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We evaluated the effects of transforming growth factor beta1 (TGFbeta1), alone or in combination with FSH and estradiol, on DNA synthesis in primary cultures of immature rat granulosa cells. 3H-Thymidine incorporation was significantly stimulated by TGFbeta1 (5.6-fold). This effect was enhanced by FSH (20 ng/ml, 27.7-fold) or estradiol (100 ng/ml, 13.4-fold) or by a combination of both hormones (59.2-fold). Measurement of TGFbeta bioactivity showed the presence of significant amounts of TGFbeta in conditioned medium from granulosa cell cultures, and most of the activity was present in the latent form. FSH alone or in combination with estradiol produced a marked suppression of the production of latent and active TGFbeta. Activated conditioned medium from control cultures of granulosa cell elicited a 1.4-fold increase in thymidine incorporation. This effect was markedly amplified by FSH (3-fold) and estradiol (4.3-fold) and by a combination of both (8.7-fold). The peptide containing the cell-binding domain of fibronectin (RGDSPC) partially inhibited thymidine incorporation stimulated by TGFbeta1. Fibronectin did not synergize with FSH, and the interaction between TGFbeta1 and FSH was even observed in the presence of this protein. The conclusions reached were as follows: 1) TGFbeta1 is an autocrine stimulator of rat granulosa cell DNA synthesis, 2) FSH and estradiol produce a suppression of latent and active TGFbeta production but markedly amplify TGFbeta action, presumably at a postreceptor level, and 3) the stimulatory effects of TGFbeta1 may be only partly mediated by the increased fibronectin secretion.  相似文献   
T-cell lymphoproliferative disorders are among the most challenging diagnoses in hematopathology. Unlike the more common B-cell disorders, in which clonality is often readily discernible by surface immunoglobulin light chain restriction, there is no specific immunophenotypic signature that is diagnostic of a clonal T-cell population. Immunophenotypic criteria that are helpful in the diagnosis of T-cell neoplasms include T-cell subset antigen restriction, anomalous T-cell subset antigen expression, deletion or diminution of one of the pan T-cell antigens, a precursor T-cell phenotype, and expression of additional markers (e.g., CD30, CD20, major myeloid antigens, and TCRgammadelta). Analysis of the inherent forward and orthogonal light scatter properties of the cell can also provide important diagnostic clues. None of these features is 100% specific, however, for aberrant expression of pan-T antigens may be seen in viral infections, B-cell malignancies, or in reactive changes following administration of certain medications. An increased CD4:CD8 ratio is often observed in Hodgkin's lymphoma. Based on the analysis of 87 neoplastic and 80 control cases, we conclude that flow cytometric features that are most suspicious for malignancy include the loss or markedly dim expression of CD45; complete loss of one or more pan-T antigens; diminished expression of more than two pan-T antigens in conjunction with altered light scatter properties; and CD4/CD8 dual-positive or dual-negative expression (except thymic lesions).  相似文献   
Angiogenesis is an essential component of skeletal development and VEGF signaling plays an important if not pivotal role in this process. Previous attempts to examine the roles of VEGF in vivo have been largely unsuccessful because deletion of even one VEGF allele leads to embryonic lethality before skeletal development is initiated. The availability of mice expressing only the VEGF120 isoform (which do survive to term) has offered an opportunity to explore the function of VEGF during embryonic skeletal development. Our study of these mice provides new in vivo evidence for multiple important roles of VEGF in both endochondral and intramembranous bone formation, as well as some insights into isoform-specific functions. There are two key differences in vascularization of developing bones between wild-type and VEGF(120/120) mice. VEGF(120/120) mice have not only a delayed recruitment of blood vessels into the perichondrium but also show delayed invasion of vessels into the primary ossification center, demonstrating a significant role of VEGF at both an early and late stage of cartilage vascularization. These findings are the basis for a two-step model of VEGF-controlled vascularization of the developing skeleton, a hypothesis that is supported by the new finding that VEGF is expressed robustly in the perichondrium and surrounding tissue of cartilage templates of future bones well before blood vessels appear in these regions. We also describe new in vivo evidence for a possible role of VEGF in chondrocyte maturation, and document that VEGF has a direct role in regulating osteoblastic activity based on in vivo evidence and organ culture experiments.  相似文献   
