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Several effects of the endogenous opioid peptide dynorphin A (Dyn A) are not mediated through the opioid receptors. These effects are generally excitatory, and result in cell loss and induction of chronic pain and paralysis. The mechanism(s) is not well defined but may involve formation of pores in cellular membranes. In the 17-amino acid peptide Dyn A we have recently identified L5S, R6W, and R9C mutations that cause the dominantly inherited neurodegenerative disorder Spinocerebellar ataxia type 23. To gain further insight into non-opioid neurodegenerative mechanism(s), we studied the perturbation effects on lipid bilayers of wild type Dyn A and its mutants in large unilamellar phospholipid vesicles encapsulating the fluorescent dye calcein. The peptides were found to induce calcein leakage from uncharged and negatively charged vesicles to different degrees, thus reflecting different membrane perturbation effects. The mutant Dyn A R6W was the most potent in producing leakage with negatively charged vesicles whereas Dyn A L5S was virtually inactive. The overall correlation between membrane perturbation and neurotoxic response [3] suggests that pathogenic Dyn A actions may be mediated through transient pore formation in lipid domains of the plasma membrane.  相似文献   
The plant hormone cytokinin is perceived by membrane-located sensor histidine kinases. Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) possesses three cytokinin receptors: ARABIDOPSIS HISTIDINE KINASE2 (AHK2), AHK3, and CYTOKININ RESPONSE1/AHK4. The current model predicts perception of the cytokinin signal at the plasma membrane. However, cytokinin-binding studies with membrane fractions separated by two-phase partitioning showed that in the wild type, as well as in mutants retaining only single cytokinin receptors, the major part of specific cytokinin binding was associated with endomembranes. Leaf epidermal cells of tobacco (Nicotiana benthamiana) expressing receptor-green fluorescent protein fusion proteins and bimolecular fluorescence complementation analysis showed strong fluorescence of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) network for all three receptors. Furthermore, separation of the microsomal fraction of Arabidopsis plants expressing Myc-tagged AHK2 and AHK3 receptors by sucrose gradient centrifugation followed by immunoblotting displayed the Mg2?-dependent density shift typical of ER membrane proteins. Cytokinin-binding assays, fluorescent fusion proteins, and biochemical fractionation all showed that the large majority of cytokinin receptors are localized to the ER, suggesting a central role of this compartment in cytokinin signaling. A modified model for cytokinin signaling is proposed.  相似文献   
A new model of the hematopoietic system response in humans chronically exposed to ionizing radiation describes the dynamics of the hematopoietic stem cell compartment as well as the dynamics of each of the four blood cell types (lymphocytes, neutrophiles, erythrocytes, and platelets). The required model parameters were estimated based on available results of human and experimental animal studies. They include the steady-state number of hematopoietic stem cells and peripheral blood cell lines in an unexposed organism, amplification parameters for each blood line, parameters describing proliferation and apoptosis, parameters of feedback functions regulating the steady-state numbers, and characteristics of radiosensitivity related to cell death and non-lethal cell damage. The model predictions were tested using data on hematological measurements (e.g., blood counts) performed in 1950–1956 in the Techa River residents chronically exposed to ionizing radiation since 1949. The suggested model of hematopoiesis is capable of describing experimental findings in the Techa River Cohort, including: (1) slopes of the dose–effect curves reflecting the inhibition of hematopoiesis due to chronic ionizing radiation, (2) delay in effect of chronic exposure and accumulated character of the effect, and (3) dose-rate patterns for different cytopenic states (e.g., leukopenia, thrombocytopenia).  相似文献   
The study provides data on contemporary levels of radiation exposure of organs and tissues of murine rodents (several species of mice and voles) inhabiting the East-Ural Radioactive Trace. The estimation procedure involves the most advanced approach based on application of appropriate voxel phantom and biokinetic model. Input data for dose assessment are the results of measurements of skeletal 90Sr activity concentration. Maximal internal dose to skeleton, accumulated during 45 days, is 303 mGy. Median internal dose rates on the last day before trapping were 0.83, 0.092 and 0.023 mGy/day for animals trapped at the sites with initial (1957) 90Sr surface contamination >37 MBq/m2, 18.5–37 MBq/m2 and 0.074–18.5 MBq/m2 respectively. Taking to account internal and external exposures, upper boundary of the ICRP Derived Consideration Reference Level (DCRL) is exceeded on the territory with maximal level of the initial 90Sr surface contamination. On the territory with 18.5–37 MBq/m2, whole body mean dose rates to murine rodents exceed the lower boundary of DCRL. On the areas with lower level of surface contamination, even the 90-th percentile of dose rate is below the DCRL.  相似文献   
Arabidopsis thaliana has three membrane‐located cytokinin receptors (AHK2, AHK3 and CRE1/AHK4), which are sensor histidine kinases containing a ligand‐binding CHASE domain. Despite their structural similarity the role of these receptors differs in planta. Here we have explored which parameters contribute to signal specification. In a bacterial assay, the CHASE domain of AHK2 has a similar ligand binding spectrum as CRE1/AHK4. It shows the highest affinity for isopentenyladenine (iP) and trans‐zeatin (tZ) with an apparent KD of 1.4 and 4.0 nm , respectively. Real‐time PCR analysis of cytokinin primary response genes in double mutants retaining only single receptors revealed that all receptors are activated in planta by cytokinin concentrations in the low nanomolar range. However, there are differences in sensitivity towards the principal cytokinins iP and tZ. The activation of the cytokinin‐sensitive PARR5:GUS reporter gene in three different double mutants shows specific, but also overlapping, spatial domains of activity, which were for all receptors predominantly in the shoot apical meristems and root cap columella. AHK2 and AHK3 signal specifically in leaf parenchyma cells, AHK3 in stomata cells, and CRE1/AHK4 in the root vasculature. Promoter‐swap experiments demonstrate that CRE1/AHK4 can functionally replace AHK2 but not AHK3. However, the cytoplasmic AHK3 histidine kinase (Hk) domain can be replaced by the CRE1/AHK4 Hk domain, which suggests that functionality is mediated in this case by the extracytosolic domain. Together, the data show that both differential gene expression and ligand preference contribute to specify the receptor activity.  相似文献   
