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Vascular growth is a prerequisite for adipose tissue (AT) development and expansion. Some AT cytokines and hormones have effects on vascular development, like vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF‐A), angiopoietin (ANG‐1), ANG‐2 and angiopoietin‐like protein‐4 (ANGPTL‐4).


In this study, the independent and combined effects of diet‐induced weight loss and exercise on AT gene expression and proteins levels of those angiogenic factors were investigated. Seventy‐nine obese males and females were randomized to: 1. Exercise‐only (EXO; 12‐weeks exercise without diet‐restriction), 2. Hypocaloric diet (DIO; 8‐weeks very low energy diet (VLED) + 4‐weeks weight maintenance diet) and 3. Hypocaloric diet and exercise (DEX; 8‐weeks VLED + 4‐weeks weight maintenance diet combined with exercise throughout the 12 weeks). Blood samples and fat biopsies were taken before and after the intervention.


Weight loss was 3.5 kg in the EXO group and 12.3 kg in the DIO and DEX groups. VEGF‐A protein was non‐significantly reduced in the weight loss groups. ANG‐1 protein levels were significantly reduced 22‐25% after all three interventions (P < 0.01). The ANG‐1/ANG‐2 ratio was also decreased in all three groups (P < 0.05) by 27‐38%. ANGPTL‐4 was increased in the EXO group (15%, P < 0.05) and 9% (P < 0.05) in the DIO group. VEGF‐A, ANG‐1, and ANGPTL‐4 were all expressed in human AT, but only ANGPTL‐4 was influenced by the interventions.


Our data show that serum VEGF‐A, ANG‐1, ANG‐2, and ANGPTL‐4 levels are influenced by weight changes, indicating the involvement of these factors in the obese state. Moreover, it was found that weight loss generally was associated with a reduced angiogenic activity in the circulation.  相似文献   
We report on three unrelated mentally disabled patients, each carrying a de novo balanced translocation that truncates the autism susceptibility candidate 2 (AUTS2) gene at 7q11.2. One of our patients shows relatively mild mental retardation; the other two display more profound disorders. One patient is also physically disabled, exhibiting urogenital and limb malformations in addition to severe mental retardation. The function of AUTS2 is presently unknown, but it has been shown to be disrupted in monozygotic twins with autism and mental retardation, both carrying a translocation t(7;20)(q11.2;p11.2) (de la Barra et al. in Rev Chil Pediatr 57:549–554, 1986; Sultana et al. in Genomics 80:129–134, 2002). Given the overlap of this autism/mental retardation (MR) phenotype and the MR-associated disorders in our patients, together with the fact that mapping of the additional autosomal breakpoints involved did not disclose obvious candidate disease genes, we ascertain with this study that AUTS2 mutations are clearly linked to autosomal dominant mental retardation.  相似文献   
Reactive oxygen species, such as myeloperoxidase-derived hypochlorite, induce oxidative stress and DNA injury. The subsequent activation of the DNA-damage-poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP) pathway has been implicated in the pathogenesis of various diseases, including ischemia-reperfusion injury, circulatory shock, diabetic complications, and atherosclerosis. We investigated the effect of PARP inhibition on the impaired endothelium-dependent vasorelaxation induced by hypochlorite. In organ bath experiments for isometric tension, we investigated the endothelium-dependent and endothelium-independent vasorelaxation of isolated rat aortic rings using cumulative concentrations of acetylcholine and sodium nitro-prusside. Endothelial dysfunction was induced by exposing rings to hypochlorite (100-400 microM). In the treatment group, rings were preincubated with the PARP inhibitor INO-1001. DNA strand breaks were assessed by the TUNEL method. Immunohistochemistry was performed for 4-hydroxynonenal (a marker of lipid peroxidation), nitrotyrosine (a marker of nitrosative stress), and poly(ADP-ribose) (an enzymatic product of PARP). Exposure to hypochlorite resulted in a dose-dependent impairment of endothelium-dependent vasorelaxation of aortic rings, which was significantly improved by PARP inhibition, whereas the endothelium-independent vasorelaxation remained unaffected. In the hypochlorite groups we found increased DNA breakage, lipidperoxidation, and enhanced nitrotyrosine formation. The hypochloride-induced activation of PARP was prevented by INO-1001. Our results demonstrate that PARP activation contributes to the pathogenesis of hypochlorite-induced endothelial dysfunction, which can be prevented by PARP inhibitors.  相似文献   