Fusarium head blight (FHB) is one of the most important fungal wheat diseases worldwide. Understanding the genetics of FHB resistance is key to facilitate the introgression of different FHB resistance genes into adapted wheat. The objective of this project was to study the FHB resistance QTL on chromosome 6B, quantify the phenotypic variation, and qualitatively map the resistance gene as a Mendelian factor. The FHB resistant parent BW278 (AC Domain*2/Sumai 3) was used as the source of the resistance allele. A large recombinant inbred line (RIL) mapping population was developed from the cross BW278/AC Foremost. The population segregated for three known FHB resistance QTL located on chromosomes 3BSc, 5A, and 6B. Molecular markers on chromosome 6B (WMC104, WMC397, GWM219), 5A (GWM154, GWM304, WMC415), and 3BS (WMC78, GWM566, WMC527) were amplified on approximately 1,440 F2:7 RILs. The marker information was used to select 89 RILs that were fixed homozygous susceptible for the 3BSc and 5A FHB QTLs and were recombinant in the 6B interval. Disease response was evaluated on 89 RILs and parental checks in the greenhouse and field nurseries. Dual floret injection (DFI) was used in greenhouse trials to evaluate disease severity (DS). Macroconidial spray inoculations were used in field nurseries conducted at two locations in southern Manitoba (Carman and Glenlea) over two years 2003 and 2004, to evaluate disease incidence, disease severity, visual rating index, and Fusarium-damaged kernels. The phenotypic distribution for all five-disease infection measurements was bimodal, with lines resembling either the resistant or susceptible checks and parents. All of the four field traits for FHB resistance mapped qualitatively to a coincident position on chromosome 6BS, flanked by GWM133 and GWM644, and is named Fhb2. The greenhouse-DS trait mapped 2 cM distal to Fhb2. Qualitative mapping of Fhb2 in wheat provides tightly linked markers that can reduce linkage drag associated with marker assisted selection of Fhb2 and aid the pyramiding of different resistance loci for wheat improvement.  相似文献   
The genes in the exbBexbDtonB cluster of Pseudomonas putida DOT-T1E are co-transcribed. We have generated non-polar mutants in each of the genes by inserting an aphA3 cassette encoding kanamycin resistance. All three mutants show similar phenotypes: the mutants are unable to grow on minimal medium under iron deficiency conditions. Furthermore, regardless of iron conditions, all mutants are hypersensitive to antibiotics, p-hydroxybenzoate and toluene, chemicals that are extruded from the cell by efflux pumps. These findings are discussed in terms of the involvement of the TonB system in the energization of outer membrane functions necessary for the import or export of different compounds in P. putida.  相似文献   
Vaccine-induced HIV antibodies were evaluated in serum samples collected from healthy Tanzanian volunteers participating in a phase I/II placebo-controlled double blind trial using multi-clade, multigene HIV-DNA priming and recombinant modified vaccinia Ankara (HIV-MVA) virus boosting (HIVIS03). The HIV-DNA vaccine contained plasmids expressing HIV-1 gp160 subtypes A, B, C, Rev B, Gag A, B and RTmut B, and the recombinant HIV-MVA boost expressed CRF01_AE HIV-1 Env subtype E and Gag-Pol subtype A. While no neutralizing antibodies were detected using pseudoviruses in the TZM-bl cell assay, this prime-boost vaccination induced neutralizing antibodies in 83% of HIVIS03 vaccinees when a peripheral blood mononuclear cell (PBMC) assay using luciferase reporter-infectious molecular clones (LucR-IMC) was employed. The serum neutralizing activity was significantly (but not completely) reduced upon depletion of natural killer (NK) cells from PBMC (p=0.006), indicating a role for antibody-mediated Fcγ-receptor function. High levels of antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC)-mediating antibodies against CRF01_AE and/or subtype B were subsequently demonstrated in 97% of the sera of vaccinees. The magnitude of ADCC-mediating antibodies against CM235 CRF01_AE IMC-infected cells correlated with neutralizing antibodies against CM235 in the IMC/PBMC assay. In conclusion, HIV-DNA priming, followed by two HIV-MVA boosts elicited potent ADCC responses in a high proportion of Tanzanian vaccinees. Our findings highlight the potential of HIV-DNA prime HIV-MVA boost vaccines for induction of functional antibody responses and suggest this vaccine regimen and ADCC studies as potentially important new avenues in HIV vaccine development.

Trial Registration

Controlled-Trials ISRCTN90053831 The Pan African Clinical Trials Registry ATMR2009040001075080 (currently PACTR2009040001075080)  相似文献   
Lagenospermum imparirameum Arnold, originally described from a few specimens of cupulate seeds borne on two or three times dichotomous branches, is now shown to be borne on more complex branching systems. Details of the cupule and seed morphology are added and an emended diagnosis of the taxon is given. A new species,Gnetopsis hispida, is described as the third occurrence of this genus and the first occurrence in beds of Lower Mississippian Age in North America. The classification, evolutionary implications, and dispersal biology are discussed for each of the seeds  相似文献   
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