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Summary The expression of folate sensitive common fragile sites was investigated in 82 normal healthy males and females of various ages. In 100 studied metaphases of each of these controls, between 0 and 56 lesions were detected (mean 18.3 ± 10.3 SD). No significant difference was found between the mean number of expressed lesions in females and males. No age-effects were observed. Two new common fragile sites were discovered at 6p21 and 17q21. Their fragile site status, however, needs to be confirmed.  相似文献   
The structure of a new nonasaccharide isolated from human milk has been investigated. By using methylation analysis, FAB-MS and1H-and13C-NMR spectroscopy as basic methods of structural investigation, this oligosaccharide was identified as VI2--Fuc,V4-Fuc,III3--Fuc-p-lacto-n-hexaose: Fuc1-2Gal1-3[Fuc1-4]GlcNAc1-3Gal1-4[Fuc1-3]GlcNAc1-3Gal1-4Glc.Abbreviations COSY correlation spectroscope - DP degree of polymerisation - FAB-MS fast atom bombardment-mass spectrometry - HPLC high performance liquid chromatography - NMR nuclear magnetic resonance - GLC gas-liquid chromatography  相似文献   
A simple method for generating cDNA libraries has been described (1) in which RNase H-DNA polymerase I-mediated second-strand cDNA synthesis primes from an RNA oligonucleotide derived from the 5' (capped) end of mRNA. The size of this oligonucleotide and the fate of the information corresponding to the RNA during subsequent cloning have not been established. We show here that the 5'-most RNA primer varies in length from 8 to 21 nucleotides, and that information corresponding to the length of the RNA primer is normally lost during cloning. A modification of the second-strand cDNA synthesis procedure is described which allows cloning of all, or almost all, of the primer sequence information. In addition, we show that the presence of E. coli DNA ligase during second-strand cDNA synthesis can increase the length of the cDNA clones obtained from long RNAs. Cloning by addition of linkers provides the greatest chance of obtaining near full-length cDNA clones from long mRNAs.  相似文献   
Summary Recently, it has been shown that Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 1a (CMT1a) is linked with a duplication of a DNA segment that is detected by probe VAW409R3, and that is located on chromosome 17p11.2. Here, we show that this duplication also contains VAW412R3a, but not A10-41 and EW503. Accounting for the duplication in recombination analysis, we found recombinants between CMT1a and EW301 and EW502, but not with A10-41, VAW409R3, and VAW412R3. Using pulsed-field gel electrophoresis analysis, we estimated the minimal size of the duplicated region in CMT1a patients to be 1100 kb.  相似文献   
The serum unsaturated vitamin B12-binding capacity (UBBC), unsaturated transcobalamin (UTC) I, UTC II, UTC III levels, alanine aminotransferase, aspartate aminotransferase, alkaline phosphatase activities and bilirubin concentration were estimated in 61 patients with liver diseases (31 with hepatoma, 30 with viral hepatitis). The levels of serum cobalamin, UTC I, UTC III, UBBC, alanine and aspartate aminotransferases, and bilirubin were raised in both hepatoma and viral hepatitis patients. Serum UTC II was reduced in both conditions. Alkaline phosphatase activity was significantly increased in hepatoma. Four significant correlations were observed among these parameters in the hepatoma patients while only one significant correlation was observed in viral hepatitis.  相似文献   
The chlorate-resistant (chlR) mutants are pleiotropically defective in molybdoenzyme activity. The inactive derivative of the molybdoenzyme, respiratory nitrate reductase, present in the cell-free extract of a chlB mutant, can be activated by the addition of protein FA, the probable active product of the chlB locus. Protein FA addition, however, cannot bring about the activation if 10 mM sodium tungstate is included in the culture medium for the chlB strain. The inclusion of a heat-treated preparation of a wild-type or chlB strain prepared after growth in the absence of tungstate, restores the protein-FA-dependent activation of nitrate reductase. All attempts to activate nitrate reductase in extracts prepared from tungstate-grown wild-type Escherichia coli strains failed. It appears that during growth with tungstate, the possession of the active chlB gene product leads to the synthesis of a nitrate reductase derivative which is distinct from that present in the tungstate-grown chlB mutant. Heat-treated preparations from chlA and chlE mutants which do not possess molybdenum cofactor activity fail to restore the activation. Fractionation by gel filtration of the heat-treated preparation from a wild-type strain produced two active peaks in the eluate of approximate Mr 12000 and less than or equal to 1500. The active material in the heat-treated extract was resistant to exposure to proteinases, but after such treatment the active component, previously of approximate Mr 12000, eluted from the gel filtration column with the material of Mr less than or equal to 1500. The active material is therefore of low molecular mass and can exist either in a protein-bound form or in an apparently free state. Molybdenum cofactor activity, assayed by the complementation of the apoprotein of NADPH:nitrate oxidoreductase in an extract of the nit-1 mutant of Neurospora crassa, gave a profile following gel filtration similar to that of the ability to restore respiratory nitrate reductase activity to the tungstate-grown chlB mutant soluble fraction. This was the case even after proteinase treatment of the heat-stable fraction. Analysis of the chlC (narC) mutant, defective in the structural gene for nitrate reductase, revealed that heat treatment is not necessary for the expression of the active component. Furthermore both the active component and molybdenum cofactor activity are present in corresponding bound and free fractions in the non-heat-treated soluble subcellular fraction.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   
The receptors for polypeptide growth factors and proteins coded by oncogenes of the src family are endowed with protein kinase activity and share the uncommon property of autophosphorylating at tyrosine residues. It is unclear whether the tyrosine kinase activity is also directed towards other targets of physiological significance. In this work, phosphotyrosine antibodies were used to detect, by Western blots and immunoprecipitation, proteins phosphorylated at tyrosine in fibroblasts either stimulated by growth factors (PDGF and EGF) or transformed by oncogene-coded tyrosine kinases. In stimulated cells the antibodies detected the autophosphorylated receptors, but only trace amounts of other proteins phosphorylated at tyrosine. In fibroblasts transformed by retroviral oncogenes (v-src, v-abl, v-fps or v-fes) proteins other than the corresponding oncogene-coded kinase, were found. A p70 was found to be heavily phosphorylated in fibroblasts transformed by v-src, v-fes and v-fps. A p130 and a p36 were found in cells transformed by v-src and v-abl. A unique p70 was phosphorylated in v-abl-transformed fibroblasts. These proteins were also phosphorylated in vitro in an immunocomplex kinase reaction. This reaction was blocked by the specific kinase inhibitors. These data strongly suggest that tyrosine kinases phosphorylate protein targets other than themselves. These targets are barely detectable in normal cells stimulated by growth factors, where the kinase activity is triggered rapidly and transiently. By contrast, a number of intracellular proteins phosphorylated at tyrosine accumulate in cells transformed by v-onc-coded kinases, endowed with constitutive and non-regulated enzymatic activity.  相似文献   
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