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The BRCT domain is a highly conserved module found in many proteins that participate in DNA damage checkpoint regulation, DNA repair, and cell cycle control. Here we describe the cloning, characterization, and targeted mutagenesis of Brctx, a novel gene with a BRCT motif. Brctx was found to be expressed ubiquitously in adult tissues and during development, with the highest levels found in testis. Brctx-deficient mice develop normally, show no pathological abnormalities, and are fertile. BRCTx binds to the C terminus of hRAD18 in yeast two-hybrid and immunoprecipitation assays and colocalizes with this protein in the nucleus. Despite this, Brctx-deficient murine embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) do not show overt sensitivity to DNA-damaging agents. MEFs from Brctx-deficient embryos grow at a similar rate to wild-type MEF CD4/CD8 expressions, and the cell cycle parameters of thymocytes from wild-type and Brctx knockout animals are indistinguishable. Intriguingly, the BRCT domain of BRCTx is responsible for mediating its localization to the nucleus and centrosome in interphase cells. We conclude that, although highly conserved, Brctx is not essential for the above-mentioned processes and may be redundant.  相似文献   
NADPH oxidase 5 (NOX5) is a homologue of the gp91(phox) subunit of the phagocyte NADPH oxidase. NOX5 is expressed in lymphoid organs and testis and distinguished from the other NADPH oxidases by its unique N terminus, which contains three canonical EF-hands, Ca(2+)-binding domains. Upon heterologous expression, NOX5 was shown to generate superoxide in response to intracellular Ca(2+) elevations. In this study, we have analyzed the mechanism of Ca(2+) activation of NOX5. In a cell-free system, Ca(2+) elevations triggered superoxide production by NOX5 (K(m) = 1.06 microm) in an NADPH- and FAD-dependent but cytosol-independent manner. That result indicated a role for the N-terminal EF-hands in NOX5 activation. Therefore, we generated recombinant proteins of NOX5 N terminus and investigated their interactions with Ca(2+). Flow dialysis experiments showed that NOX5 N terminus contained four Ca(2+)-binding sites and allowed us to define the hitherto unidentified fourth, non-canonical EF-hand. The EF-hands of NOX5 formed two pairs: the very N-terminal pair had relatively low affinity for Ca(2+), whereas the more C-terminal pair bound Ca(2+) with high affinity. Ca(2+) binding caused a marked conformation change in the N terminus, which exposed its hydrophobic core, and became able to bind melittin, a model peptide for calmodulin targets. Using a pull-down assay, we demonstrate that the regulatory N terminus and the catalytic C terminus of NOX5 interact in a Ca(2+)-dependent way. Our results indicate that the Ca(2+)-induced conformation change of NOX5 N terminus led to enzyme activation through an intra-molecular interaction. That represents a novel mechanism of activation among NAD(P)H oxidases and Ca(2+)-activated enzymes.  相似文献   
Most inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptors (IP3R) are expressed in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), where their precise distribution underlies the spatially complex Ca2+ signals evoked by extracellular stimuli. The signals that target IP3R to the ER or, less commonly, to other membranes are unknown. We expressed yellow fluorescent protein-tagged fragments of type 1 IP3R alone or fused with a plasma membrane protein to establish the determinants of ER targeting in COS-7 cells. By using a combination of confocal imaging and glycoprotein analyses, we demonstrated that any pair of the six transmembrane domains (TMD) linked by a luminal loop retains the protein within the ER, and when attached to a plasma membrane protein (ICAM-1), prevents it from reaching the medial Golgi. TMD1 or TMD2 alone were accumulated in mitochondria, whereas TMD5 and TMD6 were retained in ER, but were unable to prevent ICAM from reaching the plasma membrane. We conclude that IP3R are targeted to the ER membrane only after synthesis of TMDs 1 and 2, and that after co-translational insertion of the remaining TMDs, redundant retention signals present in any pair of TMD retain IP3R in the ER.  相似文献   
