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Isaria fumosorosea is an entomopathogenic fungus that is used as a control alternative for nymphs and adults of Bemisia tabaci. Currently there are some commercial products, however, in greenhouse or field, these do not reach the levels of control as in the laboratory because the viability of the spores decreases as a result of the conditions of application of these products in situ. The objective of this work is to implement, through agroecological data, a system of biotechnological traps based on I. fumosorosea to increase the control efficiency mainly of adults of B. tabaci in strawberry greenhouses. One way to quantify the degree of infestation of a crop is the use of yellow traps, likewise to determine the spatial distribution of adults. The Taylor method [(1984). Assessing and interpreting the spatial distributions of insect populations. Annual Reviews of Entomology, 29, 321–357) was used in five different strawberry cultivation models, finding aggregate and regular distributions. Finally, once the crop model with the highest degree of infestation was selected, the designed traps were tested and mortalities were obtained between 50% and 90% in both the laboratory and the greenhouse. The biotechnological traps based on I. fumosorosea both in the laboratory and in the greenhouse had statistically the same effect as those used under the traditional method used in the field that is aspersion; therefore, this alternative method of application can be a tool important for the biological control of this pest.  相似文献   
Phospholipase A2 selectively hydrolyses the ester linkage at the sn-2 position of phospholipids forming lysocompounds. This bioconversion has importance in biotechnology since lysophospholipids are strong bioemulsifiers. The aim of the present work was to study the kinetic behaviour and properties of immobilized phospholipase A2 from bee venom adsorbed into an ion exchange support. The enzyme had high affinity for CM-Sephadex® support and the non-covalent interaction was optimum at pH 8. The activity of immobilized phospholipase A2 was comparatively evaluated with the soluble enzyme using a phospholipid/Triton X-100 mixed micelle as assay system. The immobilized enzyme showed high retention activity and excellent stability under storage. The activity of the immobilized system remained almost constant after several cycles of hydrolysis. Immobilized phospholipase A2 was less sensitive to pH changes compared to soluble form. The kinetic parameters obtained (Vmax 883.4 μmol mg−1 min−1 and a Km 12.9 mM for soluble form and Vmax = 306 μmol mg−1 min−1 and a Km = 3.9 for immobilized phospholipase A2) were in agreement with the immobilization effect. The results obtained with CM-Sephadex®-phospholipase A2 system give a good framework for the development of a continuous phospholipid bioconversion process.  相似文献   


Freshwater anostracans inhabit ephemeral water bodies in which as the water level decreases due to evaporation the salt concentration increases. Thus, for most anostracans salinity becomes the major stress factor.


We tested five concentrations of NaCl (0 to 8 g/l) on the life table demography of Branchipus schaefferi fed Chlorella (alga). Age-specific survivorship curves of male and female B. schaefferi showed nearly a similar pattern in that increased salt concentration resulted in decreased survivorship. The age-specific reproduction (mx) of females showed several peaks of cyst production at 0 and 1 g/l salinity while in treatments containing salt at 4 or 8 g/l, there were fewer peaks. Average lifespan, life expectancy at birth, gross and net reproductive rates, generation time and the rate of population increase were all significantly influenced by the salt concentration in the medium. The highest value of net reproductive rate (970 cysts/female) was in treatments containing 0 g/l of salt, while the lowest was 13 cysts/female at 8 g/l. The rate of population increase (r) varied from 0.52 to 0.32 per day depending on the salt concentration in the medium.


