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Although the susceptibility of resting B lymphocytes to radiation-induced interphase death is well known, the mechanism by which this occurs is not understood. In this report, we use three measures of plasma membrane integrity (increase in cell volume, uptake of trypan blue, and release of 51Cr) to assess the effect of radiation on the resting B cell plasma membrane. The delivery of 500 to 1000 rad caused the majority of resting B cells to enlarge slightly, whereas 3000 rad caused virtually all of the cells to approximately double in size within 3 to 4 hr. Measurement of the release of 51Cr from resting B cells revealed a similar relationship between the dose of radiation and the loss of radioactive label. Trypan blue exclusion was also found to diminish as a function of radiation dose. An analysis of a variety of lymphoid cells suggested that sensitivity to the membrane damaging effects of gamma radiation was in the order of resting B cells greater than resting T cells greater than a long-term L3T4+ T cell clone greater than a B cell lymphoma. LPS-induced B cell blasts treated with 3000 rad were equivalent to 1000 rad-treated resting B cells. The effects of the gamma radiation could be ameliorated by excluding oxygen (a diradical molecule that can potentially enhance the generation and propagation of highly reactive free radicals) at the time of irradiation, or by adding the free radical scavenging agent cysteamine. These data are compatible with the hypothesis that gamma radiation results in damage to the plasma membrane of resting lymphocytes via the generation of highly reactive free radical species. This damage is reflected in a rapid increase in plasma membrane permeability and swelling of the cells, and may play a major role in causing interphase death.  相似文献   
We have previously shown that serum from patients with active SLE contain high levels of Id-16/6 and anti-DNA antibodies. In this study we investigated whether serum Id 16/6 is related to anti-DNA antibodies. Sera from 12 patients with active SLE were absorbed individually with poly(dT) cellulose (to purify anti-DNA antibodies) and rabbit (R) anti-Id-16/6 Sepharose (to purify Id 16/6 Ig). Removal of all anti-DNA activity removed most of the Id-16/6. Conversely, removal of all Id 16/6 removed most of the anti-DNA activity. Although there was no measurable anti-DNA antibody activity in normal serum, such antibodies were isolated by absorption with poly(dT) cellulose. The eluted immunoglobulins also had Id 16/6 activity. Similarly, Id 16/6 with anti-DNA activity were isolated from normal serum by absorption with R anti-Id 16/6 Sepharose. We conclude that a large fraction of anti-DNA antibodies in SLE serum are Id-16/6+, and that most Id 16/6 immunoglobulins in lupus serum have anti-DNA activity. Our observations suggest that lupus anti-DNA antibodies result from an overproduction of autoantibodies that are present in normal people.  相似文献   
The frequency and specificity of human cells with natural killer (NK) cytotoxic activity for herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1)-infected targets was measured by limiting dilution culture. The frequency of NK cell precursors (NK-p) reactive with HSV-1-infected cells was 2- to 11-fold higher than that of NK-p reactive with mock-infected cells. The frequency of NK-p reactive with infected target cells lacking viral glycoprotein C or presenting an antigenically altered glycoprotein B was approximately twofold lower than that with wild-type virus-infected cells. Specificity analysis demonstrated that NK cells with a high statistical probability of being monoclonal were reactive with either glycoprotein B or C. These results provide the first evidence that cells with human NK activity possess clonal specificity for HSV-1-infected target cells.  相似文献   
Tryptase was shown to be stabilized as an enzymatically active tetramer by association with heparin and dissociated to inactive monomers in the absence of heparin at 37 degrees C in physiologic buffer and in plasma. There was a 50% loss of tryptase activity at 37 degrees C by 6-8 min in both physiologic buffer and plasma. When heparin glycosaminoglycan was present, tryptase retained nearly full activity for 2 h in buffer and in plasma. Tryptase activity also decayed under standard assay conditions in the presence of synthetic ester and peptide substrates unless bound to heparin. That tryptase is bound to heparin at the pH and physiologic NaCl concentrations employed was shown by chromatography of tryptase on heparin-agarose, gel filtration, and velocity sedimentation. Elution of tryptase from heparin-agarose occurred at 0.8 M NaCl. Maximal stabilization of tryptase by heparin occurred at a weight ratio to tryptase that was equal to or greater than unity. Kcat/Km ratios for tryptase-heparin at 0.15 M NaCl and 37 degrees C were 0.9 X 10(6) s-1 M-1 for tosyl-L-Gly-Pro-Lys-p-nitroanilide and 1.7 X 10(6) s-1 M-1 for p-tosyl-L-arginine methyl ester and are among the highest reported for tryptic enzymes. The mechanism of heparin-dependent stabilization of tryptase was not due to indirect ion binding properties of heparin and was analyzed by Superose 12 high performance liquid chromatography. Active enzyme eluted with an apparent Mr of 132,000 +/- 10,000 (n = 3, +/- S.D.), whereas tryptase inactivated by incubation without heparin eluted with an apparent Mr of 34,000. The tetrameric structure of diisopropyl fluorophosphate-inhibited tryptase was also preserved after incubation with heparin at 37 degrees C but was reduced to monomeric subunits after incubation without heparin. That no appreciable degradation of tryptase occurs under conditions that cause dissociation of subunits was directly shown by electrophoresis in sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gels. Two different subunits of 34,000 and 33,000 Mr (after reduction) present in the intact enzyme (calculated to be 134,000 Mr) were also detected unchanged after inactivation of tryptase by dissociation of its subunits. Thus, the selective localization and association of heparin and tryptase in the human mast cell secretory granule most likely plays a major role in the regulation of tryptase after secretion.  相似文献   