Although compelling evidence supports the central role of caspase-activated DNase (CAD) in oligonucleosomal DNA fragmentation in apoptotic nuclei, the regulation of CAD activity remains elusive in vivo. We used fluorescence photobleaching and biochemical techniques to investigate the molecular dynamics of CAD. The CAD-GFP fusion protein complexed with its inhibitor (ICAD) was as mobile as nuclear GFP in the nucleosol of dividing cells. Upon induction of caspase-3-dependent apoptosis, activated CAD underwent progressive immobilization, paralleled by its attenuated extractability from the nucleus. CAD immobilization was mediated by its NH2 terminus independently of its DNA-binding activity and correlated with its association to the interchromosomal space. Preventing the nuclear attachment of CAD provoked its extracellular release from apoptotic cells. We propose a novel paradigm for the regulation of CAD in the nucleus, involving unrestricted accessibility of chromosomal DNA at the initial phase of apoptosis, followed by its nuclear immobilization that may prevent the release of the active nuclease into the extracellular environment.  相似文献   
Török J  Hegyi G  Tóth L  Könczey R 《Oecologia》2004,141(3):432-443
Investment into the current reproductive attempt is thought to be at the expense of survival and/or future reproduction. Individuals are therefore expected to adjust their decisions to their physiological state and predictable aspects of environmental quality. The main predictions of the individual optimization hypothesis for bird clutch sizes are: (1) an increase in the number of recruits with an increasing number of eggs in natural broods, with no corresponding impairment of parental survival or future reproduction, and (2) a decrease in the fitness of parents in response to both negative and positive brood size manipulation, as a result of a low number of recruits, poor future reproduction of parents, or both. We analysed environmental influences on costs and optimization of reproduction on 6 years of natural and experimentally manipulated broods in a Central European population of the collared flycatcher. Based on dramatic differences in caterpillar availability, we classified breeding seasons as average and rich food years. The categorization was substantiated by the majority of present and future fitness components of adults and offspring. Neither observational nor experimental data supported the individual optimization hypothesis, in contrast to a Scandinavian population of the species. The quality of fledglings deteriorated, and the number of recruits did not increase with natural clutch size. Manipulation revealed significant costs of reproduction to female parents in terms of future reproductive potential. However, the influence of manipulation on recruitment was linear, with no significant polynomial effect. The number of recruits increased with manipulation in rich food years and tended to decrease in average years, so control broods did not recruit more young than manipulated broods in any of the year types. This indicates that females did not optimize their clutch size, and that they generally laid fewer eggs than optimal in rich food years. Mean yearly clutch size did not follow food availability, which suggests that females cannot predict food supply of the brood-rearing period at the beginning of the season. This lack of information on future food conditions seems to prevent them from accurately estimating their optimal clutch size for each season. Our results suggest that individual optimization may not be a general pattern even within a species, and alternative mechanisms are needed to explain clutch size variation.  相似文献   
For recognition of infected cells by CD8 T cells, antigenic peptides are presented at the cell surface, bound to major histocompatibility complex class I (MHC-I) molecules. Downmodulation of cell surface MHC-I molecules is regarded as a hallmark function of cytomegalovirus-encoded immunoevasins. The molecular mechanisms by which immunoevasins interfere with the MHC-I pathway suggest, however, that this downmodulation may be secondary to an interruption of turnover replenishment and that hindrance of the vesicular transport of recently generated peptide-MHC (pMHC) complexes to the cell surface is the actual function of immunoevasins. Here we have used the model of murine cytomegalovirus (mCMV) infection to provide experimental evidence for this hypothesis. To quantitate pMHC complexes at the cell surface after infection in the presence and absence of immunoevasins, we generated the recombinant viruses mCMV-SIINFEKL and mCMV-Δm06m152-SIINFEKL, respectively, expressing the Kb-presented peptide SIINFEKL with early-phase kinetics in place of an immunodominant peptide of the viral carrier protein gp36.5/m164. The data revealed ∼10,000 Kb molecules presenting SIINFEKL in the absence of immunoevasins, which is an occupancy of ∼10% of all cell surface Kb molecules, whereas immunoevasins reduced this number to almost the detection limit. To selectively evaluate their effect on preexisting pMHC complexes, cells were exogenously loaded with