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Ovarian cancer is the most lethal gynecologic malignancy, with the majority of cases diagnosed at an advanced stage when treatments are less successful. Novel serum protein markers are needed to detect ovarian cancer in its earliest stage; when detected early, survival rates are over 90%. The identification of new serum biomarkers is hindered by the presence of a small number of highly abundant proteins that comprise approximately 95% of serum total protein. In this study, we used pooled serum depleted of the most highly abundant proteins to reduce the dynamic range of proteins, and thereby enhance the identification of serum biomarkers using the quantitative proteomic method iTRAQ®.


Medium and low abundance proteins from 6 serum pools of 10 patients each from women with serous ovarian carcinoma, and 6 non-cancer control pools were labeled with isobaric tags using iTRAQ® to determine the relative abundance of serum proteins identified by MS. A total of 220 unique proteins were identified and fourteen proteins were elevated in ovarian cancer compared to control serum pools, including several novel candidate ovarian cancer biomarkers: extracellular matrix protein-1, leucine-rich alpha-2 glycoprotein-1, lipopolysaccharide binding protein-1, and proteoglycan-4. Western immunoblotting validated the relative increases in serum protein levels for several of the proteins identified.


This study provides the first analysis of immunodepleted serum in combination with iTRAQ® to measure relative protein expression in ovarian cancer patients for the pursuit of serum biomarkers. Several candidate biomarkers were identified which warrant further development.
The effect of partial and complete spinal cord transection (Th7–Th8) on locomotor activity evoked in decerebrated cats by electrical epidural stimulation (segment L5, 80–100 μA, 0.5 ms at 5 Hz) has been investigated. Transection of dorsal columns did not substantially influence the locomotion. Disruption of the ventral spinal quadrant resulted in deterioration and instability of the locomotor rhythm. Injury to lateral or medial descending motor systems led to redistribution of the tone in antagonist muscles. Locomotion could be evoked by epidural stimulation within 20 h after complete transection of the spinal cord. The restoration of polysynaptic components in EMG responses correlated with recovery of the stepping function. The data obtained confirm that initiation of locomotion under epidural stimulation is caused by direct action on intraspinal systems responsible for locomotor regulation. With intact or partially injured spinal cord, this effect is under the influence of supraspinal motor systems correcting and stabilizing the evoked locomotor pattern.  相似文献   
The maximal growth rate of the marine cyanobacterium Oscillatoria brevis was reached at 200–400 mM NaCl and pH 9.0–9.6. NaCl was found (i) to stimulate the rate of the light-supported generation across the cytoplasmic membrane of the cells and (ii) to decrease the sensitivity of level and motility of the O. brevis trichomes to protonophorous uncouplers. The Na+/H+ antiporter, monensin, increased both and the uncoupler sensitivity of the cells. The data obtained agree with the assumption that O. brevis possesses a primary Na+ pump in its cytoplasmic membrane.Abbreviations ATP adenosine-5-triphosphate - TTFB tetrachlortrifluoromethylimidazol - CCCP carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone - Na+ transmembrane electrochemical potential differences of Na+ - transmembrane electric potential difference - pNa transmembrane pNa difference  相似文献   
Calcium channels were expressed inXenopus laevis oocytes by means of matrix RNA (mRNA) extracted from the cerebellum (RNAc) and forebrain (RNAfb). In these oocytes, inward barium currents,I Ba, evoked by 40 mM Ba2+ were investigated using a double microelectrode technique. Currents expressed after injection of both RNAc and RNAfb (further referred to as RNAc- and RNAfb-expressed currents) showed a voltage-dependent characteristic typical of high-threshold calcium channels of mammalian neurons. The threshold of activation was about –40 mV, the maximum amplitude was observed at +20 mV and reversal potential at +60 mV. In both groups of oocytes, no expression of low- or high-threshold calcium channels of other types was observed. Although in both cases the expression ofI Ba had similar macrokinetics, characteristics of their stationary inactivation differed. The half-inactivation potential ranged between –32 and –16 mV, and the slope factor was 28 and 16.6 mV in RNAfb- and RNAc-injected oocytes, respectively. In both cases,I Ba were insensitive to dihydropyridines; however their relation to other pharmacological agents was different. RNAfb-expressedI Ba was completely blocked by Cd2+ (K d=10 µM) and depressed up to 70% by -conotoxin (1 µM), being insensitive to either whole spider toxin fromAgelenopsis aperta venom or to its FTX fraction. On the contrary, RNAc-expressedI Ba was more sensitive to Cd2+ (K d=0.1 µM), stable to -conotoxin, and suppressed up to 75–90% by wholeA. aperta toxin in a dilution of 1:10000, and by FTX at a concentration of 0.5 µM. The findings allow us to suggest that the forebrain and cerebellum of mammals are the structures, whose mRNA differ and provide predominant expression of voltage-dependent calcium channels of N- and P-types, respectively.Neirofiziologiya/Neurophysiology, Vol. 26, No. 6, pp. 427–436, November–December, 1994.  相似文献   