The signal produced by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) often is inconsistent among cells and sensitivity is low. Small DNA targets on the chromatin are difficult to detect. We report here an improved nick translation procedure for Texas red and Alexa Fluor 488 direct labeling of FISH probes. Brighter probes can be obtained by adding excess DNA polymerase I. Using such probes, a 30 kb yeast transgene, and the rp1, rp3 and zein multigene clusters were clearly detected.  相似文献   
We describe the characterization of an 80-kDa protein cross-reacting with a monoclonal antibody against the human La autoantigen. The 80-kDa protein is a variant of rabip4 with an N-terminal extension of 108 amino acids and is expressed in the same cells. For this reason, we named it rabip4'. rabip4' is a peripheral membrane protein, which colocalized with internalized transferrin and EEA1 on early endosomes. Membrane association required the presence of the FYVE domain and was perturbed by the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase inhibitor wortmannin. Expression of a dominant negative rabip4' mutant reduced internalization and recycling of transferrin from early endosomes, suggesting that it may be functionally linked to rab4 and rab5. In agreement with this, we found that rabip4' colocalized with the two GTPases on early endosomes and bound specifically and simultaneously to the GTP form of both rab4 and rab5. We conclude that rabip4' may coordinate the activities of rab4 and rab5, regulating membrane dynamics in the early endosomal system.  相似文献   
The high level of escapes from Atlantic salmon farms, up to two million fishes per year in the North Atlantic, has raised concern about the potential impact on wild populations. We report on a two-generation experiment examining the estimated lifetime successes, relative to wild natives, of farm, F(1) and F(2) hybrids and BC(1) backcrosses to wild and farm salmon. Offspring of farm and "hybrids" (i.e. all F(1), F(2) and BC(1) groups) showed reduced survival compared with wild salmon but grew faster as juveniles and displaced wild parr, which as a group were significantly smaller. Where suitable habitat for these emigrant parr is absent, this competition would result in reduced wild smolt production. In the experimental conditions, where emigrants survived downstream, the relative estimated lifetime success ranged from 2% (farm) to 89% (BC(1) wild) of that of wild salmon, indicating additive genetic variation for survival. Wild salmon primarily returned to fresh water after one sea winter (1SW) but farm and 'hybrids' produced proportionately more 2SW salmon. However, lower overall survival means that this would result in reduced recruitment despite increased 2SW fecundity. We thus demonstrate that interaction of farm with wild salmon results in lowered fitness, with repeated escapes causing cumulative fitness depression and potentially an extinction vortex in vulnerable populations.  相似文献   
Hypersensitive response-assisting protein (HRAP) has been previously reported as an amphipathic plant protein isolated from sweet pepper that intensifies the harpin(Pss)-mediated hypersensitive response (HR). The hrap gene has no appreciable similarity to any other known sequences, and its activity can be rapidly induced by incompatible pathogen infection. To assess the function of the hrap gene in plant disease resistance, the CaMV 35S promoter was used to express sweet pepper hrap in transgenic tobacco. Compared with wild-type tobacco, transgenic tobacco plants exhibit more sensitivity to harpin(Pss) and show resistance to virulent pathogens (Pseudomonas syringae pv. tabaci and Erwinia carotovora subsp. carotovora). This disease resistance of transgenic tobacco does not originate from a constitutive HR, because endogenous level of salicylic acid and hsr203J mRNA showed similarities in transgenic and wildtype tobacco under noninfected conditions. However, following a virulent pathogen infection in hrap transgenic tobacco, hsr203J was rapidly induced and a micro-HR necrosis was visualized by trypan blue staining in the infiltration area. Consequently, we suggest that the disease resistance of transgenic plants may result from the induction of a HR by a virulent pathogen infection.  相似文献   
