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Middle age obesity is recognized as a risk factor for Alzheimer''s disease (AD) although a mechanistic linkage remains unclear. Based upon the fact that obese adipose tissue and AD brains are both areas of proinflammatory change, a possible common event is chronic inflammation. Since an autosomal dominant form of AD is associated with mutations in the gene coding for the ubiquitously expressed transmembrane protein, amyloid precursor protein (APP) and recent evidence demonstrates increased APP levels in adipose tissue during obesity it is feasible that APP serves some function in both disease conditions.

Methodology/Principal Findings

To determine whether diet-induced obesity produced proinflammatory changes and altered APP expression in brain versus adipose tissue, 6 week old C57BL6/J mice were maintained on a control or high fat diet for 22 weeks. Protein levels and cell-specific APP expression along with markers of inflammation and immune cell activation were compared between hippocampus, abdominal subcutaneous fat and visceral pericardial fat. APP stimulation-dependent changes in macrophage and adipocyte culture phenotype were examined for comparison to the in vivo changes.


Adipose tissue and brain from high fat diet fed animals demonstrated increased TNF-α and microglial and macrophage activation. Both brains and adipose tissue also had elevated APP levels localizing to neurons and macrophage/adipocytes, respectively. APP agonist antibody stimulation of macrophage cultures increased specific cytokine secretion with no obvious effects on adipocyte culture phenotype. These data support the hypothesis that high fat diet-dependent obesity results in concomitant pro-inflammatory changes in brain and adipose tissue that is characterized, in part, by increased levels of APP that may be contributing specifically to inflammatory changes that occur.  相似文献   
The study of daily changes in photosynthetic rate, of energy used in photochemical and non-photochemical processes, and of carotenoid composition aimed at evaluating the role of xanthophyll cycle (XC) in protection of hoary plantain plants (Plantago media) in nature. The leaves of sun plants differed from shade plants in terms of CO(2) exchange rate and photosynthetic pigments content. The total pool XC pigments and the conversion state increased from morning to midday in sun plants. An increase in zeaxanthin content occurred concomitantly with the violaxanthin decrease. About 80% violaxanthin was involved in conversion. The maximum of zeaxanthin in XC pigments pool was 60%. The conversion state of XC was twice as lower in shade plants than that in sun plants. The photosynthesis of sun leaves was depressed strongly at midday, but changes of maximum quantum yield of PS2 (F(v)/F(m)) were not apparent at that time. The coefficient qN (non-photochemical quenching) in the sun leaves changed strongly, from 0.3 to 0.9 as irradiance increased. The direct relation between heat dissipation and the conversion state of XC in plantain leaves was revealed. Thus, plantain leaves were found to be resistant to excess solar radiation due to activation of qN mechanisms associated with the XC de-epoxidation.  相似文献   
We examined the ability of erucic acid (22:1n-9) to cross the blood-brain barrier (BBB) by infusing [14-14C]22:1n-9 (170 microCi/kg, iv and icv) into awake, male rats. [1-14C]arachidonic acid (20:4n-6) [intravenous (i.v.)] was the positive control. After i.v. infusion, 0.011% of the plasma [14-14C]22:1n-9 was extracted by the brain, compared with 0.055% of the plasma [1-14C]20:4n-6. The [14-14C]22:1n-9 was extensively beta-oxidized (60%), compared with 30% for [1-14C]20:4n-6. Although 20:4n-6 was targeted primarily to phospholipid pools, 22:1n-9 was targeted to cholesteryl esters, triglycerides, and phospholipids. When [14-14C]22:1n-9 was infused directly into the fourth ventricle of the brain [intracerebroventricular (i.c.v.)] for 7 days, 60% of the tracer entered the phospholipid pools, similar to the distribution observed for [1-14C]20:4n-6. This demonstrates plasticity in the ability of the brain to esterify 22:1n-9 in an exposure-dependent manner. In i.v. and i.c.v. infused rats, a significant amount of tracer found in the phospholipid pools underwent sequential rounds of chain shortening and was found as [12-14C]20:1n-9 and [10-14C]oleic acid. These results demonstrate for the first time that intact 22:1n-9 crosses the BBB, is incorporated into specific lipid pools, and is chain-shortened.  相似文献   
Synaptic activity in the central nervous system undergoes rapid state-dependent changes, requiring constant adaptation of the homeostasis between excitation and inhibition. The underlying mechanisms are, however, largely unclear. Chronic changes in network activity result in enhanced production of the inhibitory transmitter GABA, indicating that presynaptic GABA content is a variable parameter for homeostatic plasticity. Here we tested whether such changes in inhibitory transmitter content do also occur at the fast time scale required to ensure inhibition-excitation-homeostasis in dynamic cortical networks. We found that intense stimulation of afferent fibers in the CA1 region of mouse hippocampal slices yielded a rapid and lasting increase in quantal size of miniature inhibitory postsynaptic currents. This potentiation was mediated by the uptake of GABA and glutamate into presynaptic endings of inhibitory interneurons (the latter serving as precursor for the synthesis of GABA). Thus, enhanced release of inhibitory and excitatory transmitters from active networks leads to enhanced presynaptic GABA content. Thereby, inhibitory efficacy follows local neuronal activity, constituting a negative feedback loop and providing a mechanism for rapid homeostatic scaling in cortical circuits.  相似文献   
