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Phosphorylation of the skeletal muscle (RyR1) and cardiac muscle (RyR2) ryanodine receptors has been reported to modulate channel activity. Abnormally high phosphorylation levels (hyperphosphorylation) at Ser-2843 in RyR1 and Ser-2809 in RyR2 and dissociation of FK506-binding proteins from the receptors have been implicated as one of the causes of altered calcium homeostasis observed during human heart failure. Using site-directed mutagenesis, we prepared recombinant RyR1 and RyR2 mutant receptors mimicking constitutively phosphorylated and dephosphorylated channels carrying a Ser/Asp (RyR1-S2843D and RyR2-S2809D) and Ser/Ala (RyR1-S2843A and RyR2-S2809A) substitution, respectively. Following transient expression in human embryonic kidney 293 cells, the effects of Ca2+, Mg2+, and ATP on channel function were determined using single channel and [3H]ryanodine binding measurements. In both assays, neither the skeletal nor cardiac mutants showed significant differences compared with wild type. Similarly essentially identical caffeine responses were observed in Ca2+ imaging measurements. Co-immunoprecipitation and Western blot analysis showed comparable binding of FK506-binding proteins to wild type and mutant receptors. Finally metabolic labeling experiments showed that the cardiac ryanodine receptor was phosphorylated at additional sites. Taken together, the results did not support the view that phosphorylation of a single site (RyR1-Ser-2843 and RyR2-Ser-2809) substantially changes RyR1 and RyR2 channel function.  相似文献   
The aim of this article is to briefly present the Galler Collection, a little-known historic Swiss bone reference series of high value for paleopathological research. The Galler Collection consists of approximately 600 mostly dry-bone specimens of many major bone diseases dating from the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Clinical information and autopsy reports are available for the majority of specimens. Rarely documented conditions represented in the collection include: severe forms of myositis ossificans progressiva, kyphoscoliosis, endemic cretinism, hypo- and hyperparathyroidism, and phosphorus-induced bone necrosis. At present, the Galler Collection is located at the National History Museum in Basel (Augustinergasse 2, 4001 Basel, Switzerland, Telephone: +41612665500, Fax: +41612665546).  相似文献   
Flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD) and three different flavoproteins in aqueous solution were subjected to redox-triggered Fourier transform infrared difference spectroscopy. The acquired vibrational spectra show a great number of positive and negative peaks, pertaining to the oxidized and reduced state of the molecule, respectively. Density functional theory calculations on the B3LYP/6-31G(d) level were employed to assign several of the observed bands to vibrational modes of the isoalloxazine moiety of the flavin cofactor in both its oxidized and, for the first time, its reduced state. Prominent modes measured for oxidized FAD include nu(C(4)=O) and nu(C(2)=O) at 1716 and 1674 cm(-1), respectively, nu(C(4a)=N(5)) at 1580 cm(-1), and nu(C(10a)=N(1)) at 1548 cm(-1). Measured modes of the reduced form of FAD include nu(C(2)=O) at 1692 cm(-1), nu(C(4)=O) at 1634 cm(-1), and nu(C(4a)=C(10a)) at 1600 cm(-1). While the overall shape of the enzyme spectra is similar to the shape of the spectrum of free FAD, there are numerous differences in detail. In particular, the nu(C=N) modes of the flavin exhibit frequency shifts in the protein-bound form, most prominently for pyruvate oxidase where nu(C(10a)=N(1)) downshifts by 14 cm(-1) to 1534 cm(-1). The significance of this shift and a possible explanation in connection with the bent conformation of the flavin cofactor in this enzyme are discussed.  相似文献   
Here we present a model for maltodextrin translocation through maltoporin channels. In a first step, our theoretical analysis does consider the case of a single binding site for a given substrate in a structurally unaffected channel with a possibly different entrance barrier on either side. It is shown how by means of conventional electrical conductance measurements (including current noise analysis) the basic equilibrium and rate constants can be determined as functions of the applied voltage. Then also the net translocation rate of the substrate becomes accessible quantitatively. This most simple model mechanism has been extended to include a voltage-dependent fast conformational change of the channel that prevents the binding process. The so developed approach has been tested with experimental data for a single maltoporin trimer being reconstituted in black lipid membranes when studied in the presence of maltohexaose as the substrate. The experimental results turned out to be clearly incompatible with binding alone. They are, however, very satisfactorily fitted by pertinent theoretical curves if also inhibition of binding by a conformational transition is taken into account. Accordingly, quantitative evaluations of the underlying parameters and eventually of the translocation rate have been carried out successfully. Our analysis reveals a set of parameters necessary for an optimal translocation that nicely corresponds to natural conditions.  相似文献   
