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Research Notes on Avian Biology 1994: Selected Contributions from the 21st International Ornithological CongressMorphology and Physiology: Orientation

Subject: Navigation and orientation  相似文献   
Mesophyll protoplasts from primary leaves of 2, 3, and 4 weekold Viciafaba L. plants and from not expanded leaves of 2 weekold plants were incubated with rabbit anti-ubiquitin antibodyand FITC labeled goat anti-rabbit IgG. Dependent on age of theplant material, an increase in size and number of immunoreactivespots at protoplast surfaces were observed, when incubationswere performed after 16 h storage to allow protoplast to recover.A relationship between isolation stress and the intensity ofimmunolabeling was demonstrated for protoplasts from not expandedleaves. Furthermore, the surface of isolation stressed protoplastsshowed an increasing number of immunoreactive spots when plantswere previously exposed to water deficiency conditions for 1,2 or 4 days. Water deficiency conditions and isolation stressare therefore thought to induce ubiquitination of surface locatedproteins. A phenomenon, which seemed to be normally correlatedwith early events of senescence. (Received October 28, 1993; Accepted February 21, 1994)  相似文献   
Influenza C virus spike glycoprotein HEF specifically recognizesglycoconjugates containing 9-O-acetyl-N-acetylneuraminic acid.The same protein also contains an esterase activity. Takingadvantage of these two properties, influenza C virus was usedas a very sensitive probe for the detection of traces of 9-O-acetyl-N-acetylneuraminicacid in human leucocytes. The binding of influenza C virus toleucocyte glycoproteins and gangliosides separated by sodiumdodecyl sulphate–polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis andthin-layer chromatography, respectively, was assayed using achromogenic esterase substrate. In this way, glycoproteins ofB-lymphocytes and T-lymphocytes were found to contain 9-O-acetylatedsialic acids. Of the various 9-O-acetylated gangliosides detected,one had the characteristics of 9-O-acetylated GD3. The identificationof 9-O-acetylated sialic acids on distinct glycoproteins andglycolipids should be helpful in assigning a physiological roleto this sugar. O-acetylation gangliosides influenza C virus lymphocytes sialic acids  相似文献   
Distribution of net assimilated C in meadow fescue (Fectuca pratensi L.) was followed before and after cutting of the shoots. Plants were continuously labelled in a growth chamber with 14C-labelled CO2 in the atmosphere from seedling to cutting and with 13C-labelled CO2 in the atmosphere during regrowth after the cutting. Labelled C, both 14C and 13C, was determined at the end of the two growth periods in shoots, crowns, roots, soil and rhizosphere respiration. Distribution of net assimilated C followed almost the same pattern at the end of the two growth periods, i.e. at the end of the 14C- and the 13C-labelling periods. Shoots retained 71–73% of net assimilated C while 9% was detected in the roots and 11–14% was released from the roots, determined as labelled C in soil and as rhizosphere respiration. At the end of the 2nd growth period, after cutting and regrowth, 21% of the residual plant 14C at cutting (14C in crowns and roots) was found in the new shoot biomass. A minor part of the residual plant 14C, 12%, was lost from the plants. The decreases in 14C in crowns and roots during the regrowth period suggest that 14C in both crowns and roots was translocated to new shoot tissue. Approximately half of the total root C at the end of the regrowth period after cutting was 13C-labelled C and thus represents new root growth. Root death after cutting could not be determined in this experiment, since the decline in root 14C during the regrowth period may also be assigned to root respiration, root exudation and translocation to the shoots. ei]{gnH}{fnLambers} ei]{gnA C}{fnBorstlap}  相似文献   
Crude extracts of Clostridium thermoaceticum DSM 521 contain various AMAPORs (artificial mediator accepting pyridine nucleotide oxidoreductases). The specific activities of this mixture of AMAPORs is about 8-9 U mg-1 protein (µmoles mg-1 min-1) for NADPH and 3-4 U mg-1 protein for NADH formation with reduced methylviologen (MV++) as electron donor. These AMAPOR-activities are only slightly oxygen sensitive. The reoxidation of NADPH and NADH with carboxamido-methylviologen is catalysed by crude extracts with 2.0 and 1.6 U mg-1 protein, respectively. The same crude extracts also catalyse the dehydrogenation of reduced pyridine nucleotides with suitable quinones such as anthraquinone-2,6-disulphonate. The reduced quinone can be reoxidised by dioxygen.

The Km-values of these enzymes for the pyridine nucleotides and also for the artificial electron mediators are in a suitable range for preparative transformations.

