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A PROCESS called “excitation-contraction coupling” has been generally accepted to take place only in the direction of excitation to contraction. Through this mechanism a propagated action potential initiates an active state in skeletal or cardiac muscle and the muscle contracts. We propose that, in the mammalian ventricular myocardium at least, the process is not unidirectional and an important reverse coupling between the contractile system and the excitable plasma membrane has been overlooked. Through this feedback interaction the mode of contraction (that is, isotonic or isometric) not only determines the instantaneous electrical state of the plasma membrane, but also influences the mechanical events of the subsequent beats. Thus when Kaufmann et al.1 recorded intracellular action potentials from cat papillary muscle, the time course of the repolarization was altered depending on the mode of contraction. Some kind of contraction-excitation feedback has also been suggested by Stauch2 and Lab3,4. They showed a difference in the shape of the monophasic action potential, as recorded by a suction electrode, when comparing isotonic and isovolumic contraction of the intact ventricle. But their experimental conditions did not allow satisfactory analysis of the phenomenon.  相似文献   
Sokawa et al. suggest that rel- strains of Escherichia coli possess abnormal protein synthesizing machinery, which cannot carry out normal protein synthesis when the supply of amino-acids is limited.  相似文献   
A hypothesis has been developed to relate stringent control in bacteria to a set of interactions involved in the regulation of growth of transformed and untransformed mammalian cells.  相似文献   
Kimball and Wilson1 reported that the arabinose analogue of cytidine (ara-C) inhibited DNA polymerase in a crude extract prepared from Ehrlich ascites cells. Furth and Cohen2 observed cytosine arabinoside triphosphate (ara-CTP) inhibited DNA polymerase in extracts from either calf thymus or bovine lymphosarcoma tissue, although these investigators3 had already found no effect of ara-CTP on DNA polymerase from Escherichia coli. The inhibition in both of these cases could be substantially reversed by dCTP; but incorporation of the arabinose nucleotide (ara-CMP) into DNA could not be unequivocally demonstrated. Graham and Whitmore4 reported the incorporation of ara-C into DNA in vivo and the inhibition of a DNA polymerase from L cells by ara-CTP. They found that ara-CMP was initially incorporated into small DNA strands but subsequently appeared in long strands. Momparler5 has presented evidence that, in vitro, ara-C incorporation was limited to the 3′-hydroxyl end of DNA chains. Such incorporation might be expected to block further chain elongation but this expectation was not supported by the evidence presented by Graham and Whitmore.  相似文献   
JACOB and Fuerst1,2 demonstrated the presence of a bacteriolytic enzyme (λ-endolysin) in the induced cultures of lysogenic Escherichia coli K12 (λ). The enzyme was later identified as the product of gene R; of phage λ3 which is involved in bacterial lysis at the end of a latent period. The enzyme is apt to form spheroplast-like structures in E. coli2 and one would therefore expect its substrate to be murein.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Ausgehend von 45 Probanden mit angeborenen organischen subvalvulären Aortenstenosen wurden Familienuntersuchungen durchgeführt. 29 Probanden hatten eine einfache (isolierte) Subaortenstenose (Tabelle 1), 16 weitere einen mit zusätzlichen Herzdefekten wie angeborener valvulärer Aortenstenose (n=3), Ductus arteriosus persistens (n=7), Aortenisthmusstenose (n=5) und Ventrikelseptumdefekt (n=2) kombinierten Typ (Tabelle 2 u. 3).Die Häufigkeit der angeborenen organischen Subaortenstenose liegt wahrscheinlich zwischen 0,0065% und 0,0162%.Das Geschlechtsverhältnis beträgt bei Zusammenfassung der eigenen Fälle mit Literaturbeobachtungen 2 :1 (Tabelle 3 u. 4).In den Familien der 45 Probanden wurden alle lebenden Eltern, Geschwister sowie Kinder, z. T. auch Großeltern und weitere Verwandte untersucht. In 11 Fällen famden sich in den Sippen weitere Angehörige mit angeborenen Herzfehlern (Tabelle 1 u. 2). In der Geschwisterschaft von Kranken beträgt die nach dem Maximum-likelihood-Verfahren errechnete Erkrankungswahrscheinlichkeit p=0,0361±0,00205 (k=0,rmin=1). Die Erkrankungswahrscheinlichkeit der Eltern, errechnet nach der Weinbergschen Probandenmethode, beträgt 3,3±1,9% (Tabelle 6).Ein Proband hat einen eineiigen, nicht betroffenen Zwillingsbruder.Das Durchschnittsalter der Väter der Probanden beträgt 30,6 Jahre, das der Mütter 28,6 Jahre und entspricht dem der Kontrollgruppe (Tabelle 7).Die Prüfung der Geburtenordnung nach dem Haldane-Smith-Verfahren ergab keine signifikante Differenz zwischen Beobachtung und Erwartung (Tabelle 8).Genetisch liegt den angeborenen organischen Subaortenstenosen vermutlich ein multifaktorielles genetisches System mit additiver Polygenie und Schwellenwerteffekt zugrunde.
