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Summary An overflow filtration unit for cell recycle with Clostridium acetobutylicum was developed. A cellulose-triacetate ultrafiltration membrane with a cut-off volume of 20 000 MW was found to work best. C. acetobutylicum was grown in continuous culture under phosphate limitation (0.74 mM) at a pH value of 4.4 with cell recycle, the cell dry weight in the culture vessel reached 13.1 g/l at a dilution rate of D=0.10 h-1 and 37°C. 377 mM of glucose were fermented to 190 mM butanol, 116.2 mM acetone and 25.8 mM ethanol. Total acids were 47.6 mM. The butanol productivity was 1.41 g/l/h. At a dilution rate of 0.40 h-1 the butanol productivity was increased to 4.1 g/l/h but glucose consumption was decreased to 285 mM and butanol, acetone and ethanol production to 138.2, 97.5, 16.5 mM, respectively.  相似文献   
Ten strains representing a novel genus of marine thermophilic archaebacteria growing at between 70 and 103°C with an optimal growth temperature of 100°C and a doubling time of only 37 min were isolated from geothermally heated marine sediments at the beach of Porto di Levante, Vulcano, Italy. The organisms are spherical-shaped, 0.8 to 2.5 m in width and exhibit monopolar polytrichous flagellation. They are strictly anaerobic heterotrophs, growing on starch, maltose, peptone and complex organic substrates. Only CO2 and H2 could be detected as metabolic products, the latter being inhibitory to growth at high concentrations. Hydrogen inhibition can be prevented by the addition of So, whereupon H2S is formed in addition, most likely as the result of a detoxification reaction. The GC-content of the DNA of isolate Vc 1 is 38 mol%. The new genus is named Pyrococcus, the fireball. Type species and strain is Pyrococcus furiosus Vc 1 (DSM 3638).  相似文献   
Summary Sea ice cores were obtained from eleven fast ice stations and one floe in the Weddell Sea, Antarctica in January–February 1985. All cores from the north eastern part of the Weddell Sea contained numerous living and dead planktic foraminifers of the species Neogloboquadrina pachyderma (Ehrenberg), while cores drilled in southern parts were barren of foraminifers with one exception. Foraminiferal abundances were variable, with numbers up to 320 individuals per liter melted sea ice. Distribution of foraminifers appears to be patchy, parallel cores taken less than 30 cm apart contained numbers which varied considerably. On the other hand, three cores taken on a transect each more than 3 km apart showed striking similarities. In general, small dead tests were found in the upper parts of the sea ice cores while large living individuals mainly occurred in lower sections. Abundant diatoms probably serve as a food source for the foraminifers. Correlation of foraminiferal abundance with salinity, chlorophyll and nutrient profiles are inconsistent. The possible mechanism of incorporation of N. pachyderma into the ice is discussed.  相似文献   
The hematological micronucleus test is regarded as an indicator of the clastogenic effect of chemicals and acute cytogenetic damage. The test can be carried out in red blood cells of the bone marrow and of the spleen, as well as in peripheral erythrocytes. We have determined the precise background values of micronucleated red blood cells for the peripheral blood of BALB/c DBA/2, and NMRI mice. Bleeding, phenylhydrazine-induced hemolysis, and splenectomy generated an increase of micronucleated erythrocytes in the peripheral blood of mice. Our data thus demonstrate that such factors should be taken into consideration when the micronucleus test is used for screening the genotoxic potential of chemicals. Furthermore, the micronucleus-inducing effect of cyclophosphamide was studied in normal and splenectomized mice and, in addition, a comparison of the sensitivity of the micronucleus test was carried out in peripheral blood and bone marrow after cyclophosphamide treatment. Our data demonstrate that the kinetics of micronucleus formation were similar in normal and in splenectomized mice in which the micronucleus levels had returned to normal. The comparison of micronucleus formation in bone marrow and peripheral blood after cyclophosphamide treatment revealed the generation of similar quantities of micronucleated red blood cells in both tissues. The physiological mechanisms of micronucleus formation and removal and the potential role of chemically induced spleen damage during this process are discussed; the usefulness of the peripheral micronucleus test as a simple, rapid, and animal-saving modification of the standard bone marrow test is evaluated.Abbreviations CP cyclophosphamide - MN micronuclei - MNCE micronucleated normochromatic erythrocytes - MNPCE micronucleated polychromatic erythrocytes - MNRBC micronucleated red blood cells - NCE normochromatic erythrocytes - PCE polychromatic erythrocytes  相似文献   