SIINFEKL peptide shortly after infection with mCMV-SIINFEKA, in which endogenous presentation is prevented by an L174A mutation of the C-terminal MHC-I anchor residue. The data suggest that pMHC complexes present at the cell surface in advance of immunoevasin gene expression are downmodulated due to constitutive turnover in the absence of resupply.CD8 T cells recognize infected cells by interaction of their T-cell receptor (TCR) with a cell surface presentation complex composed of a cognate antigenic peptide bound to a presenting allelic form of a major histocompatibility complex class I (MHC-I) glycoprotein (77, 85, 97, 98). The number of such “peptide receptors” per cell has been estimated to be on the order of 105 to 106 for each MHC-I allomorph (for a review, see reference 82). Viral antigenic peptides are generated within infected cells by proteolytic processing of viral proteins, usually in the proteasome, and associate with nascent MHC-I proteins in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) before the peptide-MHC (pMHC) complexes travel to the cell surface with the cellular vesicular flow (for reviews, see references 13, 87, 92, and 93). CD8 T cells have long been known to protect against cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection and disease in animal models (60, 72; reviewed in references 33 and 36) and in humans (9, 61, 67, 75, 76). As shown only recently in the murine CMV (mCMV) model of infection of immunocompromised mice by adoptive transfer of epitope-specific CD8 T cells, antiviral protection against CMV is indeed TCR mediated and epitope dependent. Specifically, memory cells purified by TCR-based epitope-specific cell sorting, as well as cells of a peptide-selected cytolytic T-lymphocyte line, protected against mCMV expressing the cognate antigenic peptide, the IE1 peptide 168-YPHFMPTNL-176 in this example, but failed to control infection with a recombinant mCMV expressing a peptide analogue in which the C-terminal MHC-I anchor residue leucine was replaced with alanine (3).Interference with the MHC-I pathway of antigen presentation has evolved as a viral immune evasion mechanism of CMVs and other viruses, mediated by virally encoded proteins that inhibit MHC-I trafficking to the cell surface (for reviews, see references 1, 24, 27, 29, 63, 70, 71, 84, and 95). These molecules are known as immunoevasins (50, 70, 89), as “viral proteins interfering with antigen presentation” (VIPRs) (95), or as negative “viral regulators of antigen presentation” (vRAPs) (34). Although the detailed molecular mechanisms differ between different CMV species in their respective hosts, the common biological outcome is the inhibition of antigen presentation. Accordingly, downmodulation of MHC-I cell surface expression is a hallmark of molecular immune evasion and actually led to the discovery of this class of molecules. Since CD8 T cells apparently protect against infection with wild-type CMV strains despite the expression of immunoevasins, the in vivo relevance of these molecules is an issue of current interest and investigation (for a review, see reference 14). As shown recently with the murine model, antigen presentation in infected host cells is not completely blocked for all epitopes, because pMHC complexes that are constitutively formed in sufficiently large amounts can exhaust the inhibitory capacity of the immunoevasins (40). Likewise, enhancing antigen processing conditionally with gamma interferon (IFN-γ) aids in peptide presentation in the presence of immunoevasins (18, 28). Thus, by raising the threshold of the amount of peptide required for presentation, immunoevasins determine whether a particular viral peptide can function as a protective epitope—an issue of relevance for rational vaccine design as well (94). Whereas deletion of immunoevasin genes gives only incremental improvement to the control of infection in immunocompetent mice (22, 51), expression of immunoevasins reduces the protective effect of adoptively transferred CD8 T cells in immunocompromised recipients (37, 40, 47, 48). In a bone marrow transplantation model, immunoevasins were recently found to contribute to enhanced and prolonged virus replication during hematopoietic reconstitution and, consequently, also to higher latent viral genome loads in the lungs and a higher incidence of virus recurrence (4). Notably, however, immunoevasins do not inhibit but, rather, enhance CD8 T-cell priming (5, 21, 22, 56), due to higher viral replication levels in draining lymph nodes associated with sustained antigen supply for the cross-priming of CD8 T cells by uninfected antigen-presenting cells (5).For mCMV, three molecules are proposed to function as vRAPs, only