Genetic investigations in congential organic subvalvular aortic stenosis
Summary Genetic investigations have been carried out on 45 propositi with congenital organic subvalvular aortic stenosis. From these, 29 had an isolated subvalvular aortic stenosis (see Table 1), 16 a type combined with other cardiac defects as valvular aortic stenosis (n=3), patent ductus arteriosus (n=7), coarctation of the aorta (n=5), and ventricular septal defect (n=2) (see Table 2 and 3).The incidence of this heart defect among all live births is probably 0.0065%–0.0162%.According to our own observations as well as to the literature the sex ratio of patients with organic subvalvular aortic stenosis is 2 :1 (see Table 3).In the families of the 45 propositi were examined all living parents, siblings and infants, in some cases also grand-parents and other family members. In all of them 11 relatives were affected with similar or-rarely-dissimilar congenital heart diseases (see Table 1 and 2). Using the maximum-likelihood-method, the risk of siblings to be affected is calculated as beeing p (k=0,rmin=1). Using the Weinberg method the probability of parents to be affected is 3.3±1,9% (see Table 6).One index patient had a monozygotic co-twin who is not affected.The average age of the fathers is 30.6 years and of the mothers 28.6 years (see Table 7). There is no statistical difference between parental age and that of the control sample.The birth-order effect was examined in our 45 patients (see Table 8) by the Haldane-Smith-method. There is no difference between observation and expectation.The hypothesis of a multifactorial genetic background is supposed as mode of inheritance of congenital organic subvalvular aortic stenosis.

Mit Unterstützung durch die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Die bemerkenswerte Sternbildung von Agrobacterium luteum Stamm A61 (Moll et al., 1967; Ahrens, 1968) ist auf polare Fimbrien zurückzuführen, die um die Sternaggregate ausgebreitet sind. Es wird angenommen, daß sich Schwärmzellen an den Fimbrien verfangen und durch Kontraktion rasch zum Stern gezogen werden. Nach elektronenoptischen Präparaten sind die Fimbrien bis zu 10,5 lang und können die beobachtete Sternbildung gut erklären. Agrobacterium luteum Stamm B14 besitzt ebenfalls lange polare Fimbrien. Beide Stämme tragen peritriche Geißeln, deren Struktur sich deutlich von den dünnen und unregelmäßigen Fimbrien unterscheidet.
The function of fimbriae in the peculiar star formation of Agrobacterium luteum
Summary The remarkable way of star formation in Agrobacterium luteum strain A61 (Moll et al., 1967; Ahrens, 1968) was found to be due to polar fimbriae which are spread around the star-shaped aggregates. It is assumed that swarmers adhere to the fimbriae and, by contraction, are swiftly pulled towards the star. As seen in electron microscopic preparations, the fimbriae are up to 10,5 long and may well explain the star formation observed. Agrobacterium luteum strain B 14 also possesses long polar fimbriae. Both strains have peritrichous flagella, the structure of which being clearly distinct from the delicate and irregular fimbriae.
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