Besides serving as oxidisable substrates, fatty acids (FA) are involved in co- and post-translational modification of proteins (protein acylation). Despite the high rate of fatty acid utilisation in the heart, information on protein acylation in cardiac muscle is scarce. To explore this subject in more detail, we used the H9c2 cell line as an experimental model. After incubation with 3H-palmitate or 3H-myristate, cells were lysed and proteins precipitated, followed by extensive delipidation. The delipidated proteins were subjected to SDS-PAGE and transferred to nitro-cellulose prior to autoradiography. In addition, TLC was used to separate the various lipid classes. The first aspect we addressed was the extent of protein acylation as a function of time, relative to fatty acid incorporation into various lipid classes. Cells were incubated for 30 min, 1 h and 2 h with 100 Ci palmitate (PA, 2.3 nmol) or 125 Ci myristate (MA, 2.5 nmol). Palmitoylation increased from 0.48 ± 0.25 to 1.25 ± 0.56 Ci/mg protein between 30 min to 2 h, while myristoylation increased from 0.25 ± 0.12 to 0.77 ± 0.36 Ci/mg protein. Furthermore, delipidated proteins subjected to autoradiography showed that a set of distinct proteins was labelled with 3H-palmitate. Incorporation into phospholipids (PL) increased from 40–60% of the total amount of radio-labelled PA or MA supplied between 30 min and 2 h. Only the FA pool differed between MA and PA, with a higher FA content present after incubations with MA. Second, we investigated palmitoylation and incorporation into cellular lipids as a function of the amount of PA applied. Palmitoylation showed saturation at high PA concentrations. The percentage incorporation of 3H-PA in the various lipids depended on the amount of PA added: a decline in the PL pool with a concomitant increase in the size of the diacylglycerol pool at high PA concentrations. Third, inhibition of palmitoylation by cerulenin and tunicamycin was investigated. While both were able to inhibit palmitoylation, cerulenin also inhibited the incorporation of PA into various lipid classes, indicating differences in inhibitory action.  相似文献   
Sulfo-N-succinimidyl esters of LCFAs are a powerful tool to investigate the functional significance of plasmalemmal proteins in the LCFA uptake process. This notion is based on the following observations. First, sulfo-N-succinimidyl oleate (SSO) was found to inhibit the bulk of LCFA uptake into various cell types, i.e. rat adipocytes, type II pneumocytes and cardiac myocytes. Second, using cardiac giant membrane vesicles, in which LCFA uptake can be investigated in the absence of mitochondrial -oxidation, SSO retained the ability to largely inhibit LCFA uptake, indicating that inhibition of LCFA transsarcolemmal transport is its primary action. Third, SSO has no inhibitory effect on glucose and octanoate uptake into giant membrane vesicles derived from heart and skeletal muscle, indicating that its action is specific for LCFA uptake. Finally, SSO specifically binds to the 88 kDa plasmalemmal fatty acid transporter FAT, a rat homologue of human CD36, resulting in an arrest of the transport function of this protein.In addition to its inhibitory action at the plasma membrane level, evidence is presented for the lack of a direct inhibitory effect on subsequent LCFA metabolism. First, the relative contribution of oxidation and esterification to LCFA uptake is not altered in the presence of SSO. Second, isoproterenol-mediated channeling of LCFAs into oxidative pathways is not affected by sulfo-N-succinimidyl palmitate (SSP). As an example of its application we used SSP to study the role of FAT/CD36 in contraction- and insulin-stimulated LCFA uptake by cardiac myocytes , showing that this transporter is a primary site of regulation of cellular LCFA utilization.  相似文献   
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