on forskolin-activated adenylate cyclase. In our preliminary study we suggest an interaction between iron and the guanine nucleotide regulatory subunit. However, further studies are necessary.  相似文献   
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