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Erythrocyte membranes and their liposomes were prepared from clinically normal dogs and Labrador retrievers with hereditary muscular dystrophy. The static and dynamic components of fluidity of each membrane were then assessed by steady-state fluorescence polarization techniques using limiting hindered fluorescence anisotropy and order parameter values of 1,6-diphenyl-1,3,5-hexatriene (DPH) and fluorescence anisotropy values ofdl-2-(9-anthroyl)-stearic acid anddl-12-(9-anthroyl)-stearic acid, respectively. Membrane lipids were extracted and analyzed by thin-layer chromatography and gas chromatography. The results of these studies demonstrated that the lipid fluidity of erythrocyte membranes, and their liposomes, prepared from dystrophic dogs were found to possess significantly lower static and dynamic components of fluidity than control counterparts. Analysis of the composition of membranes from dystrophic dogs revealed a higher ratio of saturated fatty acyl chain/unsaturated chains (w/w) and lower double-bond index. Alterations in the fatty acid composition such as decrease in levels of linoleic (18:2) and arachidonic (20:4) acids and increase in palmitic (16:0) and stearic (18:0) acids were also observed in the membranes of dystrophic animals. These associated fatty acyl alterations could explain, at least in part, the differences in membrane fluidity between dystrophic and control dogs.  相似文献   
Temporal Profiles of Proteins Responsive to Transient Ischemia   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
The responses of long and short half-lived proteins to ischemia were measured in rat brain during 6 days of recovery from 30 min of transient forebrain ischemia produced by four-vessel occlusion. At the end of the ischemic interval, the neocortical activities of four vulnerable enzymes [ornithine (ODC) and S-adenosylmethionine (SAMDC) decarboxylases, and RNA polymerases I and II] were unchanged, but within 30 min of reperfusion, their activities dropped by 25-50%. The loss of substance P in the striatum and substantia nigra was slower, reaching about 50% by 12 h. On the other hand, the activities of 5 long half-lived enzymes did not change in the neocortex at 5 and 15 h of reperfusion and regional protein concentrations were essentially unaffected over 6 days survival. The rate and extent of normalization of the amounts or activities of the vulnerable proteins varied. RNA polymerase II and ODC activities were restored within 4 h, and ODC showed a biphasic increase in activity, with peaks at 10 h and 2-3 days. RNA polymerase I and SAMDC activities were restored by 18 h and 5 days, respectively, whereas substance P concentrations did not completely recover, even at 6-15 days. The greater the regional reduction of blood flow during ischemia, the larger the net change (gain or loss) of SAMDC or ODC activity and the longer the time required to normalize the activities of these enzymes. The average rate of proteolysis, assessed by measuring the rate of clearance of 14C from protein prelabeled with [14C]bicarbonate, was abnormal during the first 2 days of reperfusion. Postischemic changes in both protein synthesis and degradation could affect the amounts of some of the proteins responsive to transient ischemia.  相似文献   
1-Methyl-4-phenylpyridinium ion (MPP+) is the product of the metabolic oxidation of 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP) by monoamine oxidase (MAO). MPP+ is toxic to 3,4-dihydroxyphenylethylamine (dopamine, DA) neurons in explant cultures of rat embryonic midbrain. Addition of 2.5 microM MPP+ to the feeding medium for 6 days results in significant reduction of the DA levels in the cultures (to 19% of control) as well as in the uptake of [3H]DA (to 32% of control). When the cultures are treated with the MAO inhibitor deprenyl (10 microM) 24 h prior to and during exposure to MPP+, the DA neurons are protected from the toxicity of the drug. In the combined deprenyl plus MPP+ treatment, the levels of DA in the cultures remain at the control range and the [3H]DA uptake is reduced to only 73% of control. These results indicate that MAO is involved in the toxicity of MPP+ on DA neurons.  相似文献   
The Chou-Fasman predictive algorithm for determining the secondary structure of proteins from the primary sequence is reviewed. Many examples of its use are presented which illustrate its wide applicability, such as predicting (a) regions with the potential for conformational change, (b) sequences which are capable of assuming several conformations in different environments, (c) effects of single amino acid mutations, (d) amino acid replacements in synthesis of peptides to bring about a change in conformation, (e) guide to the synthesis of polypeptides with definitive secondary structure,e.g. signal sequences, (f) conformational homologues from varying sequences and (g) the amino acid requirements for amphiphilicα-helical peptides.  相似文献   
The equilibrium trajectory of the axis of a rod subject to an externally imposed curved potential energy trough tends to conform to the shape of the curved trough, but also tends to be straight because of elastic resistance to bending. The actual path of the axis is a balance between the two extremes. We consider a potential energy trough centered along a circular arc of radiusR. For a rod of small length compared toR, we show that the axis at equilibrium forms an arc of a circle of radius greater thanR. The value of the radius of the axial path depends on the relative values of the Hooke’s Law bending constant for the rod and the depth and width of the trough. Motivation for the calculation is provided by nucleosomal DNA, which conforms to the surface of a roughtly cylindrical histone core at physiological ionic strength, but is observed to unwind into a partially extended conformation at very low ionic strength. We suggest that the rigidity to bending of short DNA segments becomes sufficiently great at low ionic strength to overcome attractive interactions with the histone surface. Alternately, of course, if during the cell cycle mutually attractive forces between DNA and histone core are weakened at constant ionic strength, the same type of unfolding would be expected to occur as the strength of the DNA-histone contacts drops below the level required to overcome elastic resistance to bending of the DNA rod.  相似文献   