Distribution of the activities of some mitochondrial enzymes after sucrose density gradient ultracentrifugation of cell homogenates of S. cerevisiae in the early and late exponential growth phases is studied. It is demonstrated that young yeast cells have a characteristic complex distribution of NADH oxidase (cyanide-sensitive), succinate:ferricyanide-oxidoreductase (or succinate:2,6-dichlorophenol indophenol-oxidoreductase), NADH:2,6-dichlorophenol indophenol-oxidoreductase and cytochrome oxidase activities in sucrose density gradient; the distribution patterns of these activities are different. All the above activities are detected in a single relatively narrow band in mature yeast cells. Similar results are obtained in the experiments with glucose or galactose as a carbon source in the yeast growth media. The Arrhenius plots for NADH oxidase (as well as for succinate:2,6-dichlorophenol indophenol-oxidoreductase) activity do not differ in the case of "light" and "heavy" mitochondrial structures characteristic of yeast cells in the early exponential growth phase. Nevertheless, "light" and "heavy" mitochondrial structures differ with respect of the arrangement of certain respiratory chain components in their membranes NADH-dehydrogenase and cytochrome oxidase). This conclusion is drawn from the results obtained in the study of the interaction of the two types of structures with Fe(CN)6(3-), a non-penetrating ion and the antiserum to yeast mitochondria.  相似文献   
In the present paper we addressed a mechanism of the myelin reorganization initiated by extracellular ATP and adenosine in sciatic nerves of the frog Rana temporaria. In combination with Raman microspectroscopy, allowing noninvasive live-cell measurements, we employed time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry (TOF-SIMS) to follow the underlying changes in chemical composition of myelin membranes triggered by the purinergic agents. The simultaneous increase in lipid ordering degree, decrease in membrane fluidity and the degree of fatty acid unsaturation were induced by both ATP and adenosine. Mass spectrometry measurements revealed that ATP administration also led to the marked elevation of membrane cholesterol and decrease of phosphotidylcholine amounts. Vesicular lipid transport pathways are considered as possible mechanisms of compositional and structural changes of myelin.  相似文献   
Montane areas host high levels of diversity and endemism, and these features are tied to habitat stratification along an elevational gradient. As such, montane areas are often thought of as model systems in which sympatric speciation can occur. To test this idea, we selected Phoenicurus redstarts, an avian genus with an extensive distribution across Eurasia, as well as Northwest Africa; nine of the 14 species in the genus have distributions which include the Himalayas. We used sequences of the mtDNA ND2 and cytochrome-b genes and intron 9 of the Z chromosome specific ACO1 gene to reconstruct a phylogeny of the genus. The resulting trees were used to reconstruct a biogeographic history of Phoenicurus, and to date diversification events. We also analysed the relationship between node age and sympatry to determine the geographic mode of speciation in the genus. Our data suggest a very late Miocene, Himalayan origin for Phoenicurus. Diversification and colonization of other parts of Eurasia, as well as Northwest Africa, continued through the Pleistocene, with a rapid pulse of speciation in the late Pliocene. Allopatric speciation was the dominant mode of speciation in Phoenicurus, despite extensive distributional overlaps in the Himalayas where ecological conditions are amenable to speciation in sympatry. Our results, along with several other studies, suggest an emerging pattern where the Himalayas served as a source area for montane specialist avian lineages that subsequently colonized other Palaearctic regions.  相似文献   

Exact mechanisms of autoimmune disease development are still yet unknown. However, it is known that the development of autoimmune diseases is associated with defects in the immune system, namely, the violation of the bone marrow hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) differentiation profiles. Different characteristics of autoimmune reaction development in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) prone Th mice characterizing T-lymphocytes response were analyzed using standard approaches. Profiles of several HSCs differentiation of bone marrow (BFU-E, CFU-E, CFU-GM, CFU-GEMM, T- and B-lymphocytes) of Th male and female mice during spontaneous development of EAE were noticeably different. Patterns of total lymphocytes, B- and T-cells proliferation in several different organs (bone marrow, blood, spleen, thymus, and lymph nodes) were also remarkably different. In addition, there were in time noticeable differences in their changes for some organs of male and female mice. Characters of changes in the profiles of CD4 and CD8 cells proliferation in some organs not always coincide with those for total T lymphocytes. The changes in the differentiation profiles of HSCs and the level of lymphocytes proliferation in the bone marrow and other organs were associated with the increase in the concentration of antibodies against DNA, myelin basic protein, and myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein, and catalytic antibodies hydrolyzing these substrates. Despite some differences in changes in the analyzed parameters, in general, the spontaneous development of EAE in male and female mice occurs to some extent in a comparable way.

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