MOTIVATION: A vast amount of information about human, animal and plant pathogens has been acquired, stored and displayed in varied formats through different resources, both electronically and otherwise. However, there is no community standard format for organizing this information or agreement on machine-readable format(s) for data exchange, thereby hampering interoperation efforts across information systems harboring such infectious disease data. RESULTS: The Pathogen Information Markup Language (PIML) is a free, open, XML-based format for representing pathogen information. XSLT-based visual presentations of valid PIML documents were developed and can be accessed through the PathInfo website or as part of the interoperable web services federation known as ToolBus/PathPort. Currently, detailed PIML documents are available for 21 pathogens deemed of high priority with regard to public health and national biological defense. A dynamic query system allows simple queries as well as comparisons among these pathogens. Continuing efforts are being taken to include other groups' supporting PIML and to develop more PIML documents. AVAILABILITY: All the PIML-related information is accessible from http://www.vbi.vt.edu/pathport/pathinfo/  相似文献   
Alpha-synuclein is an abundant protein in the central nervous system that is associated with a number of neurodegenerative disorders, including Parkinson's disease. Its physiological function is poorly understood, although recently it was proposed to function as a fatty acid binding protein. To better define a role for alpha-synuclein in brain fatty acid uptake and metabolism, we infused awake, wild-type, or alpha-synuclein gene-ablated mice with [1-(14)C]palmitic acid (16:0) and assessed fatty acid uptake and turnover kinetics in brain phospholipids. Alpha-synuclein deficiency decreased brain 16:0 uptake 35% and reduced its targeting to the organic fraction. The incorporation coefficient for 16:0 entering the brain acyl-CoA pool was significantly decreased 36% in alpha-synuclein gene-ablated mice. Because incorporation coefficients alone are not predictive of fatty acid turnover in individual phospholipid classes, we calculated kinetic values for 16:0 entering brain phospholipid pools. Alpha-synuclein deficiency decreased the incorporation rate and fractional turnover of 16:0 in a number of phospholipid classes, but also increased the incorporation rate and fractional turnover of 16:0 in the choline glycerophospholipids. No differences in incorporation rate or turnover were observed in liver phospholipids, confirming that these changes in lipid metabolism were brain specific. Using titration microcalorimetry, we observed no binding of 16:0 or oleic acid to alpha-synuclein in vitro. Thus, alpha-synuclein has effects on 16:0 uptake and metabolism similar to those of an FABP, but unlike FABP, it does not directly bind 16:0; hence, the mechanism underlying these effects is different from that of a classical FABP.  相似文献   
H(+)-pyrophosphatase (H(+)-PPase) catalyzes pyrophosphate-driven proton transport against the electrochemical potential gradient in various biological membranes. All 50 of the known H(+)-PPase amino acid sequences contain four invariant glutamate residues. In this study, we use site-directed mutagenesis in conjunction with functional studies to determine the roles of the glutamate residues Glu(197), Glu(202), Glu(550), and Glu(649) in the H(+)-PPase of Rhodospirillum rubrum (R-PPase). All residues were replaced with Asp and Ala. The resulting eight variant R-PPases were expressed in Escherichia coli and isolated as inner membrane vesicles. All substitutions, except E202A, generated enzymes capable of PP(i) hydrolysis and PP(i)-energized proton translocation, indicating that the negative charge of Glu(202) is essential for R-PPase function. The hydrolytic activities of all other PPase variants were impaired at low Mg(2+) concentrations but were only slightly affected at high Mg(2+) concentrations, signifying that catalysis proceeds through a three-metal pathway in contrast to wild-type R-PPase, which employs both two- and three-metal pathways. Substitution of Glu(197), Glu(202), and Glu(649) resulted in decreased binding affinity for the substrate analogues aminomethylenediphosphonate and methylenediphosphonate, indicating that these residues are involved in substrate binding as ligands for bridging metal ions. Following the substitutions of Glu(550) and Glu(649), R-PPase was more susceptible to inactivation by the sulfhydryl reagent mersalyl, highlighting a role of these residues in maintaining enzyme tertiary structure. None of the substitutions affected the coupling of PP(i) hydrolysis to proton transport.  相似文献   
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