The effects of mineral salts constituting water hardness on fecundity ofDaphnia magna were assessed. Of the salts tested, increased concentrations of NaHCO3 and MgSO4 had no effect on fecundity, CaSO4 significantly increased fecundity, and KCl significantly reduced fecundity. The number of offspring produced per daphnid was correlative to the CaSO4 concentration at CaSO4 concentrations between 91 and 2100 mg/ℓ. The effects of CaSO4 on daphnid fecundity could influence the interpretive outcome of industrial wastewater toxicity tests using this species when the waste and dilution waters contain different concentrations of CaSO4. It is recommended that when performing these tests, dilution water be sampled at the intake site of the industry's water source, thus assuring initial comparability of the waste and dilution waters. The CaSO4 content of the water prior to and after industrial use should be determined to identify any alterations of CaSO4 concentration during use. Identification of CaSO4 concentration differences can aid in the interpretation of effects associated with the wastewater.  相似文献   
A calcium phospholipid-dependent protein kinase (C-kinase) activity was detected in the soluble fraction of rod outer segments (ROS) of the bovine retina. The enzyme required calcium, phosphatidylserine (PS) and diacylglycerol for maximal activity. In the presence of calcium and PS, C-kinase endogenously phosphorylated proteins with molecular weights of 95,000, 91,000, 31,000, 21,000, 19,000, 18,000, 16,000, 14,000 and 11,000. Addition of diolein in the reaction mixture further enhanced the endogenous phosphorylation of these proteins. Retinal was found to inhibit the phosphorylation of endogenous proteins by C-kinase in a concentration dependent manner. Half-maximal inhibition of enzyme activity was obtained at a retinal concentration of about 12μM. These results suggest that calcium, phospholipids and the C-kinase enzyme may play an important role in the functional regulation of rod photoreceptors and, with retinal, perhaps in the visual process as well.  相似文献   
Summary We have traced the central projections of the receptor neurons associated with each of the eleven largest taste hairs on the labellum of the blowfly, Phormia regina (Meigen), by staining them with cobaltous lysine. The eleven hairs fall into three groups which reflect their peripheral locations and their branching patterns in the subesophageal ganglion. Group 1, consisting of the anterior hairs (numbers 1 and 2) and Group 3, consisting of the posterior hairs (numbers 9–11) project bilaterally, while Group 2, consisting of the middle hairs (numbers 3–8) projects primarily ipsilaterally. The central projections of the hairs within a single group are similar. Each hair houses four chemoreceptors, which have differing chemical sensitivities and behavioral roles, and one mechanoreceptor. In some cases, there were indications that the different cells within a single hair have different central branching patterns. For some hairs, however, it was clear that a single central branching region and pattern was shared by more than one receptor cell. We failed to find either a continuous somatotopic representation of a hair's position on the periphery, or an anatomical segregation of receptors coding for different modalities. Behavioral experiments indicate that the fly is informed both of the identity of the hair stimulated and of the chemical nature of the stimulus. Our results suggest that this information is not represented on a gross anatomical level.  相似文献   
Summary Recordings were made from an identified auditory neuron, the omega neuron, in the cricketTeleogryllus oceanicus. Models of the conspecific calling song and of the song of another species were presented either singly or simultaneously, and the degree to which the temporal pattern of the conspecific model was encoded in the neuron's spike train was determined. When a single stimulus was presented alone, its temporal pattern was faithfully reflected by the cells's spiking activity, no matter what the azimuth of the broadcasting loudspeaker (Fig. 3). When two stimuli were presented simultaneously from opposite sides, encoding of the pattern ipsilateral to the recorded neuron was interfered with only slightly by the contralateral pattern, as long as the two loudspeakers were sufficiently separated (Figs. 2, 3, 4). When the loudspeakers were each 15° from the cricket's midline, however, the encoding of the temporal pattern of the ipsilateral song model was severely disrupted (Figs. 3, 4). Bilateral interactions are important in determining the response level of the neuron, but do not appear to contribute to the direction-selective encoding of the stimulus temporal pattern (Figs. 5, 6).Phonotactic steering movements of tethered, flying crickets were recorded under stimulus conditions similar to those used in the neurophysiological tests. Under one-stimulus conditions, crickets attempted to turn towards the conspecific model for all tested speaker locations. The heterospecific model elicited reliable steering behavior when it was broadcast from azimuths of 90° and 60°, but often failed to elicit consistent responses when the speaker was positioned closer to the cricket's midline (Figs. 7, 8A and 8B). Responses to the heterospecific pattern were smaller in amplitude than those to the conspecific song model (Figs. 7, 8B). Under two-stimulus conditions, the conspecific model was consistently preferred over the heterospecific song for all tested speaker locations in half the tested crickets. In the remaining animals, preference for the conspecific pattern was only evident for the larger loudspeaker azimuths (Figs. 7, 8C).These results demonstrate that simultaneouslypresented stimuli can be represented separately in the nervous system as a consequence of auditory directionality. It is postulated that the cricket's ability to choose between these stimuli may result from the interactions between two bilaterallypaired song recognizers, each of which may be driven primarily by sound stimuli from one side.  相似文献   
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