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The equilibrium trajectory of the axis of a rod subject to an externally imposed curved potential energy trough tends to conform to the shape of the curved trough, but also tends to be straight because of elastic resistance to bending. The actual path of the axis is a balance between the two extremes. We consider a potential energy trough centered along a circular arc of radiusR. For a rod of small length compared toR, we show that the axis at equilibrium forms an arc of a circle of radius greater thanR. The value of the radius of the axial path depends on the relative values of the Hooke’s Law bending constant for the rod and the depth and width of the trough. Motivation for the calculation is provided by nucleosomal DNA, which conforms to the surface of a roughtly cylindrical histone core at physiological ionic strength, but is observed to unwind into a partially extended conformation at very low ionic strength. We suggest that the rigidity to bending of short DNA segments becomes sufficiently great at low ionic strength to overcome attractive interactions with the histone surface. Alternately, of course, if during the cell cycle mutually attractive forces between DNA and histone core are weakened at constant ionic strength, the same type of unfolding would be expected to occur as the strength of the DNA-histone contacts drops below the level required to overcome elastic resistance to bending of the DNA rod.  相似文献   
The effects of mineral salts constituting water hardness on fecundity ofDaphnia magna were assessed. Of the salts tested, increased concentrations of NaHCO3 and MgSO4 had no effect on fecundity, CaSO4 significantly increased fecundity, and KCl significantly reduced fecundity. The number of offspring produced per daphnid was correlative to the CaSO4 concentration at CaSO4 concentrations between 91 and 2100 mg/ℓ. The effects of CaSO4 on daphnid fecundity could influence the interpretive outcome of industrial wastewater toxicity tests using this species when the waste and dilution waters contain different concentrations of CaSO4. It is recommended that when performing these tests, dilution water be sampled at the intake site of the industry's water source, thus assuring initial comparability of the waste and dilution waters. The CaSO4 content of the water prior to and after industrial use should be determined to identify any alterations of CaSO4 concentration during use. Identification of CaSO4 concentration differences can aid in the interpretation of effects associated with the wastewater.  相似文献   
Recombinant eglin c (originally isolated from the medical leech) and antileukoprotease (HUSI-I from human seminal plasma) were examined for their ability to inhibit the mastcell protease chymase. Both inhibitors react rapidly with the enzyme: when about equimolar concentrations (in the range of 10(-8) M) of chymase and HUSI-I or eglin c were incubated the complex formation was apparently at equilibrium after 1 or 5 min respectively. When a constant amount of chymase (approximately 3 X 10(-8) M) was incubated with increasing concentrations of inhibitor a concentration of HUSI-I of 7 X 10(-7) M was necessary to cause 50% inhibition of the initial enzyme activity, whereas 8 X 10(-8) M eglin c was sufficient. The dissociation constant of the chymase-eglin c complex was calculated to be 4.4 X 10(-8) M. These results are discussed with respect to the possible in vivo function of antileukoprotease as an inhibitor of mast cell chymase.  相似文献   
Summary In order to obtain thin sections of plant tissues which combined good morphological preservation and the preservation of the substances and enzyme activities in the tissues, a concept of section preparation by external stabilization was developed. The main components are as follows: (1) appropriate supporting medium; (2) surface coating before each sectioning process, the coating being either non-permanent, permanent, or semi-permanent; (3) suitable techniques for affixing the coated sections to the slides using either pressure-sensitive adhesive or solvent-based adhesive; and (4) mounting media with defined refractive indices (preferably UV-curable, water-soluble monomers). By this approach, sections exhibiting excellent morphological and physiological preservation were obtained using either a cryostat at –30°C or a rotary microtome at room temperature.  相似文献   
