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Twenty-three polymorphic microsatellite markers were identified and characterized for Cyclura pinguis, a critically endangered species of lizard (Sauria: Iguanidae) native to Anegada Island in the British Virgin Islands. We examined variation at these loci for 39 C. pinguis, finding up to five alleles per locus and an average expected heterozygosity of 0.55. Allele frequency estimates for these microsatellite loci will be used to characterize genetic diversity of captive and wild C. pinguis populations and to estimate relatedness among adult iguanas at the San Diego Zoo that form the nucleus of a captive breeding programme for this critically endangered species.  相似文献   
The terminal involution pattern of the human thymus was studied based on autopsy cases (both sexes, age range 63-91 years). Large sections through the entire thymic fat body were examined with the help of both conventional histological and immunohistochemical techniques. The findings demonstrate that thymic atrophy in old humans (a) goes far beyond the degree of involution observed in small rodents; (b) results in a system of thin, branching, in part interrupted, non-keratinizing epithelial plates containing no typical Hassall bodies; (c) concerns all components of the thymus except fat tissue which progressively replaces original thymic structures; and (d) involves various types of disorganization of individual lobules with T and B lymphocytes often located outside rather than within epithelial remnants. Effects of low-level radiation on this final regression of the human thymus are unknown.  相似文献   
Repetitive electrical stimulation of afferent fibers in the superior laryngeal nerve (SLN) evoked depressant or excitatory effects on sympathetic preganglionic neurons of the cervical trunk in Nembutal-anesthetized, paralyzed, artifically ventilated cats. The depressant effect, which consisted of suppression of the inspiration-synchronous discharge of units with such firing pattern, was obtained at low strength and frequency of stimulation (e.g. 600 mV, 30 Hz) and was absent at end-tidal CO2 values below threshold for phrenic nerve activity. The excitatory effect required higher intensity and frequency of stimulation and was CO2 independent. The depressant effect on sympathetic preganglionic neurons with inspiratory firing pattern seemed a replica of the inspiration-inhibitory effect observed on phrenic motoneurons. Hence, it could be attributed to the known inhibition by the SLN of central inspiratory activity, if it is assumed that this is a common driver for phrenic motoneurons and some sympathetic preganglionic neurons. The excitatory effect, on the other hand, appears to be due to connections of SLN afferents with sympathetic preganglionic neurons, independent of the respiratory center.  相似文献   
Unstable pseudorevertants of mitochondrial mutants of Saccharomyces cerevisiae lacking the maturase function encoded by the fourth intron of the cytochrome b gene (bI4) were isolated. They were found to be heteroplasmic cells owing their regained ability to respire (and grow on glycerol medium) to the presence of a rearranged (rho-) mtDNA that contains an in-frame fusion of the reading frames of the group I introns bI4 and intron 4 alpha of the coxl gene encoding subunit I of cytochrome c oxidase (aI4 alpha). The products of those gene fusions suppress the bI4 maturase deficiency still present in those heteroplasmic cells. Similar heteroplasmic pseudorevertants of a group II maturaseless mutant of the first intron of the coxI gene were characterized; they result from partial deletion of the coxI gene that fuses the reading frames of introns 1 and 2. These heteroplasms provide independent support for the existence of RNA maturases encoded by group I and group II introns. Also, since the petite/mit- heteroplasms arise spontaneously at very high frequencies they provide a system that can be used to obtain mutants unable to form or maintain heteroplasmic cells.  相似文献   
Secreted proteins are processed from a nascent form that contains an NH2-terminal signal peptide. During processing, the latter is cleaved by a specific NH2-terminal signal peptidase. The nascent form of phosphatidylinositol glycan (PI-G) tailed proteins contain both an NH2- and a COOH-terminal signal peptide. The two signal peptides have much in common, such as size and hydrophobicity. The COOH-terminal peptide is also cleaved during processing. We propose that the amino acid in a nascent protein that ultimately combines with the PI-G moiety be designated the omega site. Amino acids adjacent and COOH-terminal to the omega site would then be omega + 1, omega + 2, etc. In previous studies, we showed that allowable substitutions at the omega site of an engineered form of placental alkaline phosphatase (miniPLAP) are limited to 6 small amino acids. In the present study, mutations were made at the omega + 1 and omega + 2 sites. At the omega + 1 site, processing to varying degrees was observed with 8 of the 9 amino acids substituted for alanine, the normal constituent. Only the proline mutant showed no processing. By contrast, the only substituents permitted at the omega + 2 site were glycine and alanine, with only trace activity observed with serine and cysteine. Thus, just as there is a -1, -3 rule for predicting cleavage by NH2-terminal signal peptidase, there appears to be a comparable omega, omega + 2 rule for predicting cleavage/PI-G addition by COOH-terminal signal transamidase.  相似文献   