Five major cAMP-binding proteins that differ in size and charge have been identified in neurons of Aplysia californica by photoaffinity labeling with [32P]8-N3cAMP. These proteins, which we believe are regulatory subunits of cAMP-dependent protein kinase, all differ from the major cAMP-binding protein of buccal muscle. We have compared the structures of these proteins by peptide mapping after chemical and proteolytic cleavage. These analyses indicate that the five binding proteins from nervous tissue and the major muscle protein are closely related to each other. For example, the three neuronal proteins that are most alike and the cAMP-binding protein from muscle have a similar, if not identical, Mr 20,000 domain that contains the 8-N3cAMP-binding site; beyond this domain they diverge. All six proteins appear to belong to a family in which homologous regions have been conserved to maintain common functions. We suggest that the regions of the molecules that differ mediate special functions such as ticketing to particular compartments of the cell. Evidence for regional assortment of the cAMP-dependent protein kinases according to structural type was afforded by subcellular fractionation of Aplysia nervous tissue; photoaffinity labeling of cytoplasm, cytoskeleton, and membrane fractions demonstrated a differential distribution of the five neuronal cAMP-binding proteins. Selective phosphorylation of specific substrates could be a consequence of the compartmentation of diverse cAMP-dependent kinases.  相似文献   
The effect of tryptase from human mast cells on human prekallikrein   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Tryptase, the dominant protease in human mast cells, was examined for its effect on human prekallikrein. Tryptase in the presence and absence of heparin failed to activate prekallikrein as shown in a spectrophotometric assay for kallikrein employing benzoy 1-pro-phe-arg-p-nitroanilide. Treated prekallikrein was converted to active kallikrein by bovine trypsin. Prekallikrein cleavage products were analyzed by electrophoresis in polyacrylamide gels under denaturing conditions (+/- reduction). Tryptase caused no apparent cleavage under conditions where trypsin caused complete cleavage. Thus, tryptase, which has previously been shown to lack kallikrein and kininase activities, neither activates nor destroys prekallikrein.  相似文献   
Hyaluronidase treatment of mouse oligodendroglioma cells in monolayer culture resulted in a 4-5-fold stimulation of hyaluronate synthetase, assayed in washed membrane preparations [Philipson, L., & Schwartz, N. B. (1984) J. Biol. Chem. 259, 5017-5023]. We now report studies on the mechanism of the hyaluronidase-induced increase in the specific activity of the membrane-bound synthetase complex. The stimulation was dependent on the concentration of hyaluronidase but not on the particular bond cleaved or the nature of the product generated. Analysis of chain growth during cell-free synthesis by the disaccharide ratio method suggested that substantial internal labeling of hyaluronate chains had occurred. With both treated and untreated membranes, greater than 90% of incorporated (and recovered) radioactivity appeared in unsaturated disaccharides. Further analysis showed that hyaluronidase treatment increased both the rate of elongation and the rate of release of elongated chains from the enzyme complex. Hyaluronidase treatment also caused a change in the apparent steady-state kinetic patterns of double-reciprocal plots from intersecting lines for membranes from control cells to a family of parallel lines. Both the overall stimulation of synthesis and the change in apparent kinetic pattern were reversed by brief incubation of washed cells in the absence of hyaluronidase. These results have led to the development of an explicit kinetic model for hyaluronate synthesis which suggests an explanation for the switch in apparent kinetic patterns based on changing concentrations of a postulated key intermediate.  相似文献   
Reduction potential of iron in transferrin   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The reduction potential of Fe3+ in transferrin was measured spectrophotometrically by equilibration with methyl viologen in the presence of sodium dithionite. For an ionic strength near 0.1 M at 25 degrees C and pH 7.3 under 0.048 atm. CO2, half of the iron is reduced at a potential near -0.40 V (vs. standard hydrogen electrode). At least one disulfide bond of the protein is partially reduced at a potential of -0.44 V, as evidenced by reaction with [14C]iodoacetate.  相似文献   
During the period spanning the years 1973 to 1981, 4,764 women visited the Gynecology Out-Patient Clinics and Colposcopy Unit of the Nahariyya Hospital to be examined colposcopically and cytologically (and histologically whenever indicated) for precancerous and cancerous lesions of the cervix. Of these women, 2,614 (55%) were referred because of symptoms of cervical pathology and 2,150 (45%) for other (prophylactic) reasons. The subdivision of all women according to their demographic backgrounds afforded a comparison of the findings in Israeli-born Jewesses with those of foreign-born Jewesses and non-Jewish females living in the same geographic area of the Western Galilee district of Israel. Despite the low prevalence of cervical cancer in Jewesses throughout the world, the preliminary report of our pilot study demonstrated that the percentage rates of all degrees of dysplasia/cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN I, II and III) of the uterine cervix of Israeli-born Jewesses was 5.4% in patients with cervical pathology and 3.24% in noncervical-pathology patients. These rates were the highest recorded for any of the demographic groups: 2.06% and 0.33%, respectively, in Moslem women; 1.23% in Christian women with cervical pathology; 2.38% and 1.78%, respectively, in European/American-born Jewesses; and 1.63% and 0.48%, respectively, in Asian/African-born Jewesses. The highest proportion of CIN lesions occurred in the 15- to 30-year-old age groups. Of 100 CIN lesions found in all patients, 45 were cytohistologically associated with the cells of condylomatous lesions. Of 36 patients in whom cervical squamous-cell carcinoma lesions were detected, 18 (50%) were staged (FIGO) as carcinoma in situ (stage 0); the remainder were in stages IA, IB, IIA and IIB, with none in stages III or IV.  相似文献   
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