The rise time, of Signal IIf and the decay time of P-680+ have been measured kinetically as a function of pH by using EPR. The Photosystem II-enriched preparations which were used as samples were derived from spinach chloroplasts, and they evolved oxygen before Tris washing. The onset kinetics of Signal IIf are in agreement, within experimental error, with the fast component of the decay of an EPR signal attributable to P-680+. The signal IIf rise kinetics also show good agreement with published values of the pH dependence of the decay of P-680+ measured optically (Conjeaud, H. and Mathis, P. (1980) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 590, 353–359). These results are consistent with a model where the species Z (or D1) responsible for Signal IIf is the immediate electron donor to P-680+ in tris-washed Photosystem II fragments.  相似文献   
First-order spatial gradients are reliquished in the Schrödinger-Bloch equation for bacterial chemotaxis if and only if the flux coefficient-motility ratio equals 2, the precise value measured in recent experiments onEscherichia coli attracted by oxygen. Moreover, for δ/μ=2 the Schrödinger-Bloch function Ψ is simply equal to the number of bacteria cells per unit volume divided by the chemoattractant concentration.  相似文献   
We have made deletions of the HIS4 5' noncoding region in vitro and inserted these deletions into the yeast genome by transformation. Deletions that extend from -588 to -235 have no detectable effects on either promoter or regulatory functions. Deletions that extend to -138 affect promoter function, but are still regulated by the general control of amino acid biosynthesis. A deletion that extends to -136 cannot derepress HIS4 mRNA in response to the general control. This deletion removes all copies of the sequence 5'-TGACTC-3', which appears at positions -194, -182 and -138 in strains without the deletion. The importance of at least one copy of this repeat for regulation of HIS4 is shown by the reappearance of this sequence in revertants of the -136 deletion that have regained the regulatory response. The fact that deletion of this sequence leads to the inability to derepress suggests that HIS4 is under positive control.  相似文献   
Core histones, (H2A,H2B,H3,H4)2, were reconstituted with the synthethic polynucleotides poly(dA-dT)·poly(dA-dT) and poly(dG-dC)·poly(dG-dC) to yield synthetic chromatins containing 200 basepairs per octamer. These synthetic chromatins displayed a 36% decrease in the circular dichroism (CD) peak ellipticity from the value of the polynucleotide free in solution; the poly(dA-dT)·poly(dA-dT)/chromatin showed an increase in the complexity of the thermal denaturation profile compared to that of the polynucleotide. Both the temperature of maximum dhdT for each transition (Tm) and the relative amount of poly(dA-dT)·poly(dA-dT) in the synthetic chromatin melting in each of the four thermal transitions is a function of the ionic strength over the 0–5 mM sodium phosphate range (0.25 mM EDTA, pH 7.0); a shift of material toward higher melting transitions was observed with increasing ionic strength. The CD peak ellipticity value for both synthetic chromatins was ionic strength-independent over the 0–5 mM sodium phosphate range. These results are in contrast to those observed with H1H5 stripped chicken erythrocyte chromatin (Fulmer, A. and Fasman, G.D. (1979) Biopolymers 18, 2875–2891), where an ionic strength dependence was found. Differences in the CD spectra between poly(dA-dT)·poly(dA-dT)/chromatin, poly(dG-dC)·poly(dG-dC)/chromatin and H1H5 stripped chicken erythrocyte chromatin suggest subtle differences in assembly. Finally, the temperature dependence of the CD spectra of poly(dA-dT)·poly(dA-dT)-containing synthetic chromatin, which is similar to that for the polynucleotide, suggests the core histone bound polynucleotide has a large degree of conformational flexibility allowing it to undergo the premelt transition.  相似文献   
We have previously given evidence that the hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyltransferase (HGPRT; EC isozymes in human erythroid cells result from posttranslational modifications of a single gene product [Johnson, G. G., et al. (1982). Biochemistry 21:960]. In the present work we compare the properties of the unmodified and two major modified isozymes, which collectively account for 90% of the HGPRT enzyme activity in cell lysates. The modified isozymes differ from the parent molecule in the pH dependence of activity and in the relative utilization of the two purine base substrates, hypoxanthine and guanine. In contrast to the changes in the catalytic properties of the enzyme, the modifications have no detectable effects on the heat stability or on the equilibrium between enzyme dimers and enzyme tetramers.This work was supported by United States Public Health Service Grant 5 RO1 CA 16754-03 and by the San Diego State University Foundation.  相似文献   
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