Whole-body microvibrations (MV) in three dimensions were measured in 51 volunteers, all medical students, 26 without and 25 with beta-receptor blockade (propranolol), immediately before a practical physiology examination and during the ensuing vacation. Propranolol impeded the increase in MV values in all three axes, significantly those in the z axis (vertical), the differences in MV values between the two measurements being minimal in the beta-receptor blocked group. On the other hand, propranolol enhanced MV in the x axis (anteroposterior) and the y axis (transverse), the y axis difference being significant only in females. Propranolol obviously relieves examination stress: the majority of candidates (52%) felt "quieter" in the examination with than in other similar situations without beta-receptor blockade. Propranolol was, however, without effect on the examination results. The rectified impulse in the z axis when related to body weight (Jz) correlates linearly with the calculated cardiac output. Propranolol, however, reduced cardiac output more than Jz, pointing to a Jz component non-sensitive to beta-receptor blockade. The part played by muscle tonus, mainly reflected in the y axis, thus remains unknown. The large and slow oscillations in the x and y axes, observed particularly in beta-receptor blocked females, might be attributed to diminution in standing ability.  相似文献   
A cytosolic form of dihydroxyacetone phosphate (DHAP) reductase was purified 200,000-fold from spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.) leaves to apparent electrophoretic homogeneity. The purification procedure included anion-exchange chromatography, gel filtration, hydrophobic chromatography, and dye-ligand chromatography on Green-A and Red-A agaroses. The enzyme, prepared in an overall yield of 14%, had a final specific activity of about 500 μmol of DHAP reduced min−1 mg−1 protein, a subunit molecular mass of 38 kD, and a native molecular mass of 75 kD. A chloroplastic isoform of DHAP reductase was separated from the cytosolic form by anion-exchange chromatography and partially purified 56,000-fold to a specific activity of 135 μmol min−1 mg−1 protein. Antibodies generated in rabbits against the cytosolic form did not cross-react with the chloroplastic isoform. The two reductases were specific for NADH and DHAP. Although they exhibited some dissimilarities, both isoforms were severely inhibited by higher molecular weight fatty acyl coenzyme A esters and phosphohydroxypyruvate and moderately inhibited by nucleotides. In contrast to previous reports, the partially purified chloroplastic enzyme was not stimulated by dithiothreitol or thioredoxin, nor was the purified cytosolic enzyme stimulated by fructose 2,6-bisphosphate. A third DHAP reductase isoform was isolated from spinach leaf peroxisomes that had been prepared by isopycnic sucrose density gradient centrifugation. The peroxisomal DHAP reductase was sensitive to antibodies raised against the cytosolic enzyme and had a slightly smaller subunit molecular weight than the cytosolic isoform.  相似文献   
Elucidating functions of commensal microbial genes in the mammalian gut is challenging because many commensals are recalcitrant to laboratory cultivation and genetic manipulation. We present Temporal FUnctional Metagenomics sequencing (TFUMseq), a platform to functionally mine bacterial genomes for genes that contribute to fitness of commensal bacteria in vivo. Our approach uses metagenomic DNA to construct large‐scale heterologous expression libraries that are tracked over time in vivo by deep sequencing and computational methods. To demonstrate our approach, we built a TFUMseq plasmid library using the gut commensal Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron (Bt) and introduced Escherichia coli carrying this library into germfree mice. Population dynamics of library clones revealed Bt genes conferring significant fitness advantages in E. coli over time, including carbohydrate utilization genes, with a Bt galactokinase central to early colonization, and subsequent dominance by a Bt glycoside hydrolase enabling sucrose metabolism coupled with co‐evolution of the plasmid library and E. coli genome driving increased galactose utilization. Our findings highlight the utility of functional metagenomics for engineering commensal bacteria with improved properties, including expanded colonization capabilities in vivo.  相似文献   
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