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Many bacteria take up carbohydrates by membrane‐integral sugar specific phosphoenolpyruvate‐dependent carbohydrate:phosphotransferase systems (PTS). Although the PTS is centrally involved in regulation of carbon metabolism in different bacteria, little is known about localization and putative oligomerization of the permease subunits (EII). Here, we analyzed localization of the fructose specific PtsF and the glucose specific PtsG transporters, as well as the general components EI and HPr from Corynebacterium glutamicum using widefield and single molecule localization microscopy. PtsF and PtsG form membrane embedded clusters that localize in a punctate pattern. Size, number and fluorescence of the membrane clusters change upon presence or absence of the transported substrate, and a direct influence of EI and HPr was not observed. In presence of the transport substrate, EII clusters significantly increased in size. Photo‐activated localization microscopy data revealed that, in presence of different carbon sources, the number of EII proteins per cluster remains the same, however, the density of these clusters reduces. Our work reveals a simple mechanism for efficient membrane occupancy regulation. Clusters of PTS EII transporters are densely packed in absence of a suitable substrate. In presence of a transported substrate, the EII proteins in individual clusters occupy larger membrane areas.  相似文献   
The stable isotope of nitrogen (15N) and an appropriate three-compartment model were used in two 24-h lasting feeding experiments to trace the flow of N through the copepod Acartia discaudata and Calanus helgolandicus fed on 15N-labelled Skeletonema costatum and Thalassiosira weissflogii, respectively. Details of the labelling technique and principles of the computation of N transport rates are given. At the end of a single 24-h feeding period only about one third of the total amount of N ingested by A. discaudata was incorporated into the copepod's body N; we refer to this rate as net incorporation. Most of the N ingested was lost as ammonium (48% of total N ingested), followed by losses in the form of eggs + fecal pellets (13%) and dissolved organic N (DON, 9%). The sum of net incorporation and the latter losses is defined as gross incorporation. Net incorporation by C. helgolandicus and N losses did not vary over time during a 24 h lasting time-series feeding experiment. On average, 79% of total N ingested was actually incorporated by the copepod whereas mean N losses as ammonium, eggs + fecal pellets represented only 12 and 9%, respectively. After a 24-h feeding period only 2% of N ingested was lost as DON. Inspection of individual DON pathways showed that both A. discaudata and C. helgolandicus highly contributed to total DON production via direct excretion (79 and 64%, respectively). The remaining DON appearing in the DON pool was derived from phytoplankton via direct release and/or indirect release (copepod ‘sloppy feeding’).  相似文献   
Accumulation of radiolabelled monoclonal antibodies (mAb) in human B-lymphoma xenografts was found to result in two distinct patterns. The basic elements leading to these patterns were elucidated by autoradiographic and immunohistological analysis applied to the nude mouse xenografts BJAB and OCI.LY1. With BJAB, accumulation occurred exclusively in peripheral cell layers of the lymphoma nodule, while central areas were not accessible irrespective of mAb dose. This feature was the consequence of an inefficient transport across intratumoral vessels together with peripheral mAb supply through a subcapsular pseudosinus. With OCI.LY1, intratumoral vessels showed generalized leakiness. Furthermore, interstitial transport was operative to a fair extent, such that in early images multiple sites of mAb extravasation were obvious, which coalesced during the course of prolonged uptake. The pattern of peripheral mAb uptake resulted in a low overall tumour uptake, while multifocal uptake yielded substantial accumulation values.  相似文献   
Polycystic kidney disease (PKD) and other renal ciliopathies are characterized by cysts, inflammation, and fibrosis. Cilia function as signaling centers, but a molecular link to inflammation in the kidney has not been established. Here, we show that cilia in renal epithelia activate chemokine signaling to recruit inflammatory cells. We identify a complex of the ciliary kinase LKB1 and several ciliopathy‐related proteins including NPHP1 and PKD1. At homeostasis, this ciliary module suppresses expression of the chemokine CCL2 in tubular epithelial cells. Deletion of LKB1 or PKD1 in mouse renal tubules elevates CCL2 expression in a cell‐autonomous manner and results in peritubular accumulation of CCR2+ mononuclear phagocytes, promoting a ciliopathy phenotype. Our findings establish an epithelial organelle, the cilium, as a gatekeeper of tissue immune cell numbers. This represents an unexpected disease mechanism for renal ciliopathies and establishes a new model for how epithelial cells regulate immune cells to affect tissue homeostasis.  相似文献   