two of which are confirmed negative regulators that downmodulate cell surface MHC-I (34, 62, 89) and inhibit the presentation of antigenic peptides to CD8 T cells (34, 62). Immunoevasin gp40/m152 transiently interacts with MHC-I molecules and mediates their retention in a cis-Golgi compartment (96), whereas gp48/m06 stably binds to MHC-I molecules in the ER and mediates sorting of the complexes for lysosomal degradation by a mechanism that involves the cellular cargo sorting adaptor proteins AP1-A and AP3-A (73, 74). The third proposed immunoevasin of mCMV, gp34/m04 (46), also binds stably to MHC-I molecules. A function as a CD8 T-cell immunoevasin was predicted from some alleviation of immune evasion for certain epitopes and MHC-I molecules in cells infected with the deletion mutant mCMV-Δm04 (34, 42, 89), but gp34/m04 does not reduce the steady-state level of cell surface class I molecules and does not inhibit peptide presentation when expressed selectively after infection with mCMV-Δm06m152 (34, 62). The m04-MHC-I complexes are expressed on the cell surface (46) and appear to be involved in the modulation of natural killer cell activity (45).Here we give the first report on quantitating the efficacy of immunoevasins in terms of absolute numbers of pMHC complexes displayed at the cell surface. By comparing the fate of pMHC complexes already present at the cell surface in advance of immunoevasin gene expression with that of newly formed pMHC complexes, our data provide direct evidence to conclude that downmodulation of cell surface MHC-I molecules is secondary to an interruption of the flow of newly formed pMHC complexes to the cell surface.(Part of this work was presented at the 12th International CMV/Betaherpesvirus Workshop, 10 to 14 May 2009, Boston, MA.)  相似文献   
Cellular protein homeostasis profoundly depends on the disposal of terminally damaged polypeptides. To demonstrate the operation and elucidate the molecular basis of quality control of conformationally impaired plasma membrane (PM) proteins, we constructed CD4 chimeras containing the wild type or a temperature-sensitive bacteriophage λ domain in their cytoplasmic region. Using proteomic, biochemical, and genetic approaches, we showed that thermal unfolding of the λ domain at the PM provoked the recruitment of Hsp40/Hsc70/Hsp90 chaperones and the E2-E3 complex. Mixed-chain polyubiquitination, monitored by bioluminescence resonance energy transfer and immunoblotting, is responsible for the nonnative chimera-accelerated internalization, impaired recycling, and endosomal sorting complex required for transport-dependent lysosomal degradation. A similar paradigm prevails for mutant dopamine D4.4 and vasopressin V2 receptor removal from the PM. These results outline a peripheral proteostatic mechanism in higher eukaryotes and its potential contribution to the pathogenesis of a subset of conformational diseases.  相似文献   
Distal renal tubular acidosis (dRTA), a kidney disease resulting in defective urinary acidification, can be caused by dominant or recessive mutations in the kidney Cl-/HCO3- anion exchanger (kAE1), a glycoprotein expressed in the basolateral membrane of alpha-intercalated cells. We compared the effect of two dominant (R589H and S613F) and two recessive (S773P and G701D) dRTA point mutations on kAE1 trafficking in Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) epithelial cells. In contrast to wild-type (WT) kAE1 that was localized to the basolateral membrane, the dominant mutants (kAE1 R589H and S613F) were retained in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) in MDCK cells, with a few cells showing in addition some apical localization. The recessive mutant kAE1 S773P, while misfolded and largely retained in the ER in non-polarized MDCK cells, was targeted to the basolateral membrane after polarization. The other recessive mutants, kAE1 G701D and designed G701E, G701R but not G701A or G701L mutants, were localized to the Golgi in both non-polarized and polarized cells. The results suggest that introduction of a polar mutation into a transmembrane segment resulted in Golgi retention of the recessive G701D mutant. When coexpressed, the dominant mutants retained kAE1 WT intracellularly, while the recessive mutants did not. Coexpression of recessive G701D and S773P mutants in polarized cells showed that these proteins could interact, yet no G701D mutant was detected at the basolateral membrane. Therefore, compound heterozygous patients expressing both recessive mutants (G701D/S773P) likely developed dRTA due to the lack of a functional kAE1 at the basolateral surface of alpha-intercalated cells.  相似文献   
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