Revertants have been obtained from six mutants of the box9 cluster, which are supposed to be defective in RNA splicing as a result of alterations in a splice signal sequence. This sequence is in the 5' part of intron 4 of the cob gene, 330 to 340 bp downstream from the 5' splice site. Sequencing reveals that reversion to splicing competence is achieved by restoration of the wild-type box9 sequence; by creation of novel box9 sequences; and by introduction of a second site or suppressor mutation (sup-) compensating for the effect of the primary box9- mutation. The sup- mutation alters a sequence in intron 4,293 bp upstream from the box9- primary mutation. The box9 sequence and this upstream sequence can base pair to form an intramolecular hybrid in intron RNA in which box9- and sup- are compensatory base pair exchanges (G----A and C----U, respectively). Thus intramolecular hybrid structures of intron RNA are essential for RNA splicing.  相似文献   
Human large granular lymphocytes (LGL), which are known to be responsible for natural killer (NK) cell activity, also produced a variety of lymphokines including interleukin 2 (IL 2), colony stimulating factor (CSF), and interferon (IFN) in response to phytohemagglutinin (PHA) or concanavalin A (Con A). Human peripheral blood LGL, which were purified by removal of monocytes adhering to plastic flasks and nylon columns, followed by separation on a discontinuous Percoll gradient, and additional treatment with anti-OKT3 and Leu-M1 plus complement, were more potent producers of these lymphokines than unseparated mononuclear cells (MNC), nylon column-eluted cells, or purified T lymphocytes. Moreover, IL 2 production by LGL could be further distinguished in that it was not enhanced by the addition of macrophages or macrophage-derived factor, i.e., IL 1, whereas addition of macrophages did potentiate IL 2 production by T lymphocytes. Further analysis of cells in the LGL population using various monoclonal antibodies revealed that removal of cells with OKT11 or AF-10, a monoclonal antibody against human HLA-DR antigen, decreased IL 2 production, whereas removal of OKT8+, OKM1+, Leu-M1+, or Leu-7+ cells led to enhanced IL 2 production. The LGL population is therefore heterogeneous and includes at least three functionally and phenotypically distinct subsets. An atypical T cell subset (OKT3-, Leu-1-, OKT11+) rather than the myeloid subset of LGL (Leu-M1+ or OKMI+) was the source of LGL-derived IL 2, whereas the latter subset and/or another subset of OKT8+ cells appear to regulate this IL 2 production. In addition to performing NK activity, LGL on a per cell basis seem to be more effective than T lymphocytes in producing lymphokines, namely, IL2, CSF, and IFN.  相似文献   
A survey was carried out of the macrophytic vegetation in running waters of Western Lower Saxony. Three hundred and eighty-two phytosociological relevées were classified by common table work to 30 vegetation types of different phytosociological validity. The vegetation types are described and floristically characterized. Most of them belong to the complex Sparganium emersum community, which is characterized by the dominant occurrence of the nymphaeid species Sparganium emersum Rehm., Nuphar lutea (L.) Sm., Sagittaria sagittifolia L. and Potamogeton natans L., but magnopotamid-, parvopotamid-, batrachiid- and pleustophyte-dominated communities also occur. Similarity between the different vegetation types was checked by multivariate techniques, one classification technique (minimum variance clustering) and one ordination technique (principal components analysis). Additionally, syndynamical relations between the types were studied by observing the vegetation changes of 46 sample points within 2 years. The relations between different vegetation types are shown by combination of the different approaches. Finally, some more general statements are made regarding the handling of such data sets, as well as the consequences of the results for the classification of macrophytic vegetation in Central European rivers.  相似文献   
Die während des Einspinnvorganges ablaufenden Verhaltensweisen werden bei Formica pratensis Retz. genau untersucht und mit anderen Ameisenarten verglichen.
  • 1 Die Larve führt vor der Sekretabgabe Suchbewegungen aus, wodurch die Pflegerinnen veranlaßt werden, sie in vorher zusammengetragenes, feines Nestmaterial zu legen. Hier läßt sie eine Mulde entstehen, die ihr die Orientierung beim Kokonbau erleichtert.
  • 2 Zum Kokonbau ist Nestmaterial unbedingt erforderlich; Licht als nestfremder Faktor verhindert die Gespinstanfertigung nicht.
  • 3 Beim Kokonbau lassen sich drei Phasen unterscheiden: a) Anlage des Gerüstes durch Verbindung einzelner Nestpartikel zu einem strumpfförmigen Gebilde; b) Anfertigung des Außenkokons durch Abdichten der im Gerüst vorhandenen Poren; c) Bau des Innenkokons durch Spinnen von Achtertouren, wobei zunächst ein Kokonpol mit der dazugehörigen Kokonhälfte angefertigt wird und erst nach Drehung urn die Querachse der andere Pol.
  • 4 Drehbewegungen um Quer- und Längsachse kommen in alien Phasen des Kokonbaues vor.
  • 5 Die Achtertour wird regelmäßig durch eine Absteifbewegung, die der Formung des Kokons dient, unterbrochen.
  • 6 Das plastische Verhalten der Larven beim Kokonbau wird aufgezeigt. Die Verhaltensweisen werden anhand eines Reiz-Wirkungsschemas diskutiert.
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