In addition to previously isolated ratjadone A we describe three new members of this family, ratjadones B, C, and D, from another strain of the myxobacterium Sorangium cellulosum. We have investigated the properties of these ratjadones with respect to their activity on mammalian cell lines. We found IC(50) values in the picomolar range and a significant increase in the size of nuclei. A further examination showed that they inhibit the export of the leucine-rich nuclear export signal (LR-NES) containing proteins in different cell lines. Ratjadones are able to inhibit the formation of the nuclear export complex composed of the CRM1, RanGTP, and the cargo protein, as shown by two different in vitro assays. Finally, the binding of ratjadone C to CRM1 was demonstrated. These ratjadone activities are in the same concentration range as described for the polyketide leptomycin B (LMB) from Streptomyces sp. Like LMB, it seems that the ratjadones covalently bind to CRM1, inhibit cargo protein binding via LR-NES, and thereby block nuclear export. Thus, the ratjadones represent a new class of natural compounds which inhibit proliferation in eukaryotes by blocking nuclear export.  相似文献   
The G subunit of the vacuolar ATPase (V-ATPase) is a component of the stalk connecting the V(1) and V(O) sectors of the enzyme and is essential for normal assembly and function. Subunit G (Vma10p) of the yeast V-ATPase was expressed in Escherichia coli as a soluble protein and was purified to homogeneity. The molecular mass of subunit G, determined by Native-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, gel filtration analysis and small-angle X-ray scattering, was approximately 28+/-2 kDa, indicating that this protein is dimeric. With a radius of gyration (R(g)) and a maximum size (D(max)) of 2.7+/-0.2 nm and 8.0+/-0.3 nm, respectively, the G-dimer is rather elongated. To understand which region of subunit G is required to mediate dimerization, a G(38-144) form (the carboxyl-terminus) was expressed and purified. G(38-144) is homogeneous, with a molecular mass of approximately 12+/-3 kDa, indicating a monomeric form in solution.  相似文献   
Isolated epithelial cells from intestinal mucosae are a suitable object for the study of the regulation of ion transport in the gut. This regulation possesses a great importance for human and veterinary medicine, as diarrheal diseases, which often are caused by an inadequate activation of intestinal anion secretion, are one of the major lethal diseases of children or young animals. The aim of this paper is to describe a method for the isolation of intact colonic crypts, e.g. for the subsequent investigation of the regulation of anion secretion by the intracellular second messenger, Ca2+ using electrophysiological and imaging techniques. Published: April 8, 2002  相似文献   
Structure and function were studied for Crocodylus porosus transthyretin (crocTTR), an important intermediate in TTR evolution. The cDNA for crocTTR mRNA was cloned and sequenced and the amino acid sequence of crocTTR was deduced. In contrast to mammalian TTRs, but similar to avian and lizard TTRs, the subunit of crocTTR had a long and hydrophobic NH(2)-terminal region. Different from the situation in mammals, triiodothyronine (T(3)) was bound by crocTTR with higher affinity than thyroxine (T(4)). Recombinant crocTTR and a chimeric construct, with the NH(2)-terminal region of crocTTR being replaced by that of Xenopus laevis TTR, were synthesized in the yeast Pichia pastoris. Analysis of the affinity of the chimeric TTRs showed that the NH(2)-terminal region modulates T(4) and T(3) binding characteristics of TTR. The structural differences of the NH(2)-terminal regions of reptilian and amphibian TTRs were caused by a shift in splice sites at the 5' end of exon 2. The comparison of crocodile and other vertebrate TTRs shows that TTR evolution is an example for positive Darwinian evolution and identifies its molecular mechanism.  相似文献   
Adventitial mechanics were studied on the basis of adventitial tube tests and associated stress analyses utilizing a thin-walled model. Inflation tests of 11 nonstenotic human femoral arteries (79.3 +/- 8.2 yr, means +/- SD) were performed during autopsy. Adventitial tubes were separated anatomically and underwent cyclic, quasistatic extension-inflation tests using physiological pressures and high pressures up to 100 kPa. Associated circumferential and axial stretches were typically <20%, indicating "adventitiosclerosis." Adventitias behaved nearly elastically for both loading domains, demonstrating high tensile strengths (>1 MPa). The anisotropic and strongly nonlinear mechanical responses were represented appropriately by two-dimensional Fung-type stored-energy functions. At physiological pressure (13.3 kPa), adventitias carry ~25% of the pressure load in situ, whereas their circumferential and axial stresses were similar to the total wall stresses (~50 kPa in both directions), supporting a "uniform stress hypothesis." At higher pressures, they became the mechanically predominant layer, carrying >50% of the pressure load. These significant load-carrying capabilities depended strongly on circumferential and axial in-vessel prestretches (mean values: 0.95 and 1.08). On the basis of these results, the mechanical role of the adventitia at physiological and hypertensive states and during balloon angioplasty was characterized.  相似文献   
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