Heterodisulfide reductase (HDR) of methanogenic archaea with its active-site [4Fe-4S] cluster catalyzes the reversible reduction of the heterodisulfide (CoM-S-S-CoB) of the methanogenic coenzyme M (CoM-SH) and coenzyme B (CoB-SH). CoM-HDR, a mechanistic-based paramagnetic intermediate generated upon half-reaction of the oxidized enzyme with CoM-SH, is a novel type of [4Fe-4S]3+ cluster with CoM-SH as a ligand. Subunit HdrB of the Methanothermobacter marburgensis HdrABC holoenzyme contains two cysteine-rich sequence motifs (CX31-39CCX35-36CXXC), designated as CCG domain in the Pfam database and conserved in many proteins. Here we present experimental evidence that the C-terminal CCG domain of HdrB binds this unusual [4Fe-4S] cluster. HdrB was produced in Escherichia coli, and an iron-sulfur cluster was subsequently inserted by in vitro reconstitution. In the oxidized state the cluster without the substrate exhibited a rhombic EPR signal (gzyx = 2.015, 1.995, and 1.950) reminiscent of the CoM-HDR signal. 57Fe ENDOR spectroscopy revealed that this paramagnetic species is a [4Fe-4S] cluster with 57Fe hyperfine couplings very similar to that of CoM-HDR. CoM-33SH resulted in a broadening of the EPR signal, and upon addition of CoM-SH the midpoint potential of the cluster was shifted to values observed for CoM-HDR, both indicating binding of CoM-SH to the cluster. Site-directed mutagenesis of all 12 cysteine residues in HdrB identified four cysteines of the C-terminal CCG domain as cluster ligands. Combined with the previous detection of CoM-HDR-like EPR signals in other CCG domain-containing proteins our data indicate a general role of the C-terminal CCG domain in coordination of this novel [4Fe-4S] cluster. In addition, Zn K-edge X-ray absorption spectroscopy identified an isolated Zn site with an S3(O/N)1 geometry in HdrB and the HDR holoenzyme. The N-terminal CCG domain is suggested to provide ligands to the Zn site.  相似文献   
The genitalia of the female folding-trapdoor spider Antrodiaetus unicolor are characterized by two pairs of spermathecae that are arranged in a single row and connected to the roof of the bursa copulatrix. Each single spermatheca is divided into three main parts: stalk, bowl, and bulb, which are surrounded by the spermathecal gland. The epithelium of the spermathecal gland is underlain by a muscle meshwork and consists of different types of cells partly belonging to glandular cell units (Class 3 gland cells) that extend into pores in the cuticle of the stalk and bowl. Interestingly, the bulb lacks glandular pores and is characterized by a weakly sclerotized cuticle. This peculiarly structured bulb probably plays an important role in the discharge of the sperm mass. It is suggested that by contraction of the muscle layer the sperm mass may be squeezed out, when the bulb invaginates and expands into the spermathecal lumen, pushing the sperm to the uterus lumen. Each glandular unit consists of usually one or two central secretory cells that are for the most part surrounded by a connecting cell that again is surrounded by a canal cell. The canal cell, finally, is separated from the other epithelial cells (intercalary cells) located between the glandular units by several thin sheath cells that form the outer enveloping layer of the unit. The secretions are released through a cuticular duct that originates proximally between the apical part of the connecting cell and the apical microvilli of the secretory cells and runs into a pore of the spermathecal cuticle. The glandular products of the Class 3 gland cells likely contribute to the conditions allowing long-term storage of the spermatozoa in this species. Details regarding the ovary, the uterus internus, and the uterus externus are reported. Most of the secretion that composes the chorion of the egg is produced in the ovary. Glandular cell units observed in the uterus externus differ structurally from those in the spermathecae and likely play a different role. Finally, we briefly discuss our results on the female genitalia of A. unicolor in the light of knowledge about the reproductive biology of spiders.  相似文献   
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