The low survival and offspring production of B. schaefferi at higher salinity levels suggests that this species is unlikely to colonize inland saline water bodies. Therefore, the temporary ponds in which it is found, proper conservative measures must be taken to protect this species.  相似文献   
Pavement design and management practices must be adapted in response to future climate change. While many studies have attempted to identify different methods to adapt pavements to future climate conditions, the potential economic impacts of the adaptations still remain largely unquantified. This study presents the results of a comprehensive life‐cycle cost analysis (LCCA) aimed at quantifying the potential economic impacts of a climate adaptation method, in which an upgraded asphalt binder (Performance Grade PG 76‐22) is used in the construction and maintenance of flexible pavement sections in lieu of the original binder (PG 70‐22) for improved resistance against high temperatures. For each of three major Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) districts with different climates, three case studies consisting of typical interstate, primary, and secondary pavement sections were considered. The LCCA accounted for the costs incurred during the mixture's production, maintenance, and use phases of the pavement life cycle by explicitly considering future climate projections, pavement life‐cycle performance, maintenance effects, and work zone user delays. The study concludes that pavements using the upgraded binder not only perform better over time but are also economically advantageous compared to those with the original binder under the conditions of the anticipated future climate conditions (2020–2039).  相似文献   
Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants - Transgenic tobacco (N. tabacum cv. Xanthi nc) expressing Capsicum chinense CchGLP gene that encodes an Mn-SOD, constitutively produces hydrogen...  相似文献   
Long-duration or damaging exercise initiates reactions that resemble the acute phase response to infection and induces neutrophil priming for oxidative activity. Our objective was to establish the status of the antioxidant defences and of the oxidative equilibrium in the neutrophils of sportsmen prior to and after intense physical exercise. Nine voluntary male professional cyclists participated in this study. The exercise was a cycling mountain stage (171 km) and the cyclists took a mean &#45 SEM of 270 &#45 12 min to complete it. We determined the activities of catalase (CAT), glutathione reductase (GR), glutathione peroxidase (GPx), the levels and activity of superoxide dismutase (SOD), the concentrations of ascorbate, glutathione and glutathione disulphide (GSSG) and DNA levels in neutrophils. The cycling stage decreased enzyme activities expressed per DNA units: CAT (33%), SOD (38%), GPx (65%); increased ascorbate concentration in neutrophils and decreased the GSH/GSSG ratio and the enzyme activities expressed per DNA units. Neutrophils could contribute to plasma antioxidant defences against oxidative stress induced by exercise because they probably provide antioxidant enzymes and ascorbate.  相似文献   
Multiparasitism involves competition between larvae inside the host. Telenomus podisi (Ashmead) and Trissolcus urichi (Crawford) (Hymenoptera: Platygastridae) are solitary egg parasitoids of Piezodorus guildinii Westwood (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae), an important soybean pest. Egg masses partially parasitized by one species were offered to females of the other species. Both species attacked randomly unparasitized and parasitized hosts. Emergence from multiparasitized eggs was greater for T. urichi than for T. podisi, although it was lower than emergence from eggs parasitized by T. urichi alone. Emergence of each species was independent of the order in which they parasitized and of time elapsed between ovipositions. Progeny sex ratio obtained from multiparasitized and from parasitized eggs were similar for both parasitoids. Our results suggest that T. urichi is a better intrinsic competitor than T. podisi for P. guildinii eggs. In the field, however, T. podisi was the dominant species, and T. urichi could be using other pentatomid eggs as resource.  相似文献   
High resolution volatile profiling (67 compounds identified) of fruits from 12 persimmon cultivars was established and used to characterize the different astringency types of persimmon fruit before and after deastringency treatment. Analysis of the volatile profile of fruit enables us to differentiate between cultivars that at the moment of harvest produced non-astringent fruit (Pollination Constant Non Astringent—PCNA-type) from astringent ones (non-PCNA-type). Fruit failing to accumulate astringent compounds naturally (PCNA fruit) showed high levels of 3(2H)-benzofuranone, while this compound was not detected in any astringent type fruit (non-PCNA). In addition to this, PCNA cultivars also showed at harvest higher accumulation of benzeneacetaldehyde and lipid-derived aldehydes (hexanal, heptanal, octanal and decanal) than non-PCNA fruit. The application of postharvest deastringency treatment to all non-PCNA cultivars resulted on an important insolubilization of tannins. In general the CO2-treatment enhanced the levels of acetaldehyde, however those cultivars showing high levels of dihydrobenzofuran at harvest did not present an increment of acetaldehyde. In contrast, all non-PCNA cultivars exhibited an important accumulation of lipid-derived aldehydes due to CO2-treatment. Therefore, we propose that lipid-derived aldehydes (mainly decanal, octanal and heptanal) may be playing a role in the astringency loss. Our results suggest that 3(2H)-benzofuranone, benzeneacetaldehyde and lipid-derived aldehydes could be used as markers for both natural and artificial loss of astringency.  相似文献   
Biological Trace Element Research - Fluoride accumulates and is toxic to bones. Clinical bone lesions occur in a phased manner, being less severe early in the natural course of skeletal fluorosis....  相似文献   
The spread of multidrug resistant bacteria owing to the intensive use of antibiotics is challenging current antibiotic therapies, and making the discovery and evaluation of new antimicrobial agents a high priority. The evaluation of novel peptide sequences of predicted antimicrobial peptides from different sources is valuable approach to identify alternative antibiotic leads. Two strategies were pursued in this study to evaluate novel antimicrobial peptides from the human β-defensin family (hBD). In the first, a 32-residue peptide was designed based on the alignment of all available hBD primary structures, while in the second a putative 35-residue peptide, hBD10, was mined from the gene DEFB110. Both hBDconsensus and hBD10 were chemically synthesized, folded and purified. They showed antimicrobial activity against Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, and Mycobacterium tuberculosis, but were not hemolytic on human red blood cells. The NMR-based solution structure of hBDconsensus revealed that it adopts a classical β-defensin fold and disulfide connectivities. Even though the mass spectrum of hBD10 confirmed the formation of three disulfide bonds, it showed limited dispersion in 1H NMR spectra and structural studies were not pursued. The evaluation of different β-defensin structures may identify new antimicrobial agents effective against multidrug-resistant bacterial strains.  相似文献   
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