Furthermore the crude extract of C. thermoaceticum contains about 2.5 U mg-1 protein of an NADP+-dependent formate dehydrogenase (FDH), which is suitable for NADPH and/or MV++ regeneration. The regeneration of MV++ with FDH and formate as electron donor proceeds with a specific activity of about 5 U mg-1 protein of the crude extract. The reduced viologen in turn reduces NAD(P)+ by AMAPOR. The formate dehydrogenase is sensitive to oxygen.

Examples of compounds which have been prepared by combination of AMAPORs or formate dehydrogenase with an oxidoreductase are: (S)-3-hydroxycarboxylates, esters of (S)-3-hydroxycarboxylates, (1R,2S)-1-hydroxypropane-tricarboxylate (Ds-(+)-isocitrate), Ls-(-)-isocitrate and 6-phosphogluconate.  相似文献   
Western immunoblot analysis of protein extracts prepared from epidermal peels, whole leaves, and mesophyll protoplasts with ubiquitin and PEPCase antibodies indicated ubiquitinated PEPCase bands and degradation products only in crude extracts which have been obtained in the presence of the proteolysis inhibitors leupeptin and hemin. After ammonium sulfate precipitation and further purification, PEPCase forms were stable and not ubiquitinated. It is assumed, that only a certain part of PEPCase is degraded via the ubiquitin-dependent proteolysis.  相似文献   
Summary Phenylcinnoline carboxylate compounds SC-1058 and SC-1271 cause complete male sterility in wheat when applied at suitable dosages at the pre-meiotic stage of anther development. Anthers from treated and untreated plants were compared using light and electron microscopy from the pre-meiotic stage through the formation of nearly mature pollen. Overall anther development is gradually slowed in treated plants and pollen development is generally arrested in the late prevacuolate or early vacuolate microspore stage, although the first pollen mitosis does sometimes occur. The sporopollenin-containing exine walls are thinner, and show abnormally developed foot and tectum layers with sparse connecting baculi. Microspore cytoplasm degenerates and the cells eventually collapse. At the early, prevacuolate, free microspore stage treated tapetal cells hypertrophy, expanding into the locule. They contain abnormally large vacuoles that appear to form from the fusion of secretory vesicles, and some vacuoles contain electrondense deposits. The sporopollenin-containing orbicular wall and Ubisch bodies are retarded in their development and are structurally deformed. Acetolysis of whole anthers and of thick sections shows that the sporopollen-in-containing structures of treated materials are greatly reduced in thickness and are less rigid than in the control. We conclude that application of these compounds causes interference with the secretory function of tapetal cells which supplies sporopollenin cell-wall polymers to the exine of the microspores and to the tapetal orbicular wall and associated Ubisch bodies. Interference with the tapetal secretion of other nutrients required for microspore development is strongly suggested.  相似文献   
Bioenergy could play a major role in decarbonizing energy systems in the context of the Paris Agreement. Large-scale bioenergy deployment could be related to sustainability issues and requires major infrastructure investments. It, therefore, needs to be studied carefully. The Bioenergy and Land Optimization Spatially Explicit Model (BLOEM) presented here allows for assessing different bioenergy pathways while encompassing various dimensions that influence their optimal deployment. In this study, BLOEM was applied to the Brazilian context by coupling it with the Brazilian Land Use and Energy Systems (BLUES) model. This allowed investigating the most cost-effective ways of attending future bioenergy supply projections and studying the role of recovered degraded pasture lands in improving land availability in a sustainable and competitive manner. The results show optimizing for limiting deforestation and minimizing logistics costs results in different outcomes. It also indicates that recovering degraded pasture lands is attractive from both logistics and climate perspectives. The systemic approach of BLOEM provides spatial results, highlighting the trade-offs between crop allocation, land use and the logistics dynamics between production, conversion, and demand, providing valuable insights for regional and national climate policy design. This makes it a useful tool for mapping sustainable bioenergy value chain pathways.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Im Epithel der Kiemenbüschel von Axolotl (Amblystoma mexicanum) findet sich ein besonderer Typ von cytoplasmatischen Membranen, den wir mit -Cytomembran bezeichnen. -Cytomembranen sind schichtweise in Schleifen oder Spiralen angeordnet und bestehen aus einer 30–45 Å dicken osmiophilen Schicht mit einem 60 Å breiten intermembranösen Intervall. Die -Cytomembranen differenzieren sich im perinucleären Bereich des Cytoplasmas aus einer homogenen, elektronendichten Substanz und stellen die Vorstufen der lamellären Cytosomen dar. Die -Cytomembranen und die lamellären Cytosomen sind aus einem Kohlenhydrat-Protein-Komplex mit möglicher Bindung an Phospholipoide zusammengesetzt. Wir glauben, daß diese besondere Gruppe von submikroskopischen Strukturen wichtige Funktionen für die Synthese der Mucopolysaccharide im allgemeinen und für die Schleimsekretion im speziellen hat.Stipendiat der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft.  相似文献   
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