The location of the 3a movement protein (MP) of cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) was studied by quantitative immunogold labeling of the wild-type 3a MP in leaves of Nicotiana clevelandii infected by CMV as well as by using a 3a-green fluorescent protein (GFP) fusion expressed from a potato virus X (PVX) vector. Whether expressed from CMV or PVX, the 3a MP targeted plasmodesmata and accumulated in the central cavity of the pore. Within minor veins, the most extensively labeled plasmodesmata were those connecting sieve elements and companion cells. In addition to targeting plasmodesmata, the 3a MP accumulated in the parietal layer of mature sieve elements. Confocal imaging of cells expressing the 3a-GFP fusion protein showed that the 3a MP assembled into elaborate fibrillar formations in the sieve element parietal layer. The ability of 3a-GFP, expressed from PVX rather than CMV, to enter sieve elements demonstrates that neither the CMV RNA nor the CMV coat protein is required for trafficking of the 3a MP into sieve elements. CMV virions were not detected in plasmodesmata from CMV-infected tissue, although large CMV aggregates were often found in the parietal layer of sieve elements and were usually surrounded by 3a MP. These data suggest that CMV traffics into minor vein sieve elements as a ribonucleoprotein complex that contains the viral RNA, coat protein, and 3a MP, with subsequent viral assembly occurring in the sieve element parietal layer.  相似文献   
Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a clinically and genetically heterogeneous disease particularly prevalent in Mexico. Althoughits etiology is unknown, genetic factors strongly influence its presenceas well as triggering factors, such as viral infections, including Cytomegalovirus and Epstein-Barr virus. Here,the study presents the appearance of de novoSLE (patients who did not present SLE before de virus infection, corroborated by serological analysis and negative for antinuclear antibodies) cases in Mexicans who live near the southern border of Mexico, who presented clinical symptoms of arthritic, hematological, mucocutaneous and renal SLE, after Zika and/ or Chikungunya virus infection. Low resolution class Ⅱ HLA typing was performed, which found a significantly increased frequency of HLA DRB1*02 (15 and 16)when compared to a group of 99 healthy individuals (P =0.001, OR=4.5, IC95% 1.8~11.0). All the patients were diagnosed with SLE 1 to 3 years after being confirmed with the Zika, and/or Chikungunya infection. At the point of acute viral infection, none of the patients presented clinical signs or symptoms of autoimmunity or were negative for antinuclear antibodies. In genetically susceptible individuals, Zika and Chikungunya viral infection can trigger SLE.  相似文献   
A novel method, laser interference microscopy, has been developed for studying the morphofunctional state of bacterial cells and the structure of bacterial communities. The following potentialities of the method are shown: rapid determination of the cell structure and subcellular structures (nucleus zone, vacuoles, lamellar structures) and the physiological state of the cell, as well as the study of the structure of bacterial communities (biofilm). The method does not require any additional preparation of cells before the investigation (fixation, staining, treatment with contrasting substances), which reduces the possible appearance of artifacts to a minimum and enables one to use laser interference microscopy for in vivo investigations.  相似文献   
Heterogeneous DNA methylation leads to difficulties in accurate detection and quantification of methylation. Methylation-sensitive high resolution melting (MS-HRM) is unique among regularly used methods for DNA methylation analysis in that heterogeneous methylation can be readily identified, although not quantified, by inspection of the melting curves. Bisulfite pyrosequencing has been used to estimate the level of heterogeneous methylation by quantifying methylation levels present at individual CpG dinucleotides. Sequentially combining the two methodologies using MS-HRM to screen the amplification products prior to bisulfite pyrosequencing would be advantageous. This would not only replace the quality control step using agarose gel analysis prior to the pyrosequencing step but would also provide important qualitative information in its own right. We chose to analyze DAPK1 as it is an important tumor suppressor gene frequently heterogeneously methylated in a number of malignancies, including chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL). A region of the DAPK1 promoter was analyzed in ten CLL samples by MS-HRM. By using a biotinylated primer, bisulfite pyrosequencing could be used to directly analyze the samples. MS-HRM revealed the presence of various extents of heterogeneous DAPK1 methylation in all CLL samples. Further analysis of the biotinylated MS-HRM products by bisulfite pyrosequencing provided quantitative information for each CpG dinucleotide analyzed, and confirmed the presence of heterogeneous DNA methylation. Whereas each method could be used individually, MS-HRM and bisulfite pyrosequencing provided complementary information for the assessment of heterogeneous methylation.Key words: MS-HRM, pyrosequencing, digital PCR, heterogeneous DNA methylation, DAPK1, chronic lymphocytic leukemia  相似文献   
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